Framework Implementation Based on Grid of Smartcards to
Authenticate Users and Virtual Machines
Hassane Aissaoui-Mehrez
, Pascal Urien
and Guy Pujolle
Institute of Mines-Telecom / TELECOM-ParisTech: LTCI CNRS Laboratory
Network and Computer Science Department, 46 rue Barrault, 75634 Paris, France
University of Pierre and Marie Curie, CNRS LIP6/UPMC Laboratory 4 Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France
Keywords: OpenID, Microcontrollers, Secure Elements, User-Centric Identity, Virtualization and Cloud Computing.
Abstract: The Security for the Future Networks (SecFuNet) project proposes to integrate the secure microcontrollers
in order to introduce, among its many services, authentication and authorization functions for Cloud and
virtual environments. One of the main goals of SecFuNet is to develop a secure infrastructure for virtualized
environments and Clouds in order to provide strong isolation among virtual infrastructures, and guarantee
that one virtual machine (VM) should not interfere with others. The goal of this paper is to describe the
implementation and the experimentation of the solution for identifying users and nodes in the SecFuNet
architecture. In this implementation, we also employ low-cost smartcards. Only authorized users are
allowed to create or instantiate virtual environments. Thus, users and hypervisors are equipped with secure
elements, used to open TLS secure channels with strong mutual authentication.
The IdM system will be based on smartcards
OpenID and user-centric attribute control policies.
The authentication servers are composed by secure
The objective is to implement the framework, based
on the authentication servers and EAP-TLS
smartcard model. The proposed SecFuNet
framework provides TLS secure channels for
establishing trust relationships among Users, VMs,
XEN and Grid of Secure Elements (GoSE). The
authentication is done directly between smartcards
(owned by users or associated to VM) and a GoSE
arranged in a SecFuNet IdP.
This paper concerns a highly secure
authentication server with an array of secure
microcontrollers allowing users' or VMs' strong
mutual authentication with GoSE. It defines the
structure and the components of the authentication
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
presents a related work and a brief stateofart of
EAP-TLS Smartcard Concept and Software
Architecture. The next section 3 details the use of
TLS-Id based on EAP-TLS smartcard in OpenID
platforms. In the section 4, we detail how dedicated
Service Provider may be used to download tokens in
EAP-TLS smartcard?
To address some of the security issues, the project
aims to explore the application of secure elements,
such as smartcards, to improve the trustworthiness
of network infrastructure services for future
networks. Two classes of secure microcontrollers
have been studied, smartcards and TPMs (Trusted
Platform Modules).
These electronics chips have different computing
capabilities, smartcards usually run a Java Virtual
Machine (JVM) and therefore are able to execute
complex procedures (such as the TLS protocol),
while TPMs are dedicated to the RSA algorithm.
However these devices may be used in order to
enforce trust for the TLS protocol or to guarantee
secure storage for cryptographic keys.
These security properties are directly provided
by smartcards (thanks to dedicated embedded
software), but require additional software
components for TPMs.
Aissaoui-Mehrez H., Urien P. and Pujolle G..
Framework Implementation Based on Grid of Smartcards to Authenticate Users and Virtual Machines.
DOI: 10.5220/0005046102850290
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2014), pages 285-290
ISBN: 978-989-758-045-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The main goal of this section is to briefly
overview the context of the virtualization platforms
and EAP-TLS smartcard model.
2.1 Extensible Authentication Protocol
(EAP) and TLS
The EAP (RFC 3748, 2004) is a flexible framework
targeting access control in various network
infrastructures such as classical LAN, wireless LAN,
or VPNs. Furthermore the EAP-TLS (RFC 5216,
2008) standard enables a transparent transport of
TLS in EAP messages; it offers a convenient way to
use TLS without TCP flavours, and provides
mechanisms for TLS packets segmentation and
reassembly. The SecFuNet TLS platform is based on
EAP-TLS smartcards, equipped with additional
facilities. These devices include a full TLS stack, an
entity managing X509 certificates, and provide a
secure environment for keys storage and
cryptographic procedures execution. The TLS
master stack forwards packets, which are thereafter
encapsulated in EAP-TLS messages “Figure 1”.
When it detects the completion of this phase (trigged
by finished messages) it uses two ISO7816
commands (APDUs) in order to retrieve CipherSuite
and KeyBlock parameters.
Figure 1: The EAP-TLS Header.
2.2 EAP-TLS Smartcard Concept
In this section we focus on EAP-TLS smartcard and
TLS Identity (TLS-Id) deployed in SecFuNet. A
smartcard (Jurgensen, 2002) is a tamper resistant
device, including CPU, RAM and non volatile
Most of the electronic chips (i.e. smartcard)
support a JVM and execute software written in this
programming language (Chen, 2002).
The use of smartcards in TLS authentication has
now a rather long history and has been largely
developed according to different models.
These devices run the JAVA open stack,
introduced in (Menon, 2006) and which comprises
four logical components. The software architecture
of the EAP-TLS smartcard (Pujolle, 2008)(Urien,
2013) is the following:
An EAP engine, which implements four
fundamental services (EAP messages
treatment, identity management, security
functions, and personalization) and ensures
EAP routing towards authentication methods
supported by the card.
EAP-TLS method, which manages
fragmentation and reassembly mechanisms.
TLS stack. The Handshake protocol takes
responsibility of authentication mechanisms,
whereas the record protocol realizes the
encryption and the integrity of data securely
transported by the TLS tunnel.
A certificates store.
The TLS-Identity (TLS-Id) is a set of five
parameters, which comprises:
X509 certificate and its associated private key;
Certification Authority certificate;
EAP identity parameter (EAP-ID);
Friendly name, used to identify and to activate
a given TLS-Id.
These parameters are embedded in the secure
microcontroller hold by SecFuNet users, during the
personalization process.
2.3 TLS Choreography with EAP-TLS
The TLS-Tandem card is plugged to a SecFuNet
host, such as personal computer or mobile handset.
Before opening a session with a TLS server, its
electronic identity is activated via the Set-Identity
command. The host intends to download a file,
typically through an HTTP request, which is
securely stored in a remote WEB server “Figure 2”.
The docking host manages TCP/IP operations
and opens a connection with a remote TLS server,
and then calls the connection procedure.
This latter resets the TLS-Tandem card, and
sends an EAP-TLS-Start packet concatenated to
Unix-Time; the smartcard produces a response
including the first TLS message. A software
component acts as a bridge between EAP-TLS and
It removes EAP-TLS header (typically 10 bytes),
and sends TLS messages to remote server. It reads
incoming data, detects TLS error, and determines the
end of TLS messages such as:
ServerHelloDone that indicates a four ways
handshake associated to a full session.
Finished that indicates a three ways handshake
associated to a resume session.
Thereafter it packs this set of TLS messages in a
single EAP-TLS packet, appends a 6 bytes prefix,
and forwards this request to the card.
Figure 2: A TLS session dealing with EAP-TLS
The card generates a response which is processed
by the EAP-TLS/TLS bridge and transmits to the
Upon, the docking host collects two parameters
from the smartcard: CipherSuite and Key-Block.
The procedure is over. Thereafter smartcard is not
used, and the docking host encrypts and decrypts
information, which are sent and received to/from
remote server. These operations are done via the
TLS-write and TLS-read() functions.
OpenID is a Single Sign On system made of three
entities, the consumer site requiring a user
authentication, the OpenID server performing the
user authentication, and an internet user equipped
with a terminal. The OpenID identifier is an URL
that comprises two parts the name of the OpenID
server and the user alias.
There are many ways to perform authentication
between the user and the OpenID server. The most
popular is the simple password mechanism.
In the SecuFuNet context we use a strong mutual
authentication based on a TLS session running in the
EAP-TLS device, in which all resources (i.e. client,
VM, server…) are identified by their X509
certificates and associated private keys.
3.1 Service Discovery and Shared
Secret Computing
In the OpenID context the user identity is associated
to an URL. The SecFuNet user equipped with a
secure element, logs to the Service Provider (SP)
WEB site, where he gives his identity and indicates
the solicited service. The SP deduces from the user’s
identity the OpenID server name. The consumer
starts a discovery (XRI) procedure with the provider
and collects the XRDS server address. These two
entities exchange thereafter resource descriptors
encoded according to the XRDS format.
Afterward the server and the consumer perform a
classical Diffie-Hellman key exchange (DH) of their
public keys, in order to compute a symmetric shared
secret used to enforce message integrity thanks to a
HMAC procedure.
3.2 Authentication with the SEs
The OpenID authentication server receives the
Authentication Request, as an HTML POST
message issued by the user’s terminal. It thereafter
returns an HTML form “Figure 3”.
In a classical provider implementation, the user
would be identified by a password collected by this
form, the login page being protected via a TLS
session. In the SecFuNet platform we suppress this
password, and we replace it by a TLS session with
mutual authentication (i.e. both sides hold X509
certificate and RSA private key), initiated by the
EAP-TLS secure element.
The login page is associated to an HTTP header
including a cookie whose value is the session
identifier (sid), and the associated URL also
comprises this value, i.e. looks like:
Figure 3: OpenID form used for user authentication.
When the user clicks on the AutoLogin button it
opens via its EAP-TLS token the
https// link, and is
consequently authenticated by its X509 certificate.
The HTTP response to this request will set the
cookie (sid) for the proxy address (dealing with the
loopback address such as
A second optional exchange occurs between the
provider and the browser (secured by the EAP-TLS
token), in order to confirm the association with the
consumer site. This step may be used for
downloading attributes in the EAP-TLS secure
3.3 Authentication Response
After a successful authentication, the Authentication
Response is returned by the OpenID server to the
user’s terminal. It is thereafter redirected to the
consumer site, which finally delivers a welcome
page. As detailed “Figure 4” an Authentication
Response message is delivered by the SP.
It is a set of response parameters included in
location MIME header. Data integrity is enforced
by an HMAC field associated with the OpenID
secret key, computed from the previous DH
Figure 4: OpenID Authentication Response Message.
The goal of this section is to detail how dedicated SP
may be used to download tokens in EAP-TLS
smartcard. The user attributes instantiated by tokens
are stored in a secure element. Two use cases are
described in order to load cryptographic token in
smartcard: the use of a classical WEB interface to
authenticate user with its EAP-TLS Secure Element
based on the AJAX technology, and the use of GoSE
operations to authenticate VM.
4.1 User Authentication Using SE
As described in previous sections the SecFuNet user
is equipped with an EAP-TLS secure element
“Figure 5”. In order to collect tokens, it performs a
connection with the appropriate service provider. He
enters his identity and is thereafter redirected to
"adhoc" OpenID server. The server forwards a login
page and an authentication is performed by the EAP-
TLS secure element. Afterwards the OpenID server
delivers a page that interacts with the EAP-TLS
secure element. The interaction between the server
and the EAP-TLS Secure Element is based on the
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX).
AJAX is a set of technologies for executing
applications on the browser side, triggered by user’s
interactions, typically mouse clicks associated with
HTML forms, and processed by JavaScript
procedures. AJAX pages are downloaded by the
user’s terminal. The user’s terminal is running a
TCP daemon that we call the Proxy Server (PS),
opened on the loopback address (, usually
with the port 8080. Its interface is made by two
kinds of URLs, used for network exchange and
EAP-TLS secure element.
The first class of URLs (Class I), such as:
l, opens an HTTPS session the remote server (i.e. is
equivalent to https://www.server/path/file.html).
The TLS session is booted from the EAP-TLS
secure element and then transferred back to the PS.
As a result the browser opens HTTP session with
remote servers that are authenticated via the USIM.
The second class of URLs (Class II), such as:
Figure 5: User token generation and downloading.
sends ISO7816 commands to the EAP-TLS secure
element. These commands are located in the body of
an HTTP POST request. There are encoded as the
content of form inputs: =CMD1&=CMD2&=CMDi.
The returned response is encoded according to the
XML format. AJAX pages returned by the OpenID
server include XMLHttpRequest objects that send
Class II HTTP requests to the proxy server.
These requests transport ISO7816 commands,
executed afterwards by the EAP-TLS secure
element. The proxy returns ISO7816 responses,
embedded in XML pages. These XML contents are
parsed and thanks to the DOM (Document Object
Model for JavaScript) the initial page is modified,
typically with a success status.
“Figure 6” illustrates AJAX interaction with the
EAP-TLS secure element. An ISO7816 command is
hidden in an HTML form; it is thereafter executed
by the proxy server.
Thanks to these mechanisms the OpenID server
pushes content in the EAP-TLS secure element.
During the authentication procedure the OpenID
server collects the certificate of the EAP-TLS secure
element, which contains a public key.
This cryptographic material may be used to build
a container, able to securely convey token to be
downloaded in the EAP-TLS secure element.
Figure 6: Interaction between EAP-TLS SE and OpenID.
A set of ISO7816 commands, embedded in
AJAX pages, realizes operations needed for
container downloading. A container is made of three
A header, which is the encrypted value of a
symmetric AES key, with the EAP-TLS
secure element public key, according to the
PKCS#1 standard.
A body, which is the encrypted value of the
token, according to an AES-CBC procedure.
A trailer, which is the signature by a trusted
authority (identified by its public key) of the
header concatenated to the body, according to
the PKCS#1 standard.
Upon downloading, the signature of the
container is checked; the AES key is recovered from
the EAP-TLS private key, the token is afterwards
decrypted and stored in the smartcard.
4.2 VM Authentication Using GoSE
As previously mentioned, each VM is associated to
an identifier (VM
, i.e. a certificate), and the VM
Authorization Token (VM-Auth-Token) establishing
the link with the hypervisor (identified by its
identifier HV
) that hosts the VM. Each VM is also
associated to a secure element, plugged in a grid,
which securely stores its private key.
In order to remotely work with its private key,
the VM must interact the service provider that
interface the GoSE. The VM is authenticated by the
, and the hypervisor private key and VM-Auth-
token. This use case is illustrated by “Figure 7”.
The VM may access to the private key of the
hypervisor stored in a secure element. It establishes
a session with the grid service provider, and
provides the HV
, VM
and VM-Auth-Token
parameters. It also request cryptographic operation
with the GoSE, such as encryption or decryption
with the VM private key. It is thereafter redirected
toward the OpenID server that performs the
authentication process with the HV secure element.
Strictly speaking the OpenID authenticates the
hypervisor, and it is not aware of an existing
functional link with the VM.
At this step the service provider knows that the
remote entity has access to the HV private key and is
supplied with the appropriate credential (VM-Auth-
Token). The GoSE service provider realizes the
requested operation and returns the result.
Obviously the session between the VM and the
GoSE service provider must be secured by the TLS
protocol (i.e. HTTPS requests are used).
In order to get a greater security level, the GoSE
service provider may pack the result in a container,
which is made of three parts:
Figure 7: Grid SP operations in an OpenID context.
A header, which is the encrypted value of a
symmetric AES key, with the HV public key,
according to the PKCS#1 standard.
A body, which is the encrypted value of the
result of the requested operation, according to
an AES-CBC procedure.
A trailer, which is the signature by a trusted
authority (identified by its public key) of the
header concatenated to the body, according to
the PKCS#1 standard.
Some trust issue may exist between the grid SP
and the VM, because they don’t necessarily share
the same ring of confidence. In that case the
container could be directly generated by the VM
secure element, previously bound to an HV
. This
operation is performed by administrator of secure
element thanks to Global Platform mechanisms.
TLS sessions with strong mutual authentication
are mandatory for all virtual machines (VM). Thus,
we implement the TLS Application in VM-side and
the Secure Middleware in Xen-side, including a very
simple facility to access GoSE, in order to enforce a
remote VM access to secure element and to secure
connections and transactions.
The architecture proposed and implemented in this
deliverable presents a secure solution for user or VM
connection in the context of the SecFuNet, based on
grid of secure elements. This integration provides a
higher level of security when compared to traditional
password authentication, and establishes trust
relationships among the resources, and eliminates
the vulnerabilities like phishing attacks.
Strong authentication is done directly between
smartcards (owned by user or associated to VM) and
a GoSE.
We have seen in this paper that the use of secure
elements can make a real highlight in the certificate
management and the application of a security policy.
For large infrastructure, add our Secure
Middleware brings the real simplicity of
management. In parallel, can be very interesting
solution to access securely to a remote specific area
of GoSE.
The experimental results of the platform
developed for SecFuNet demonstrates that the
scalability performances are compatible with today
Furthermore, the smartcard shall be a great
addition to virtual architecture and will be as well as
a key asset to securing Cloud Computing
This work has had financial support from CNPQ
through process 590047/2011-6 (SecFuNet project)
and also through processes 307588/2010-6 and
384858/2012-0. We also thank CAPES for the
financial support with PhD scholarship.
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