hanced models perform better with the BBAL subset.
The attack detection rate for PSO-SVM with the BBA
subset is comparable with the standard BBAL-SVM.
Table 5 reveals PSO-SVM and BA-SVM, with the
BBAL subset, offer an improvement of almost 1.8%
for the false alarm rate and no more than 3.8% for the
attack detection rate. Results from Table 4 show the
false alarm rate is lightly significantly lower, while
the attack detection rate gains approximately 2.5%.
On the other hand, the accuracy for unknown attacks
is upgraded with almost 10% in all cases. This means
that our new classifier is able to raise proper alarms.
We must also remark that the difference between the
results given by PSO and BA is quite small. Further-
more, for known attacks, all approaches show good
accuracy results and the best is obtained by the BA-
SVM (99.31%).
In this paper we proposed a new NIDS model that
combines SVM with a recent swarm intelligence al-
gorithm, the Bat Algorithm. The main contribution
of this paper is the novel feature selection method
(BBAL) that succeeds to reduce the number of at-
tributes from the dataset while improving the predic-
tive accuracy, detection rate and false alarm rate of the
SVM classifier. To evaluate the effectiveness of the
proposed model we use the NSL-KDD network intru-
sion benchmark and compare it with the popular PSO
for our two subset of features. We showed that BBAL
can upgrade BBA for feature selection but, only when
combined with SVM. Therefore, our future work will
focus on combining BBAL with other classifiers and
comparing it to other feature selection approaches in
order to range its quality.
The work has been funded by the Sectoral Operational
Programme Human Resources Development 2007-
2013 of the Ministry of European Funds through the
Financial Agreement POSDRU/159/1.5/S/132395.
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