Evaluation of Sensor Signal Health
Using Model with Uniform Noise
Lenka Pavelkov´a and Ladislav Jirsa
Department of Adaptive Systems, Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Czech Academy of Sciences
Pod Vod´arenskou vˇeˇz´ı 4, Prague, Czech Republic
Industrial System Health, Sensor Signal Condition, Binomial Opinion, Bayesian Estimation, Uniform Noise,
Probabilistic Logic.
The paper proposes a method for evaluating a condition of a noisy sensor signal. The presented algorithm
provides a binomial opinion on the sensor signal health including uncertainty by considering (i) user given
bounds and (ii) measurement uncertainty. The obtained results can be utilised directly for a single sensor or
in a hierarchical structure describing an industrial system of interest where sensors comprise one of the basic
building block. There, each block provides a binomial opinion about its health including uncertainty. These
opinions are combined using the rules of probabilistic logic so that a single opinion on the health of the whole
monitored system is obtained.
With increasing demands for safety and efficiency of
complex processes, fault detection and isolation (FDI)
becomes an important part of control systems in engi-
neering applications (Hwang et al., 2010). FDI con-
sists in binary opinion whether the system is in faulty
state and indication of location and nature of the fault.
Within an industrial plant, many possible fault
sources exist, e.g., sensors, actuators, hardware com-
ponents. These heterogeneous fault sources in-
evitably place considerable demands on related FDI.
The situation is yet more complicated due to different
possible time developments of faults as an abrupt, a
gradual or an intermittent fault. Therefore, monitor-
ing and processing of the system as a whole results
generally in a solution tailored for a particular sys-
tem, combining different probability distributions of
particular quantities of interest, either discrete of con-
tinuous, and having a high dimensionality. For appli-
cation examples, see (Isermann, 2011).
A novel dynamic hierarchical structure based on
probabilistic approach to fault detection is proposed
in (Jirsa et al., 2013; Dedecius and Ettler, 2014). In
the presented approach, the system of interest is de-
composed into blocks, representing individual phys-
ical or logical system units. For each particular
block, an opinion on its condition (health) is assessed.
Subsequently, these individual information pieces are
fused together in order to evaluate the health of the
overall system.
The paper aims at the evaluation an opinion on the
health of an above mentioned basic block. Here, the
block in question corresponds to a sensor measuring
an uncertain signal and user given signal bounds are
The paper is organised as follows. Section 2
briefly introduces the above mentioned hierarchical
structure for industrial system condition monitoring.
In Section 3, a sensor signal health using user given
requirements on this signal is defined and an binomial
opinion on this health is constructed. Afterwards, an
algorithm providing an opinion on the health of noisy
signal is proposed.
Section 4 gives an example of the health evalua-
tion of a simulated sensor signal for various types of
Throughout, the transposition is marked
denotes a set of z-values.
is the value of z at discrete-time instant
t ∈ t
= {1, 2, . . . , T}, T < ∞.
The symbol f denotes probability (density) func-
tion (p(d)f) distinguished by the argument names. No
formal distinction is made among a random variable,
its realisation and a p(d)f argument.
Pavelkova L. and Jirsa L..
Evaluation of Sensor Signal Health Using Model with Uniform Noise.
DOI: 10.5220/0005044506710677
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2014), pages 671-677
ISBN: 978-989-758-039-0
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)