Table 2: Running FF on different versions of two DWR problems.
reachable states initial plan total
facts actions searched distance length time
PDDL pb12 121 362 101 25 34 0.00
KEWI pb12 161 506 96 25 34 0.31
PDDL pb38 1453 15306 94265 104 277 2473.12
KEWI pb38 1889 21642 72565 104 235 3637.81
more natural style of representing planning knowl-
edge. Therefore, capturing and maintaining domain
knowledge in KEWI is easier, especially for users
who are not experts in automated planning.
Because most of the existing planning engines
support only PDDL, KEWI is able to export domain
knowledge into PDDL. We demonstrated that there
are no significant differences between hand-crafted
and automatically generated PDDL models. More-
over, KEWI has a user-friendly interface which is
simple enough to support domain experts in encod-
ing knowledge and it is designed to enable groups of
users to capture, store and maintain knowledge over a
period of time, thus facilitating knowledge reuse.
In future work, we plan to extend KEWI by (i) ex-
tending the representation to include numeric fluents,
time, and, eventually, continuous processes (ii) devel-
oping validation and verification methods which help
users to debug and adapt created planning domain and
problem descriptions (iii) adding automated acquisi-
tion tools which can add to KEWI’s knowledge by
inputting batch or real time data from process simula-
tions inspired by the real domain KEWI is being used
to model.
The research was funded by the UK EPSRC Au-
tonomous and Intelligent Systems Programme (grant
no. EP/J011991/1). The University of Edinburgh and
research sponsors are authorised to reproduce and dis-
tribute reprints and online copies for their purposes
notwithstanding any copyright annotation hereon.
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