A Conceptual Enterprise Architecture Framework for Smart Cities
A Survey Based Approach
George Kakarontzas
, Leonidas Anthopoulos
, Despoina Chatzakou
and Athena Vakali
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, TEI of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece
Department of Business Administration, TEI of Thessaly, Larissa, Greece
Department of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Keywords: Digital Cities, Smart Cities, Survey Study, Software Architecture, Reference Architecture, Software
Abstract: Enterprise architecture for smart cities is the focus of the research project “EADIC - (Developing an
Enterprise Architecture for Digital Cities)” which is the context of the reported results in this work. We
report in detail the results of a survey we contacted. Using these results we identify important quality and
functional requirements for smart cities. Important quality properties include interoperability, usability,
security, availability, recoverability and maintainability. We also observe business-related issues such as an
apparent uncertainty on who is selling services, the lack of business plan in most cases and uncertainty in
commercialization of services. At the software architecture domain we present a conceptual architectural
framework based on architectural patterns which address the identified quality requirements. The conceptual
framework can be used as a starting point for actual smart cities’ projects.
The European Smart Cities project defines a smart
city as a city “well performing in 6 characteristics,
built on the ‘smart’ combination of endowments and
activities of self-decisive, independent and aware
citizens” (European smart cities project, 2007).
These 6 characteristics are: smart economy,
mobility, environment, people, living and
governance. Such diversity creates a challenging
landscape for smart cities’ enterprise architecture
(Anthopoulos and Fitsilis, 2013). However without
carefully crafted software architectures and the
corresponding business processes supporting them,
it is not possible to handle the complexity of a smart
city project. In this work we present a survey for
smart/digital cities. The purpose of the survey was
twofold: (1) discover important quality properties
for smart cities and propose a conceptual
architectural framework for smart cities with these
properties. This framework can be used as a starting
point for actual smart city architectures. (2)
understand the current state in business aspects in
relation to the IT support infrastructure for smart
cities’ projects.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: in
Section 2 we present the survey’s details including
its construction and participants as well as the
questionnaire and the obtained results. Then in
Section 3 we use survey’s results to derive
functional and quality requirements. Based on these
requirements we proceed in Section 4 in deriving
appropriate architectural patterns for use in smart
cities and we propose a conceptual application
architecture framework for smart cities, which is
based on these patterns. Finally in Section 5 we
discuss related work and in Section 6 we present
briefly some future research directions and
The construction of the survey targeted the most
important aspects of enterprise architecture, namely
organizational structure, business processes,
information systems and infrastructure (Lankhorst,
2009). Consequently our survey comprises five
general groups of questions: “architectural relative
questions”, “data sources”, “smart city management-
organization and funding”, “smart city management-
Kakarontzas G., Anthopoulos L., Chatzakou D. and Vakali A..
A Conceptual Enterprise Architecture Framework for Smart Cities - A Survey Based Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0005021400470054
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on e-Business (ICE-B-2014), pages 47-54
ISBN: 978-989-758-043-7
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
critical issues/milestones”, and “smart city
management-project mission and objectives”.
The experts who participated in the survey are
engineers of real smart cities throughout the world.
In total there are 18 engineers from the following
smart cities: Digital City of Trikala (Greece), Den
Haag (The Netherlands), Amsterdam (The
Netherlands), Brisbane (Australia), Waterfront
Toronto (Canada), Turin (Italy), Thermi (Greece),
Thessaloniki (Greece), Heraklion (Greece), Zurich
(Switzerland), Geneva MAN (Switzerland), smart
city of Melbourne (Australia), green city of
Queensland (Australia), green city of Roland
Victoria (Australia), smart city of Brisbane
(Australia). Regarding the educational background
of the surveyed experts, 11 have a PhD, 5 have a
Master degree and 2 a Bachelor degree. The survey
took place in June/July of 2013.
The questionnaire comprises 34 questions,
including 3 questions with demographic
characteristics. As mentioned already, the
questionnaire is divided into five general categories.
In most questions multiple answers were possible so
the percentages do not always sum up to 100%. Also
notice that for brevity in most cases we only present
the most popular answers where the rest of the
answers do not influence the conclusions. Therefore
not all possible questions and responses are
mentioned in the various tables.
The first group of questions, entitled
“Architectural relative questions”, contains two
questions: “Provided services” and “Installed
infrastructure”. In the first the most popular services
are the environmental and communication services
with 67% and 56% respectively. In the second
question, the most popular infrastructures are wired
or wireless backbone infrastructures with 67% and
61% respectively (Table 1).
Table 1: Architectural Relative Questions.
Provided Services Total Percentage
Environmental services 12 67%
Communication services 10 56%
E-Government Services 9 50%
Installed Infrastructure Total Percentage
Wired backbone 12 67%
Wireless backbone 11 61%
Rented backbone 0 0%
The “Data Sources” category of questions (Table
2) tries to understand how data collection is
conducted and to identify the level of data security.
The first question is related to the “Data collection
and storage” where it appears that 72% of the smart
cities address this issue with direct data collection,
while the 33% with indirect methodologies.
Regarding the data storage 44% use local data
infrastructure and 22% external data infrastructure
(e.g. cloud storage). Additionally, there are three
questions related to the level of access in the
available data from the city administrative staff, the
city’s stakeholder’s staff and the city’s end users. In
these questions ‘project dependent’ access means
that different access mechanisms may be used per
project, whereas role-based authentication means
that access is provided based on the users’ role.
Concerning data ownership in general usually the
municipality and the project organization with 50%
and 39% respectively are responsible for the
manipulation of the data. In many cases data is
owned jointly by more than one organization.
Finally, an impressive element (not shown in Table
2) is that the 78% of smart cities do not make use of
encryption. The remaining 22% supported that
usually the data encryption is based on the used
software and the data in question.
Table 2: Data Sources.
Data Collection and Storage Total Percentage
Direct data collection 13 72%
Local data storage 8 44%
Indirect data collection 6 33%
External data storage (cloud) 4 22%
Access level of city's staff Total Percentage
Role-Based Access 7 39%
Project-Dependent 4 22%
Access level of city’s
Total Percentage
Project-Dependent 12 60%
Access level of end users Total Percentage
Individual Data Access 6 33%
Project-Dependent 5 28%
Data Ownership Total Percentage
Municipality 9 50%
Project Organization 7 39%
Various stakeholders 5 28%
Regarding the “smart city management -
organization and funding” set of questions the aim
was the identification of some critical financial,
administrative and promotional issues, as the
followed procedure is important for the viability of
the smart cities (Table 3).
The goal of the first question in this category was
the recognition of the key persons that are involved
in the performance of the services. Service
performance measurement here means which party
is responsible for monitoring and improving the
various services. According to the results in all cities
the municipality was involved, as well as the local
transportation services with 50% and various others.
Of course in most of the cities more than one
organization are involved in the performance of
Table 3: Smart city management - organization & funding.
Who are involved in service
performance measurement?
Total Percentage
Municipality 18 100%
Local Transportation 9 50%
Local SMEs 7 39%
Who funds the project? Total Percentage
Both Private & Public Sectors 10 56%
Public Sector 8 44%
Where do funds come from? Total Percentage
Government 9 50%
Individual funding 9 50%
EU 7 39%
Service Provider 5 28%
Who is responsible for
service promotion
Total Percentage
Public Organization 12 67%
Municipality 12 67%
Private Company 10 56%
Who sells the services? Total Percentage
Uncertain 8 44%
Services are free of charge 3 17%
Private Companies 3 17%
Who collects incomes? Total Percentage
Municipality 4 22%
Free-of-charge 4 22%
Various stakeholders 4 22%
Who manages the services? Total Percentage
Municipality 13 72%
Project organization 12 67%
The next four questions are related to funding.
They reveal that usually either the public sector with
44% or the public and private sector together with
56% are responsible for the project’s funding.
Usually funds come from the government and/or
individual funding with 50% in both cases and the
European Union with 39% for the EU cities
involved in this survey. Regarding services’
marketing, it is being jointly performed by public
organizations with the municipality and private
companies in most cases. Regarding
commercialization of services 44% were uncertain
about the mechanism followed, while for 17% of the
participants services are either free of charge or sold
by private companies.
In respect to the income collection the
respondents stated that the municipality is
responsible for this procedure, that it is free-of-
charge or that various stakeholders are involved in
the procedure with 22% at each case.
In relation to the management of services, in
72% of the cases the municipality has this
responsibility and in 67% of the cases the project
organization (or in some cases both).
The next group of questions “Smart city
management - critical issues/milestones”, in Table 4,
tries to identify the quality of the provided services
based on the evaluations and the reviews that are
conducted during the operation of the smart city.
Initially, the respondents were questioned about the
key person or organization (public or private) that
had the initiative for the smart city. The municipality
was responsible in 44% of the cases and in 28% of
the cases a research team had this role.
Table 4: Smart city mgmt. - critical issues/milestones.
Who had the central
Total Percentage
Municipality 8 44%
Research Team 5 28%
Who is responsible for the
service monitoring?
Total Percentage
Municipality 12 67%
Various stakeholders 5 28%
Project partners 4 22%
Do you perform evaluation
& reviews and if yes how
Total Percentage
Regular evaluations 11 61%
How often are the
undergo maintenance?
Total Percentage
Uncertain 9 50%
Continually (more than
3 17%
Rarely (less than once/year) 3 17%
Annually 2 11%
Depends on project
1 5%
Regarding the key actors in the service
monitoring, answers include the municipality (67%),
followed by “various stakeholders” (28%) and
project partners (22%). It is quite promising that
61% of smart cities perform regular evaluations and
reviews. Finally, the smart city managers’ were
asked to state the frequency with which the service
or infrastructure maintenance is carried out. 50% of
the respondents stated that they are not sure about
the frequency of this procedure, while the remaining
50% stated that this procedure takes place
continually, rarely, annually or depending on the
project’s specifications.
The final set of questions, namely “smart city
management - project mission and objectives”,
attempts to specify the reasons that led to the
development of the smart city and if the whole
project was developed according to some specified
standards, such as following business or project
Table 5: Smart city mgmt. - project mission & objectives.
Potential business goals Total Percentage
Innovative spirit 6 33%
Resource savings 6 33%
Increase extroversion 4 22%
Internal organization
Total Percentage
N/A 11 61%
SOE (State-Owned
5 28%
Individual organization 3 17%
Internal organization
Total Percentage
Rules 10 56%
Guides 9 50%
What where your initially
provided set of services?
Total Percentage
Varies 8 44%
Intelligent Transportation 4 22%
Online dialogues 4 22%
Have you added services
and which?
Total Percentage
Too numerous to mention
3 17%
Have you canceled services
and which?
Total Percentage
Intelligent Transportation 1 6%
The existence of a well-constructed
master/business plan determines to a significant
degree the city’s viability. Only 56% of the
respondents stated that a master or business plan was
followed, which is a quite small percentage for such
an important procedure, whereas 44% did not follow
a business plan. In the question “What are the
potential business goals” the predominant responses
(with 33% each one) were: innovative spirit,
resource savings and various other goals (for
instance increase city’s extroversion etc.).
The Internal Organization Structure in most
cases (61%) is not available. When available the
internal organization framework is based on rules
and guides.
A final set of questions was concerned with the
initially provided set of services and the evolution
(addition and cancellation) of the provided services.
In order to come up with the suitable architecture
patterns for the smart city architecture we will first
use the questionnaire results to understand the most
important functional and quality requirements for
smart cities. Then we will use these requirements to
suggest an architectural approach for smart cities
based on architectural patterns. Quality requirements
can be defined using the ISO-25010 quality model
(ISO/IEC, 2011), which provides the different
quality categories that we need to consider.
The many different types of applications and
services (Table 1 & Table 5) reveal the need for a
generic application architecture, ensuring at the
same time the communication between these
applications in a seamless manner (if needed).
Therefore ensuring interoperability among these
different applications and services is necessary.
Providing only a small percentage of security and
health related applications (22% each), smart cities
seem to have a relatively low need (at the moment)
for safety-related hard real-time infrastructures and
therefore performance efficiency sub-characteristic
of timing behavior is less important.
Since there is no virtualization (17%),
metropolitan backbone (6%) and rented backbone
(0% in Table 1) it will be challenging to guarantee
specific Quality of Service (QoS) levels. It seems
again that time performance is not a predominant
In Table 2 the local storage (44%) combined
with the multitude of service performers (Table 3)
shows that data may be stored in many different
locations. Each application and the host organization
is ultimately responsible for safeguarding its own
data, but at the same time it should be possible that
other applications are allowed to access this data
remotely in prescribed ways. Therefore the
authenticity aspect of security becomes important as
well as the interoperability aspect of the
compatibility characteristic.
Table 2 also shows that data access is
complicated since many different parties may access
data with many different ways. Again this shows
that each application should be made responsible for
providing its own authentication mechanism. Role-
based access for authorization is needed for
administrative staff. Also in Table 2, depending on
the application and the organization responsible,
data is owned by many different parties, something
that again creates a need for interoperability and for
the provision of some application dependent data
access mechanism. There are a small percentage of
cases (22%) that use encryption. So confidentiality
may not be one of the prominent architectural
drivers, but nevertheless it should be possible.
Table 3 reveals that there is a multitude of
service performers. This fragmentation of
responsibility strongly points to the need to create
some interoperability layer between these services
since in many cases the performance besides the
Municipality is assigned to other parties. It also
raises concerns for the reliability of the provided
services as a whole. In general it may be more
challenging to guarantee that all provided services
are available all the time since the many different
installations for isolated services will have different
types of hardware/software infrastructure.
The marketing and commercialization of the
services (Table 3) show that most of the smart cities
projects at this time are not considered as income
sources with only 17% reporting that private
companies are responsible for services’
commercialization and an apparent fragmentation
regarding income collection. Therefore in order to
become viable, they must be able to provide these
services with relatively low cost. This creates some
constraints for the smart city project (e.g. usage of
open source software usually drops the cost at the
expense of supportability). Also, there is split
management between the Municipality and project
organizations, which again demonstrates the need to
provide interoperability, different access
mechanisms (usability) and different authorization
mechanisms (security).
Although there are evaluations and reviews
(Table 4), service maintenance is not performed
regularly. This shows that there is a need for
recoverability regarding the reliability quality
property. Services should be able to recover rather
gracefully and quickly in cases of failures.
The lack of business plan in many cases as well
as the existence of a multitude of potential business
goals (Table 5), imply that these projects can be
considered at the time as an umbrella under which
many different applications co-exist and can grow in
many different directions in the future. This creates a
need for improved maintainability in order to enable
such developments. This need is also apparent when
considering the diversity of the initially provided
services (Table 5). The multitude of provided
services also indicates that usability may be
important, especially when considering the different
types of user interfaces that may be required to
support all these different types of applications.
Concluding this Section we can say that the most
prominent quality drivers that we need to consider
are in the order of importance: 1) Interoperability;
2) Usability; 3) Authentication and
Authorization; 4) Availability; 5) Recoverability;
6) Maintainability; and 7) Confidentiality (should
be possible).
Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS)
can and should be used, when possible, to drive
down costs.
Of course the above mentioned ranking is a
generic one. Specific applications may have
different needs (e.g. an application may require
increased confidentiality).
In this Section we identify suitable architectural
patterns the combination of which provides a
conceptual application architecture framework for
smart cities considering the identified needs.
To follow a systematic approach, we apply the
Pattern-Driven Architectural Partitioning (PDAP)
proposed in (Harrison and Avgeriou, 2007) and
depicted in Figure 1. PDAP is a stepwise iterative
process that uses architectural patterns (Buschmann
et al., 1996) with known quality outcomes. Usually
in complex architectures, such as those for smart
cities, more than one architectural pattern must be
applied to satisfy the many and at times conflicting
architectural drivers.
In this work we do not have a complete
architecture to consider because specific functional
requirements do not exist and the stakeholder
concerns, as expressed in the questionnaire’s
answers, are generic and not particular for a specific
application. What we discuss here is best described
as a conceptual application architecture framework
capturing the most prominent architectural drivers
for smart cities’ applications. This conceptual
framework will be modified and transformed as
necessary to address all specific functional and non-
functional requirements for specific smart city
projects. It is expected that in most cases the
framework will cover the most significant
requirements and will be suitable for most projects
without or with small modifications. Notice in
Figure 1 that we grayed out the tradeoff analysis
which is based on the documentation and evaluation
of a specific architecture. We cannot evaluate a
conceptual framework because many aspects (e.g.
specific technologies used), that have an impact in
the evaluation of the architecture, are not finalized.
Figure 1: Pattern Driven Architectur al Partitioning
(Harisson and Avgeriou, 2007).
The first step of PDAP is the identification of
prominent drivers, which was discussed in Section 3.
In the next step the architecture patterns for each
driver are selected.
1. Interoperability: For the interoperability aspect
we suggest an API Façade (Gamma et al.,
1995.) for each application. Each application
will expose through this façade a set of services.
In order to enable the communication between
different types of applications, possibly written
in different programming languages, the
provided façade will be WSDL-based using
SOAP/XML for the interfaces. To enable this
type of API we will use the Layers
architectural pattern (Buschmann et al., 1996)
for each application in which the Business
Logic layer is separate and the WSDL interface
can be built around this layer. Business layer
includes various services public or private etc.
depending on the specific smart city that the
proposed model will be used.
2. Usability: The use of the Model-View
Controller (MVC) pattern (Reenskaug et al.,
1996), (Buschmann et al., 1996) is highly
recommended in the User Interface layer to
enable many different types of presentation
approaches for the same data. This is considered
necessary since the same information may be
presented differently for different user types and
for different types of devices.
3. Authentication, Authorization & Confidentiality:
For these aspects the Layered architecture
pattern is very suitable because it can provide
authentication and authorization at designated
layers in the software architecture. Additional
services such as anonymity of information are
application-specific and are left for the
instantiation of the conceptual framework in
specific smart cities.
4. Availability and Recoverability: In order to
guarantee some availability in cases of failures
and to integrate additional data from many
possible databases that store data locally, we
propose the use of an integrated application
that communicates loosely with other smart city
applications using the Messaging architecture
pattern (Hohpe and Woolf, 2003). The
integrated application will run in a reliable
application server (e.g. in the Municipality or in
a public cloud) and will collect data from all
other applications using messaging. Messaging
with Message Oriented Middleware (MOM)
enables loose communication with many
different styles (e.g. publish-subscribe pattern
etc.) and many different QoS levels.
5. Maintainability: the Layered architectural style
and the MOM-based communication both
provide excellent maintainability.
The third step after selecting the appropriate
architectural patterns is the application these patterns
to partition the system. The result is the conceptual
application architecture framework which is
depicted in Figure 2.
In Figure 2 we display one application hosted in
a host organization and also a second host
organization is depicted but without the details
which are analogous to the first one. In addition we
depict a separate integration server which is
executed in the municipality infrastructure or in any
other reliable organization that can be considered the
main organizer of the smart city project.
In the fourth step of the process we will assess if
the proposed partition has the desired impact on the
architectural drivers.
Interoperability is achieved by providing a Web
Services (WSDL) interface at the Business Logic
layer which runs in the application server.
Figure 2: Conceptual Architectural Framework.
Usability is served by providing access to the
application from possibly different channels
including browsers and mobile devices.
Authentication, authorization and confidentiality
(if desired) are all achieved thought the application’s
and web server’s provided mechanisms, while at the
same time various levels of security are supported
with ease.
Availability and recoverability are enhanced by
using the smart city integration host which uses the
messaging pattern to gather data from the different
applications. The integration platform can be used as
a failover platform when an application in a host
server becomes unavailable. Furthermore it can
provide features such as data collection and
archiving, data aggregation, statistical analysis etc.
Maintainability for a single application is
achieved from the layered architectural style which
excels in this aspect. Maintainability is also served
with the use of messaging since it enables the
various applications that exist in the smart city to
evolve gracefully without compromising their clients
as well as the integrated application.
There are some works in relation to the architecture
of smart cities. In (Da Silva et al., 2013) the authors
refer to the need for a distributed and integrated
architecture and relate this need with numerous
nodes where each one has the obligation to produce
and provide data to a central location. This
architecture leads to the Internet of Things, which is
the necessary infrastructure for “smart” cities. The
authors conclude that a reference architecture that
contains all the functionality aspects of a “smart”
city has not been proposed yet, so they proceed to
analyze existing architectures from the literature for
extracting the minimum necessary requirements that
a “smart” city should satisfy. We provide in this
article a conceptual architecture framework as a first
step towards a more detailed reference architecture.
Our proposed framework however concerns only the
application layer of the smart city and also provides
suggestions for the business aspects.
In (Hernández-Muñoz et al., 2011) the authors
mention that smart cities ‘at a holistic level are
systems of systems’ and that ‘a unified ICT platform
should be built on top of a unified model so that data
and information could be shared among different
applications and services at global urban levels’.
Our approach, in which several applications provide
information to a federated integrated application at
the municipality center, reflects also this multi-
systemic reality. The authors also emphasize the
need for interoperability. Indeed this reflects our
own findings too. In our work, the Ubiquitous
Sensor Network (USN) described in (Hernández-
Muñoz et al., 2011) could be the sensor network
represented in Figure 2. Sensor networks and other
infrastructure are considered to belong in the
physical layer of the proposed architecture
In (Anthopoulos and Fitsilis, 2014) the authors
report, based on the literature, a number of
architectures for smart cities, which follow the
layered architecture. Here, we follow a similar
approach, but we propose that each application is not
only layered but also provides a messaging interface
(e.g. a Publish-Subscribe messaging). So it is
possible to loosely get data that will be
presented/integrated/analyzed etc. in other
applications, increasing in that way the availability,
and providing at the same time improved fault
tolerance and maintainability. Cities that follow the
layered architectural style are reported in (Al-Hader
and Rodzi, 2009), (Anthopoulos and Tsoukalas,
2006), (City Council of Barcelona, 2014) and
elsewhere. In our approach we provide a
Integration Host
Host Organization of Application 1
Local Data Store
Organization of
Application 2
MOM Server
Tablets etc.
Netw ork
registrrations &
registrrations &
regi strra ti on s &
registrrations &
regi strra ti on s &
regi strra ti on s &
API or
DB Connectivity
syncrhonous API calls
justification in the form of quality attributes served
using the layered approach rather than concentrating
on specific types of services that may differ from
city to city.
In this work we presented the results of a survey
related to architectural aspects of smart cities. The
sample and the investigating process can be
considered sufficient for conclusion extraction, due
to geographic distribution and sample’s
homogeneity, accompanied by the expertise of the
participants. A limitation concerns the absence of
Asian experiences, which authors aim to cover in
their future research. However, it is estimated, due to
the variance and size of the involved cases, that
there will be small divergence from the existing
outcomes, but this speculation has to be confirmed.
Using the survey’s results we identified important
quality properties for a smart city architecture.
Additionally, we used the Pattern Driven
Architectural Partitioning (PDAP) method to select
appropriate architectural patterns and provide a
conceptual application architecture framework. This
framework will need to be tested, evaluated and
complemented on each specific city case, but it
provides a good starting point to take into account
when launching such a project.
Concerning the business aspects we suggest the
use of a supporting IT organization and also the use
of Free/Libre Open Source Software to drop the
costs where feasible.
In the future we aim to create partnerships with
real smart cities interested in applying the proposed
framework and use the findings of real projects to
adjust the conceptual application architecture
framework proposed in this work.
This research has been co-financed by the European
Union (European Social Fund - ESF) and Greek
national funds through the Operational Program
"Education and Lifelong Learning" of the National
Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) - Research
Funding Program: ARCHIMEDES III. Investing in
knowledge society through the European Social
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