Figure 7: Box-plot of the variance for every one of the 20
3.4 Results
We performed a cross-validation of the network.
The dataset was randomly partitioned in 6 groups
called “folds”: a single fold was used as validation
set while the remaining 5 as training set. The process
was repeated 6 times, with each 6 folds used exactly
once as the validation set. Finally, the 6 results were
combined together.
Results are summarized in Table 3. We have a
dataset of 36 instances, 18 of which are expert (2
sessions for every expert subject) and 18 are
novices; 94.4% of the instances are correctly
classified, while 5.6% are incorrectly classified.
Table 3: Confusion matrix.
Classified as
Classified as
16 2 Expert
0 18 Novice
TP (true positive) rate for experts is 0.889, and
for novices is 1, while FP rate for experts is 0 and
for novices is 0.111.
We designed and developed a system for the
evaluation of the skill of a surgeon while performing
a suture. The system makes use of a sensory glove to
obtain the exact position of the hand and movements
of the fingers. Features were extracted by re-
sampling data from the glove in order to give the
same duration to all the gestures, and then averaging
the values of the 20 sensor in windows of 50
samples. The total number of features was reduced
using the Correlation-based Feature Subset
Selection, with forward selection. Finally, the
median of the duration of the gesture was added to
the feature set. The dataset was classified by means
of a neural network. Results of a 6-folds cross-
validation showed a correct recognition of 94.4%.
By looking at the dispersion of the acquired data,
we noticed that, in general, experts have a lower
dispersion among them with respect to novices,
underlining a more systematic approach. We
exploited this by using an algorithm that reduces the
number of feature by considering only the most
effective one. Possible future enhancements include
the analysis of the dispersion among different
repetition in the same session: this information could
be used as an additional useful input to the classifier.
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