mum function value. The use of an RTOS assures
that the algorithm yields a solution within ∆T = 0.1s,
thus the real-time specifications are satisfied.
The goal of this paper was to present a framework,
which enables the solution of a PEG with UAVs in
three dimensions. This framework, formulated in
a game-theoretical manner, does not only provide a
solution approach for the present problem, but for
all problems which can be formulated as N-player
discrete-time deterministic dynamic games. By ap-
plying this approach the convergence of the PEG in a
three-dimensional environmentwith UAV agents hav-
ing dynamic constraints was shown successfully. Fur-
thermore, the approach was implemented on an em-
bedded computer providing results equal to the MAT-
LAB implementation. Finally, the real-time applica-
bility of the approach was shown successfully in sim-
ulations. This paper forms the basis for a real UAV
system implementation of the presented approach,
which will be carried out next on the quad-rotor
system L4-ME of HiSystems GmbH (MikroKopter,
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