necessary during the simulation process. Further, the
Z-map can’t perform the drill function to remove
materials due to its algorithm limitation. The
Boolean operation is the only solution to simulate
drilling operation.
The difference set of Boolean can be used to
remove material from the original object.
Theoretically, Boolean operation can produce
precise machining results. However, its drawback is
that Boolean calculation needs higher computation
cost and will decrease performance during
simulation. In addition, coplanar contacts between
the cutter and work-piece are quite common during
the simulation. For the surface-based model
representation, coplanar issue is still a challenge.
The main contribution of this paper is the simulation
of turn-mill machining in 3D with accuracy and
efficiency. Triangular mesh model is used to
represent the cutter and work-piece, including
tooling turret and clamp. The advantage of turn-mill
machining is that it can shorten processing time,
increase productivity, reduce storage space, and
maintain accuracy. The turn-mill process is usually
complicated and involves multiple cutters and
spindles. The danger and cost of collision is high,
therefore accurate and efficient simulation of the
process becomes critical. To achieve this purpose
and balance between efficiency and precision, this
paper proposes a hybrid simulation method by
combining DIP, Z-map and Boolean operations. The
software will determine the appropriate material
removal method according to the NC instructions. In
the simulation processing, in order to check if the
path is correct or not, mesh collision detection
algorithm is used to find out interferences. For the
future work, first, this research will focus on the
improvement of Boolean operation. The efficiency
of Boolean operation is still a bottleneck of
simulation. In addition, the Boolean operators still
need to exclude some special cases such as coplanar
in advance to ensure the success of the simulation.
In the future, this work will also be extended to the
on-line turn-mill simulation/monitor by integrating
the simulation software with a PC-based controller.
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