SMS Spam
A Holistic View
Lamine Aouad
, Alejandro Mosquera
, Slawomir Grzonkowski
and Dylan Morss
Symantec Ireland, Ballycoolin Business Park, Dublin 15, Dublin, Republic of Ireland
Symantec San Francisco, 303 Second Street, 94523, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A.
Mobile Messaging, Abuse, Spam, Concept Drift, Targeting Strategies, Filtering.
Spam has been infesting our emails and Web experience for decades; distributing phishing scams, adult/dating
scams, rogue security software, ransomware, money laundering and banking scams...the list goes on. Fortu-
nately, in the last few years, user awareness has increased and email spam filters have become more effective,
catching over 99% of spam. The downside is that spammers are constantly changing their techniques as well as
looking for new target platforms and means of delivery, and as the world is going mobile so too are the spam-
mers. Indeed, mobile messaging spam has become a real problem and is steadily increasing year-over-year.
We have been analyzing SMS spam data from a large US carrier for over six months, and we have observed
all these threats, and more, indiscriminately targeting large numbers of subscribers. In this paper, we touch on
such questions as what is driving SMS spam, how do the spammers operate, what are their activity patterns
and how have they evolved over time. We also discuss what types of challenges SMS spam has created in
terms of filtering, as well as security.
From the early stages of this research, we realized
that the question of how spam differs from legiti-
mate communications was not a trivial one. Typi-
cally, spam would refer to unsolicited, undesirable,
and mostly commercial communications. However,
there is sometimes a thin line between spam and le-
gitimate advertising or bulk communications for other
purposes, be it political campaigns, event organiza-
tion, religious communities, subscriber lists, crowd-
funding campaigns and so on. We are all subjected
to these types of communications and advertisements
on a daily basis while browsing the Internet, on social
networking sites, or in our email inboxes. However,
most of this is based on services we have used before
or opted into and, although still sometimes irrelevant
or even irritating, this is somehow accepted by the
masses as the price paid to access valuable content
and services. On the other hand, we consider spam
to be generally imposed, and with no potential value
or benefit for the recipient. Moreover, most of spam-
advertised products and services are usually deceptive
to the user, frequently involving scams and financial
As the world increasingly turns to mobile devices,
spammers do too. In a survey from Tatango, an SMS
marketing company, 68% of mobile users in the US
reported receiving SMS spam in 2011. Reportedly
that equates to 4.5 billion spam messages received
that year, with a 45% increase from the previous year
(Kharif, 2012). SMS spam is also an emerging is-
sue in many other areas of the world, representing
20 to 30% of the traffic in parts of Asia, including
China and India (GSMA Spam Reporting, 2011). In
addition to being a nuisance, as any other unsolicited
and unwanted communication, SMS spam represents
a possible financial loss for the subscribers, with risks
of phishing attacks or malware downloads, for in-
stance, leading to subscription to premium rate ser-
vices. SMS spam can also be highly damaging to the
reputation of the mobile carrier brand and cause in-
creased operating costs.
Since its inception, the spam landscape has al-
ways been a cat-and-mouse playground between the
spammers on the one hand, and anti-spam ven-
dors and email providers on the other. The same
applies to SMS spam, as mobile operators are
becoming increasingly involved in the anti-spam
field. Many cooperative organizations, such as
M3AAWG (M3AAWG, 2014) and working groups
within GSMA (GSMA, 2014) for instance, are very
active in mobile messaging abuse and related security
On the research side, the literature presents a
range of studies focusing on SMS spam filtering.
Aouad L., Mosquera A., Grzonkowski S. and Morss D..
SMS Spam - A Holistic View.
DOI: 10.5220/0005023202210228
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2014), pages 221-228
ISBN: 978-989-758-045-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Some of them derived from the email space, mainly
content-based technologies, based on Natural Lan-
guage Processing (NLP) and machine learning tech-
niques (Charles Lever and Lee, 2013), (G´omez Hi-
dalgo et al., 2006), (M. Zubair Rafique, 2010), among
many others. We will mention additional research in
this paper. However, we will mainly focus on the
multi-faceted aspect of the spam chain describing the
full set of resources and entities involved as well as
the prospect of implementing effective defenses at
each stage of the spam chain.
The reminder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 will describe the spam chain and the anal-
ysis of spam activities during more than six months
and the implications in terms of anti-spam strategies.
Section 3 will highlight the challenges in terms of fil-
tering and concept drift, as well as security. It will
also provide some background and related research.
Concluding remarks are then given in section 4.
As opposed to spammers back in the early days,
where they use to operate mostly individually and on
the whole chain, nowadays spammers are more or-
ganized and in some ways more specialized. They
mostly organize the content of the campaigns, and
send bulk messages. They usually do not author the
target content, nor do they process the orders. This
section will highlight the multi-faceted nature of the
spam chain and will also analyze the spam and its evo-
2.1 What’s behind the Traffic?
A tipping point of the spam evolution was the adop-
tion of affiliate networks taking away different re-
sponsibilities in the spamming chain, which increased
the army of spammers, and consequently the traffic
as well. There are hundreds of legitimate affiliate
networks that promote legitimate products in lawful
ways. We have, however, looked at those responsible
for the spam we observed, in order to identify poten-
tial ways of being proactive against new campaigns,
mostly based on the type of content they are serving.
The majority of openly spamming networks re-
quire an invitation. They are usually run as gangs
and have proven hard to get access to. However, we
have seen many cases of shady networks, that are rel-
atively open and with no clear policy against spam-
ming. It can also be argued that affiliates abusing
products and services do not necessarily make the af-
filiate network spammy. We could, however, identify
some of those behind the most virulent campaigns,
and in a few cases register and get additional infor-
mation on the process and the services provided by
these affiliate networks.
The most popular kind of affiliate promotion we
observed was in the adult/dating space, initially using
hundreds of throwaway domains, then increasingly
using a range of URL shortening services, all adver-
tising a relatively small number of products and usu-
ally offering attractive percentages or commissions
per sale. During the observation period, we saw only
half a dozen products, most of which were also op-
erated and hosted by the same entities. This pointed
to rather a small number of affiliates targeting a lim-
ited number of high-commission products. Identify-
ing affiliate IDs behind the links seen in the spam is
straightforward as they are usually part of the desti-
nation URL parameters, then preserved via param-
eters or cookies throughout the entire process. For
one of the biggest adult dating campaigns, we ob-
served the same affiliate ID for the whole six-month
period, switching from SMS spam, to social media,
and adult dating scams based on online classified Ads.
In this case, it seems content providers including host-
ing companies, registrars and affiliate networks are
not taking enough responsibility, as this spammer,and
others, have repeatedly been reported, but are still ac-
The process itself is fairly straightforward; once a
new domain is registered, the spammer logs in with
the affiliate network, select the program, the landing
page, and then the campaign and its features. The sys-
tem will then give you a customized link to the site
ready to use in the spam campaign. The traffic gener-
ation is very basic; a large number of SMS messages
are sent to recipients that are randomly generated or
scraped off the Internet. In other cases, spammers
might choose to keep a low profile by sending low
volumes of targeted spam. The good news is that the
network traffic related to those links is easily identi-
fiable, indicating affiliate marketing as opposed to a
possibly registered user receiving an SMS from that
Another type of affiliate-driven spam we observed
included rogue pharmacy and ’work from home’
types of campaigns, which mostly used URL short-
ening services or disposable domains and pointed to
fast-flux hosted pages. These types of scam sites
were easily traceable using network analysis tools
and we were consequently able to pro-actively iden-
tify large numbers of additional links and compro-
mised service networks serving this type, and simi-
lar types, of scam and spam content. Crossovers at
the IP level could also highlight existing correlations
between these spamming activities and some systems
vulnerabilities. However, this is quite dynamic and
needs to be updated frequently.
Although representing a large chunk, the traffic
was not all driven by affiliate marketing. Other con-
tributors included a large number of bank scams and
phishing campaigns, in addition to some payday loan
and other spam and scam campaigns, including social
media, junk cars, fake prizes, and so on. The follow-
ing section will present some activity patterns used by
SMS spammers.
2.2 How do Spammers Operate?
We have seen a range of activity patterns related to
domain registration, landing pages and target content,
recipient lists generation, spam domain naming, and
so on. This section introduces the landscape and fre-
quent patterns we have observed in the SMS spam-
ming world.
2.2.1 Domain Registration Patterns
More than 70% of SMS spam uses URL-based call-
to-action (CTA). Among these, more than 50% were
newly registered domains. While this is a common
pattern, we have seen an increase in use of URL short-
ening services over time, seeing them used in as much
as 7% of the traffic in certain weeks and averaging 2%
overall. Further analysis of the short links generated
by spammers revealed that most of them were gener-
ated at the same time that the message itself was sent.
The destination URL is usually modified by adding
a dummy parameter to generate a completely differ-
ent short link while still redirecting to the same target
website. We also observed spammers making use of
hacked websites and public hosting services but to a
much lower extent, representing less than 0.1% of the
traffic during the six-month period.
During the analyzed period, we noticed how SMS
spammers reused keywords in domain names and
contact information, such as administrator names and
email addresses for their mass domain registration
processes. This contact information is usually pub-
licly available using the registrar WHOIS service,
which would make it possible to track and identify
new potentially spammy domains. We also identified
several hosting services and registrars that were popu-
lar among SMS spammers. One of these registrars ac-
counted for more than 40% of spam domains, mostly
those used in adult and dating spam campaigns. Us-
ing this knowledge, it is possible to extract valuable
information about the domain registration process in
order to detect and predict new domain names that can
be potentially used in spam campaigns.
Table 1: Popularity ranking of spam domain naming key-
words per category.
Rank Adult and Gambling Finance Health Apps.
Dating and Loans
1 date system loan cure quiz
2 sex betting pay diet mobile
3 be roulette cash los mob
4 flirt sport payday to cell
5 mob click advance fat gana
6 my bank credit secret fun
7 ero pick my your win
8 dating win the in app
9 love bet secure weight bala
10 vie lottery now body mo
11 club the score for game
12 fun poker in fitnes yep
13 vid football online workout skill
14 girl to debt free thrill
15 single secret life health m
16 the lot money stop club
17 offer racing finder natural me
18 black winning for how blink
19 in lay quick solution play
20 gay profit rate get get
21 mobile pro usa life gold
22 shag cash tax garcinia zi
23 secure money free training hoch
24 match blackjack relief treatment yu
25 game bingo offer guide wi
26 partner best account day iu
27 sm soccer car and the
28 free horse holiday muscle kazoo
29 friend online auto skin dorado
30 local casino network now mundo
31 xxx vega first program dragonfly
32 video tipster pro plan sm
33 survey winner shop lose izz
34 and tip get power ring
35 just crusher of slim master
36 hookup bot your healthy score
37 meet crap daily max champion
We have seen many cases of algorithmically-
generated domain names taking into account variable-
length substrings. For spammers, good domain names
are those that contain keywords that give semantic in-
formation relevant to the campaign (e.g. meetnice-
girls or advancepaydaynow). Because SMS messages
are short, the URL is an important part of the mes-
sage and should be enticing to the victim. The strat-
egy for choosing domain names affects the success of
the spam campaign. We have compared the domain
names for different SMS spam campaigns by split-
ting them into variable-size n-grams and ranking the
top n-grams for each category, as shown in Table 1.
The keywords used in the domain name genera-
tion are not very different to high ranking keywords
entered into search engines for these niches. Simi-
larly, if we cluster the non-TLD part of the domain
name by n-gram we can see high-density clusters for
popular spam campaigns such as adult/dating or pay-
day loans as shown in Figure 1. These keywords can
be helpful in pre-emptive detection and categoriza-
2.2.2 Landing Pages
As mentioned in the previous section, the use of good
domain names seems to be critical for the success of
a spam campaign in the SMS world. These domains
Figure 1: Example of adult/dating domain clusters.
Figure 2: Example of changing landing pages in an
adult/dating campaign.
would then redirect to the affiliate link, or show an
interstitial Web page. The latter option seems to be
more popular in adult/dating campaigns in order to
hide credit card scams such as advertising fake age
verifications that end up in the subscription to several
adult services with subsequent credit card charges, or
for credibility purposes, e.g. by adding an unsub-
scribe button.
All landing pages of the spam domains were an-
alyzed in order to detect and track new campaigns.
While most of them remained constant during the du-
ration of the campaign, others evolved as the product
was changing. We have used clustering techniques
and extracted content and structural features from the
target pages in order to detect near-duplicates, such as
those shown in Figure 2. Additional campaigns were
also seen elsewhere, as identified by the network anal-
ysis mentioned earlier,and despite being global scams
(such as the work from home’ campaigns), they were
still reusing the same content and very similar compo-
2.2.3 Targeting Strategies
Random Generation. One of the most frequent tar-
geting strategies adopted by spammers is the random
generation of recipient phone numbers (Murynets and
Piqueras Jover, 2012), (Jiang et al., 2013). Generally,
these would be generated within a specific area code
but could also target different area codes or exchange
codes for the same campaign, or even hit the entire
phone number space. These campaigns are also quite
aggressive and usually generate high rates of spam
In the US, the sequence of target phone numbers
is a concatenation of three components, namely the
three digits of the area code, the three digits of the
exchange code (usually considered as part of the sub-
scriber number), and the last four digits of the sub-
scriber number. Figure 3 shows an example of an
adult/dating campaign using random generation, tar-
geting the same area code in this case, with occasional
increments in the exchange code.
Figure 3: Example of random generation in an adult/dating
As can be seen in Figure 3, these numbers were
uniformly generated. They perfectly fit the uniform
distribution using maximum likelihood for instance as
shown in Figure 4, with Q-Q and P-P plots showing
that the empirical data, representing the first thousand
instances of destination phone numbers here, comes
from the population with uniform distribution, as the
points perfectly fall along the reference lines.
Figure 4: Recipients fitting the uniform distribution.
There are a variety of goodness-of-fit tests in the
literature which would summarize the disparity be-
tween observed and expected values under a given
model. We have tested the most commonly used
ones, including Chi-Square, Kolmogorov-Smirnov,
Anderson-Darling, and Cramer-Von Mises. Most of
the spam traffic we have seen in the spam falls within
the uniform distribution as shown earlier. P-values re-
turned by these methods vary depending on the imple-
mentation, the random numbers generator, number of
bins, and how the data is binned. Presenting p-values
associated with each test might not be relevant here.
Note however that at the beginning of the observation
period, more than 50% of the spam traffic used ran-
dom generation of the recipient lists. However, we
have seen this number fall to about 20% as certain
campaigns primarily using it were being blocked and
hence losing their momentum.
Social Spam. Spammers are continually adopting
new platforms and technologies and using any chan-
nel available to drive the traffic. Social media as
a channel is seeing an astonishing rise in spam and
scam activities. There was a 355% increase in the first
half of 2013 according to Nexgate, a company spe-
cializing in the field of social Web security and com-
pliance. Social media is also used as a mean to drive
traffic to other channels, including the SMS world.
For instance, we have seen many targeted campaigns
initiated through adult sites and many chat and mo-
bile dating applications. This usually involves chat
bots engaging with online users and attempting to get
them to register for a given product so spammers will
earn referral and affiliate bonuses. In the SMS con-
versation example transcribed in Table 2, the victim
received an initial message from a chat bot through a
mobile dating application.
Since the emergence of Web 2.0 technologies,
spammers have always spread and collected informa-
tion through online forums, the blogosphere, com-
promised accounts and websites, and other targeted
sites. We have seen for instance compromised Face-
book accounts spreading lottery scam, compromised
Twitter accounts spreading “miracle diet” spam, com-
promised branded short domains used in targeted
spam campaigns on popular mobile applications like
Snapchat, Kik, and the list goes on (Narang, 2014).
We have also seen a sheer number of SMS campaigns
collecting phone numbers off classified ads sites and
use them in targeted spam campaigns. One particu-
larly nasty scam campaign involved a website claim-
ing to expose online prostitution solicitors. Spammers
were creating fake profiles on the target website using
phone numbers extracted from online ads and asking
for money (200$ to 500$) in order to remove the data
from the website. The message reads: *ALERT* You
are listed on [WEBSITE]/[PHONE NUMBER] for so-
liciting a prostitute online for sex. Go to the above
link to Delete your profile.
Low-volume Campaigns. Another common trick
used by spammers is to keep a low profile by sending
a low volumes of targeted spam. In the email world,
Table 2: Example of a subscriber engaging in SMS conver-
sation with a chat bot. Initiated on social media.
victim: Hey sexy...this is [NAME]..from [DATING APP]
bot: so i don’t have xrated pics online but i have a couple on my
phone... [LINK] ... now send me urs bby
victim: Yep..didn’t want to let u get
victim: I must say...I think you are just beautiful:P:P:P;)
bot: u like my shirt baby? haha want sum more??
bot: sum private pix babes, i want the dirty stuff
victim: Yes I do.....want all u wanna give...
.. .. .. Discussioncontinues with the chat bot sending links of adult
content to the victim, leading to a subscription on a scam dating site
bot: its free to join but it will ask for a card i think.. im gonna get
naughty and i cant have kids watching..
victim: I’m in now
bot: ok babe.. talk to you in there.. gonna put my phone to charge..
mwa! xoxo
this is usually botnet-driven using compromised ac-
counts. We have seen a range of under-the-radar spam
and scam campaigns, some of which use SMS gate-
ways or SMS through email. However, during the ob-
servation period, we did not see any proof of compro-
mised phones being used in spam campaigns. The
most persistent type of campaigns were essentially
’get rich quick’, ’work from home’, and fake lottery
campaigns. Table 3 shows what SMS through email
messages look like. These grew in volume throughout
the observed period, showing the constant evolution
of delivery methods used by spammers.
Table 3: Example of SMS through email spam.
MSG:You pumped to make a bunch cash online? Then go here: [LINK]
MSG:[BANK NAME] NOTICE: Your ACCOUNT has been Locked.
Please call [PHONE NUMBER].
When and where? We were also interested in the
’when’, ’where’ and ’how long’ of the observed cam-
paigns. Overall, more than 80% of recurrent cam-
paigns were initiated outside of working hours (late
afternoon/early morning), and on weekends. Cam-
paigns taking place during working hours had the
shortest lifespan amongst similar campaigns. This
is one of the reasons spammers generally work stag-
gered hours. We have also monitored several spam-
mers’ phone numbers (sometimes used in testing) and
we have found that some of them do indeed have le-
gitimate daytime jobs besides their illegal activities.
Further analysis of the area and exchange codes of
recipient phone numbers shows at least two recurrent
geo-targeting strategies that correlate with the previ-
ously described patterns; uniformly-generated recipi-
ents are usually focused on one or few geographic ar-
eas that they sweep trying to reach potential victims.
Moreover, spammers that use phone lists leaked from
databases or crawled from the Internet show a more
uniform geographic distribution where the most pop-
ulated areas are more affected, as shown if Figure 5.
Figure 5: Different geographic targeting for two recurrent
We also noticed a number of campaigns initiated
in the US and targeting foreign networks. One of the
more significant campaigns involved real estate spam,
written in Chinese, with a relatively large number
of variants and call-to-actions associated with them.
We have also seen spam and phishing campaigns, in
Spanish, targeting Central and South-American net-
works and subscribers. Typically, we would see 30
to 50 different languages weekly, which highlights
the multi-lingual challenges faced by spam filtering
methods and tools.
2.3 How Does it Evolve?
As mentioned in previous sections, spam campaigns
change over time by selecting new affiliate products,
registering new domains, changing the targeting strat-
egy, evolving the textual content of the messages,
or applying evading techniques such as obfuscation
in order to avert filters. The following section will
briefly describe concept drift and some of the tech-
niques used in some of the long-lasting campaigns,
namely lose-weight (rogue pharmacy), adult/dating,
and bank scams.
2.3.1 Campaign Drift
It was initially thought that, given their size, SMS
messages provided little room to create substantially
different content to evade filters. As it turns out, this
was not the case. The lack of context in SMS mes-
sages also makes it difficult to link campaigns and of-
fers even less information to work with, compared to
email spam for instance.
On the other hand, we have observed overlaps
with email and social media spam for some cam-
paigns, especially on Twitter and classified ads web-
sites. The latter is abused frequently as people usually
post their contact details including phone numbers,
which makes it low-hanging fruit for SMS spammers
who collect this data and use it to create personalized
attacks. It was also quite common to see that after
the initial campaign stops generating traffic or gets
blocked in one channel, spammers recycle the domain
for another one. There were also recurrent probes in
the analyzed SMS spam trying to reuse old domains
for new campaigns.
Lexical Variation and evading Techniques. Re-
current campaigns that are active for a long time usu-
ally exhibit a high level of lexical variation. These
message variants are generated by paraphrasing the
original message or replacing the call-to-action URL
or phone number. An example message reads: Eliza-
beth, this is what worked for her [LINK-REMOVED].
Some of the variants found in this high-volume lose-
weight campaign can be seen in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Different message variants in a lose-weight cam-
These lexical variations can be based on syn-
onyms or semantically related words as shown in Ta-
ble 4, but it can also involve the inclusion of mis-
spellings, slang, SMS-style contractions or phonetic
substitutions. As it has been shown in NLP literature,
these are good candidates for text normalization be-
fore using other techniques such as LSA or LDA in
order to lower the dimensionality of the data (Yvon,
Table 4: Examples of lexical variation in bank scam cam-
CARD Service ALERT: Your DEBIT-CARD has been BLOCK.
Please call [PHONE NUMBER]
Metro C.U. Alert: Your DEBIT-CARD has been DE-ACTIVATED.
Please call [PHONE NUMBER]
Your CARD starting with 440336 has been temporary FLAG.
Credit Union Mobile ALERT: Your VISA has been temporarily
SUSPENDED. Please call Cardholder Services 24hrs line [PHONE
Another interesting example of variation involves
the insertion of common keywords frequently used in
text messages (see Table 5). Taking into account n-
gram overlaps, these messages would be more diffi-
cult to filter by just using word occurrence vectors. So
any trained classifier on content-only features would
fail or generate a high number of false positives. Be-
cause the language used in these texts is very common
in non-spam (ham) messages, the only textual finger-
print that can be probably extracted in this case would
be the URL. Although quite common in other chan-
Table 5: Examples of keyword poisoning for adult cam-
[URL] that is what the website is called
Hi! You looked nice when i sawyou . Its Melanie, respond back to me
at [URL]
Hey watsup Its heather. Messsage me at [URL] my pics are up too.
Helllo , you were cute the other day, Textmessage me back at [URL]
its Katie
Hi i saw you the other day . i was too nervous to ask then but do u
want to talk . Is me on my profile at [URL]
Hey you were lookin good when i saw you, Its jasmine . Hit me back
at [URL]
Hi! You looked nice when i sawyou . Its Melanie, respond back to
me at [URL]
nels such as email or Web spam, we have not seen ad-
vanced obfuscation techniques in SMS spam besides
some recurrent car scrapping campaigns. We have
also seen rare instances of obfuscation using multipart
messages where the URL is split in order to evade the
filtering, or encoding obfuscation using injected Chi-
nese, Korean and other characters that cannot be en-
coded in GSM 7-bit and need UTF-16, which would
usually be triggered in newer devices, and should not
be an issue. Some common tricks used by spammers
include the use of interleaved spaces between all char-
acters and number/letter substitutions of visually sim-
ilar tokens. We have also seen the use of simple anti-
URL detection measures such as interleaving a space
before the dot or replacing it with the word dot in sev-
eral messages.
SMS spam has proven more challenging than ex-
pected; in content-based filtering for instance, where
the length of these messages gives little material to
work with and makes misclassification more likely.
The language used in SMS messages, which contains
extra linguistic challenges with abbreviations, pho-
netic contractions, bad punctuation and so on. There
is also far less context compared to email for instance
and information found in headers. In addition, con-
cept drift happens more quickly in the mobile world,
with campaigns running for a much shorter period of
time, and spammers being far more reactive and re-
A large number of filtering techniques have been
applied to SMS spam including traditional content-
based filtering using regular expressions, supervised
and non-supervised machine learning techniques,
evolutionary algorithms, crowd-sourcing, and many
content-less methods based on features of the net-
work, temporal analysis, reputation, and so on (De-
lany et al., 2012). We have tested the efficacy of many
of these methods in dealing with real-world issues and
the increased sophistication we have seen in the SMS
As mentioned in the previous section, campaigns
that exhibit a high lexical variability proved to be
more challenging in terms of filtering. We have seen
thousands of variants of the previously mentioned
bank scam, but its textual patterns can still be inferred
by taking into account common n-grams and subse-
quences. In this case, using a variant of the Aho-
Corasick algorithm, extracted textual patterns were
compiled into regular expressions.
Figure 7: Automatically-evolved regular expression filter
for bank scam campaigns.
With an aim to maximize the detection cover-
age and minimize the chance of false positives, the
previously obtained regexes were combined using
an evolutionary algorithm, discarding the ones that
match ham messages and giving more weight to the
most successful ones. The highest ranked regular ex-
pression in our experiments obtained a 98% match-
ing coverage with unique bank/card scam messages
without generating any false positive (see Figure 7).
However, the high complexity of the generated reg-
ular expressions would have a strong performance
impact, showing that traditional filtering techniques
should be adapted in order to deal with these kinds of
continuously-evolving threats.
Another interesting challenge in SMS filtering is
how to provide additional perspectives on the little
information contained in the messages. CTA fin-
gerprinting results in ordinary conversations, which
included references to spam URLs, phone numbers,
etc., to be filtered as well. The question is then; how
to differentiate semantic territories of text messages?
There are a range of NLP techniques with tentative
solutions to this issue and to a more general case of
differentiating ’meanings’ attached to text. We have
tested LSA (Latent Semantic Analysis) - mentioned
before as a pre-processing method to other classifiers,
but it can also be solely used as a classifier - and also
LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation). LSA is a bag-
of-words model that represents word co-occurrences,
meaning the structure within the documents is not
maintained. LDA on the other hand can be seen as
a mixture of topics that splits out words with certain
probabilities, so if applied to a set of documents and
topics, it will output topic representations for each
Models have successfully been populated with
representatives of important campaigns, including the
bank scam mentioned earlier, to be used in block-
ing. If the cosine distance of any incoming message is
higher than a certain threshold, it represents an actual
spam, as opposed to a message including the CTA.
The higher the threshold the more accurate the model
is, which can be tuned to avoid false positives. The
case of forwarding however is a lost cause and would
still be blocked.
Other important challenges ahead of mobile mes-
saging abuse are bot-driven campaigns mentioned
earlier, whether originating from ordinary phone
numbers belonging to spammers, or infected mobiles.
During the analyzed period, we saw an instance of a
campaign distributing malware, which was a Trojan
SMS Agent /Opfake, representing a variant of a con-
tinually evolving infection typically used to send text
messages from infected mobile devices to premium
rate numbers. This malicious application creates a
mobile botnet by sending malicious links to numbers
in the contact list via SMS. Analysis of command-
and-control (C&C) activities revealed a wide spread
in a short period of time, from the initial infected de-
vices in Egypt reporting to the C&C server, to tens of
thousandsof SMS messages sent in the US, South Ko-
rea, India, and many other countries. This highlights
the importance of defenses at the client side, as well
as preventing malicious messaging, whether internal
to operators or across borders.
Although we have not seen an increase in volume, we
have come across a relatively high level of sophistica-
tion in the SMS spam world. The mobile ecosystem
is also undergoing major developments, with an in-
creased in the market share of smartphones, and the
wider adoption of IP-messaging over text messaging,
but this is not necessarily taking the heat off mobile
network operators. We have seen evidence that spam-
mers are using multiple delivery channels and are by
no means abandoning SMS messages just yet. Unlim-
ited text plans and the trusted nature of text messages
will always attract attackers and make it necessary for
operators to deploy effective defenses. This paper has
described the SMS spam ecosystem, covered some of
the most effective counter measures to a wide range
of SMS spam, along with the trends and challenges
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