The AsiaFluCap project is coordinated by the London
School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine with col-
laborators from the Hamburg University of Applied
Sciences (HAW), Netherlands National Institute for
Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Inter-
national Health Policy Programme -Thailand (IHPP),
Taiwan Centers for Disease Control, University of In-
donesia Faculty of Public Health, Vietnam Ministry
of Science and Technology, Vietnam Military Med-
ical University, Lao PDR National Emerging Infec-
tious Diseases Coordination Office, Lao PDR Univer-
sity of Health Sciences, Mahidol University Faculty
of Tropical Medicine, Cambodia Department of Com-
municable Disease Control, and Cambodia National
Institute of Public Health. We are grateful to the many
collaborators within this project consortium for their
contribution towards resource characterization, data
collection, and discussions at consortium meetings.
These include: Ly Khunbunn Narann and Chau Dara-
pheak (Cambodia); Sandi Iljanto, Noviyanti Liana
Dewi, Kamaluddin Latief, Amir Suudi, Lilis Much-
lisoh (Indonesia); Nyphonh Chanthakoummane, Sing
Menorath and Rattanaxay Phetsouvanh (Lao PDR);
Yu-Chen Hsu, Yi-Ta Yang, SteveKuo (Taiwan); Porn-
thip Chompook, Jongkol Lertiendumrong and Viroj
Tangcharoensathien (Thailand); Le Minh Sat and La
Thanh Nhan (Vietnam). Excellent administrativesup-
port from Nicola Lord and Wasamon Sabaiwan is
greatly appreciated. We also thanks for James W.
Rudge for revising this paper.
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