method applied to an FDE converge for smaller val-
ues of α’: this frequently observed phenomenon was
experienced for the model under consideration.
The behaviour predicted by the FO model was
found to be in line with reactor physics. Each time,
the power excursion was found to be self-limiting and
therefore stable. Thus this paper presents a major step
in the development and analysis of fractional-order
model for a nuclear reactor under the consideration
of reactivity feedback. The developed FO model very
faithfully mimics the actual behaviour of the reactor
in these situations. Also the developed FO model has
broader applicability, and is easy to derive and solve.
The classical integer-order model forms a special case
of the proposed FO model.
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more exhaustive by studying the FPRK models with
other types of reactivity feedback mechanisms and
carrying out a comparative study of these models.
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transfer mechanism is better represented using frac-
tional dynamics. Hence a more detailed study of the
reactivity feedback in nuclear reactor can be achieved
by additionally considering a fractional-order model
for the temperature dependence of reactivity.
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