Active Vibration Control of a Super Element Model of a Thin-walled
Nader Ghareeb
and R¨udiger Schmidt
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Australian College of Kuwait, Kuwait City, Kuwait
Institute of General Mechanics, RWTH Aachen University of Technology, Aachen, Germany
Super Element, Lyapunov Stability Function Controller, Positive Position Feedback, Strain Rate Feedback.
Reducing vibration in flexible structures has become a pivotal engineering problem and shifted the focus of
many research endeavors. One technique to achieve this target is to implement an active control system. A
conventional active control system is composed of a vibrating structure, a sensor to perceive the vibration,
an actuator to counteract the influence of disturbances causing vibration, and finally a controller to generate
the appropriate control signals. In this work, different linear controllers are used to attenuate the vibrations
of a cantilevered smart beam excited by its first eigenmode. A finite element (FE) model of the smart beam
is initially created and then modified by using experimental data. The FE model is then reduced to a super
element (SE) model with a finite number of degrees of freedom (DOF). Controllers are applied directly to the
SE and the results are presented and compared.
In modern engineering, weight optimization has a pri-
ority during the design of structures. However, opti-
mizing the weight results in lower stiffness and less
internal damping, causing the structure to become ex-
cessively prone to vibration. Vibration can lead to
additional noise, a decrease in stability, and even to
the failure of the structure itself (Ghareeb and Radov-
cic, 2009). To overcome this problem, active or smart
materials are implemented. The coupled electrome-
chanical properties of smart materials, which are il-
lustrated here in the form of piezoelectric ceram-
ics, make these smart materials well-suited for be-
ing used as distributed sensors and actuators for con-
troling structural response. Although the piezoelec-
tric effect was first mentioned by Ha¨uy in 1817 and
demonstratedby Pierre and Jacques Curie in 1880, the
use of piezoelectric materials as actuators and sensors
for noise and vibration control has only been demon-
strated extensively over the past thirty years (Piefort,
2001). Bailey (Bailey, 1984) designed an active vibra-
tion damper for a cantilever beam using a distributed
parameter actuator consisting of a piezoelectric poly-
mer. Bailey and Hubbard (Bailey and Jr., 1985) de-
veloped and implemented three different control algo-
rithms to control the cantilevered beam vibration with
piezoactuators. Further, Crawley and de Luis (Craw-
ley and de Luis, 1987) and Crawley and Anderson
(Crawley and Anderson, 1990) presented a rigorous
study on the stress-strain-voltage behaviour of piezo-
electric elements bonded to beams. They observed
that the effective moments resulting from piezoactu-
ators can be regarded as concentrated at both ends of
the actuator while assuming a very thin bonding layer.
The practical implementation and use of the
piezoelectric actuators has been investigated in stud-
ies such as (Fanson and Chen, 1986) and (Moheimani
and Fleming, 2006). This work emphasizes the ca-
pabilities and applications of piezoelements as dis-
tributed vibration actuators and sensors by simulta-
neously controling a finite number of the infinite set
of modes of the actual system. On the other hand,
the majority of investigations were carried out ei-
ther through experiments on the real model as in
(Waghulde et al., 2010),(Block and Strganan, 1998),
or by using 2D or 3D FE models of the smart struc-
ture as in (Varadan et al., 1996),(Allik and Hughes,
1970). However, in the FE work, the damping coeffi-
cients were not calculated but rather assumed, which
may not reflect the exact performance of the real
The present work comprises the modeling and de-
sign of different active linear controllers to attenu-
ate the vibration of a cantilevered smart beam excited
by its first eigenmode. The piezoactuator is initially
Ghareeb N. and Schmidt R..
Active Vibration Control of a Super Element Model of a Thin-walled Structure.
DOI: 10.5220/0005027206570664
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2014), pages 657-664
ISBN: 978-989-758-039-0
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)