A Meta-Modeling Approach for Extending the Instructional Design
Semantics of Learning Management Systems
Esteban Loiseau, Pierre Laforcade and Sébastien Iksal
Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université du Maine, Avenue Olivier Messiaen, Le Mans, France
Keywords: Meta-Modeling, Domain Specific Language, Composition.
Abstract: Nowadays Learning Management Systems (LMS) are not restricted to distant learning. Nevertheless, the
pedagogical expressiveness of courses designed by teachers is strongly dependent on their knowledge and
level of expertise on the LMS they use. The GraphiT project aims to help teachers design pedagogically
sound and technically executable learning designs. To this end, we propose to support teachers by providing
them with an LMS-specific Visual Instructional Design Language, according to a Domain Specific
Modeling approach and tooling. This paper focuses on the abstract syntax of such language. We propose a
specific LMS-centered approach for raising the pedagogical expressiveness of their implicit learning design
semantics. We discussed how the LMS low-level parameterisations could be abstracted in order to build
higher-level building blocks. Based on the Moodle LMS, we present and verify our meta-modeling
approach by formalising the abstract syntax of a Moodle-dedicated instructional design language.
Nowadays, Learning Management Systems (LMSs)
are widely spread in academic institutions and are
not restricted to online and distant courses. Indeed,
they can also be useful during, or in completion of,
face-to-face learning sessions (Garrisson and
Kanuka, 2004). Nevertheless, the results of a study
we conducted with 214 teachers, put forward their
heavy form-oriented human-interfaces and
tools/content-oriented instructional design lead to
reduce their uses. In order to set up complex
learning activities, teachers must develop high-level
skills for managing and sequencing the LMS’s
available features and tools. Such skills can be
acquired through specific teacher education
programs that generally focus on the technical
aspects of the platform and not the way they can be
used to support pedagogical practices. Because of
the multiplicity of educational theories (Ormrod,
2011) and approaches, as well as the lack of tools
and processes dedicated to existing LMSs, teachers
develop ad hoc and individual learning design
In such contexts, it seems relevant to help
teachers understand the instructional design
possibilities offered by the LMS at their disposal.
This should encourage individual and collective
understanding about the pedagogical uses of the
targeted LMS. the GraphiT project we present
(funded by the French Research Agency) is based on
an LMS-centered designing approach. Its main
objective is to investigate several Model Driven
Engineering (MDE) and Domain Specific Modeling
(DSM) techniques to help specify LMS-centered
graphical instructional design languages and develop
dedicated editors. This paper focuses on the main
challenge: raising the pedagogical expressiveness of
the LMS learning design semantics by using meta-
modeling techniques. Indeed, our past research led
us to identify and formalize, according to a specific
process, the LMS instructional design semantics as a
dedicated metamodel. However, this metamodel
needed to be extended, in order to provide the
semantics of future learning scenarios. This article
presents our current results related to identifying and
formalizing the pedagogical semantics for this
metamodel extension. Because it is widely spread,
we have chosen the Moodle LMS to verify, as a first
validation step, the feasibility of our proposal.
We discuss, in Section 2, the current approaches
for instructional design and operationalization on
LMSs. In comparison with them, we then detail the
original position of the GraphiT project regarding
MDE and DSM. We also detail the teachers’ design
Loiseau E., Laforcade P. and Iksal S..
A Meta-Modeling Approach for Extending the Instructional Design Semantics of Learning Management Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0005002800720080
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends (ICSOFT-PT-2014), pages 72-80
ISBN: 978-989-758-037-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
requirements and needs that we collected during
interviews. Section 3 is dedicated to the presentation
of our abstraction approach. We also formalize as a
metamodel extension, the application of our
approach for the Moodle LMS. We then explain and
illustrate the 4-levels architecture we propose and
illustrate it with a representative example in Section
4. This first validation step is necessary in order to
verify that pedagogically sound learning scenarios,
that meet the designers' requirements, can be
formally described with our model. Finally, we
discuss how we plan to use specific DSM tools in
order to elaborate the graphical instructional design
language from this abstract syntax.
The main issue we aim to tackle is studying the
pedagogical expressiveness, in terms of possibilities
and limits, of operationalizable instructional design
languages to specify, i.e. languages allowing to
formalize executable learning scenarios that can be
automatically set-up into existing LMSs. After
discussing the existing approaches and techniques,
we present the original approach we chose for the
GraphiT project.
2.1 Research on LMS Instructional
The Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) research
domain has provided many solutions to support
instructional design: Educational Modeling
Languages facilitate the specification of learning
situations as formal learning scenarios for delivering
and exchanges purposes (Koper and Manderveld,
2004), Visual Instructional Design Languages
(VIDL) (Botturi and Stubbs 2007) support
practitioners communities to communicate and
imagine new learning situations and finally,
Learning Management Systems (LMS) provide
operational environments for delivering online
learning situations (Muñoz-Merino et al. 2009).
These solutions consider LMSs as a final generic
environment, providing LMS-independent
approaches that focus on the instructional design
aspects rather than on how they can actually be
operationalized with existing LMSs.
Unfortunately, most design languages do not
propose direct binding and operationalization with
existing LMSs. Standards such as IMS-LD (Koper,
2006) have therefore not succeeded in being
integrated into widely spread LMSs (Burgos et al.
2007). Some researchers have proposed partial
transformations from practitioners-centered
scenarios towards LMS-centered models (e.g. from
PPC to Moodle (Abdallah et al. 2008), from IMS-
LD to Moodle (Burgos et al. 2007)). However, these
models are based on a subjective and incomplete
Moodle metamodel specified by researchers. Such
transfor-mations attempts show a semantic gap
leading to information loss or incomplete target
models. Nevertheless, they have also highlighted the
relevance of applying techniques and tools from the
Model-Driven Engineering domain.
Recent attempts to operationalize LMS-
compliant models have been tried by following a
similar binding/translation approach. For example
the Glue! architecture, including the Glue!PS editor
(Alario-Hoyos et al., 2012), and the CADMOS
editor (Katsamani et al, 2012) are LMS-independent
solutions offering LMS deployment features towards
the widely spread Moodle LMS (Moodle, 2014).
They both realize the deployment by generating a
Moodle course backup with all the information,
mapping their own data model concepts to Moodle
data model concepts. This backup is then imported
and deployed within a Moodle course, using the
Moodle restoration process. Such approaches result
in semantic adaptations and losses during their
internal mapping, because of the gap between the
instructional design language and targeted LMS’
learning design capabilities and features.
For now, the LMS-independent approach
therefore reduces the operationalization issues but
raises challenges such as specifying a transformation
model, capturing the LMS metamodel, reducing the
semantics losses during translation and providing a
tool that can embed the scenarios into various
existing LMSs.
2.2 Overview of the GraphiT Project
from an MDE and DSM
Our approach in the GraphiT project, is different to
current ones. Indeed, we propose an LMS-dependent
architecture. It only focuses on one existing LMS in
order to provide an instructional design language
that will be specified and tooled according to the
future mappings to realize (interoperability of
generic learning scenarios is out of our scope). In
other words, the main idea is to drive the design by
taking into account, at first, the LMS semantics (and
then the future mappings).
We do not aim at extending the LMS semantics
with new add-ons/plugins, enriching it with more
Figure 1: Global overview of the GraphiT architecture.
pedagogical-oriented features. Our objective is to
support the design of learning scenarios in
conformance with the LMS’s semantics (its abilities
as well as its limits). We also do not aim at only
providing a notation layer, on top of the LMS
metamodel. By extending the LMS metamodel we
also extend the abstract syntax of the instructional
design language, resulting in losing the LMS-
compliance format. We plan to restore this format by
DSM techniques (weaving and transformation
models) we are currently experimenting. We aim at
guarantying that learning scenarios could be fully
operationalized, into the LMS, without semantics
losses. Obviously, our approach has the advantage
being LMS-dependence (operationalization support)
but it also has the inconvenience of being restricted
to one LMS and one of its versions (reengineering
cost). We will particularly study how MDE/DSM
tools can be useful to reduce that cost.
A global architecture of our solution is illustrated
in Figure 1. The LMS instructional design semantics
first has to be identified and formalized as a domain
metamodel. Then, this metamodel drives the
elaboration of an XSD schema that will be used to
develop the API. This API will be used through an
import facility, accessible by teachers-designers, in
their LMS courses. It will take in charge the XML-
based scenario parsing and the LMS's databases
filling-up. The LMS metamodel will also act as a
basis for the elaboration of the visual instructional
design language. According to DSM techniques and
tools (like the EMF/GMF ones for example), this
language will be composed of an abstract syntax,
from which the graphical, tooling and mapping
models will be driven. The editor will be also
developed using the code-generation facilities of
DSM tools.
Past works have focused on the LMS meta-
model formalization (Abedmouleh et al., 2012). We
are currently focusing on the abstract syntax of the
instructional design language.
2.3 Restoring the LMS Semantics
The produced scenarios need to be compliant with
the initial LMS meta-model, in order to be deployed
by the API. In order to reach this compliance, we
propose to modify the model with two models
transformations. The first transformation consist of
various, fine-grained transformations during the
design process: it will provide several LMS
mappings to teachers in order to guide them through
their design. They are endogenous transformations
because source and target models will both be
conformed to the instructional design metamodel.
The second transformation will be realized as an
export feature that can be used after the design
process. This exogenous transformation will produce
a scenario/model conformed to the LMS-metamodel.
Unlike other LMS-independent approaches,
using transformation models techniques, we are
particularly interested in making the underlying
mapping models explicit. Indeed, these mappings
models are at the center of our approach: their
validation, a priori of their machine-translation, by
experts of the considered LMS, will mainly
participate in the learning scenario expressiveness.
These explicit LMS bindings will control the
translations at runtime. They will guarantee the
semantics preservation.
2.4 Focus on the Instructional Design
Abstract Syntax from a
Metamodeling Perspective
The main challenge is to abstract the LMS
instructional design semantics enough to provide
teachers with higher, pedagogically-sound, design
blocks. The LMS expressiveness and limitation
therefore have to be overcome, in order to offer
teachers instructional design mechanisms that are
closer to their practices and needs for specifying and
sequencing learning activities. Concretely speaking,
the issue is to find a way to specifying the relations
between the instructional design language
metamodel (that we will refer to as MM-ID) and the
LMS metamodel (that we will refer to as MM-
To this end, we already led several experiments
(Loiseau and Laforcade, 2013) on three different
approaches: 1/ MM-ID and MM-LMS are two
different metamodels without any structural
relations, 2/ MM-ID and MM-LMS are the same, the
ID-language being only built as a notation layer on
top of the metamodel, 3/ MM-ID is an extension of
MM-LMS. The first approach corresponds to the
usual way of specifying instructional design
languages with its main advantage (expressiveness)
but also inconvenience (difficulty to operationalize).
The second approach reveals the limits of the
concrete syntax expressiveness, because it is only
defined by derivation of the abstract syntax. Finally,
the third approach is intermediate on all criteria: best
expressiveness / LMS compliance ratio. However, it
requires a strong metamodeling expertise to reduce
the developing cost while restoring the LMS
compliance. This approach also highlights the
importance to drive the expressiveness (and
semantics) extension of the initial metamodel with
the binding capacity. This paper focuses on our
further results and propositions about this issue.
According to the practitioners' needs, presented in
the next sub-section, we propose to direct the
abstraction of LMSs semantics to the LMS uses
supporting learners and tutors activities. The
following sections present these abstractions in
relation with their formalizations for the Moodle
LMS (Figure 2). We used the Ecore metamodel
format because it will be handled by the EMF and
GMF metamodeling tools (EMP, 2014) in order to
drive the specification of the instructional design
language and the development of its dedicated
graphical tool. The metamodel from Figure 2 can be
considered as the general abstract syntax of the
instructional design language to be developed.
3.1 A Practical Overview of Teachers'
Before tackling the LMS metamodel extension we
first have to collect the LMS-specific pedagogical
needs and practices. We therefore conducted several
theoretical studies from literature sources (Conole et
al., 2014), and practical studies with surveys and
iterative interviews of 203 teachers and pedagogical
engineers. These interviews covered a large variety
of Moodle use contexts: online learning, local
learning within universities, full distant courses as
well as blended learning. Although the GraphiT
project deals with different LMSs for guarantying
the reproducibility of its results, we propose to focus
on the Moodle platform which is the most popular
open-source license free LMS. The analysis of these
different sources aimed at collecting pedagogical
practices or needs, and requirements about the
languages and editors to specify and develop.
This study highlighted the fact that practitioners
do not really have complex practices to capture,
because of the heterogeneity of their Moodle
expertise and pedagogical background. Nevertheless
they all need to design their course by adapting
Moodle’s tools to their basic pedagogical uses.
Indeed, 88% of of respondents point out the heavy
parameterization of tools and resources; 46%
requiring an abstract view of the pedagogical uses,
in order to help them in select and configure the
right implementation activities.
The advanced studies we conducted with
pedagogical engineers, allowed us to identify several
specific requirements concerning the language and
the authoring-tool we will develop. First, they
mention the need for the graphical authoring-tool to
allow designers to select pedagogical blocks on top
of the LMS semantics as well as with Moodle
building blocks to compose with. In their mind, the
editor will not have to strictly follow a top-down
process from abstracted specification elements to
implementation one expressed in terms of Moodle;
abstractions from Moodle and its own concepts
should be mixed up together according to
practitioners' expertise about instructional design
(mix of specification and implementation
concepts). Secondly, they are interesting in the idea
that mappings from pedagogical design blocks to
Moodle concepts can be showed to practitioners
(default mapping) and adapted if required
(mapping adaptation). This design approach could
help practitioners in the appropriation of the
pedagogical constructs and guide them in designing
more abstract learning scenario, while mastering the
translations into LMS elements.
Another highlighted need is to declare
information, within the learning scenario, that does
not require to be mapped into LMS concepts point
(declarative non-visible information). This would
allow the designers to write information that is only
visible by them and not by students or tutors such as
information about face-to-face sessions mixed up
with the LMS-centered ones, indications about
pedagogical strategies or pedagogical objectives or
information about activities to realize on the LMS at
a specific runtime moment, according to concrete
data (enrolled students, dates, etc.). Finally, another
identified need is to facilitate the course sequencing
with advanced structures (choices, sequences with
Figure 2: The 4-levels abstract syntax of an instructional design language on top of the Moodle metamodel.
elements showed one-by-one according to their
progress (advanced activity structures). Indeed,
these structures can be designed manually but it
requires to parameterize many low-levels and
technical-oriented properties (achievements, restrict
access conditions...) that teachers would appreciate
not to set up by themselves.
3.2 Fine-Grained Pedagogical Activities
as First Abstraction
The first LMS-abstract building block we propose is
the pedagogical activity. This activity is defined as
an abstraction of parameterizations one can realize
when using a LMS tool or resource for a specific
pedagogical usage. For example from a single tool,
for example a forum, one can design several
pedagogical uses, depending on its configuration:
provide information to students, set up group work,
propose a peer reviewing activity etc.
To be used appropriately, this first abstract block
requires a name, a description, and some specific
properties that are set by the practitioner, during the
design process. For example an exchange activity,
involving student communication, could either rely
on a forum or a chat, depending on a synchronous
property. The mappings will not be limited to the
parameterization of a tool. For example with Moodle
it will also impact other elements in relation with the
tool/resource: grades, objectives, groupings,
restriction access and achievements rules, etc.
3.3 Large-Grained Pedagogical
Activities as Second Abstraction
The second LMS-abstract building blocks are of two
kinds. We propose to adapt and integrate some
pedagogical patterns and templates from literature
(Bergin et al., 2012) (Heathcote, 2006) (for
examples as high-level blocks to use and combine
for building learning sessions involving instructional
strategies: inquiry, problem solving, role-playing,
exploration, etc. Although practitioners from our
studies do not use to compose with them, we aim at
integrating them to encourage some pedagogical
reflection and guide designers towards new ways of
supporting their didactic and pedagogical objectives.
This kind of pedagogical pattern will also have a
description of their context, problem and solution
uses. They will rely on a mix of structural activities,
low-levels blocks (pedagogical activities) and LMS
elements to be realized.
In order to ease and assist the practitioners, when
assembling and setting-up combinations of activities
or resources, we propose a set of usual structural
elements (selection, sequence, conditional activities,
etc.). These blocks will be composed of other
blocks, from high or low levels, including
themselves. In the case of Moodle they will be
concretely translated into complex combinations of
labels (stating the structure kind and use for users)
and shifted content (move left/right Moodle feature)
according to the activity structure components in the
learning scenario. After various translations and
mappings until reaching the LMS low-level
elements, all its content parts will be parameterized
(restrict access, visibility, achievement...) with
appropriate properties in order to set up the desired
3.4 A 4-Levels Abstract Syntax
The global architecture we propose for the abstract
syntax of the Moodle-centered instructional design
language is composed of four levels. Figure 2
illustrates our proposition.
Level 1 fits to the Moodle metamodel. Readers
have to consider the Figure 2 illustration (right part)
as an incomplete representation of the whole
metamodel. Indeed, in order ease the
comprehension, only the important structural
relations and concepts are depicted
. Level 1
elements (restricted to the Moodle activities – the
Moodle name given to the tools - and resources) can
be directly used by teachers and parameterized for
building a learning session. From the Moodle
metamodel point of view, these elements require a
global Course and a Section container to be attached
in. In the extended metamodel, they will be specified
at first as children of level 4 elements. The large
model transformation, after the design process, will
deal with producing a model in full-compliance with
the Moodle metamodel: creation of the global
Course instance, of its Section instances, attachment
of all the corresponding Moodle elements according
to the orders and positions deductible from the
source scenario.
Level 2 (part 2) corresponds to our first high-
level blocks about pedagogical activities. They are
composed of Level 1 elements, i.e. Moodle activities
and resources. Level 3 (part 3) captures the second
abstract blocks about pedagogical patterns and
activity structures. The first one will be composed,
after automatic design-time models transformations,
by Level 3 elements, i.e. elements from levels 1-to-3,
including structural activities and other Pedagogical
Activities. The activity structures are also composed
of Level 3 elements but their content will be
specified by teachers-designers during the design
process. Indeed, there is no default content to obtain
by models transformation. Finally, the fourth level
(part 4) is the contextual level, focusing on the
global structure of the learning session, in relation to
the different face-to-face, complementary or distant
1 A global overview of the Moodle 2.4 metamodel we
captured can be retrieved at http://www-lium.univ-
Such Level 4 elements rely on the Moodle
section concept. Indeed, Moodle only proposes some
sections into the space of the course for aggregating
the tools and resources. However, designers have at
their disposal an indentation feature (position
property in the Moodle metamodel) to shift activities
and resources in order to visually indicate their
collective relationships. This position property will
be used by the dynamical mappings, in order to
position the corresponding elements in accordance
to the source element position in the global learning
The composition-relations, annotated with a (1),
indicate that the content will not be showed in the
future concrete syntax (notation) as nested elements
but will be shown in another sub-diagram where the
parent container will play the role of the root canvas.
On the contrary, the composition annotated with a
(2) symbol, indicates that content will be showed as
nested elements of the parent container in the same
diagram. Finally, the nextE reflexive relation allows,
by inheritance, to provide a previous/next
information to sequence the various elements within
their dynamic pedagogical context (the ordering
concerns the child elements sharing a same Level
Element parent).
The future authoring-tool will directly propose to
practitioners the level-4 elements in the tool palette.
Indeed, these elements are necessary to map to
Moodle sections in order to sequentially structure
the course skeleton. Sessions that do not rely on
Moodle features can also be described if designers
need an overall view of a global module/course
larger than the ones involving the use of an LMS.
Other level-4 elements will then open an empty sub-
diagram when double-clicked. It can then be used to
arrange levels 3-to-1 elements from the new palette.
Indeed, practitioners can then choose the method
(top-bottom, bottom-up), the description level
(specification versus implementation) and the
elements to select, combine and adapt. Except
activity structures, other levels 3-to-2 elements can
be opened up as another sub-diagram containing the
default mapping to levels 2-1 elements. Every
mapping can be adapted and modified by
deleting/adding new elements (according to those
accepted under the parent element) or modifying the
elements properties.
The leaf meta-classes from figure 1 (dark
elements) sketches some examples of future
elements. For ease of reading, we choose not to
show these attributes. However, each of them owns
specific properties in accordance with the different
in-progress formal specifications we are studying
about the Moodle instructional design semantics,
pedagogical activities and patterns, and activity
The current abstract syntax proposition still has
to be improved in order to allow the declaration of
didactical objectives to the various Level 4-to-1
elements. Such objective will be mapped into
Moodle Objectives, attached to the root Course and
referenced by the direct or indirect corresponding
Level 1 elements. Similarly, roles or groups have to
be included in order to allow the division of labor in
the learning scenario. Mappings to the Moodle
concepts of Group and Grouping will be studied.
Our 4-Levels architecture meets the practitioners'
requirements depicted in section 3.1. from a static
perspective. The dynamical aspects will be tackled
by the transformations models and are out of the
scope of this article.
The validation of our proposal requires several steps.
First, we need to verify that our 4-levels metamodels
can be used, in a declarative way, to formalize a set
of learning scenarios, identified as relevant use-
cases. Because we have not yet integrated the
automatic execution of models transformation into
the EMF-based editor, we specified the different
default mappings by defining them directly using the
“add child” service of EMF-based editor (manual
definition). Then, we will still have to verify that the
semantic meaning is maintained when the automatic
weaving/ transformations models will be added.
Finally, the graphical aspects of the editor
(usefulness, user-friendliness, etc.) will have to be
validated when the final concrete syntax will be
specified and developed from our abstract syntax
architecture proposal. Even though we have
extended our research, this article is mainly focused
on the first step of this project.
To this end, we propose to illustrate our proposal
by formalizing one of the simple and representative
use-cases for the Moodle LMS. First, we propose a
brief textual description of this use-case and then,
the equivalent specification with the dedicated
metamodel we proposed in section 3 (Figure 3 is a
caption-screen of the EMF-tree-based model editor,
annotated to highlight the elements' levels).
The learning scenario is composed of two
learning sessions. The first one is a lecture session
for which the teachers simply want to provide
Resource consultation activity that contains their
lecture presentation material. This pedagogical
activity has the quantity property set to “one” and
the location one set to “local”. These properties will
lead the dynamic mapping process to propose the
File Moodle element. The learning scenario then
continues with a face-to-face practical work sessions
in a room with computers. The teachers would like
to use the Moodle platform for supporting the
pedagogical pattern “Write a synthesis” with the
collaborative property set to “true”. This pattern is
automatically mapped to be composed of a sequence
activity structure embedding 4 sub-components. The
first one is another Resource consultation. This time,
the properties set to “several” (quantity) and “local”
(location) by the teacher will lead the transformation
process to add a Folder tool. The second sub-
element is a Brainstorming pedagogical activity. Its
orientation property, set to “discussion”, leads to
propose a Forum tool. Similarly the third sub-
element is Report writing activity leads to a Wiki
tool because of the collaborative property set to
“true”. Finally, the fourth sub-element is a Guidance
activity that aims at reminding the teachers to
evaluate the synthesis in the wiki. The public
property set to “tutor”, leads the mapping process to
make the corresponding Label invisible
(visible=”no”) to students (it will be only visible to
the teacher).
The teacher can change the activities properties
at any time, leading to other mapping adaptations.
For example, by changing the
collaborative property
of “Write a synthesis” to “false”, the default values
for the sub-components 2 and 3 properties in relation
to individual work will be changed to new mappings
for individual-oriented Moodle tools. The teacher
can also manually delete the mapping elements, re-
arrange their order, or add extra elements. Figure 3
shows a global overview of the learning scenario
elements, including all the automatic mappings,
according to the various properties and values (not
depicted within the figure).
Figure 3: Example of learning scenario composed of
elements from the 4 levels.
L4 element
L4 element
L2 element
L2 element
L2 element
L2 element
L2 element
L3 element
L1 element
L1 element
L1 element
L1 element
L1 element
L1 element
L3 element
This paper proposes a metamodeling approach for
raising the pedagogical expressiveness of learning
design semantics of existing LMSs. To do so, we
propose to extend the LMS metamodel with specific
concepts, properties and relations, in order to meet
practitioners' requirements. We discussed how the
LMS low-level parameterizations could be
abstracted in order to build higher-level building
blocks. Based on the Moodle LMS, we present and
illustrate our approach, by formalizing the abstract
syntax of a Moodle-dedicated instructional design
language, following a specific 4-levels architecture.
Based on one illustrated use-case, we discuss how
we validate, as a first step, our metamodel extension
to formally describe Moodle-specific learning
scenarios. Such abstraction of LMSs semantics may
be a promising approach to develop a new
generation of LMS-centered learning design
languages, enabling teachers to develop
pedagogically sound and technically executable
learning scenarios.
The complete version of our metamodel
proposition is currently exploited to specify a
concrete syntax (graphical notation), a palette and
mappings models, in order to develop the final
authoring-tool. Because of our former experiences
with EMF/GMF frameworks, we will also have to
pay attention to the abstract syntax adjustments,
required in order to realize specific visual
We are also currently experimenting different
frameworks for weaving and transforming models.
Indeed, the different default mappings to realize
during the design, require a contextualized
transformation model to perform. We are studying
weaving tools that will allow us to specify the
mappings and automatically generate these
transformation rules (during the design process).
Also, in our approach, the 4-levels extended
metamodel will not allow to serialize the future
learning scenarios in conformance with the LMS
format (source metamodel): a global transformation
is required to restore this conformance. This
transformation will be realized as an export feature
from our authoring-tool.
This article is part of the GraphiT project, a 42-
months funded project of the French research
agency. We thank the various individuals that
participated to the interviews and surveys. We also
thank the project members involved in the
identification and formalization task that helped us
for this publication.
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2012. An analysis process for identifying and
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Abdallah, F., Toffolon, C., Warin, B. Models
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