Towards a Framework for Assessing the Feasibility of Side-channel
Attacks in Virtualized Environments
Tsvetoslava Vateva-Gurova
, Jesus Luna
, Giancarlo Pellegrino
and Neeraj Suri
Dept of CS, TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
Cloud Security Alliance, Edinburgh, U.K.
Feasibility Analysis, Feasibility Factors, Security Classifications, Side-channel Attacks.
Physically co-located virtual machines should be securely isolated from one another, as well as from the un-
derlying layers in a virtualized environment. In particular the virtualized environment is supposed to guarantee
the impossibility of an adversary to attack a virtual machine e.g., by exploiting a side-channel stemming from
the usage of shared physical or software resources. However, this is often not the case and the lack of suffi-
cient logical isolation is considered a key concern in virtualized environments. In the academic world this view
has been reinforced during the last years by the demonstration of sophisticated side-channel attacks (SCAs).
In this paper we argue that the feasibility of executing a SCA strongly depends on the actual context of the
execution environment. To reflect on these observations, we propose a feasibility assessment framework for
SCAs using cache based systems as an example scenario. As a proof of concept we show that the feasibility
of cache-based side-channel attacks can be assessed following the proposed approach.
The term virtualization is widely used in the IT com-
munity throughout decades starting from the late six-
ties until now, overcoming periods of less popularity
to gain significance again during the last two decades
(Popek and Goldberg, 1974; Figueiredo et al., 2005).
A virtualized environment (VE) is characterized by
the low-level abstraction that virtualization provides
by decoupling the operating system from the hard-
ware state. A software layer called hypervisor or Vir-
tual Machine Monitor (VMM) is the foundation that
enables multiplexing multiple tenants encapsulated in
virtual machines (VM) on a single physical resource
(cf. Figure 1). Such a multiplexing scenario is re-
ferred to as a multitenancy model (Mell and Grance,
2009). Due to its characteristics and benefits such as
decreased operational costs, reduced server sprawl,
etc. (Pearce et al., 2013), virtualization is the en-
abling technology also for other complex models such
as server consolidation and Cloud computing (Padala
et al., 2007; Marty and Hill, 2007; Uddin and Rah-
man, 2010). In such a complex context, a tenant
might be assigned to reside on the same physical re-
sources as their adversary or an attacker, and the VE
is assumed to provide secure computing environment
complying with the requirements of the tenants.
Many of the requirements on virtualization from
its early stages are still valid today. (Popek and Gold-
berg, 1974) defined a VM as ”an efficient, isolated
duplicate of the real machine”. From this definition
we can elicit isolation as a key property of a VE. We
consider isolation as the inability of one VM to gain
information regarding the co-located VMs, as well as
to affect or intervene with their operation. (Ristenpart
et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2012; Hlavacs et al., 2011;
Wu et al., 2012) demonstrate side-channel and covert-
channel attacks that manage to break the presumed
strong logical isolation provided by the virtualization
in the Cloud, and with this define the insufficient iso-
lation as a key concern in the VE. A side-channel is
a communication channel that stems from the usage
of shared resources and can be exploited e.g., through
observations or manipulations. Since the traditional
intrusion detection systems are not designed to pro-
tect from such exploits, side-channel attacks (SCAs)
are considered among the main threats for compro-
mising the isolation in a VE.
1.1 Problem Statement
Although current academic research has shown that
side-channel attacks are possible in a VE under cer-
tain conditions and considering different assumptions
Vateva-Gurova T., Luna J., Pellegrino G. and Suri N..
Towards a Framework for Assessing the Feasibility of Side-channel Attacks in Virtualized Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0005052101130124
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2014), pages 113-124
ISBN: 978-989-758-045-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(Xu et al., 2011; Wu et al., 2012; Hlavacs et al., 2011;
Zhang et al., 2012; Ristenpart et al., 2009; Yarom and
Falkner, 2013), and the industrial world tries to ad-
dress this threat (Amazon Web Services, 2014), no
clear answer to the question under which conditions
are SCAs feasible in a specific execution environment
(referred to as context for the rest of the paper) has
been given. The lack of a generic SCAs classifica-
tion that takes into consideration the conditions un-
der which these attacks have been demonstrated, im-
pedes answering this and other related questions in
a systematic way. Thus, the assessment of feasibil-
ity of side-channel attacks taking into consideration
the specific context is needed, to also aid research on
assessment of the strength of the isolation provided
by a specific virtualized environment, and the actual
countermeasures to mitigate SCAs. To the best of our
knowledge, there is no existing framework that esti-
mates the feasibility of a context based SCA in a VE.
1.2 System Model
Our primary goal is to address this problem and to es-
timate the feasibility of cache-based SCAs that might
compromise the isolation in the VE. For this purpose,
we focus our system model on the VE and the hier-
archy of caches as the shared medium used for the
conduct of SCAs (cf. Figure 1). We briefly explain
how a cache-based side-channel attack can work in
this context. We assume that two distinct virtual ma-
chines - VM1 and VM2 - are running on the same
physical machine. Next, we assume that a malicious
process is running in VM2 and aims at compromising
the confidentiality of VM1 through observations of
the access patterns to the shared cache. The process in
VM2 continuously writes the same data into the cache
and measures the time needed to fill up the cache. If
VM1 has meanwhile accessed the cache, VM2’s ac-
cess time will be increased, as the previously written
data by VM2 has been replaced by VM1’s data. Thus
through repeated measurements in an idealized sce-
nario, the malicious process in VM2 can infer VM1’s
access patterns to the cache and derive information
through it.
1.3 Contributions
Our objective is to investigate the types of SCAs, to
determine the conditions where side-channels are ex-
ploitable for a specific context. For this purpose, we
derivea generic classification which can serve as a ba-
sis for analysis and comparison of SCAs with respect
to various characteristics. In addition, it can be used
as a basis for quantification of different aspects of
Figure 1: Isolation in a virtualized environment.
these attacks. Our supposition is that by means of an
extensive classification that comprises various aspects
of an attack, it is easier to identify what the possi-
ble mitigation paths in a specific context are and what
protection mechanisms can be applied to decrease the
probability of an exploitation of side-channels.
From this generic classification, we aim to provide
guidance on estimating the feasibility of cache-based
SCAs in a VE with respect to a specific context. We
do not claim to provide absolute statements regard-
ing the feasibility of a certain attack (as this depends
on the adopted means), but rather aim at providing
information about the conditions under which certain
types of attacks are more or less probable, comple-
mentary to VE isolation assessment research. To sup-
port our approach we consider the family of demon-
strated SCAs in a VE and provide a proof of concept
based on it. Our overall contributions being: (i) to de-
rive a generic classification of SCAs, (ii) to show how
the provided classification can be used to estimate the
feasibility of a cache-based SCA in the VE, and (iii)
to provide a proof of concept for the conducted feasi-
bility analysis.
The remainder of the paper is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 investigates the state-of-the-art in the
area of SCAs classification and their feasibility in the
virtualized context. Section 3 describes the proposed
classification and Section 4 details in the feasibility
analysis, and provides a proof of concept.
The area of SCA based compromising of isolation
in virtualized environments is an actively researched
area (Kim... (Kim et al., 2012; Li et al., 2013; Ste-
fan et al., 2013). Also, much effort has been devoted
to formulate different sophisticated side-channel at-
tacks in order to demonstrate the relevance of this
threat for virtualized environments and multitenant
scenarios (Ristenpart et al., 2009; Zhang et al., 2012;
Hlavacs et al., 2011; Wu et al., 2012; Xu et al., 2011).
With this context, we overview the state of the are for
classification and feasibility assessment of SCAs.
Classification of SCAs. There exists a variety of
initiatives for classification of side-channel attacks
targeting cryptographic modules. Depending on the
way measured data is analyzed, the scientific lit-
erature usually distinguishes between simple side-
channel attacks (SSCA) and advanced or differential
side-channel attacks, as presented in (Clavier et al.,
2010; Bauer et al., 2013; Zhou and DengGuo, 2005).
(Clavier et al., 2010) proposes a refinement of this
categorization distinguishing between horizontal and
vertical side-channel analysis. This approach takes
into account whether a single power curve is analyzed
or the same time sample is analyzed in different exe-
cution curves. Bauer et al. also perform an extensive
study on side-channel analysis and propose a SCA
taxonomy (Bauer et al., 2013). It contains three clas-
sification categories. The first considers whether the
attack is a simple or an advanced SCA. The leakage
type is included as a second category. The third one
contains information regarding whether an attack is
profiled or not. However, the proposed classifications
are oriented towards power and electromagnetic anal-
ysis attacks on cryptographicmodules, and are not ex-
tensive enough to take into consideration the general
environmental context. This makes them inapplica-
ble for the classification of side-channel attacks in the
virtualized environment.
Anderson et al. propose a classification for at-
tacks on cryptographic processors in (Anderson et al.,
2006). Although their work does not explicitly focus
on side-channel attacks, most of the adversary scenar-
ios they mention as examples for the proposed clas-
sification fall into this category. In addition to the
categories proposed by Anderson et al., our frame-
work takes into consideration the traditional classifi-
cation of SCAs existing in the literature dividing them
into active and passive (Zhou and DengGuo, 2005), as
well as the distinction between trace-driven, access-
driven and time-driven SCAs, as proposed by Zhang
et al. in (Zhang et al., 2012). (Kim et al., 2012) , on
the other hand, considers only trace-driven and time-
driven attacks and further refine them in active and
passive. All the proposed categorizations and tax-
onomies in this area contribute to the research field
of side-channel attacks, however they do not con-
sider the characteristics of the execution environment
or under which conditions a specific attack can be
performed or the limitations therein. To this end,
our work extends the state-of-the-art in the field by
proposing a classification that is general enough to
include the existing approaches and to address their
Feasibility Assessment of SCAs. (Mowery et al.,
2012) expressed their doubts about the feasibility of
AES cache timing attacks on the x86 architectures.
Their research has been inspired by an unsuccess-
ful attempt to conduct a side-channel attack using
the cache as a channel. They argue that the existing
preventive mechanisms and technological advances
make it impossible to conduct the specified attack on
x86 architecture. This work addresses a specific ap-
proach and considers one type of attack aiming at
compromising the confidentiality of a victim when
executing AES encryption. We are unaware of the
existence of a generic feasibility assessment method-
ology focusing on the threats resulting from the ex-
ploitation of covert channels in VE. (Xu et al., 2011)
argue that dependingon the bit rate of the covertchan-
nel exploited, the attack might be harmless. They
make this valuableobservationrelying on information
provided in (Department of Defense, 1985). Addi-
tionally, they specify different factors that can influ-
ence the bandwidth of a side-channel e.g., hardware
specification, workloads in other VMs on the same
physical host, hypervisor configuration. We gain in-
spiration from their work and aim to continue their
investigation by showing that different factors of the
system impact the feasibility of the attack by model-
ing the execution environment.
(Zhou and DengGuo, 2005) aim at providing a
feasibility evaluation for SCAs. However, the eval-
uation aspects they propose are not concrete and do
not take into consideration the characteristics of the
environment, but are rather generic. To the best of
our knowledge, no research on feasibility assessment
of SCAs in a VE that is extensive enough to consider
contextual aspects exists.
We classify existing SCAs to facilitate their analysis
and the easier assessment of security-related proper-
ties of the environment in which they are conducted.
We classify SCAs defining 3 major categories as: (i)
approach, (ii) effect, and (iii) limitations. We ar-
gue that the most important characteristics of an at-
tack are determined by the way it is conducted, the
effect it might have on the system under attack if it is
successful, and the potential the attack has depending
Figure 2: Overview of the proposed classification.
on the contextual limitations in terms of assumptions
and challenges. Figure 2 gives an overview of the pre-
sented classification with a detailed explanation pre-
sented in the subsequent sections.
3.1 Approach
The approach describes the way the attacker tar-
gets compromising the isolation i.e., adversary’s strat-
egy. As shown in Figure 3, we differentiate the
side-channel attacks in terms of the leakage source
(i.e., the medium) being used to conduct the attack,
the intrusiveness of the conducted attack, the type
of measurements needed and the applied method for
analysing the measured data.
3.1.1 Leakage Source
In terms of the medium that has been used for con-
ducting the attack, we further refine the classifica-
tion categorizing the SCAs into physical and architec-
tural. The side-channel used in the case of architec-
tural SCAs is an architectural component of the sys-
tem e.g., virtual memory paging (Percival, 2005), L1
cache, used as a side-channel in (Zhang et al., 2012),
L2 cache, exploited in (Xu et al., 2011), L3 cache,
exploited in (Yarom and Falkner, 2013), etc. On the
other hand, the physical SCAs use device components
to conduct the attack e.g., power supply unit. Exam-
ples of attacks that exploit the power supply unit are
given in (Hlavacs et al., 2011; Messerges et al., 1999).
3.1.2 Type of Measurements
Extending the classification of SCAs as presented
in (Zhang et al., 2012), we differentiate the SCAs
according to the type of measurements needed for
the execution of the attack. We distinguish between
SCAs considering device aspects, SCAs measuring
timing information and SCAs using the characteris-
tics of access patterns.
Device Aspects. Under observation in this case
are physical device’s aspects, such as power con-
sumption, monitored for the conduct of the attacks
(Hlavacs et al., 2011; Messerges et al., 1999), elec-
tromagnetic emanations, observed for the attacks
(Agrawal et al., 2002; Carlier et al., 2004) or acous-
tic emanations, monitored for conducting (Song et al.,
2001; Genkin et al., 2013). They are inspected while
the device performs a specific operation e.g., crypto-
graphic encryption. Measurements regarding the ob-
served aspect are gathered and analyzed.
Timing Information. This class of attacks is
known as time-driven attacks. A prerequisite for con-
ducting them is that the execution times of the algo-
rithm that is under attack have to be known in ad-
vance. Usually also the measurements have to be con-
ducted many times to enable the statistical inference
of information regarding the asset under attack. A
representative of this class of attacks is described in
(Kocher, 1996).
Access Pattern. This type of attacks is referred to
as access-driven attacks. It exploits the information
leaking from the usage of shared architectural assets,
such as caches. Although time measurements might
also be involved in this type of attacks, they are only
used as a mean to infer information regarding the ac-
cess pattern to the observed architectural component.
Contrary to the SCAs where timing information is re-
quired, the timing measurements in this case are not
necessarily precise. The attacks described in (Risten-
part et al., 2009; Percival, 2005; Zhang et al., 2012;
Xu et al., 2011; Yarom and Falkner, 2013; Wu et al.,
2012) are representative for this category.
3.1.3 Intrusiveness
We distinguish between intrusive and non-intrusive
attacks, gaining insight from the widely-cited classes
of active and passive side-channel attacks, as well as
considering the distinction between invasive, semi-
invasive and non-invasive side-channel attacks (An-
derson et al., 2006).
Intrusive SCAs. The intrusive attacks require di-
rect access to the internal components of the observed
 
Figure 3: Detailed overview of the category ”Approach”.
device. They intervene with device’s operation.
Non-intrusive SCAs. The non-intrusive SCAs, to
the contrary, are passive attacks that only observe the
operation of a device without intervening with it. In
this case only externally available non-intentionally
leaked information is exploited. Representative for
this class of attacks are (Kocher, 1996; Song et al.,
2001; Genkin et al., 2013; Agrawal et al., 2002; Ris-
tenpart et al., 2009; Yarom and Falkner, 2013; Genkin
et al., 2013), among others.
3.1.4 Measurements Analysis
We also distinguish the SCAs according to the way
the gathered data is analyzed. In terms of the method
used to evaluate the collected measurements, we dif-
ferentiate between simple and advanced SCAs, as
proposed in (Zhou and DengGuo, 2005).
Simple SCAs. A characteristic of this type of at-
tacks is that usually they require a single trace to
achieve their goal e.g., to obtain a secret key. A pre-
requisite for the successful conduct of this type of at-
tacks is that the obtained information which is related
to the attacked instructions needs to be larger than the
noise. (Yarom and Falkner, 2013) manage to recover
a significant part of a secret key by capturing a single
decryption or signing operation.
Advanced SCAs. This type of SCAs considers the
correlation between the processed data and the side-
channel information. As this correlation is typically
very small, a lot of measurements are needed, and
statistical methods have to be applied for their evalu-
ation. (Xu et al., 2011) is representative for this class
of attacks.
3.2 Effect
We differentiate the attacks according to the effect
they have on the system considering the asset under
attack and the security property that has been vio-
lated. The optional subclass Effectiveness aims to
Figure 4: Detailed overview of the category ”Effect”.
provide information regarding how effective the at-
tack is. These subcategories are explained in more
detail below.
3.2.1 Compromised Resource
This subcategory refers to the resources under attack,
or which assets are the main goal of the attack. Here
we can differentiate whether the attacker is target-
ting compromising fine-grained information, coarse-
grained information or non-classified data. Ristenpart
et al. for instance managed to gain coarse-grained in-
formation detecting activity spikes in Cloud scenario
in (Ristenpart et al., 2009). On the other hand, Zhang
et al. were the first to demonstrate a side-channel at-
tack in a VE which manages to extract fine-grained
data, namely an ElGamal key in (Zhang et al., 2012).
Although the borders between these terms are rather
obscure, we consider as fine-grained information e.g.,
an encryption key. Coarse-grained is the information
that can be used as a basis to perform an attack. This
information is usually not so specific. It could be
probable location of a virtual machine in the Cloud,
or the activity spikes of some specific machine.
3.2.2 Security Property
This subcategory takes into account which security
property has been violated - confidentiality, availabil-
ity or integrity.
Confidentiality. In case the attacker exploiting a
side-channel manages to extract information regard-
ing the victim, we consider that the confidentiality of
the victim has been compromised in spite of the fact
that the success of the SCA will not necessarily lead
to leaking confidential information. Referring to the
state-of-the-art analysis we conducted, we consider
that the primary goal of the SCAs is to compromise
the confidentiality of the victim. Depending on the
methods involved in pursuing this, however, some at-
tacks might also affect other security properties, as
described below.
Availability. We argue that conducting a SCA can
indirectly affect or even compromise the availability
of the system, even though this is not the primary
goal of the attack. An example for that is given in
(Zhang et al., 2012) where resources in terms of CPU
are taken away from the victim (the victim’s VM is
frequently preempted) when conducting the attack.
Integrity. It is rather unlikely that integrity of the
system will be affected through a side-channel attack,
but for the purpose of completeness we add it as a
category to the classification.
3.3 Limitations
The limitations on the way of conducting a SCA can
be related to challenges (e.g., due to preventive mech-
anisms), or assumptions which have to be made for
the system under attack so that the attack is success-
ful. The classification of the limitations can help
us estimate the potential for success of a certain at-
tack depending on the prerequisites which have to be
taken into account in advance, before the actual ex-
ploit of the side-channel. A more detailed explanation
is given below.
3.3.1 Assumptions
The state-of-the-art in the field of side-channel at-
tacks shows that typically the approaches for exploit-
ing a side-channel proceed on a variety of assump-
tions. Classifying these assumptions in a systematic
way helps the better comprehension of the attack and
the elaboration on whether these assumptions are re-
alistic or not for the real-world or for some predefined
specific scenario.
Access Level to Shared Resources. This is a com-
mon prerequisite for all side-channel attacks. The
side-channel that links the attacker to the victim
should be present in order to be able to conduct the
attack. Different attacks, however, require different
access to the system under attack. We distinguish be-
tween physical access, proximity to the physical de-
vice and access to architectural components.
Physical access - some of the side-channel at-
tacks require having a physical access to the de-
vice hosting the victim so that measurements of
different physical aspects of the system under at-
tack can take place. An example of such an at-
tack is given in (Messerges et al., 1999) describ-
ing how the power dissipated by the smartcard is
monitored at the ground pin of the smartcard. For
this, the attacker needs to attach a resistor to the
Proximity to the physical device - for other attacks
it is sufficient to have a physical proximity to the
device without accessing it directly. One exam-
ple is measuring the electromagnetic emanation
as described in (Agrawal et al., 2002). In this at-
tack in order to measure the induced emanations,
placing probes as close as possible to the device is
a prerequisite. Another representative for a SCA
that requires proximity to the device under attack
is the one described in (Genkin et al., 2013). In
this case a microphone has to be placed near the
physical device while performing cryptographic
operations to record the acoustic emanations.
Architectural access - depending on the approach,
it might suffices that the attacker has a remote ac-
cess to some architectural component e.g., use the
same CPU on the Cloud as the victim. In the
multicore architectures this can be considered as
a challenge under certain circumstances. Among
the attacks that exploit the architectural access to
shared components are the ones presented in (Ris-
tenpart et al., 2009; Xu et al., 2011; Yarom and
Falkner, 2013; Zhang et al., 2012).
Required Knowledge. Having some previous
knowledge about the system under attack is also
often a precondition for conducting a side-channel
Training data - to the best of our knowledge, most
of the demonstrated side-channel attacks require
having training data (Zhang et al., 2012). For
conducting a SCA based on the recorded acoustic
emanations of a computer, the authors of (Genkin
et al., 2013) also need previosly gathered informa-
tion in order to map an acoustic pattern to the bits
of the private key. Acquiring training data might
be challenging.
Acquaintance with the system under attack - for
the successful conduct of a side-channel attack the
attacker needs to be aware of the characteristics
of the system under attack, and to take them into
account when implementing the attack (Mowery
 !
Figure 5: Detailed overview of the category ”Limitations”.
et al., 2012). For instance, in the case of a cache-
based SCA, the attacker can tweak to use the first
level cache or the last level cache depending on
whether the victim is using the same CPU core or
not. Without having this knowledge, the attacker
might make false assumptions regarding the sys-
tem under attack which can result in an unsuccess-
ful attack.
3.3.2 Challenges
Researchers face a variety of challenges on the way
of conducting side-channel attacks. They can be ar-
chitectural, due to preventive mechanisms, or related
to the intervention level with the victim the attack re-
quires. More detailed classification is provided below.
Architectural Challenges. We distinguish between
architectural challenges that affect the noise in the
channel and might harden the attack or result in eas-
ier exploit, and architectural challenges that affect the
availability of the channel.
Noise - there are a variety of factors that can af-
fect the noise in the channel. It might be in-
creased e.g., due to scheduling policies, inter-
ference with other processes for the shared re-
sources, core migration in a SMP system, etc.,
as identified in (Ristenpart et al., 2009; Percival,
2005; Zhang et al., 2012; Xu et al., 2011; Yarom
and Falkner, 2013; Wu et al., 2012; Mowery et al.,
2012). (Kocher, 1996) also faces the problem of
noise and define it as ”timing variations due to un-
known exponent bits”. For the attack described in
(Genkin et al., 2013), possible sources of noise
can be e.g., acoustic emanations from other ma-
chines near the microphone or emanations from
the device under attack, but due to operations that
are not of interest.
Channel’s unavailability - different factors can
also influence the availability of the channel such
as scheduling the attacker’s and victim’s pro-
cesses to different CPU cores for the whole dura-
tion of the attack. (Mowery et al., 2012) mention
core pinning which results in unavailability of the
side-channel as one of the reasons for unsuccess
of their attack. In (Genkin et al., 2013) the chan-
nel might become unavailable if for example the
recording microphone is removed or gets broken.
Detectability Level. Characterizes the intervention
level a specific side-channel attack requires and is
related to the probability that the attack will be de-
tected. Some side-channel attacks require preempting
the victim in order to be able to conduct the required
measurements (Zhang et al., 2012). Keeping low pen-
etration rate is a prerequisite for the success of the at-
Preventive Mechanisms. Due to different preven-
tive mechanisms some side-channel attacks are hard-
ened or even made impossible. These are classified as
Hardware-based - special hardware e.g., tam-
per resistant crypto modules might be employed
to secure the system against a given class of
side-channel attacks. Hardware-based preventive
mechanism characterizes the context of the attack
described in (Mowery et al., 2012). The pre-
ventive measures described in (Tiri et al., 2005;
Ratanpal et al., 2004) are also representative for
this class. Acoustic shielding can be applied as a
hardware-based countermeasure for the attack de-
scribed in (Genkin et al., 2013).
Algorithm-specific - This applies mainly to the
side-channel attacks targeting to compromise e.g.,
cryptographic keys. The attack can be hardened if
algorithm-specific measures are applied. For in-
stance, to protect the system from a cache-based
SCA and to keep the keys used in an AES algo-
rithm confidential, the AES instructions can be
explicitly moved out of the cache. This will af-
fect the performance of the algorithm, but will in-
crease the security.
Architectural - measures might be applied against
SCAs related to specific architectural components
e.g., the cache. (Kim et al., 2012) is a represen-
tative in this class of protection mechanisms. The
authors describe how to avoid cache-based SCAs
by managing a set of locked cache lines per core
that are never evicted from the cache. In that way
a VM can hide memory access patterns.
For the rest of this paper we focus on the feasibility
analysis of cache-based SCAs in a VE given a spe-
cific context. We argue that contextual aspects can
undoubtedly influence the attack by hardening it e.g.,
multicore environment can result in frequent migra-
tion of the victim among different cores, or by fa-
cilitating it e.g., enabled simultaneous multithreading
can lead to easier deployment of side-channel attacks.
The feasibility analysis is done with respect to the sys-
tem model (cf. Figure 1) presented in Section 1, and
based on the ”Challenges”-category from the classifi-
cation we proposed. We describe a set of factors that
have impact on the cache-based SCAs in a VE tak-
ing into account our investigation of the demonstrated
side-channel attacks in the community. Based on how
the presented factors affect the SCAs, we propose an
initial approach to estimate the feasibility of a cache-
based side-channel attack in a specific VE. A proof
of concept based on demonstrated SCAs is provided
to support our feasibility analysis. Future works (cf.
Section 5) will focus on further validating and refin-
ing the analysis presented in this section.
4.1 Feasibility Factors
The classification we proposed in Section 3 and more
precisely the class Challenges” servers as ground-
work for the feasibility analysis we conduct. It can
help us identify which are the factors turning an at-
tack into a more, respectively less feasible one with
regard to the context. The feasibility factors we are in-
vestigating are characteristics of the context in which
the SCA is to be deployed and are described in more
detail below.
4.1.1 Architectural Challenges
With respect to the architectural challenges, we distin-
guish between challenges having impact on the noise
in the channel and challenges influencing the avail-
ability of the channel.
Noise. In this paper we refer to noise as the mea-
surements related to data which is in the cache shared
by the attacker’s and the victim’s VMs, but has no
relevance to the data the attacker is interested in. Pos-
sible sources of noise for a cache-based side-channel
attack in a virtualized environment are given below.
Noise due to synchronization - basically the vic-
tim and the attacker are alternately using the side-
channel. If they are not properly synchronized,
the noise in the channel might increase dramati-
cally, as the attacker will acquire measurements
that are either redundant or not related to the vic-
tim. A proper synchronization is very challenging
and highly depends on the implementation of the
attack and the capabilities of the attacker.
Noise due to scheduling - although it has relation
to the noise due to synchronization, it depends
more on the hypervisor’s configuration and the
used scheduling policies rather than on the capa-
bilities of the attacker.
Noise due to interference with other VMs - in a
VE it might happen than also third parties are us-
ing the same cache as the attacker and the victim.
In this case, the attacker will have to sort out the
measurements that are related to the third parties
rather than the victim. The number of VMs shar-
ing the side-channel can also affect the noise.
Noise due to workload on the victim’s side - the
attacker might be interested in a part of victim’s
operations, but there is no guarantee that the ac-
quired measurements are not related to other op-
erations the victim is conducting that are not of
interest to the attacker. In such a case the noise in
the channel will be increased.
Noise due to core migration - in simultaneous
multiprocessing systems the virtual CPUs of the
victim’s or attacker’s VM might be floated among
different physical CPU cores. The attacker might
remain unaware of this core migration which will
also affect negatively the noise in the channel. It
holds that the bigger the number of CPU cores is,
the higher the probability of additional noise in
the channel is.
Noise due to hardware features - e.g., due to
prefetching or CPU power saving. Prefetchers
are designed to increase performance by specu-
lating about future memory accesses. As modern
prefetchers are complex and poorly documented,
their use increases the noise in the covert chan-
nel, and filtering out the noise due to prefetching
is rather challenging.
Disabled simultaneous multithreading (SMT) - If
SMT is enabled the processor resources such as
caches are shared between threads. This results in
a easily used side-channel between threads (Per-
cival, 2005). We consider an environment with
enabled SMT as more prone to SCAs than an en-
vironment with disabled SMT i.e., SCAs are more
feasible if SMT is enabled.
Channel’s Availability. We consider the channel to
be available in the cases when the attacker’s and the
victim’s VMs are using the same cache. In the case
of L1 cache-based SCA, which is private per core
cache, channel’s availability means that both VMs are
running on the same processing core at least at some
point in time. In cases when the VMs share the cache
only for a limited amount of time, we regard the chan-
nel as partially available. Different factors might have
impact on the channel’s availability such as schedul-
ing policies (e.g., core pinning vs. load balancing;
work-conserving vs. non work-conserving), number
of CPU cores (multicore vs. single core), as well
as the frequency of interrupts allowed (e.g., Interpro-
cessing interrupts).
4.1.2 Detectability Level
Here, as described in the proposed classification, we
consider the potential that the SCA is detected and
differentiate between detectability from hypervisor’s
perspective and detectability from victim’s perspec-
tive. The frequency of preempting the victim (pre-
emption rate) can be used as a possible measure for
detectability level.
4.1.3 Preventive Mechanisms
With respect to the preventive mechanisms we dis-
tinguish between hardware-based, algorithm-specific
and architectural.
Hardware-based - Here we consider special hard-
ware that has been deployed to protect the system
against the relevant type of attack e.g., tamper resis-
tant crypto modules might be employed to secure the
system against a SCA aiming at breaking AES en-
Algorithm-specific - We consider this case if there
are some measures applied to protect exactly the al-
gorithm that is a target of the attack - e.g. move AES
instructions out of the cache.
Architectural - this case is considered if it is known
that the cache implementation provides some mecha-
nisms for protection against side-channel attacks.
4.2 Feasibility Assessment
Our goal is to present the initial steps of how to
estimate the feasibility of a cache-based SCA in a
VE. For this purpose, we model the SCAs as a
feasibility tree gaining insight from the attack trees
presented in (Schneier, 1999), and taking as a ba-
sis the ”Challenges” class of the proposed classifi-
cation and the feasibility factors presented in Sec-
tion 4.1. Figure 6 depicts the created feasibility
tree. Hereby, we consider that an infeasible SCA
can be represented by ”1 at the root of the attack
tree which is namely the ”Challenges” category. We
argue that with the increase of the described chal-
lenges the feasibility of the cache-based side-channel
attack in a VE will decrease. From security per-
spective increasing the challenges can be seen as a
protection goal and the proposed model - as guide-
lines what can be done to make a cache-based SCA
less feasible. As proposed in the classification, the
”Challenges” category is further refined into the cat-
egories ”Architectural challenges” (subdivided into
”Noise” and ”Unavailability of the channel”), ”De-
tectability” (divided into ”Hypervisor’s detectability”
and ”Victim’s detectability”) and ”Preventive mecha-
nisms” (subdivided into ”Hardware-based preventive
mechanisms”, ”Algorithm-specific preventivemecha-
nisms” and ”Architectural preventive mechanisms”).
We model these three subcategories as follows:
Architectural challenges - ”1” means too much
noise or unavailability of the channel.
Detectability - ”1 represents that the attack can
be detected either by the victim or by the hypervi-
Protection mechanisms - ”1” means that there are
protection mechanisms applied to secure the sys-
tem against cache-based side-channel attacks.
The same idea is applied to the rest of the tree. In case
the property or the characteristic depicted in the leaf
is present, we model it by ”1” in our tree, otherwise -
by ”0”. For example, if many processes are running
in the victim’s VM, and the attacker is interested only
in the cache access pattern of one of them, the respec-
tive subcategory which models the noise due to vic-
tim’s workload in the tree will be represented by ”1”.
Having described how to construct the feasibility tree,
we have to model the relationships between the cate-
gories in order to be able to estimate the feasibility of
a given attack. This is important, as the information
is available only at leaves-level, and based on this in-
formation we want to derive a conclusion regarding
the feasibility of the attack (represented at the root of
the tree). The relationship between the subcategories
 !
! %
 %
 *
Figure 6: Feasibility tree of a SCA in a VE.
of the root can be modeled as OR-relationships, as
we speculate that (i) if there is a mechanism applied
to protect the system against this specific type of at-
tack, or (ii) if the architectural challenges are present
to large extend i.e., too much noise or constantly un-
available channel, or (iii) if the attack is detectable by
the hypervisor (under the assumption that the hyper-
visor is not malicious) or the victim, the SCA is too
challenging or infeasible. In other words, one of these
conditions must hold, for the attack to be infeasible.
Following the same intuition, we model the relation-
ships at the next tree-level as OR-relationships. We
argue that it suffices that there is too much noise in
the channel and the relevant measurements cannot be
filtered out, or that the channel is constantly unavail-
able for the attack to be infeasible. In addition, we
believe that if a preventive mechanism is applied to
protect the system against cache-based SCAs it will
be infeasible to deploy such an attack.
4.3 Proof of Concept
As a proof of concept for the proposed approaches,
we refer to the state-of-the-art in the field of side-
channel attacks. We consider some of the most promi-
nent side-channel attacks being demonstrated recently
in virtualized environments to (i) show that they can
be classified as proposed in Section 3 and to (ii)
analyze their feasibility applying the guidelines ex-
plained in Section 4. We consider three distinct at-
tacks - the work described in (Zhang et al., 2012) re-
ferred to as Attack 1, the attack described in (Mowery
et al., 2012) referred to as Attack 2 and a Cloud-based
Figure 7: Classification of the challenges of Attack 1.
scenario in which the attacker and the victim do not
share the same physical resources as Attack 3 for the
rest of this paper. For brevity we classify only the
challenges the authors have identified when conduct-
ing the respective attacks.
Following the guidelines, given in Section 4, first
we model the three attacks as feasibility trees. The
results are given in Figures 7, 8 and 9. As can be
seen from the figures, whereas in Attack 1 the authors
do not mention the existence of any preventive mech-
anisms applied to protect the system against side-
channel attacks, in Attack 2 the adversary faces the
problem of a hardware-based protection mechanism.
This is also the main difference in terms of challenges
between the first two attacks’ contexts. In Attack 1
the authors try to cope with the various Architectural
challenges due to increased noise or partial unavail-
ability of the side-channel. Since the unavailability
of the channel is partial and the noise is not so much
that it cannot be filtered out, the attack from Attack 1
is a successful one. From the challenges the authors
face when conducting it, we identify the sources of
noise and unavailability of the channel, as shown in
Figure 7. On the one hand, the attacker has to cope
with interference from other processes from the vic-
tim’s VM and other VMs which we classify as noise
due to workload. On the other hand, the adversary
has to filter out the noise resulting from the schedul-
ing. Beyond that, the observed CPU is floating among
cores and the availability of the channel is not always
given. As the attacker manages to solve this problem
using interprocess interrupts, we model this as partial
unavailability. Apart from that, the authors do not
mention to face problems due to detectability or pro-
tection mechanisms specially applied to protect the
system against cache-based side-channel attacks.
 !
! #
 #
Figure 8: Classification of the challenges of Attack 2.
The main problem that the adversary faces in At-
tack 2 is the hardware-based protection. The au-
thors of (Mowery et al., 2012) argue that an AES
cache-based side-channel attacks are becoming infea-
sible namely due to (i) the AES-NI (Intel Corporation,
2010) and (ii) the multicore processors. Following the
notion of our framework, we share their opinion con-
sidering AES-NI as a hardware-basedprotection mea-
sure against the specific type of attack which leads to
infeasibility of the attack. As described in the previ-
ous section, the multicore processor systems can make
an attack infeasible if their usage leads to constant un-
availability of the channel. This applies to the case
described by Mowery et al. in which the scheduler
can pin the virtual machines to different cores. If the
channel is partially unavailable, as in Attack 1, this
challenge can be overwhelmed. This attack also faces
challenges related to noise due to prefetching or work-
load, as shown in Figure 8, but the main problem is
the hardware-based protection. In Attack 3 we have a
Cloud and 2 VMs distributed to different physical ma-
chines. Even if we assume that there are no sources of
noise, or any protection mechanisms, in this case the
attack is infeasible due to the constant unavailability
of the channel (cf. Figure 9).
The isolation the VE provides among the virtual
machines is not considered secure anymore due to
the demonstration of sophisticated side-channel and
covert-channel attacks managing to compromise the
confidentiality in the virtualized environment. De-
pending on the environment, however, these attacks
are more respectively less feasible. This paper clas-
 !
Figure 9: Classification of the challenges of Attack 3.
sifies existing side-channel attacks taking into con-
sideration the characteristics of the context and pro-
vides an initial approach for a feasibility analysis
for cache-based side-channel attacks. This research
will be extended by identifying additional feasibil-
ity factors and their impact on the exploitability of
a side-channel as well as by introducing the notion
of weights as a way to prioritize the most important
feasibility factors. Furthermore, a quantitative frame-
work for estimating the risk related to side-channel
attacks in a specific environment can be developed.
Research supported by TU Darmstadt’s project
LOEWE-CASED and the Deutsche Forschungsge-
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