Trace driven SSD simulator is also widely used
to examine the internal behavior of SSDs. DISKSim
SSD Extension (Agrawal et al., 2008) and Flashsim
(Kim et al., 2009) are developed to simulate an SSD
based on DiskSim (Bucy et al., 2008). With these
simulators, users can configure the number of flash
memories, the number of planes per flash memory, the
page read/write latency, a page size, a block size, etc.
However, these simulators calculate the SSD perfor-
mance without imposing IO processing delay, which
means that they cannot be used to observe the host IO
performance in real time.
In this work, we developed an analytical model that
calculates the IO latency of an SSD. For modeling, we
considered concurrent IO processing of an SSD, such
as channel parallelism, way parallelism, and plane
parallelism. We classified SSDs’ IO types into single
page read/write request or multiple page read/write
request and developed IO latency model for each IO
type. Compared with the performance of a real SSD,
Intel X25-M, the latency models showed less than a
4% error rate in various workloads. We also proved
that the IO latency models can be used in an SSD
simulator by validating their results with VSSIM. The
IO performances calculated by our analytical models
were close to the simulation results of VSSIM with
a 0.8% ∼ 7.6% offset. Using the IO latency models,
SSD simulators can calculate and impose the desired
amount of IO latency for an IO request. Thus, the
simulator can simulate the IO performance of multi-
channel and multi-way SSDs without using multi-
threaded methods.
MLC SSD: This work is sponsored by IT R&D pro-
gram MKE/KEIT. [No.10035202, Large Scale hyper-
MLC SSD Technology Development].
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