Incorporating Guest Preferences into Collaborative Filtering for Hotel
Fumiyo Fukumoto
, Hiroki Sugiyama
, Yoshimi Suzuki
and Suguru Matsuyoshi
Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Engineering, Univ. of Yamanashi, Kofu, Japan
Faculty of Engineering, Univ. of Yamanashi, Kofu, Japan
Collaborative Filtering, Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Recommendation System, Transition Probability.
Collaborative filtering (CF) has been widely used as a filtering technique because it is not necessary to apply
more complicated content analysis. However, it is difficult to take users’ preferences/criteria related to the
aspects of a product/hotel into account. This paper presents a method of hotel recommendation that incorpo-
rates different aspects of a product/hotel to improve quality of the score. We used the results of aspect-based
sentiment analysis for guest preferences. The empirical evaluation using Rakuten Japanese travel data showed
that aspect-based sentiment analysis improves overall performance. Moreover, we found that it is effective for
finding hotels that have never been stayed at but share the same neighborhoods.
Collaborative filtering (CF) identifies the potential
preference of a consumer/guest for a new prod-
uct/hotel by using only the information collected from
other consumers/guests with similar products/hotels
in the database. It is a simple technique as it is not
necessary to apply more complicated content analy-
sis compared to the content-based filtering framework
(Balabanovic and Shoham, 1997). CF has been very
successful in both research and practical systems as it
has been widely studied (Huang et al., 2004; Yildirim
and Krishnamoorthy, 2008; Liu and Yang, 2008; Li
et al., 2009; Lathia et al., 2010; Zhao et al., 2013),
and many practical systems such as Amazon for book
recommendation and Expedia for hotel recommenda-
tion have been developed.
Item-based collaborativefiltering is one of the ma-
jor recommendation algorithms (Sarwar et al., 2001;
Zhao et al., 2013) because of its simplicity. The algo-
rithms assume that the consumers/guests are likely to
prefer product/hotel that are similar to what they have
bought/stayed before. Unfortunately, most of them
only consider star ratings and leave consumers/guests
textual reviews. Several authors focused on the prob-
lem, and attempted to improve recommendation re-
sults by using the techniques on text analysis such
as sentiment analysis, opinion mining, or informa-
tion extraction (Cane et al., 2006; Niklas et al., 2009;
Raghavan et al., 2012). However, major approaches
aim at finding the positive/negative opinions for the
product/hotel, and do not take users preferences re-
lated to the aspects of a product/hotel into account.
For instance, one guest is interested in a nice restau-
rant for selecting hotels for her/his vacation, while an-
other guest, e.g., a businessman prefers to the hotel
which is close to the station. In this case, the aspect
of the former is different from that of the latter.
This paper presents a collaborative filtering
method for hotel recommendationincorporating guest
preferences. We rank hotels according to scores. The
score is obtained by using the analysis of different
aspects of guest preferences. The method utilizes a
large amount of guest reviews which make it possi-
ble to solve the item-based filtering problem of data
sparseness, i.e., some items were not assigned a label
of users preferences. We used the results of aspect-
based sentiment analysis to recommend hotels be-
cause whether or not the hotel can be recommended
depends on the guest preferences related to the as-
pects of a hotel. For instance, if one guest stays at
hotels for her/his vacation, a room with nice views
may be an important factor to select hotels, whereas
another guest who stays at hotels for business, hotels
with close to the station may be selected.
We parsed all reviews by using syntactic analyzer,
and extracted dependency triples which represent the
relationship between aspect and its preference. For
each aspect of a hotel, we identified the guest opin-
ion, e.g., the aspect, service is good or not, based
Fukumoto F., Sugiyama H., Suzuki Y. and Matsuyoshi S..
Incorporating Guest Preferences into Collaborative Filtering for Hotel Recommendation.
DOI: 10.5220/0005034000220030
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2014), pages 22-30
ISBN: 978-989-758-048-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
on the dependency triples in the guest reviews. The
positive/negative opinion on some aspect is used to
calculate transitive association between hotels. Fi-
nally, we scored hotels by Markov Random Walk
(MRW) model, i.e., we used MRW based recommen-
dation technique to explore transitive associations be-
tween the hotels. Random Walk based recommenda-
tion overcomes the item-based CF problem that the
inability to explore transitive associations between the
hotels that have never been stayed but share the same
neighborhoods (Li et al., 2009).
CF mainly consists of two procedures, prediction and
recommendation (Sarwar et al., 2001). Here, predic-
tion refers to a numerical value expressing the pre-
dicted likeliness of item for user, and recommenda-
tion is a list of items that the user will like the most.
As the volume of online reviews has drastically in-
creased, sentiment analysis, opinion mining, and in-
formation extraction for the process of prediction are
a practical problem attracting more and more atten-
tion. Several efforts have been made to utilize these
techniques to recommend products (Niklas et al.,
2009; Faridani, 2011). Cane et. al have attempted
to elicit user preferences expressed in textual reviews,
and map such preferences onto some rating scales that
can be understood by existing CF algorithms (Cane
et al., 2006). They identified sentiment orientations of
opinions by using a relative-frequency-based method
that estimates the strength of a word with respect to a
certain sentiment class as the relative frequency of its
occurrence in the class. The results using movie re-
views from the Internet Movie Database (IMDb) for
the MovieLens 100k dataset showed the effectiveness
of the method, while the sentiment analysis they used
is limited, i.e., they used only adjectives or verbs.
Niklas et. al have attempted to improve the accu-
racy of movie recommendations by using the results
of opinion extraction from free-text reviews (Niklas
et al., 2009). They presented three approaches: (i)
manual clustering, (ii) semi-automatic clustering by
Explicit Semantic Analysis (ESA), and (iii) fully
automatic clustering by Latent Dirichlet Allocation
(LDA) (Blei et al., 2003) to extract movie aspects
as opinion targets, and used them as features for the
collaborative filtering. The results using 100 random
users from the IMDb showed that the LDA-based
movie aspect extraction yields the best results. Our
work is similar to Niklas et. al method in the use
of LDA. The difference is that our approach applied
LDA to the dependency triples while Niklas applied
LDA to single words. Raghavan et. al have attempted
to improve the performance of collaborative filter-
ing in recommender systems by incorporating quality
scores to ratings (Raghavan et al., 2012). The quality
scores are used to decide the importance given to the
individual rating. Their method using quality scores
consists of two steps. In the first step, the quality
scores of ratings using the review and user data set
are estimated. The second step involves rating by us-
ing the quality scores as weights. They adapted the
probabilistic matrix factorization (PMF) framework.
The PMF aims at inferring latent factors of users and
items from the available ratings. The experimental
evaluation on two product categories of a benchmark
data set, i.e., Book and Audio CDs from
showed the efficacy of the method.
In the context of recommendation, several au-
thors have attempted to rank items by using graph-
based ranking algorithms (Yin et al., 2010; L.Li et al.,
2014). Wijaya et. al have attempted to rank items di-
rectly from the text of their reviews (Wijaya and Bres-
san, 2008). They constructed a sentiment graph by
using simple contextual relationships such as colloca-
tion, negative collocation and coordination by pivot
words such as conjunctions and adverbs. They ap-
plied PageRank algorithm to the graph to rank items.
They reported that the results using 50 movies ran-
domly selected from box office list of Nov. 2007 to
Feb. 2008 showed effectiveness of their method while
combination of positive and negative orientation did
not work well in a linear fashion.
Li et. al proposed a basket-sensitive random walk
model for personalized recommendation in the gro-
cery shopping domain (Li et al., 2009). The method
extends the basic random walk model by calculating
the product similarities through a weighted bi-partite
network which allows the current shopping behaviors
to influence the product ranking. Empirical results us-
ing three real-world data sets, LeShop, TaFeng and
an anonymous Belgium retailer showed that a perfor-
mance improvement of the method over other existing
collaborative filtering models, the cosine, conditional
probability and the bi-partite network based similar-
ities. However, the transition probability from one
product node to another product node is computed
based on a user’s purchase frequency of a product
with regardless of the users’ positive or negative opin-
ions concerning to the product.
There are three novel aspects in our method.
Firstly, we propose a method to incorporate differ-
ent aspect of a hotel into users preferences/criteria
to improve quality of recommendation. Secondly,
from a ranking perspective, the MRW model we used
is calculated based on the polarities of reviews. Fi-
1. Aspect analysis
2. Pos/Neg opinion detection
3. Pos/Neg review
4. Scoring hotels by
MRW model
Training reviews
Test reviews
pos review
neg review
1. 䞉䞉䞉䞉
2. 䞉䞉䞉䞉
3. 䞉䞉䞉䞉
Figure 1: Overview of the method.
nally, from the opinion mining perspective, we pro-
pose overcoming with the unknown polarized words
by utilizing LDA.
Figure 1 illustrates an overview of the method. It
consists of four steps: (1) Aspect analysis, (2) Posi-
tive/negative opinion detection based on aspect anal-
ysis, (3) Positive/negative review identification, and
(4) Scoring hotels by MRW model.
3.1 Aspect Analysis
The first step to recommend hotels based on guest
preferences is to extract aspects for each hotel from
a guest review corpus. All reviews were parsed by the
syntactic analyzer CaboCha (Kudo and Matsumoto,
2003), and all the dependency triples (rel, x, y) are
extracted. Here, x refers to a noun/compound noun
word related to the aspect. y shows verb or adjec-
tive word related to the preference for the aspect. rel
denotes a grammatical relationship between x and y.
We classified rel into 9 types of Japanese particle,
ga(ha)”, “wo”, “ni”, “he”, “to”, “de”, “yori”, “kara
and made. For instance, from the sentence Cy-
ousyoku (breakfast) ga totemo (very) yokatta (good).
(The breakfast was very good.), we can obtain the de-
pendency triplet, (ga, cyousyoku, yokatta). The triplet
represents positive opinion, yokatta”(good) concern-
ing to the aspect, “Cyousyoku”(meal).
3.2 Positive/Negative Opinion Detection
We identified positive/negative opinion based on the
aspects of a hotel. We classified aspects into seven
types: “Location”, “Room”, “Meal”, “Spa”, “Ser-
vice”, “Amenity”, and “Overall”. These types are de-
fined by Rakuten travel
. For each aspect, we identi-
fied positive/negative opinion by using Japanese sen-
timent polarity dictionary (Kobayashi et al., 2005),
i.e., we regarded the extracted dependency triplet as
positive/negativeopinion if y in the triplet (rel, x, y) is
classified into positive/negative classes in the dictio-
nary. However, the dictionary makes it nearly impos-
sible to cover all of the words in the review corpus.
For unknown verb or adjective words that were
extracted from the review corpus, but did not ap-
pear in any of the dictionary classes, we classified
them into positive or negative class by using a topic
model. Topic models such as probabilistic latent se-
mantic indexing (Hofmann, 1999) and Latent Dirich-
let Allocation (LDA) (Blei et al., 2003) are based
on the idea that documents are mixtures of topics,
where each topic is captured by a distribution over
words. The topic probabilities provide an explicit
low-dimensional representation of a document. They
have been successfully used in many domains such
as text modeling and collaborative filtering (Li et al.,
2013). We used LDA and classified unknown words
into positive/negative classes. LDA presented by
(Blei et al., 2003) models each document as a mixture
of topics, and generates a discrete probability distri-
bution over words for each topic. The generative pro-
cess for LDA can be described as follows:
1. For each topic k = 1, ···, K, generate φ
, multino-
mial distribution of words specific to the topic k
from a Dirichlet distribution with parameter β;
2. For each document d = 1, ···, D, generate θ
multinomial distribution of topics specific to the
document d from a Dirichlet distribution with pa-
rameter α;
3. For each word n = 1, ···, N
in document d;
(a) Generate a topic z
of the n
word in the doc-
ument d from the multinomial distribution θ
(b) Generate a word w
, the word associated with
the n
word in document d from multinomial
Like much previous work on LDA, we used Gibbs
sampling to estimate φ and θ. The sampling probabil-
ity for topic z
in document d is given by:
| z
,W) =
\i, j
+ β)(n
\i, j
+ α)
\i, j
+ Tα)
. (1)
refers to a topic set Z, not including the current
assignment z
. n
\i, j
is the count of word v in topic j
that does not include the current assignment z
, and
(ga, heya, yoi)
room was nice
(ha, heya, good-da)
room was nice
(ga, heya, insyouteki)
room was impressive
(ha, heya, kakubetu-da)
room was very nice
(ha, heya, semai)
room was small
(ga, heya, niou)
room smells of a cigarette
Figure 2: Clusters obtained by LDA.
\i, j
indicates a summation over that dimension. W
refers to a set of documents, and T denotes the total
number of unique topics. After a sufficient number
of sampling iterations, the approximated posterior can
be used to estimate φ and θ by examining the counts
of word assignments to topics and topic occurrences
in documents. The approximated probability of topic
k in the document d,
, and the assignments word w
to topic k,
are given by:
+ α
+ αK
. (2)
+ β
+ βV
. (3)
For each aspect, we manually collected reviews
and created a review set. We applied LDA to each
set of reviews consisted of triples. We need to esti-
mate the number of topics k for the result obtained
by LDA. Figure 2 illustrates the result obtained by
LDA. The aspect type is “room”. The triplet marked
with box includes unknown adjective words. We can
see from Figure 2 that the result can be regarded as a
clustering result: each element of the clusters is pos-
itive/negative opinion according to the sentiment po-
larity dictionary, or unknown words. We estimated
the number of topics (clusters) k by using Entropy
measure given by:
E =
k refers to the number of clusters. P(A
) is a prob-
ability that the elements of the cluster C
assigned to
the correct class A
. N denotes the total number of
elements and N
shows the total number of elements
assigned to the clusterC
. The value of E ranges from
0 to 1, and the smaller value of E indicates better re-
sult. We chose the parameter k whose value of E is
smallest. For each cluster, if the number of positive
opinion is larger than those of negative ones, we re-
garded a triplet including unknownword in the cluster
as positive and vice versa. For example, yoi”(nice)
in the Topic
id1 cluster shown in Figure 2 is regarded
to a positive as the number of positive and negative
were one and zero, respectively.
3.3 Positive/Negative Review
We used the result of positive/negative opinion detec-
tion to classify guest reviews into positive or nega-
tive related to the aspect. Like much previous work
on sentiment analysis based on supervised machine
learning techniques (Turney, 2002) or corpus-based
statistics, we used Support Vector Machine (SVMs)
to annotate automatically (Joachims, 1998). For
each aspect, we collected positive/negative opinion
(triples) from the results of LDA
. Each review in the
test data is represented as a vector where each dimen-
sion of a vector is positive/negative triplet appeared
in the review, and the value of each dimension is a
frequency count of the triplet. For each aspect, the
classification of each review can be regarded as a two-
class problem: positive or negative.
3.4 Scoring Hotels by MRW Model
The final procedure for recommendation is to rank
each hotel. We used a ranking algorithm, the MRW
model that has been successfully used in Web-link
analysis, social networks (Xue et al., 2005), and rec-
ommendation (Li et al., 2009; Yin et al., 2010; L.Li
et al., 2014). We applied the algorithm to rank hotels.
Given a set of hotels H, Gr = (H, E) is a graph re-
flecting the relationships between hotels in the set. H
is the set of nodes, and each node h
in H refers to the
hotel. E is a set of edges, which is a subset of H ×
H. Each edge e
in E is associated with an affinity
weight f(i j) between hotels h
and h
(i 6= j). The
weight of each edge is a value of transition probability
| h
) between h
and h
, and defined by:
| h
) =
. (5)
Eq. (5) shows the preference voting for target hotel h
from all the guests in Gr who stayed at h
. We note
that we classified reviews into positive/negative. We
used the results to improve the quality of score. More
We used the clusters that the number of positive and
negative words is not equal.
precisely, we used positive review counts to calcu-
late transition probability, i.e., c(g
) and c(g
in Eq. (5) refer to the lodging count that the guest g
reviewed the hotel h
) as positive. P(h
| h
) in Eq.
(5) is the marginal probability distribution over all the
guests. The transition probability obtained by Eq. (5)
shows a weight assigned to the edge between hotels
and h
We used the row-normalized matrix U
to describe Gr with each entry corre-
sponding to the transition probability, where U
| h
). To make U a stochastic matrix, the rows
with all zero elements are replaced by a smoothing
vector with all elements set to
. The matrix form
of the recommendation score Score(h
) can be formu-
lated in a recursive form as in the MRW model:
λ =
~e, where
λ = [Score(h
is a vector
of saliency scores for the hotels. ~e is a column vector
with all elements equal to 1. µ is a damping factor.
We set µ to 0.85, as in the PageRank (Brin and Page,
1998). The final transition matrix is given by:
M = µU
(1 µ)
| H |
. (6)
Each score is obtained by the principal eigenvector of
the new transition matrix M. We applied the algo-
rithm to the graph. The higher score based on tran-
sition probability the hotel has, the more suitable the
hotel is recommended. For each aspect, we chose the
topmost k hotels according to rank score. For each se-
lected hotel, if the negative review is not included in
the hotel reviews, we regarded the hotel as a recom-
mendation hotel.
4.1 Data
We used Rakuten travel data
. It consists of 11,468
hotels, 348,564 reviews submitted from 157,729
guests. We used plda
to assign positive/negative tag
to the aspects. For each aspect, we estimated the num-
ber of topics (clusters) by searching in steps of 100
from 200 to 1,000. Table 1 shows the minimum en-
tropy value and the number of topics for each aspect.
As shown in Table 1, the number of topics ranges
from 500 to 700. For each of the seven aspects, we
used these number of topics in the experiments. We
Table 1: The minimum entropy value and the # of topics.
Aspect Entropy Topics
Location 0.209 700
Room 0.460 600
0.194 700
Spa 0.232 500
0.226 700
Amenity 0.413 600
Overall 0.202 700
used linear kernel of SVM-Light (Joachims, 1998)
and set all parameters to their default values. All re-
views were parsed by the syntactic analyzer CaboCha
(Kudo and Matsumoto, 2003), and 633,634 depen-
dency triples are extracted. We used them in the ex-
We had an experiment to classify reviews into pos-
itive or negative. For each aspect, we chose the top-
most 300 hotels whose number of reviews are large.
We manually annotated these reviews. The evalua-
tion is made by two humans. The classification is
determined to be correct if two human judges agree.
We obtained 400 reviews consisting 200 positive and
200 negative reviews. 400 reviews are trained by
using SVMs for each aspect, and classifiers are ob-
tained. We randomly selected another 100 test re-
views from the topmost 300 hotels, and used them as
test data. Each of the test data was classified into pos-
itive or negative by SVMs classifiers. The process is
repeated five times. As a result, the macro-averaged
F-score concerning to positive across seven aspects
was 0.922, and the F-score for negative was 0.720.
For each aspect, we added the reviews classified by
SVMs to the original 400 training reviews, and used
them as a training data to classify test reviews.
We created the data which is used to test our rec-
ommendation method. More precisely, we used the
topmost 100 guests staying at a large number of dif-
ferent hotels as recommendation. For each of the 100
guests, we sorted hotels in chronological order. We
used these with the latest five hotels as test data. To
score hotels by MRW model, we used guest data stay-
ing at more than three times. The data is shown in Ta-
ble 2. “Hotels” and “Different hotels” in Table 2 refer
to the total number of hotels, and the number of dif-
ferent hotels that the guests stayed at more than three
times, respectively. “Guests” shows the total number
of guests who stayed at one of the “Different hotels”.
“Reviews” shows the number of reviews with these
For evaluation measure used in recommendation,
we used MAP (Mean-Averaged Precision) (Yates and
Neto, 1999). For a given set of guests G = {g
, · ·· ,
}, and H = {h
, · ·· , h
} be a set of hotels that
Table 2: Data used in the experiments.
Hotels 30,358
Different hotels
Guests 23,042
Table 3: Recommendation results.
Method MAP
Trans. pro. without review 0.257
Content Words 0.304
Without reviews by SVMs 0.356
Without neg review filtering 0.378
Aspect-based SA 0.392
should be recommended for a guest g
, the MAP of G
is given by:
MAP(G) =
| G |
in Eq. (7) refers to the set of ranked retrieval
results from the top result until we get hotel h
Precision indicates a ratio of correct recommendation
hotels by the system divided by the total number of
recommendation hotels.
4.2 Recommendation Results
We compared the results obtained by our method,
aspect-based sentiment analysis (ASA) with the fol-
lowing four approaches to examine how the results of
each method affect the overall performance.
1. Transition probabilities without review (TPWoR)
The probabilityP(h
| h
) used in the method is the
preference voting for the target hotel h
from all
the guests in a set G who stayed at h
, regardless
of positive or negative review of G.
2. Content Words (CW)
The difference between content words method
and our method, ASA is that the former applies
LDA to the content words.
3. Without reviews classified by SVMs (WoR)
SVMs used in this method classifies test data by
using only the original 400 training reviews.
4. Without negative review filtering (WoNRF)
The method selected the topmost k hotels accord-
ing to the MRW model, and the method dose not
use negative reviews as a filtering.
Table 3 shows averaged MAP across seven aspects.
As we can see from Table 3 that aspect-based senti-
ment analysis was the best among four baselines, and
Transition probabilities
Content words
Without reviews classified by SVMs
Without negative review filtering
Aspect-based sentiment analysis
Figure 3: The results against each aspect.
MAP score attained at 0.392. The result obtained by
transition probability without review was worse than
any other results. This shows that the use of guest
review information is effective for recommendation.
Table 3 shows that the result obtained by content
words method was worse than the result obtained by
aspect-based sentiment analysis, and even worse than
the results without reviews classified by SVMs (WoR)
and without negative review filtering (WoNRF). Fur-
thermore, we can see from Table 3 that negative re-
view filtering was a small contribution, i.e., the im-
provement was 0.014 as the result without negative
review filtering was 0.378 and aspect-based SA was
0.392. One reason is that the accuracy of negative re-
view identification. The macro-averagedF-score con-
cerning to negative across seven aspects was 0.720,
while the F-score for positive was 0.922. Negative re-
view filtering depends on the performance of negative
review identification. Therefore, it will be necessary
to examine features other than word triples to improve
negative review identification.
Table 4 shows sample clusters regarded as posi-
tive for three aspects, “location”, “room”, and “meal”
obtained by LDA. Each cluster shows the top 5 triples
and content words. We observed that the extracted
triples show positive opinion for each aspect. This in-
dicates that aspect extraction contributes to improve
overall performance. In contrast, some words such as
yoi (be good) and manzoku (satisfy) in content word
based clusters appear across aspects. Similarly, some
words such as ricchi (location) and cyousyoku (break-
fast) which appeared in negative cluster are an ob-
stacle to identify positive/negative reviews in SVMs
It is very important to compare the results of our
method with four baselines against each aspect. Fig-
ure 3 shows MAP against each aspect. The results ob-
tained by aspect-based sentiment analysis were statis-
Table 4: Top 5 triples and content words.
Aspects Content Words
Location Room Meal Location Room Meal
(ni, eki, chikai) (ga, heya, yoi) (ga, shokuji, yoi) ricchi heya syokuji
be near to the station room was nice breakfast was nice location room meal
(ha, hotel, chikai) (ha, heya, hiroi) (ha, shokuji, yoi) eki hiroi yoi
the hotel is close the room is wide meal was nice station be wide be good
(ni, hotel, chikai) (ga, heya, kirei) (ha, restaurant, good) yoi kirei cyousyoku
be near to the hotel
A room is clean a restaurant is good be good be clean breakfast
(ni, parking, chikai) (de , sugoseru, heya) (ha, restaurant, yoi) mise manzoku oishii
be near to the can spend restaurant is nice store satisfy be delicious
parking in the room
(ga, konbini, aru) (ha, heya, jyuubun) (ha, buffet, yoi) subarashii yoi manzoku
be near to the
a room is Buffet is delicious be great be good satisfy
convenience store enough good
Table 5: Recommendation list for user ID 2037.
1 2349 2203 2614 3022 449
2 604 2349 554 604 30142
12869 30142 30142 449 18848
4 90 604 604 30142 531
5 666 12869 3022 18848 769
2149 39502 531 531 2223
7 38126 449 449 769 15204
449 31209 18848 2223 20428
tically significant compared to other methods except
for the aspects “spa” and “overall in “without negative
review filtering” method.
Table 5 shows a ranked list of the hotels for
one guest (guest ID: 2037) obtained by using each
method. The aspect is “meal”, and each number
shows hotel ID. Bold font in Table 5 refers to the
correct hotel, i.e., the latest five hotels that the guest
stayed at. As can be seen clearly from Table 5, the
result obtained by our method includes all of the five
correct hotels within the topmost eight hotels, while
without negative review filtering (WoNRF) was four.
TPWoR, CW, and WoR did not work well as the num-
ber of correct hotel was no more than three, and these
were ranked seventh and eighth.
It is interesting to note that some recommended
hotels are very similar to the correct hotels, while
most of the eight hotels did not exactly match these
correct hotels except for the result obtained by aspect-
based sentiment analysis method. If these hotels were
similar to the correct hotels, the method is effective
for finding transitive associations between the hotels
that have never been stayed but share the same neigh-
borhoods. Therefore, we examined how these hotels
are similar to the correct hotels. To this end, we calcu-
lated distance between correct hotels and other hotels
Table 6: Distance between correct hotel and another hotel.
Method Dis
Trans. pro. without review 3.067
Content Words
Without reviews by SVMs 2.721
Without neg review filtering
Aspect-based SA 2.396
within the rank for each method by using seven pref-
erences. The preferences have star rating, i.e., each
has been scored from 1 to 5, where 1(bad) is low-
est, and 5(good) is the best score. We represented
each ranked hotel as a vector where each dimension
of a vector is these seven preferences and the value
of each dimension is its score value. The distance be-
tween correct hotel and other hotels within the rank
for each method X is defined as:
Dis(X) =
| G |
,C h
). (8)
| G | refers to the number of guests. R
refers to a
vector of the j-th ranked hotels except for the correct
hotels. Similarly, C
stands for a vector represen-
tation of the k-th correct hotel. d refers to Euclidean
distance. Eq. (8) shows that for each guest, we ob-
tained the minimum value of Euclidean distance be-
tween R
and C h
. We calculated the averaged
summation of the 100 guests. The results are shown
in Table 6.
The value of “Dis” in Table 6 shows that the
smaller value indicates a better result. We can see
from Table 6 that the hotels except for the correct ho-
tels obtained by our method are more similar to the
correct hotels than those obtained by four baselines.
The results show that our method is effective for find-
ing hotels that have never been stayed at but share the
same neighborhoods.
We proposed a method for recommending hotels by
incorporating different aspects of a hotel to improve
quality of score. We used the results of aspect-based
sentiment analysis for guest preferences. We parsed
all reviews by the syntactic analyzer, and extracted
dependency triples. For each aspect, we identified
the guest opinion to positive or negative, by using
dependency triples in the guest review. We calcu-
lated transitive association between hotels based on
the positive/negative opinion. Finally, we scored ho-
tels by Markov Random Walk model. The compar-
ative results using Rakuten travel data showed that
aspect analysis of guest preferences improves overall
performance, and it is effective for finding hotels that
have never been stayed at but share the same neigh-
There are a number of directions for future work.
In the aspect-based sentiment analysis for guest pref-
erences, we should be able to obtain further advan-
tages in efficacy by overcoming the lack of sufficient
reviews in data sets by incorporating transfer learn-
ing approaches (Blitzer et al., 2007; Dai et al., 2007).
We used Rakuten Japanese travel data in the experi-
ments, while the method is applicable to other textual
reviews. To evaluate the robustness of the method,
experimental evaluation by using other data such as
grocery stores: LeShop
and movie data: movieLens
can be explored in future. Finally, comparison to
other recommendation methods, e.g., matrix factor-
ization methods (MF) (Koren et al., 2009) and combi-
nation of MF and the topic modeling (Wang and Blei,
2011) will also be considered in the future.
The authors would like to thank the referees for their
valuable comments on the earlier version of this pa-
per. We also thank Rakuten Institute of Technology
for providing Japanese travel data. This work was
supposed by the Grant-in-aid for the Japan Society
for the Promotion of Science (No. 25330255).
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