Estimators Characteristics and Effort Estimation
of Software Projects
Hrvoje Karna and Sven Gotovac
Department of Electronics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Arhitecture,
University of Split, Ruđera Boškovića 32, Split, Croatia
Keywords: Software Effort Estimation, Human-Judgment, Data Mining, Neural Networks.
Abstract: Effort estimation is an important part of software project management. Accurate estimates ensure planned
project execution and compliance with the set time and budget constraints. Despite attempts to produce
accurate estimates by using formal models there is no substantial evidence that these methods guarantee
better estimates than those experts make. In order to improve the effort estimation process it is crucial to
enhance understanding of the human estimator. When producing estimates each expert exhibits mental
effort. In such situation estimator relies on his personal characteristics, some of which are, in context of
effort estimation, more important than others. This research tries to identify these characteristics and their
relative influences. Data for the research have been collected from projects executed in large company
specialized for development of IT solutions in telecom domain. For identification of expert characteristics
data mining approach is used (the multilayer perceptron neural network). We considered the use of this
method as it is similar to the way human brain operates. Data sets used in modelling contain more than 2000
samples collected from analysed projects. The obtained results are highly intuitive and later could be used in
the assessment of reliability of each estimator and estimates he produces.
The software development life cycle consists of
phases and related activities designed to ensure the
building of the final product. Each activity within
these phases is represented as work item or a task
that has to be completed so that the work can
progress. As different items interact with each other,
delay or defect in one affects the completion of
another. This often results in software deliveries that
are behind schedule, exceeding planned budget and
possibly poor quality. Studies report that 60-80%
projects encounter effort and/or schedule overruns
and that the average cost overruns are 30-40%
(Moløkken, 2004).
In this paper we focus on expert estimation as
today it is a dominant estimation strategy. Expert
estimation is performed by a human-expert, where
the estimate generation is hidden from us as it is
based on estimators mental processes i.e. a major
part of estimation is based on intuition (Jørgensen,
2000). During this process, based on the given input
information, the estimator uses his judgment
capability that largely depends on his personal
characteristics, background (Boetticher, 2006) but
also environment in which estimation is generated
(project, organization, etc.) (Humphrey, 2007;
Wang, 2007).
The reasons for use of this effort estimation
strategy in software development process are
obvious. Firstly it is the ease of its implementation.
Secondly, the evidence suggests that the use of
formal estimation methods does not lead to more
accurate estimates (Moløkken, 2004; Jørgensen,
2004 and Jørgensen, 2009). Furthermore, estimation
by analogy is hard to implement in environments
where there are no similar previous projects
(Shepperd, 1996; Shepperd, 1997 and Keung, 2009).
In short, other methods don’t have comparative
benefits and they don’t guarantee better estimates in
comparison to those experts produce. All these
reasons explain the fact why the expert or human-
based effort estimation remains the dominant
technique (Jørgensen, 2004; Hill, 2000).
Despite its comparative advantages some
challenges still remain and they are mainly linked to
the very nature of how the estimates are produced,
their accuracy and causes of effort estimation errors
Karna H. and Gotovac S..
Estimators Characteristics and Effort Estimation of Software Projects.
DOI: 10.5220/0005002600260035
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (ICSOFT-EA-2014), pages 26-35
ISBN: 978-989-758-036-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(Jørgensen, 2000; Lin, 2008 and Jørgensen, 2014).
This becomes even more important especially in
today’s environment when software becomes more
complex and dynamics of development process
increase. Among other, these reasons also lead to the
wide acceptance of the expert estimation methods in
various agile development approaches (Cheng, 2012
Coelho, 2012; Zulkefli, 2011 and Ziauddin, 2012).
To increase understanding of how estimators cope
with these issues we have to detect estimator
inherent characteristics that he relies on when
producing effort estimates.
To improve software engineering practice
engineers are increasingly applying various
advanced techniques in everyday work. Data mining
algorithms are such an example and as recent studies
report software engineering can benefit from use of
this approach (Xie, 2009; Layman, 2008). These
algorithms can help engineers to figure out facts and
relations previously not identified or obvious. Data
mining in terms of software engineering consists of
collecting software engineering data, extracting
knowledge and if possible using this knowledge to
improve the software engineering process. In this
study we use neural networks to build predictive
models. The relationships between target and
predictors are determined during the learning
process. Although it is sometimes hard to interpret
the results from such models in this study we find
them to be intuitive and in line with common sense.
The remaining part of this paper is organized as
follows: section 2 quotes related research in this
area. Section 3 describes the design of study that
was conducted (the data mining approach,
methodological framework for the study and setup
of experiment). In section 4 survey results and their
implications are discussed. Section 5 gives the
conclusion and directions for future research.
The study of software engineering economics and
effort estimation is a long running topic lasting from
early work of Boehm (Boehm, 1981), Albrecht et al.
(Albrecht, 1983), Shepperd (Shepperd, 2007) and
others. These attempts resulted in number of
different effort estimation models over last decades.
In general models for estimating software
development effort can be classified into three
categories: formal, analogy and expert based
estimation models.
Valuable information concerning different
aspects of effort estimation in general and
particularly expert effort estimation have been
published in works of Jørgensen, Moløkken,
Grimstad, and others (Moløkken, 2004; Grimstad,
2007). Studies give evidence that models fail to
systematically perform better than the experts when
estimating the effort required to complete software
development tasks. This can be attributed to the
natural advantages that experts typically possess and
flexibility in how they process the information. Two
conditions probably lead to this: the models are not
calibrated to the organizations using them, and that
the experts process important contextual information
that is not included in formal models and apply it
efficiently (Jørgensen, 2005; Jørgensen, 2007). All
these facts led to the situation that estimating effort
on basis of expert judgment is the most common
approach today. Identifying estimators
characteristics that matter the most in case of the
expert estimation still remains as a challenge.
Conducted research suggests that improving
software effort estimation doesn’t necessarily
require introduction of sophisticated formal
estimation models or expensive project experience
databases (Jørgensen, 2005). Rather than building
complex predictor models, empirical software
engineer researchers should focus on the humans
making those estimates (Boetticher, 2007; Faria
Also, there are publications on application of
data mining techniques in software engineering in
general (Xie, 2009). Also, a lot of research is
conducted in the area of application of artificial
intelligence and neural networks in particular to the
field of software effort estimation (Tadayon, 2005;
Satyananda, 2009; Singh, 2011 and Abbas, 2012).
The review of such articles concerning use of neural
network based models for software effort prediction
is available in (Dave, 2012). Yet, when it comes to
the combination of these two, expert or human based
effort estimation and data mining techniques, there
are relatively few studies. Some valuable work can
be found in studies by Boetticher (Boetticher, 2001;
Boetticher, 2006 and Boetticher, 2007). More
research is required in pursuit to identify experts
characteristics that matter the most to the success of
effort estimation process.
As quantities of software engineering data
become greater many opportunities emerge. This
suggests that there is more research needed in this
area as results seem to be promising not only from
the theoretical perspective but also because of its
implications in every day practice of software
engineers (Xie, 2013). Integrating effective data
mining techniques into every day practice and the
use of interdisciplinary approach in research could
produce valuable insights into this currently
insufficiently explored filed.
The data used in this study have been collected
within a large international company specialized for
IT solutions development in telecom domain. The
Croatian branch of that company counts more than
350 employees located on several locations. Most of
the employees are project managers and software
engineers responsible for handling development and
maintenance tasks on different local and
international projects.
In well organized, structured development
process the execution of work over all project phases
is tracked. Today this is often done by using some
form of tool that supports such activity. These tools
allow not only creation and handling of work items
but sometimes also serve as source code
repositories, wiki, collaboration, and reporting
environments that support development process.
Usually these tools allow some form of export
capability which can be useful for different forms of
data analysis.
This research was conducted so that participants
were not aware of the study. For the purpose of the
study two main data sources were used:
Tracking system i.e. application lifecycle
management tool implemented on projects that
support development process. In this case it
primarily served as a central place for collection of
work item data. For this purpose on all considered
projects Microsoft Team Foundation Server was
used. Advantage that this and similar tools offer is
the capability of various forms of data presentation,
manipulation and export. The last capability, export
of data in various forms, supports data mining
The estimators data, gathered from the various
internal and external sources, allows the creation of
experts or estimators profile. This data was later
structured in format that enabled manipulation and
linking of profile data with data exported from
tracking system.
What is also important is that data for all seven
projects being analysed have been gathered in
relatively short time interval, in this case a few days,
so that it did not allow significant changes in either
project tracking system entries or employee profile
data. This way so called snapshots of both project
items and profiles were created.
For all employees involved on projects, collected
profile data were structured in appropriate form, this
made the total of 36 estimator profiles that entered
the analysis. Input variables that are used to
represent estimators profile characteristics are
logically organized into several groups or segments,
these are: general, education, experience, position
(role and responsibilities) and competences.
General variables identify estimators gender and
chronological age.
The education group of variables contains data
regarding estimators degree (achieved education
level) and the field of education.
The experience group contains information about
the total estimators experience, the experience
working for the current company in which this
research is conducted (both expressed in years), the
length of experience on current the project (for
which modelling is done, expressed in months) and
the number of projects the estimator has worked on.
The experts position in the company and on the
project is expressed by the group of variables that
define employees role (project manager, software
engineer, etc.) and the set of responsibilities that are
assigned to him (software development, test and
verification, etc.). The reason for using such
classification to define employees position are based
on two facts: first, it is the company’s internal
classification of functions and the second is internal
organization of projects being executed in which the
number of team members (average of 7±2 per team)
encourages the cross functional setup in which
(principally excluding project manager) team
members are responsible for all types of work
(writing specifications, design and test documents,
implementation, testing and verification and even
customer support activities). This setup is the
characteristic of all seven projects being analysed in
this study. Finally, position is defined by the
position level (being either junior, advanced or
Last group of variables covers expert
competences (skills and knowhow) in area of
development specific know how (tools and
programming languages), solution specific know
how (systems, equipment and technology used on a
project), product know how (components for current
system being built as well as features of previous
versions and integrated modules), professional know
how (areas of professional occupation, current and
previous) and other know how (existence of
certifications, (non)formal skills, etc.), each ranked
as either basic, advanced or expert. It is important to
state that this evaluation is based on self-assessment
i.e. during organized data collecting session each
employee fills a predefined form ranking his
competences in each segment.
Data exported from tracking system contain both
reference to an item owner and assigned efforts. This
allowed two things: first, linking of an item to
estimators profile and second, calculation of
estimation error.
As a measure of estimation accuracy the
magnitude of relative error is used (MRE) (Conte,
1986), defined as
 
The MRE is by far the most widely used measure
of effort estimation accuracy (Stensrud, 2003;
Ferrucci, 2010 and Basha, 2010) it is basically a
degree of estimation error in an individual estimate.
Based on values of actual and estimated effort MRE
was calculated for each item i.e. estimation entity in
data set. During study we used other criteria (e.g.
MER, BRE) to assess the performance of effort
estimation models but MRE produced best results.
For all work items extracted from each project
both operations were done. As a result of previous
operations seven data sets, one for each project,
were created.
3.1 Data Mining Approach
Data mining analysis of in principle large data sets is
conducted with goal of discovering relations and
patterns in data and their representation in ways that
provide new and understandable information to the
user. These insights can then be used in decision
making process to enhance its quality and
effectiveness. The use of machine learning methods
as a form of artificial intelligence in this type of
research seemed obvious.
Artificial neural network, or simply neural
network, can be defined as a biologically inspired
computation model which consists of a network
architecture composed of artificial neurons. This
structure contains a set of parameters, which can be
adjusted to perform certain task. Due to their
similarity to the human brain, neural networks are
useful models for problem-solving and knowledge-
engineering in a way very similar to that of a human
(Gonz´alez, 2008). They tend to express a nonlinear
function by assigning weights to input variables,
accumulate their effects and produce an output
following some sort of decision function.
As it is mentioned, these systems therefore
function similar to the way human brain works - by
passing impulses from neuron to neuron across
synapses creating a complex network that has the
ability of learning (Nisbet, 2009). This ability to
train and learn from experience to form decision or
judgment has made neural networks the first method
of choice for our study.
There are many different types of neural
networks, in our research we used the multilayer
perceptron with single hidden layer and back-
propagation learning. The multilayer perceptron is
characterized by a neuron model, network
architecture, associated functional elements and
training algorithm. Figure 1. represents applied
architecture of neural network in our model.
Figure 1: Architecture of neural network applied in model.
Each node in a model is a so called perceptron.
The perceptron receives information in some form of
input signal, integrates it with a set of parameters
and produces a single output signal. Similar to
biological neural system an artificial neural network
is built of neurons in network architecture. The
architecture of this network defines number of
neurons their arrangement and connectivity. The
multilayer perceptron uses so called feed-forward
network architecture. Neurons from input layer are
connected to nodes of a hidden layer and every node
from hidden layer is connected to a node in output
layer. Input layer represents raw information that is
fed into the network, in our case represented by set
of predictors. Every input is sent to the nodes in
hidden layer. Hidden layer accepts data from the
input layer. It uses input values and modifies them
using some weight value. The activation function
defines the output signal from the neuron. There are
many activation functions, in our case the most
common one, the sigmoid function is used. This new
value is than sent to the output layer but it will be
modified by some weight from connection between
hidden and output layer. Output layer process
information received from the hidden layer and
produces an output. The back-propagation looks for
the minimum of the error function. As a stopping
rule the error cannot be further decreased criteria is
used. The combination of weights which minimize
the error function is considered to be a solution of
the learning problem. Although a single neuron can
solve some simple learning tasks, the power of
neural network comes from connecting many
neurons in network architecture. A learning
algorithm is an adaptive method by which a network
of computing units self-organizes to implement a
desired behaviour. This is a closed loop of
presentations of examples and of corrections to the
network parameters. Learning of neural network is
done in training phase during which a learning
algorithm adapts the network parameters according
to previous experience until a solution, if it exists, is
found (Rojas, 1996).
Another method of machine learning that could
be considered in future research is the use of
decision trees. Application of these methods could
be interesting because of their ability to find rules
for separation i.e. classification of input set of
variables and the fact that it could provide us with
more readable models that are, in comparison to
neural networks, relatively easy to interpret. This
remains to be more closely studied.
3.2 Methodological Framework
Building of the data mining model considered in this
research required the definition of analysis
objectives. In this case it is the identification of the
expert estimators profile characteristics and their
relative importance in producing reliable effort
estimates. This business objective was mapped to
data mining objective with intention to create such a
model that could later be implemented in every day
Methodological framework consists of following
1) Data Collection: during which both work
item and employee profile data were collected. This
stage therefore included export of project tasks,
identification of involved team members and
structuring of their profile data.
2) Data Preparation: at this stage data was
processed according to specific needs of model
building process. The end products are data sets that
contain data of each item and related employee (item
was assigned to) for each project. This way seven
data sets were generated. At this stage the outliers,
extremes and missing data are handled.
3) Data Partitioning: input data is randomly
divided into two sets: training and test data sets. On
each project the ratio of 2/3 of the data is used for
the training and 1/3 for the testing phase, following
standard data mining practice. The training data sets
are used to build models. Models are then tested
using test data to assess their performance.
4) Model Building: during this phase the
predictive models are built using neural network
algorithms and are evaluated for their accuracy and
predictive performance.
3.3 Experiment Setup
Observed projects for which data sets were collected
were executed in same department of the
aforementioned company. This department is
specialized in development of solutions for telecom
operators. Technologies used on projects are similar
and based on Microsoft stack (Team Foundation
Server, Visual Studio, C#, .NET, MS SQL, etc.). All
projects followed sequential i.e. waterfall
development methodology.
As mentioned earlier data was gathered from
different sources so for each work item, profile data
had to be joined to form valid data sets entry. After
that data sets were cleaned and aggregated to
produce input data files of total 2102 records
corresponding to projects being analysed. Projects
data sets displayed variability in terms of number of
initial items extracted from tracking system and the
amount of invalid data. As a result, input data sets
entering modelling phase differ in size i.e. number
of items. So early in a phase of data collection and
structuring initial data cleaning was performed. This
way the quantity of data was decreased by
something more than 30% but the quality of data
was significantly improved. The input sets per each
project differ in size ranging from few dozen to few
hundred items. This amount of invalid data raised an
interest to conduct the study that would investigate
the amounts of invalid data in other sets. Variables
considered in the input data sets are listed in Table 1.
From the input set of variables 18 are used as
predictors and single variable (MRE) as a target.
Experiment was conducted using IBM SPSS
Modeler 14.2. For each project being analysed a
stream or flow of execution was developed to
perform the experiment. The experiments followed
the sequence in which data is initially fed into the
stream after which it passed steps of preparation,
transformation and partitioning before it entered the
modelling element.
Table 1: Predictors and target in input dataset.
Name Type
Degree Title
Education Field
Total Experience
Company Experience
Project Experience
Project Count
Position Level
Development Specific
Know How
Solution Specific Know
Product Specific Know
Professional Specific
Know How
Other Know How
MRE Target
Quality of input data was evaluated early in stage
just after data collection was performed. This means
that entries with invalid effort values (e.g. missing
actual and/or estimated effort values) were removed
from further processing as for those entries it was
not possible to calculate MRE. Similar, tasks that
were not linked to owner i.e. estimator were also
eliminated from data set as connection between
estimator and estimate was missing. These issues
can be attributed to the bad task handling discipline
a thing that can be more influenced in every day
work practice. But again these are genuine data so
we could expect such behaviour. During later stages
of modelling outliers, extremes and missing values
variable values were handled as they can negatively
affect the model precision. All these actions are
supported by specialized Modeler elements.
The modelling element implements the
multilayer perceptron neural network that forms the
relationships between the target and predictors
during the learning process. During formation of the
neural network the model determines how the
network connects the predictors to the target. This is
done by so called hidden layer and although each
hidden unit is some function of predictors basically
its internal configuration is unobservable.
The outputs resulting from the modelling are overall
model accuracy and relative importance of top
predictors. As it is said the importance of each
predictor is relative to the model and it identifies the
input variables that matter the most during
prediction process. The overall model accuracy is an
indicator of the accuracy of predictions that states
whether or not the whole model is accurate and it is
expressed in percentages. Table 2. summarizes the
results of predictive performance of all 18 predictors
for each project. The average accuracy of built
models for all seven analysed projects is 63.80%.
It is interesting to see that some models have low
accuracy (for example Projects 1 and 2) although
they significantly differ in number of input data set
entries. On the other hand Projects 2 and 3 have
comparable number of initial and input items and
relatively similar and low model accuracy. In
general we can say that models with 60% and
greater accuracy can give us valuable insight into
predictive power of input variables (Projects 4, 5, 6
and 7). Data sets of these projects typically have
higher proportion of hits i.e. correct estimates.
Table 2: Output model accuracy.
Project Accuracy
Project 1 45.00%
Project 2 40.80%
Project 3 51.90%
Project 4 78.20%
Project 5 76.90%
Project 6 62.50%
Project 7 91.30%
Average: 63.80%
Table 3. displays the assessment of predictor
performance of classifiers over all seven projects.
For each project, based on input vector of 18
predictors used in a model and a given data set, on
the output neural network returns the vector of 10
predictors with greatest predictive power.
Table 3: Predictors rank (R) and relative importance (I) in observed projects.
Project 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Gender - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Age 4 0.08 - -
0.08 7 0.05 - - 6 0.07 6 0.06
Degree Title - - 4 0.08 6 0.05
0.07 - - 5 0.08 - -
Education Field - - 5 0.07 - - - - 10 0.05 - - 9 0.05
Total Experience
0.15 4 0.08
0.17 4 0.10 4 0.08 8 0.06
Company Experience
0.29 6 0.05
Project Experience
0.11 7 0.05
0.18 - - 8 0.06
Project Count 8 0.06 6 0.06
0.09 4 0.07 7 0.07
0.17 - -
Role - - 8 0.04 9 0.04 8 0.04 5 0.07 9 0.05 5 0.07
Position Level - - - - - - 10 0.04 - - - - - -
Responsibility - - 9 0.04 5 0.06 - - 8 0.06 10 0.05 - -
Responsibility 9 0.05 - - - - - -
0.12 7 0.07
Responsibility 10 0.05 10 0.03 10 0.04 - - 6 0.07
0.13 10 0.05
Development Specific
Know How
- - - - 8 0.04 - - 9 0.06 - - 4 0.09
Solution Specific
Know How
6 0.06 - - - - 9 0.04 - - - - 7 0.06
Product Specific
Know How
5 0.08 - - - - 5 0.06 - - - - - -
Professional Specific
Know How
7 0.06 7 0.04 - - - -
0.11 - - - -
Other Know How - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Predictive power of each predictor is relative to
the model i.e. project for which data mining was
performed. Based on their occurrences i.e. incidence
and relative importance we can make assessment of
general predictive power of the predictors under
consideration. This way we can identify those
predictors that matter the most and can be
considered important and ignore those with the low
predictive power. Figure 2. displays predictor
occurrences and their relative importance in
resulting models for all seven projects.
Based on modelling results and analysis we can
conclude that the typical predictors of estimation
performance in our study are the group of predictors
that represent experts experience (total experience,
company experience, project experience and number
of projects expert has participated).
The use of experts position (role and
responsibilities) seems to be the second tier of
predictors. This is followed by employees age and
education level. Other predictors show low
predictive power. It is somewhat surprising that
group of predictors that represent experts
competences did not show greater predictive power
as we initially expected. This could be, at last
partially, a result of the self-assessment process i.e.
subjectivity of each estimator when assessing his
competences. It suggests that more structured form
of employee competence evaluation is needed that
should not only be concerned with employee current
project assignment but has to cover a much broader
perspective. For this to be done involvement of other
segments of organization is necessarily required.
These insights gave us directions for some future
work and investigation, possibly on greater data sets.
Findings from this study, based on results of
modelling and later analysis, greatly confirmed our
initial premises that experience and position
significantly determine experts effort estimation
reliability. This was not the case in respect to
competences importance but it helped us determine
valuable directions for future studies.
Figure 2: Predictor occurrences and relative importance in resulting models.
This research was conducted with intention to
identify predictors (defined as experts profile
characteristics) that could be used to assess experts
reliability and assure future accurate effort estimates.
The paper reports a detailed description of the
methodology used to develop predictive models in
software engineering filed of effort estimation.
Motivation comes from the need of introducing
modelled approach of assessing expert performance
in effort estimation and later estimation capability of
each estimator based on his characteristics. The
methodology was applied on real data extracted
from the tracking system used on projects and
collected employee profile data.
Results of this and future studies intend to
support development of a model for enhanced expert
effort estimation. Such a model is intended to
enhance reliability of estimates and could be applied
to everyday practice of software engineers. Based on
better understanding of effects that estimators
characteristics have on reliability of effort estimates
it would allow the application of corrective measures
at early stage of estimation process. As effort
estimates constitute an important part of software
project management, enhances in this area can bring
substantial improvements to organizations
implementing it. This is obvious when we know that
reliability of conducted estimates affects both time
and budget constraints but also development process
efficiency. In short, such a model could significantly
improve the efficiency of various aspects of software
project management.
Possible limitation of the study is the fact that
project data was collected form projects executed in
department of single company, therefore the results
are best describing this particular environment. On
the other hand used research methodology is general
and could be applied elsewhere.
As the research progresses this model will be
upgraded and possibly deployed by using data from
projects executed in different organizations. The
goal is to advance understanding of expert effort
estimation by investigating the impact of profile and
project characteristics on experts effort estimation.
In time to come additional set of experiments will be
conducted that will include data related to project
context. This is planned with aim to better
understand how project characteristics affect expert
Another challenge will be evaluation of other
data mining techniques that could be used to
produce consistent and robust model for evaluation
of expert estimation reliability.
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