panel, (ii) validation by logical arguments, (iii)
validation by proof of concept for artifact
construction, and (iv) validation by pilot study.
“The studies of conceptual validation can be
referred to the establishment of the degree to which
the conceptual model satisfactorily meets the
following criteria: (a) the conceptual model is
supported by robust theories and principles, (b) the
conceptual model is logically coherent and
consistent with the studied reality and appropriate to
the purpose for which the model was designed, and
(c) the conceptual model brings something that is
new and it is not duplication of another existing
model” (Mora, 2004, pp. 9-10 ).
The directives or guidelines of design science
proposed in Hevner, et al. (2004) will be followed to
design the artifact that is product of the research:
two paradigms characterize research in the discipline
of Information Systems, the Behavioral-Science
and Design-Science. “The Behavioral-Science
paradigm seeks to develop and verify theories that
explain or predict human or organizational behavior.
The Design-Science paradigm seeks to extend the
boundaries of human and organizational capabilities
by creating new and innovative artifacts” (Hevner et
al., 2004, p. 75). For this study, we consider just the
Design-Science paradigm because we only seeks the
creation, validation and evaluation of the
architectural design method and does not predict or
verify the behavior of individuals or organization
with respect to the proposed architectural design
The main contribution of this research aims to define
a software architecture design method for designing
the architecture of Web-based service-oriented
software systems. Our method will be able to be
applied in different national or international
As a future work we will be looking at using this
method as a base framework to define an
architectural style that we will be instantiated in
several specific software systems architectures.
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Descripción del Método de Investigación Conceptual,