With delivery time of approximately three months,
Model*6.1 uses a total of 91 workers meaning 8.3%
above the number of workers specified by the
company. Although more workers are used in
simulation, this value is according to the company’s
expectation for the model’s performance without
considering resource flexibility.
The proposed model allowed the analysis of the
behaviour of the studied system. Although the model
represents all the production process with a
reasonable degree of detail, special emphasis was
given to workers allocation to tasks. Nevertheless it
is easy to change other parameters and test more
Individual production lines were studied and
analysed in greater detail by verifying worker and
resources utilization and completion time to ensure
they could be used for correct modelling of the
overall plant.
It is possible to establish that transport traveling
distance and priority logic have a significant
influence in the response of the model. But more
important, the model is very sensitive to changes in
worker capacity and worker distribution by the
several specialization profiles. This is due to the
demand of at least one worker to execute each task
from the productive process.
The model results agree with the data supplied
by the company for the individual production lines.
For the overall plant the results showed some
discrepancies, but the sensitivity analysis allowed an
identification of the most significant problems of the
original model version. By redesigning some of the
model assumptions and logic that were originally not
part of the supplied data, it was possible to improve
the model results to within 8.3% of error relative to
the real data values. This result was considered as
acceptable by the industrial partner under the
assumptions that were considered.
This work was supported by FCT, through IDMEC,
under LAETA Pest-OE/EME/LA0022 and partially
supported by the project R046, IDMEC.
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