high. These maximum values are reached during the
games in fact only for negligible periods of time
within the ninety minutes.
Tactical analysis shown how the speed is specific
for different areas of the field, defenders and
forwards must therefore have high speed abilities to
be able to meet the demands of the game.
In addition particular attention is for the
deceleration in midfielders.
Sports science in soccer is constantly changing as
well as the methods used during the training in this
sport (Randers M, 2010). Initially in match analysis,
the most common
parameters were “total distance”
and “relative distance”: the first one only provides
information about the volume of physical effort; the
second one can be considered a simple parameter
estimating the intensity of physical activity.
The presence of ball in sports game influences
the physical engagement with sudden accelerations
and decelerations, recent studies show these as the
main parameters to be evaluated the intensity in
team sport, leaving at relative distance less value in
this particular evaluation (Di Salvo, 2009).
Video match analysis can considered a risk
factor in the estimation of athletes movements in
order to assess speed, acceleration and deceleration
only indirectly: the use of tools such as wearable
GPS in this evaluation should lead to a reduction of
estimation error.
If it compare the results between this study with
a wearable systems in sixth division and studies
reported with video analysis of top level athletes,
you may notice a greater volume of workload at high
levels (9591.9 ± 898.4 m versus 10950±1044 m), but
the characteristics of intensity is comparable
(Osgnach C., 2010).
On average every player:
runs approximately 1140 m with a speed
above 21.3 km/h,
along 88 m above the acceleration 3.5 m/s
along 77 m below the -3.84 m/s
The study of the physical effort following a tactic
division by roles can provide interesting ideas on
how to improve training methods according to the
different natures of physical demand in sport games
such as soccer.
The authors did not receive any financial support for
doing this analysis and presenting it in this report.
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