was possible to comply with a given economic
objective as well as achieving a significant speedup
on two varying target systems without much
additional development effort – hence, the
methodology did help to address and overcome the
economic obstacles associated with the scenario.
In Section 6 we have carved out similarities as
well as fundamental differences between the
analyzing approach used by our methodology and
the classical approach used by many existing
methodologies. The comparison showed how our
approach allows project planning and cost control
and how in some cases this even can lead to better
quality (higher speedup/less development effort) for
the manual parallelization.
As both approaches do have pros and cons the
question arises, under which circumstances each of
the approaches is suitable the most? Due to the
higher complexity we think the approach of our
methodology might be better suited for rather large
porting projects, which can benefit the most from
better planning capabilities and cost control. In
contrast to that the more “ad hoc” doing of the
classical approach might be the right choice for
rather small porting projects. However, despite this
argumentation this is still an open question that we
want to pursue. Furthermore, we intend to apply our
methodology to upcoming porting projects. Based
on these experiences we want to develop the
methodology further to achieve an optimal use in
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