Figure 4: Generative template.
provided by teachers or from literature: from a textual
description of how to implement a particular activity
or pedagogical pattern on Moodle, we tried to design
an equivalent weaving model using our solution. The
few missing mapping features were then added to the
weaving metamodel.
6.1 Further Work
The learning scenario editor has to be tweaked in or-
der to automatically run the generated transforma-
tions, also high level elements still remain in the
model, breaking compatibility with the Moodle im-
port API. To circumvent this last issue, we will have
to write a global ”cleaning” transformation that will
delete these elements. Another issue is about struc-
ture blocks: teachers can structure their learning sce-
nario using sequences of activities but since mapping
transformations are run just-in-time and the high level
elements are kept, the global transformation will also
have to restore the general structure of the scenario,
replacing the sequences with their Moodle counter-
parts (sections, indented content etc.). Unfortunatly
we could not yet try the model weaver in real con-
ditions with real users, as they lack interest until a
suitable version of the learning scenario editor is re-
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