0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Position (m)
Sample Number
linear prediction + convolution
Figure 10: Restoration results when the maximum velocity
is less than the original one. At several places enclosed by
red circles, the green line cannot follow the red line because
of the hardware limits.
In reduction and restoration of motion data, most re-
searchers focused on the reduction and not on the
restoration. However, the restoration is also impor-
tant because of the difference of hardware limits. In
the paper, we suggested a convolution based motion
data restoration method to restore data without vio-
lating the hardware limits and to generate a smooth
trajectory in real-time. In addition, we can expect
error level in reduction and restoration by using the
proposed method. With only 4.23% of the original
data, we can restore the signal with the error level
of 0.01m. The proposed method can be used in any
tele-operation and tele-presence system and for the
data storage. Especially, the proposed method is use-
ful for a poor communication environment, heteroge-
neous master-slave system, and simultaneous control
of multi-robot.
This work is supported by the KIST institutional pro-
gram (Project No. 2E24800).
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