A Framework for Process-based Collaborative Systems Design
Khoutir Bouchbout, Nassim Iklef and Sara Khaldoun
Computer Science Department, EMP Bordj-El-Bahri, Algiers, Algeria
Keywords: Collaborative Business Process, Model-Driven Approach, B2B, Web Services, E-ordering System.
Abstract: In today’s business world, collaborative systems can be realized by implementing Business-to-Business
(B2B) collaborations that entail a process-oriented integration among heterogeneous and autonomous
organizations. In this paper, we define a model-driven framework to design such collaborative systems. The
framework comprises three layers: an organizational layer, that focuses on business collaboration
requirements, a conceptual layer, to define the business process, and a technology layer, aimed at business
process execution. Hence, the framework combines business process management (BPM) concepts and
Web services technology. To build B2B collaborations both organizations have to provide public parts of
their process models as basis for discussion for collaborative process modelling. The internal private
processes are generated from collaborative process, based on model-driven approach (MDA). At the
execution level, B2B interactions are modeled based on Web services. Finally, we validate our proposition
with the implementation of an e-ordering system.
The recent rapid development in the Internet based
communications, business process and information
system integration possibilities have contributed to
the emergence of cross-organizational
collaborations. It covers a broad spectrum of
applications that enable an organization to form
electronic relationships with its suppliers, customers,
and other partners (Bauer et al., 2006). Modern
business process management expands to cover the
partner organizations’ business processes across
organizational boundaries, and thereby supports
organizations to coordinate the flow of information
among organizations and link their business
processes, forming a
Collaborative Business
Processes (CBP). Henceforth, there is a need for
supporting and modelling CBP enabling the joint
execution of business collaboration. In order to
enable CBPs, information exchanges must increase
among all business applications involved to achieve
visibility of collaborative systems.
B2B interactions are declined under different
ways and using different technologies, listed from
old to recent as follows: (1) exchanging data via
traditional means such as fax, phone, and mail; (2)
using Electronic Data Interchange or email for data
interchange; (3) utilizing private or public exchanges
to share business process information; and (4)
deploying Web services and business process
management (BPM) tools to coordinate loosely
coupled services into integrated cross-organizational
processes with real-time data sharing (Chen et al.,
2007). Consequently, designing such collaborative
systems has raised growing interest among
information systems researchers (Lippe, 2005). This
is a hard work task and must be based on standards
and open technologies to support loose coupling,
autonomy, flexibility, and ensuring trust and security
(Bauer et al. 2005, Chebbi et al. 2007).
In this work, we mainly focus on the use of
business process modelling and Web services
standards in support of B2B collaborations. So, we
propose a design framework in a top-down manner,
beginning with the collaborative (inter-enterprise)
level as main business process template and after the
private (intra-enterprise) level as their sub-processes.
The structure of this document is as follows. In
section 2, we discuss the basic concepts of
collaborative business process. Section 3 analyses
the current literature on B2B collaboration design
frameworks. Subsequently, section 4 is the main
contribution of this paper, as it presents the details of
our framework. Next, section 5 assesses the
capabilities of proposed solution. Finally, section 6
draws some conclusions and outlines some further
research activities.
Bouchbout K., Iklef N. and Khaldoun S..
A Framework for Process-based Collaborative Systems Design.
DOI: 10.5220/0004992900900097
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (ICSOFT-EA-2014), pages 90-97
ISBN: 978-989-758-036-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure1: Basic scenario of ordering collaborative business process.
Recently, CBP are turning to be an important issue
of contemporary BPM. To explain specifics of CBP
modelling, we will discuss their requirements.
2.1 Characteristics of Collaborative
Business Process
CBP comprise activities executed by different
organizations that are working together to reach a
common business objective. So, CBP usually do not
have a centralized control instance or process owner
(Chebbi et al., 2006). Besides, it depicts the different
roles involved in the collaboration and their specific
responsibilities with regard to the collaboration
scenario. Hence, it requires an agreement on how to
interact and exchange information, business
documents and messages between business partners.
In addition, the privacy and autonomy
requirements are at the top priority of participant’s
organizations. Having this concern in mind, each
involved organization has to implement not only its
private processes but also its external behavior,
allowing better separation of the information density
of different areas of concern. So, three different
concepts are defined: Private (internal), Public
(abstract or view) and Collaborative (cross- or inter-
organizational) processes. In order to illustrate these
different process categories, Figure 1 presents
Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)
activities of an ordering process where buyer and
seller businesses collaborate together.
2.2 Collaborative Business Process
Modelling Languages
Although modeling CBP is a complex task, many
research efforts have been based on approaches for
distributed Workflow management, e.g. (Aalst et al.,
2001, Chebbi et al. 2006, Lippe et al. 2005), current
extensions of process language (Touzi et al., 2008),
and B2B standards like ebXML- electronic business
using eXtensible Markup Language (Dorn, 2007),
but has been limited to a single view point at time
(e.g. process layer) and they do not fulfill the
collaborative interactions issues with multiple view
points (both business and technological levels). This
is so because they should represent multiple actors
participating in each collaborative task while
keeping consistency of the overall processes. Hence,
most of the process languages such as UML AD –
UML Activity Diagrams, EPC – Event-driven
Process Chain, BPMN (OMG, 2011), BPEL –
Business Process Execution Language (Peltz, 2003)
and Web Service Choreography Description
Language (Dorn et al., 2007) provide insufficient
support for modelling CBP and do not offer a
collaborative and integrated modelling framework
comprising all levels of abstraction.
Having these considerations in mind, our
approach provides an UML profile (Dorn et al.,
2007) ensuring more expressive power for CBP
modeling. It provides a high level of abstraction on
which the partners first agree on the business goals
of their collaboration. It should cover comprehensive
aspects of CBP specifics such as interaction flow,
partner’s role, message exchanges, public and
private activities.
for Quote
for quote
Send quote
Receive quote
Send order
Receive Order
(global view)
Seller ‘s
for Quote
Send quote
Send Order
for Quote
Receive Quote
Receive order
for Quote
Send Quote
Send order
for Quote
Receive Quote
Receive Order
Buyer ‘s
The recent years brought a vast number of
publications around the collaborative systems topic.
We will briefly refer to some of them which are
achieved in the field of inter-organizational
Workflows or B2B collaborations (Aalst et al. 2001,
Lippe 2005, Greiner et al. 2006, Ziemann et al.
2007, Huemer et al. 2008, Legner et al. 2008, Touzi
et al. 2009). However, in contrast to this paper, they
miss some research clearly addressing holistically
the collaborative systems design at business, process
and technological levels. They are also rather vague.
Legner et al. (2008) have presented a method for
modelling inter-organizational processes and
deriving business services in three steps. A
framework of conceptual inter-organizational
business modelling is then defined containing a
public process model which serves as reference for
the participating organizations (Step 1). Then, the
existing private processes have to be assigned and
eventually aligned to the agreed public process
model (Step 2). After that, the public process
interface is realized by business services leveraging
web service technology (Step 3). The business
process model is used to derive XML-based business
documents that are exchanged between business
services. In addition, private process modules are
transformed into workflows for business process
automation which can be implemented using BPEL.
Another relevant contribution in this area is the
proposal made by Huemer et al. (2008). They have
developed a methodology dealing with collaborative
processes called United Nations/CEFACT
Modelling Methodology (UMM). UMM specifies
collaborative business processes involving
information exchange in a technology neutral,
implementation-independent manner. UMM is a
UML modelling approach for global choreographies
of B2B scenarios. It is a top-down approach that
makes use of worksheets to capture domain
requirements. UMM do not provide a complete
development process to generate CBP executions. It
only provides a development process for modelling
technology-independent CBP.
The work of Touzi et al. (2009), has proposed a
model-driven approach to design a collaborative
information system (CIS) dedicated to deal with
exchanged data, shared services and collaborative
processes. The CIS design crosses the different
abstraction layers (business, logic and technological)
and exploits at each level the associated models to
build the models of the next level. The model of a
CBP is BPMN-oriented and based on the SOA
(Service Oriented Architecture). Its meta-model has
been defined by referencing the BPMN
specifications as well as the CBP aspects.
The framework proposed by Ziemann et al.
(2007) presents a method for the creation of
collaborative process on a conceptual level. They
described how cross-organizational business
processes can be modelled and transformed to
technical process models in the form of Web Service
protocols. Their framework can be instantiated using
EPCs (design phase) and BPEL (implementation
phase) to describe models in different life cycle
phases and demonstrated the transitions between
these phases. However, a description of how
organizational roles can be communicated to
partners is missed.
Greiner et al.’s work (2006) describes the
designing and the implementing of cross-
organizational business processes including different
levels of technical detail: the business level, the
technical level and the execution level. They identify
how the mappings and the transformations are
needed among private process, view process and
CBP among the different levels. The business level
models illustrate the organizational business aspects.
The technical model secures the technical realization
of the process integration and represents the bridge
to the process execution.
Though significant research efforts, collaborative
systems design is neither taken up broadly nor can it
be considered a solved problem. Yet, while the
proposed solutions strive to enable the operation of a
CBP, no explicit consideration of generic business
process requirements, as viewed by the different
involved stakeholders (business analysts, process
designers and IT specialists), is made to relate to
generic collaborative scenarios by combining
business process and Web services. To the best of
our knowledge, generic business process modeling
and execution as Web services in the realm of
collaborative systems design as given in this paper
have not been published before.
In order to establish B2B collaborations one may
start “bottom-up” from the private processes or “top-
down” from the CBP. In top-down design approach,
we note that the business requirements drive the
technology. It starts with a global view on the
collaboration efforts. This requires that the agreed
CBP was defined jointly, before, by the partners.
In this work, we follow the top-down approach
because it is more appropriate for an e-Ordering
system. Hence, our approach helps to develop
partner’s public processes that are compliant to each
other. This is guaranteed by the fact that each
partner derives its public process consistently to a
commonly agreed CBP. It enables a process-based
collaborative systems development at both business
and technological levels, based on a MDA (Model-
Driven Architecture) approach (Bauer et al. 2005,
Frankel 2003). To define a valid separation between
business, software and technological platforms in the
information systems, MDA uses different kind of
models: (1) Computation Independent Model (CIM);
(2) Platform Independent Model (PIM); (3) Platform
Specific Model (PSM).
In addition, MDA approach is characterized by a
set of vertical transformations across different
phases (PIM to PSM and PSM to Code) using model
transformation languages like ATL - Atlas
Transformations Language (Bézivin et al. 2003,
Santos et al. 2013). A transformation definition is a
set of rules that, all together, describe how a model,
expressed in a source language, can be mapped into
a model in a target language.
Therefore, in Figure 2 we depict the proposed
framework which supports: the design of CBP
independent of particular process model standard;
and the automatic generation of each partner’s side
specifications based on a process model standard (in
our case BPMN and BPEL) from CBP models
(using UML AD profile). It is mainly based on the
technique of meta-model transformations
(Hammoudi et al., 2010)
.The proposed framework is
organized into three levels from the abstract
conceptual level (collaborative interactions) to the
technical execution level (Web services executed via
partner’s web sites).
The main benefits of our holistic framework are:
increase of the abstraction level, since the focus is
on the design of technology-independent CBP;
reduction of development costs and time and
guarantee of alignment of a business solution with a
technological solution, since process executions are
generated automatically from process models. We
present below in detail the different design phases
composing our framework.
4.1 Collaborative Business Agreement
Definition Phase
The collaborative business requirements phase at
CIM level consists in analyzing the problem domain
and identifying the collaborative business
requirements. This is jointly carried out by the
involved enterprises. CBP usually do not have a
centralized control instance or process owner.
Hence, it depicts the different roles involved in the
collaboration and their specific responsibilities with
regard to the collaboration scenario.
So, it needs close coordination among networking
partners which requires an agreement (common
objective that partners agree on) on how to interact
and exchange information, business documents and
Enterprise A: Seller
Enterprise B: Buyer
Collaborative Business P rocess model definition
1-BPMN public process:
public view, behaviour
2- BPMN private process:
private activities, internal
business logic
3- BPMN formal verification
internal techno. Standards
2- BPEL formal verification
3- Internal code execution,
4- Buyer’s web application
internal techno. Standards
2- BPEL formal verification
3- Internal code execution,
4- Seller’s web application
1-BPMN public process:
public view, behaviour
2- BPMN private process:
private activities, internal
business logic
3- BPMN formal verification
Message’s Exchange
Invocation of services
CSF for B2B collaboration adoption, collaborative
requirements environnement, common objective,
interactions p rotocol, informations exchange
CIM: Collaborative
business layer
process layer
PIM: Public &
Private partner’s
processes layer
PSM: Partner’s
internal code
execution layer
Figure 2: MDA-based method for B2B systems development.
4.2 Collaborative Process Modelling
In this work, modelling CBP follows an MDA-based
approach (Santos et al., 2013), proposing a set of
models at different levels of abstraction and model
transformations to connect them, as depicted in
Figure 3.
At the PIM level, we model CBP using an
UML AD profile based on extended process meta-
model. The use of this meta-model and UML profile
add semantics and constraints to the UML AD meta-
model (with stereotypes, constraints and tagged
values) and provide a vocabulary more suitable to
model CBP. In addition, this language encourages a
top-down approach to model CBP and provides the
conceptual elements to support the modelling of
CBP main aspects:
- Definition of the participants (partners and their
collaboration roles) of a CBP with their
communication relationships with description of the
common objective that partners agree on.
- Definition of collaborative business processes
(interorganizational) as informal specifications of a
set of activities performed by partners.
- Representation of business documents to be
exchanged in CBP with providing the concepts to
define their syntactic and semantics structure.
- Description of the public interfaces of each
collaboration role performed by partners. A public
business process contains business operations that
support the asynchronous message exchange of
interactions between partners.
However, it is essential to enable partners to
make sure the correctness of the execution of CBP.
This formal verification task is concerned to check
the process model is free of logical errors such as
deadlocks, livelocks, etc. (Aalst et al., 2010). Hence,
in order to verify the correct execution of the process
models, we developed a formal verification software
tool using Petri Nets. So, we can easily verify UML
AD, BPMN and BPEL business process models.
4.3 Generation of Partner’s Public
Processes Phase
As we are shown before, CBPs are not executable.
Hence, CBP requires the definition of public and
private processes each organization has to
implement for executing collaborative process. A
public process defines the public behavior of the role
an organization performs in a CBP at PIM layer. It
defines the externally visible behavior of a business
partner in terms of the activities that support the
receiving and sending of messages and business
documents with each other.
By deriving public process from the CBP, we
ensure that the semantics of each CBP element is
represented in terms of the elements and semantics
provided by BPMN from one partner’s viewpoint
(e.g. seller or buyer) as depicted before in Figure 2.
This is represented by the fact that UML AD model
applies UML AD profile as depicted in Figure 3 (by
means of discontinued red arrow).
Eclipse UML2
Intalio BPMN
Eclipse UML2
UML2 Activity
Diagram Model
Eclipse UML2
UML2 Activity
Diagram Procurement
Eclipse BPMN
BPEL Model
WSDL Model
Buyer & Seller.bpel
Buyer & Seller.wsdl
BPMN Model
Figure 3: Process model transformations engine.
For this purpose, we define automated process
model transformation engine (see Figure 3).
Henceforth, UML Activity Diagram and BPMN
models have some elements share the same semantic
meaning. These elements are transformed directly
without considering about the element context or
neighbourhood elements (one-to-one transformation
rule). In addition, some UML Activity Diagram
element types cannot be transferred directly to
BPMN elements. To be able to remain the same
semantic meaning, two or more elements in BPMN
will be translated to one UML Activity Diagram
element (many-to-one transformation rule).
4.4 Definition of Partner’s Private
Processes Phase
The private executable process is derived from a
public process at each partner’s side (see Figure 3).
It adds the private logic of the enterprise required to
achieve the role within a global CBP. The internal
business logic includes the activities for producing
and processing the exchanged information/
documents as well as data transformations and
invocations to internal systems. Internal or private
activities (see the seller’s private activities of Figure
1), which are required for generating the information
to be sent and processing the information to be
received from partners, have to be added to the
public process to define the private process.
In our case, in order to realize the BPMN-to-
BPEL process model transformation, we implement
an algorithm inspired from Ouyang et al. (2009),
namely BPMN2BPEL. It takes as input a BPD
(BPMN Business Process Diagram) represented in
XML format and produces the correspondent BPEL
code as an XML file.
However, it is difficult to develop complete
translation rules, so the result of the translation
needs validation from process modeler.
Consequently, we can use the transformation rules
as a semi-automation translation method to reduce
the time for him when translating the process models
Beside the process model transformation engine,
we consider the business processes as the key focal
point of Web services design. Henceforth, each of
the activities in the process model must be
implemented with one or more services. Below we
describe this task in two steps:
Step1: Determine objectives and describe the
business process structure: The first step in the
service design is to determine the business process
objectives and describe the business structure and
the functions of the business process. The business
process structure refers to the logical flow or
progression of the business process. The functions of
a business process are expressed in terms of the
activities or the services that need to be performed
by a specific business process.
Step2: Describe business activity responsibilities
(roles): The second step in the service design is to
identify responsibilities associated with business
process activities and the service providers that are
responsible for performing them. Each activity
within a business process is associated with a
particular Web service provider who fulfils a defined
role (responsibility) within the process. Each service
provider is expected to properly fulfill the business
responsibility of implementing the Web service, or
set of Web services, which perform that activity
within the process under the role that the provider is
expected to undertake.
4.5 Code Execution and User
Interfaces Phase
CBP provides a global or public view on participants
collaborating in a peer-to-peer fashion by offering
distributed Web services in order to achieve a
common business goal. This step deals with the user
interface applications development for the “seller”
and the “buyer” roles in an ordering system.
Furthermore, on the execution layer these internal
processes are used e. g. for the orchestration of Web
services (Peltz, 2003). It consists on the generation
of the XML-based specifications of business
processes and the collaborative systems’ interfaces
of an organization from its platform-specific IT
model, which contains the necessary information for
the code generation.
To this aim, we have implemented a direct
connection with the business applications of the
buyer organization communicating directly with a
seller's web application to send and receive
information. After collaborating, both of the two
partners’ applications progress independently.
In order to validate our approach, a tool support is
essential. For this purpose, we have implemented an
e-Ordering system. The main objective of the order
fulfillment process that buyer expected is supplier
can deliver qualified products to fulfill its orders at
the right time and right place. So, buyer and supplier
have to collaborate by sharing and exchanging
business information.
To this aim, we use an Eclipse-based integrated
platform (Eclipse, 2011) to guarantee the
interoperability of the different plug-ins, tools and
ATL transformation languages. Thus, we develop an
Eclipse-based ATL code for the building of process
model transformations (e.g. from collaborative to
specific BPMN). In this way, the derivation of the
private process (e.g. seller) from the CBP ordering
process is carried out with this ATL tool.
In this work, we implement the basic
collaborative process scenario, where a buyer
(University) makes an online order to a seller
(Suppliers), who processes and fulfils the order, as
shown in Figure 4. Hence, we implemented an e-
Ordering application for each partner’s side,
representing activities of executable business
processes as Web services. So, interactions between
seller and buyer are achieved as invocation of
partner’s services.
e-Ordering system platform architecture
University’s procurement dept. Suppliers
On-line Seller Organizations
Figure 4: Architecture of e-ordering system.
Figure 5 shows the process model transformation
to executable BPEL code generation implementing
web services as mentioned before in section 4.5.
In addition, we have developed in parallel a
software tool implementing formal verification
techniques which have to be applied to
corresponding Petri Nets representation of business
process. This tool is applied at the three framework
levels (verification of UML AD, BPMN and BPEL
business process models). Four verification
properties (Deadlock, bounded, liveness and quasi-
liveness) are implemented as shown in the right side
of Figure 6 of the process of the example depicted
before in Figure 1.
In the frame of this work, we have proposed a
MDA-based framework for designing collaborative
systems. It combines the concepts of BPM and Web
services technologies. We defined collaborative
business process model. Thereafter, the specific
partner’s processes are derived from the
collaborative process. Moreover, the collaborative
B2B interactions between partners are represented,
using Web services technology, at executable level.
Finally, there are several open issues to address
in the future. Thus, we plan to evaluate our
framework through a scenario with three business
partners (enterprise, supplier and shipper) in order to
verify the completeness and generality of the
proposed concepts and artifacts. Another aspect that
requires further research is to investigate the explicit
support of heterogeneity of data formats and
messages using the ontology concepts.
The input ATL query (sample):
The generated executable BPEL code (sample) from the Eclipse file ‘bpel2code.atl’:
Figure 5: Process model transformation to executable BPEL code.
Figure 6: Verification of ordering process properties using Petri Net based software tool.
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