distribution of the TMA
could be measured and,
knowing the relative diffusion coefficients of TMA
and the drug, the drug distribution could be
calculated. From our results we showed that neurons
within a sphere less than 300 μm radius away from
the point source must be exposed to the drug and
they will produce a respond, and all neurons outside
this area will be exposed to almost negligible
concentrations and probably the drug will not show
an effect on them.
Therefore, our study may help doctors and
patients to attain efficient drug delivery, i.e. by
choosing the appropriate drug knowing its density
and diffusion factor and the location of the injection.
Apart from the clinical relevance of these studies,
they also provide a paradigm of how diffusion
analysis can be used to address other types of
question by using the co-diffusion of substances, one
of which has a ‘reporter’ role. A major reason for
introducing drugs is to fight cancerous tumors and
many studies have involved chemotherapy agents.
Tumors often have diffusion characteristics that
differ from normal tissue and this has made it
difficult to introduce many drugs that show an effect
on them, including large antibodies, that could
otherwise be effective agents (Lehmenkuhler et al.,
1991). The delivery of Dopamine to alleviate
Parkinson’s disease is another area where much
work has been done. Dopamine alleviates the effects
of Parkinson’s disease but, sadly, the treatment does
not offer a permanent cure because, for unknown
reasons, the treatment becomes ineffective after a
period of some months or years. This led to attempts
to implant sources of Dopamine in the brain directly,
most notably grafts of tissue or encapsulated
populations of dopamine-producing cells. Recently
there has been interest also in the delivery of
substances like nerve-growth factor (NGF) that may
be capable of reversing some of the effects of
Alzheimer’s disease (Krewson et al., 1995). All of
these reasons give us motivation for future work to
conduct more research on the diffusion equation in
the ECS, and on the concentration distribution with
different parameter values and with different drug
therapies and extend this work with specialists in the
drug therapy research labs to transform these
theoretical results to actual experimental results.
Furthermore, the neural networks are originally
designed to operate similarly to the brain’s functions
and that can give us more insight on diffusion in the
ECS of the brain than any other numerical method,
hence it will be beneficial in future work to use
different neural networks as models of the ECS
activities in the brain and fully make use of the
dynamics and full potentials of neural networks in
this area .
Special thanks to Dr. Guy Moss of the
Pharmacology Department at University College
London for suggesting the problem and the
constructive discussions.
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