Fully Off-line secuRe CrEdits for Mobile Micro Payments
Vanesa Daza
, Roberto Di Pietro
, Flavio Lombardi
and Matteo Signorini
Department of Information and Communication Technologies - Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
Department of Mathematics and Physics - Roma Tre University, Roma, Italy
Security, Payment, Protocol, Off-line.
Payment schemes based on mobile devices are expected to supersede traditional electronic payment ap-
proaches in the next few years. However, current solutions are limited in that protocols require at least one of
the two parties to be on-line, i.e. connected either to a trusted third party or to a shared database. Indeed, in
cases where customer and vendor are persistently or intermittently disconnected from the network, any on-line
payment is not possible. This paper introduces FORCE, a novel mobile micro payment approach where all
involved parties can be fully off-line. Our solution improves over state-of-the-art approaches in terms of pay-
ment flexibility and security. In fact, FORCE relies solely on local data to perform the requested operations.
Present paper describes FORCE architecture, components and protocols. Further, a thorough analysis of its
functional and security properties is provided showing its effectiveness and viability.
Market analysts have predicted that mobile payments
will overtake the traditional marketplace, thus pro-
viding greater convenience to consumers and a new
source of revenue to many companies. This scenario
can produce a shift in purchase methods from classic
credit cards to new approaches such as mobile-based
payments, giving new market entrants a further busi-
ness chance (Lewandowska, 2013).
Widely supported by recent hardware, mobile
payment technology is still at its early stages of evo-
lution but it is expected to rise in the near future
as demonstrated by the growing interest in crypto-
currencies. The first micro payment scheme, named
Payword, was proposed by Rivest and Shamir (Rivest,
1996) and was based on hash operations. Nowa-
days, crypto-currencies and decentralized payment
systems (e.g. Bitcoin (Martins and Yang, 2011)) are
increasingly popular, fostering a shift from physical
to digital currencies. However, such payment tech-
niques have yet to become commonplace, due to sev-
eral unresolved issues, including a lack of widely-
accepted standards, limited interoperability among
systems and, most importantly, security. A common
limitation of present approaches is that the payment
protocol either requires at least one of the involved
devices to be on-line (i.e. connected to an external
trusted third party), or it requires each transaction to
be linked to a bank account.
1.1 Problem and Objectives
Present digital payment solutions rely on the capabil-
ity of involved devices to go on-line, i.e. to connect to
a remote payment service/gateway. Although many
of them claim to provide off-line transactions, they
are limited to customer authentication whilst blindly
relying on trusting the bank for transactions (as for
credit cards). As a matter of fact, for all those cards
that do not rely on any bank account, such as prepaid
cards, a network connection to the Internet is required
in order to check card validity and balance. Unfortu-
nately, a network connection can be unavailable due
to either temporary network service disruption or due
to a permanent lack of network coverage. Last, but
not least, such on-line solutions are not very efficient
since remote communication can introduce delays in
the payment process. As a consequence, some mer-
chants would rather prefer off-line solutions to take
advantage of the low latency of the payment process
and of the data plan cost reduction. The lack of fully
off-line secure prepaid solutions not linked to bank
accounts is mainly due to the difficulty of checking
the trustworthiness of a transaction without a trusted
third party. This represents an important deficiency
Daza V., Di Pietro R., Lombardi F. and Signorini M..
FORCE - Fully Off-line secuRe CrEdits for Mobile Micro Payments.
DOI: 10.5220/0005053201250136
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2014), pages 125-136
ISBN: 978-989-758-045-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
in nowadays mobile payment ecosystems, in particu-
lar for those emerging countries where mobile micro
paymentsolutions are flourishing (thanks to the recent
widespread success of low-cost smartphones) despite
difficulties in bank pervasiveness.
1.2 Contribution
This paper introduces and discusses a novel off-line
micro payment solution. The proposed solution,
named FORCE, does not require any kind of network
connectivity or bank account. In FORCE both the
vendor and the customer device can be disconnected
from the Internet and from any other trusted third
party thus relying only on local data. To the best of
our knowledge, this is the first approach that is able to
provide secure fully off-line payments while being re-
silient to different malicious adversaries as described
in Section 7.
Solutions proposed so far for mobile payments can be
classified according to the following taxonomy:
Fully On-line: solutions such as (Chen et al.,
2010; Golovashych, 2005; Vasco et al., 2010) that
require the customer’s mobile device to be con-
nected to a network (e.g. 3G) in order to com-
municate with a bank, a payment-gateway or a
trusted third party;
Semi Off-line: solutions such as (Kadambi et al.,
2009; Sekhar and Mrudula, 2012) that require an
active connection only on the vendor side;
Weak Off-line: solutions such as (Dominikus and
Aigner, 2007; Nishide and Sakurai, 2011) that re-
quire a connection either to a shared dataset or to
a peer-to-peer network. Such approach, by allow-
ing access to past transactions, enables vendors to
check for customer’s account validity, thus pre-
venting malicious behavior such as double spend-
ing. Other solutions belonging to the weak-off-
line category work with digital cash designed to
be accepted either by specific vendors (known as
digital vouchers) or within a specific short time
window like in (Patil and Shyamasundar, 2004;
Aigner et al., 2007);
Fully Off-line: solutions that do not require any
external connection but either assume involved
devices to be trusted (Juang, 2013; Salama et al.,
2011) or are limited to transactions tied to a bank
As already introduced, the main issue of a fully
off-line solution is that keeping track of past trans-
actions can be hard, as it is difficult for a vendor to
check if some digital credits have already been spent.
This is the main reason why the solutions proposed
so far in the literature (see Table 1) require some kind
of Trusted Third Party (TTP) to store past transac-
tions and check such a list each time a new transac-
tion is started (Vasco et al., 2010) (as such they can
be considered run-time verified solutions). Alterna-
tively, off-line solutions that do not rely on TTPs ei-
ther assume a tamper proof/resistant smart card (such
as (Juang, 2013; Salama et al., 2011)) or just check for
customer identity (Wang et al., 2013) whereas secu-
rity checks, such as double spending prevention, are
verified and validated by the bank at a later time (such
solutions are classified as postponed).
FORCE is the first solution that neither requires TTPs,
nor bank accounts, nor trusted devices to mitigate
the attacks that usually affect fully off-line payment
schemes (details in Section 6). To achieve such a
goal, FORCE leverages physically unclonable func-
tions (for short PUF, details in Section 4) and pro-
poses a novel, fully off-line system based on digital
credit, i.e. prepaid coins that can be spent only once.
Furthermore, by allowing FORCE customers to
be free from having a bank account, makes it partic-
ularly interesting as regards privacy. In fact, unlike
all other solutions, anyone can buy a FORCE scratch
card (e.g. at a local reseller) without disclosing her
identity. Digital credits used in FORCE are just a
digital version of real cash and, as such, they are not
linked to anybody else than the holder.
Differently from other payment solutions based
on tamper-proof hardware, FORCE assumes that only
the chips built upon PUFs can exploit the tamper evi-
dence feature provided by the PUFs themselves. As a
consequence, our assumptions are much less restric-
tive and more realistic than other approaches.
3.1 FORCE Model
FORCE can be applied to any scenario composed by
a payer/customer device, a payee/vendor device, a
scratch card (i.e. a digital credit physical wallet) and a
payee/vendor local storage device. In its current ver-
sion, as depicted in Figure 1, FORCE has been de-
signed using a smartphone as the customer device (for
short CD), a Point Of Sale as the vendor device (for
short VD), and a Near Field Communication (Coskun
et al., 2012) (for short NFC). The rationale behind the
Table 1: Some payment schemes with double spending attack prevention technique being adopted.
Scheme TTP-Free TTP Type Check Type
(Dai et al., 2006) % P2P Network Realtime
(Popescu and Oros, 2007) % Database Postponed
(Zhou, 2008) % P2P Network Postponed
(Srivastava et al., 2008) % Database Realtime
(Wang and Lu, 2008) % Database Postponed
(Zhan-gang and Zhen-kai, 2009) % Database Postponed
(Vasco et al., 2010) % Issuing Authority Realtime
(Salama et al., 2011) % Database Realtime
(Wang et al., 2013) % Database Postponed
(Juang, 2013) % Database Postponed
(Chaurasia and Verma, 2014) % Database Realtime
FORCE " None Realtime
choice of NFC is that it is much easier to use com-
pared to other wireless communication technologies
like Bluetooth or WiFi.
Customer Device
Vendor Device
Scratch Card
Storage Device
Figure 1: FORCE model.
In FORCE, as detailed in Section 6, all involved
devices can be tweaked by an attacker and are con-
sidered untrusted except from the storage device, that
we assume is kept physically secure by the vendor.
It is important to highlight that such an assumption
does not affect the security of the proposed system.
In fact, similarly to physical wallets, bank’s safety
vaults or crypto-currency digital wallets, the storage
device is not involved in the payment transaction and
represents a secure, write-only, place where collected
money are stored.
Furthermore, FORCE, rather than being an e-cash
system, has been designed to be a secure and reli-
able encapsulation scheme of digital coins into dig-
ital credits. This makes FORCE also applicable to
multiple-bank scenarios. Indeed, as for credit and
debit cards where TTPs (i.e. card issuers) guaran-
tee the validity of the cards, some common standard
convention can be used in FORCE to make banks
able to produce and sell their own scratch card. Any
bank will then be capable of verifying digital credits
of scratch cards issued by other banks, by requiring
banks and vendors to agree on the standard used for
the digital credits within the scratch card (see Section
In contrast to all other solutions proposed so far,
in FORCE, vendors are able to verify digital credit
validity at run-time. This means that once a digital
credit has been verified, it can be directly and imme-
diately re-used (details in Section 5.4) and there is no
way such a credit could be refused or reclaimed.
FORCE does not require any special hardware
component apart from the scratch card that can be
plugged into any device able to read SD cards. Sim-
ilarly to a secure element (e.g MasterCard PayPass
chip), our scratch card is a tamper proof device that
provides a secure storage and execution environment
for sensitive data. Thus, as defined in the ISO7816-
4 standard, our scratch can be accessed via some
APIs while maintaining the desired security and pri-
vacy level. Such software components (i.e. APIs) are
not central to the security of the scratch card system
and can be easily updated. This renders infrastructure
maintenance easier.
3.2 Threat Model
In order to better describe all the possible threats a
fully off-line environment is subject to, a detailed de-
scription of both attacks and attackers is introduced in
this section. The first important distinction that has to
be made is about the position of the adversary:
Internal Attacker: this adversary is directly in-
volved in the payment as the customer/vendor. As
such, he is capable of tweaking any device either
by injecting malicious code or by having physical
access to it;
External Attacker: this adversary is not directly
involved in the payment. As such, he can only
access/alter the data being exchanged between the
vendor and the customer over the NFC channel.
The second classification is based upon the number of
tweaked devices as follows:
Collector: this is an external adversary able to
eavesdrop and alter messages being exchanged
between the CD and the VD;
Malicious Customer: this is an internal adver-
sary that can either physically open the CD to
eavesdrop sensitive information or inject mali-
cious code within the CD in order to alter its be-
Malicious Vendor: (for short, M. Vendor) is an
internal adversary that can either eavesdrop in-
formation from the VD or inject malicious code
within the VD in order to alter its behavior;
Ubiquitous: this is an internal adversary with
complete access to both CD and VD.
In the proposed payment scheme, as shown in
Section 6, no restrictions are made on the capabilities
of the adversary, always considered as ubiquitous.
In this section, the architecture of our mobile payment
solution will be described (see Figure 2). The core
element of the whole payment system architecture is
a scratch card that can be built within the CD or used
as a separate element, such as Secure Digital cards
(for short SD). A scratch card is composed of:
Scratch Memory: special read once memory
used to store digital credits;
Authenticator: used to compute, on the fly, all
the cryptographic keys required for the payment
Memory Mapping Unit: used to retrieve the dig-
ital credit layout and to detect malicious attacks
based on guessing the memory layout.
Both the authenticator and the memory map-
ping unit elements are built upon physically unclon-
able functions. PUFs were introduced by Ravikanth
(Ravikanth, 2001) in 2001. He showed that, due to
manufacturing process variations, every transistor in
an integrated circuit has slightly different physical
properties that lead to measurable differences in terms
of electronic properties. Since these process varia-
tions are not controllable during manufacturing, the
physical properties of a device cannot be copied or
cloned. As such, they are unique to that device and
can be used for authentication purposes. However,
creating a device with a given electronic fingerprint is
difficult and expensive, whereas implementing a PUF
requires an electronic circuit that is able to produce
hardware outputs (i.e. responses) to given inputs (i.e.
challenges). These responses depend on the unique
physical properties of the device. As such, PUFs are
functions that are easy to challenge and whose re-
sponse is easy to measure, but very hard to repro-
duce. PUFs have been proposed in banking systems
in the past but so far they have only been used to
provide stronger customer authentication. One of the
most important features about PUFs is their tamper-
evidence capability.
In the remainder of this section, each element of
the scratch card will be described. Further, in Section
5 the transaction protocol will be depicted.
Memory Mapping
Scratch Card ID
Secret Key Generator
Memory Mapping Unit
Scratch Card
Read-only (read-once) element
Tamper-evidence element
Credit Registers
Canary Filter
Figure 2: FORCE scratch card architecture. Elements in
grey contain a physically unclonable function.
4.1 Scratch Memory
At the hearth of the scratch card lies a read-oncemem-
ory(Rens, 2006) named scratch memory. Such mem-
ory, used to store digital credits, has the property that
reading one value destroys/erases the original content.
FORCE is not tied/limited to any static digital
credit format. It just requires each digital credit to
be composed of at least two fields, namely the value
of the digital credit and an integrity verification value.
This value is used to guarantee that a specific credit
is created to be spent by a specific scratch card only.
Such value is computed at manufacturing time by first
encrypting the credit value with the public key of the
scratch card and then additionally signing it with the
private key of the card issuer. This is to avoid forgery
attacks. Once a digital credit has been created, it is
stored within the scratch memory in a non contiguous
way. During this step, the card issuer creates unique
random sequences, one for each credit, where unique
means that taken two credits C
and C
and given S
(the sequence of C
) and S
(the sequence of C
) then
0, (a, b) with a 6= b. Such sequences repre-
sent the layout of each credit within the scratch mem-
FORCE does not rely either on a specific scratch
memory size or on a specific number of digital cred-
its. It is the card issuer that has the responsibility of
managing the scratch memory layout as regards both
the size and the credit number. As such, FORCE can
work with scratch memories of any size and with any
number of digital credits. It is also important to high-
light that the scrambled layout of digital credits within
the scratch memory is not the core security element of
the solution proposed in this work. Digital credit lay-
out is only meant to prevent a subset of attacks based
on the guessing of the scratch memory (see Section 7
for details).
4.2 Authenticator
The authenticator is used to on-the-fly compute the
scratch card’s private key used to decrypt vendor re-
quests. In fact, rather than embodying a single crypto-
graphic key within the device, thus potentially allow-
ing an adversary to steal it, PUFs have been used in
FORCE to implement strong challenge-response au-
thentication. The challenge used as input for the PUF
is a publicly known scratch card identifier hard-coded
within the card and used in the payment protocol as
the public key of the card. Each scratch card is indeed
shipped with a public key, signed by the bank/card is-
suer to avoid forgery attacks and hard-coded into the
card itself. This allows the customer to broadcast the
public key of the card to vendors. As such they are not
required to know all the public keys of all the active
scratch cards.
As detailed in Section 5, vendors can encrypt pay-
ment requests with the public key of a scratch card
with the guarantee that such requests will be read only
by that card. Further, the tamper-evidence feature
of PUFs ensures that any attempt to open on the fly
the authenticator element to read the computed pri-
vate key will alter the behavior of the PUF causing a
different key to be produced and thus the loss of the
original key. Changing the original private key leads
to the impossibility to read vendor requests thus ren-
dering the whole scratch card useless.
4.3 Memory Mapping Unit
The memory mapping unit (MMU) is composed by
a set of credit registers and by a verifier element as
shown in Figure 2. Credit registers are hard-coded
into the MMU and each of them is given as input
to the rescrambler-PUF to compute the actual layout
of each digital credit within the scratch memory (see
Figure 3). Again, actual layout values of digital cred-
its are not stored anywhere within the card but are
computed on the fly each time, making it hard for an
adversary to eavesdrop them.
The latest element of the MMU is the canary fil-
ter, embedded into the verifier and used to protect the
scratch card from memory guess-based attacks by us-
ing special bits (canary bits). These bits have the main
goal of keeping track of scratch memory malicious ac-
cesses and, as depicted in Figure 3, they are designed
as a mapping function between input and output. If
a bit given as input to the canary filter matches a ca-
nary bit, the output is multiplexedto the whole scratch
memory. This guarantees that any attempt to read a
canary bit will automatically cause the entire scratch
memory to be read and, as such, erased. As for the au-
thenticator, the MMU takes advantage of the tamper-
evidence feature of its embedded rescrambler-PUF.
Scratch Memory
Scratch Memory
Credit Registers Credit Registers
Figure 3: An authorized read on the left and a malicious
read on the right. On the right, the canary bit is multiplexed
to all the addresses of the scratch memory.
4.4 Stable PUF Extraction
As described in Section 4.2 and Section 4.3, physi-
cally unclonable functions have been used in FORCE
to compute the private key of the scratch card and the
actual layout value of each digital credit. However,
given a fixed input, PUFs can producea responses that
is unique to the manufacturing instance of the PUF
circuit but that it is not bitwise-identical when regen-
erated multiple times. As such, in order to use PUFs
in algorithms where stable values are required, an in-
termediate step is required. This problem, usually
faced in cryptographic algorithms, is known as “se-
cret key extraction” and it can be solved using a two-
step algorithm. In the first step the PUF is queried,
thus producing an output together with some addi-
tional information called helper data. In the second
step, the helper data is used to extract the same output
as in the first step thus making the PUF able to build
stable values. It is also possible to construct a two-
step algorithm guaranteeing that the computed value
is perfectly secret, even if the helper data is publicly
known. Practical instances of such kind of algorithm
have been proposed in (Dodis et al., 2008) and the
cost of actual implementations thereof is assessed in
(Maes et al., 2009).
Recently, some solutions have been proposed to
correct PUF output on the fly thus providing the
generation of secret stable values within the de-
vice. FORCE uses this approach for the design of
both the key generator element (embedded in the au-
thenticator) and for the verifier element (embedded
in the MMU). Such special PUFs are built upon a
lightweight error correction algorithm proposed in
(Yu et al., 2011) and described in this section.
C0 C1 C63
+ + +
+ + +
Selected PUF
Selected PUF
PUF challenge
Tamper-evidence element
PUF response
Figure 4: Stable PUF response computation approach used
for the key generator and the MMU verifier.
As depicted in Figure 4, the basic 64-sum PUF
looks at the difference between two delay terms, each
produced by the sum of 64 PUF values. Given a chal-
lenge, its i
bit called C
determines, for each of the
64 stages, which PUF is used to compute the top de-
lay term, and which is used to compute the bottom
delay term. The sign bit of the difference between the
two delay terms determines whether the PUF outputs
a ‘1‘ or ‘0‘ bit for the 64-bit challenge C
·· ·C
. The
remaining bits of the difference determine the confi-
dence level of the ‘1‘ or the ‘0‘ output bit. The k-sum
PUF can be thought of as a k-stage Arbiter PUF (Lim
et al., 2005) with a real-valued output that contains
both the output bit as well as its confidence level. This
information is used by the downstream lightweight er-
ror correction block that is able to produce in output a
stable value within the scratch card.
By using such on the fly stable value generation
process, FORCE does not store either private keys or
digital credit actual layout within the customer device
thus protecting them from malicious customers and
ensuring that only the right scratch card can compute
its own private key with a single step each time it is
This section describes all phases of the FORCE pro-
tocol. For completeness, the Redemption, Transac-
tion Dispute and the Rollover phases will be analyzed
even though they are not part of the payment proce-
dure that is composed by the Pairing and the Payment
phases only.
5.1 Pairing Phase
The current version of FORCE uses the NFC tech-
nology for all the communications between CDs and
VDs. Even though NFC requires both the involved
devices to be very close to each other, an adversary
could still be able to unleash man-in-the-middle at-
tacks (for short MITM) by using NFC boosters. As
such, a pairing setup process has being used as the
first step of each new transaction request. For the
pairing phase, FORCE relies on standard and well
known pairing protocols such as the Passkey Entry of
the Bluetooth Simple Pairing Process (for short SSP).
At the end of the pairing protocol, both the devices
will share their public keys used to guarantee integrity
and authenticity of messages being exchanged. Fur-
thermore, in order to avoid brute force attacks on the
pairing protocol, FORCE adopts a “fail-to-ban” ap-
proach based upon a failure threshold value. In this
case, if a malicious customer consecutively fails the
Passkey Entry procedure the system stops for few sec-
onds, usually 20 or 30 seconds. If the number of con-
secutive fail-to-ban reaches a security threshold value,
the vendor can decide to refuse the pairing request.
For the sake of simplicity, all the encryption oper-
ations involved in the SSP Passkey Entry protocol and
used in the FORCE pairing process will be omitted.
5.2 Payment Phase
The FORCE payment phase is depicted in Figure 5
and it is composed by the following steps (symbols in
Table 2):
1. The customer sends a purchase request to the VD
asking for some goods;
2. The vendor computes the total amount and sends
it back to the customer;
3. The customer checks for the amount and either
confirms or denies the transaction. If the transac-
tion is confirmed, the CD creates a reply for the
VD with the indexes of all the credits that are still
available in the card. If the i
index number is
present in the reply, it means that the i
credit reg-
ister can be read in order to retrieve the i
credit within the card;
Table 2: Symbols used in all the phases of the transaction
Symbol Meaning
Enc()/Dec() Symmetric encryption/decryption
Enc()/Dec() Asymmetric encryption/decryption
Salt Salt value
CreditIdx Credit memory addresses
CreditVal Credit memory content
Req Credit request built by VD
Res Response built by CD
CPK Card public key
CSK Card secret (private) key
BPK Bank/Card Issuer public key
BSK Bank/Card Issuers secret (private) key
VPK Vendor public key
VSK Vendor secret (private) key
EReq Encrypted request
ERes Encrypted response
FRes Final response
RReq Redemption request
Log Log entry
ELog Encrypted log entry
4. The vendor first creates a random salt value.
Then, for each credit that will be involved in the
transaction, a request is created by encrypting the
credit index with the random salt obtaining Req
(CreditIdx) = Req (1)
5. Such encrypted request along with the salt just
created are encrypted once again with the public
key of the scratch card, thus rendering the cus-
tomer the only party able to read it
(Req, Salt) = EReq (2)
6. When the customer receives such a request, the
private key is computed by the authenticator as
shown in Section 4.2 and it is used to decrypt the
message received thus obtaining the salt value and
the request
(EReq) = (Req, Salt) (3)
7. The salt is then used to decrypt the request Req
(Req) = CreditIdx (4)
8. CreditIdx is used by the MMU to read the scratch
card digital credit value (details in Section 4.3);
9. The credit value is sent back to the authenticator;
10. The salt is used once again to create an encrypted
response for the vendor
(CreditVal) = Res (5)
11. The response is encrypted with the private key of
the card thus providing authenticity and integrity
(Res) = ERes (6)
12. The encrypted response is then sent back to the
Figure 5: Payment protocol. Operations from 3 to 8 are
executed within the scratch card but the whole process is
invoked by the customer device.
13. The vendor decrypts the ERes in two steps
(ERes) = Res (7)
(Res) = CreditVal (8)
14. Finally the content of the credit is decrypted with
the public key of the bank/card issuer
(CreditVal) = FRes (9)
15. If the credit value is correct, a new entry is stored
in the storage device of the vendor after having
being encrypted with the private key of the ven-
If all the steps are accomplished without errors
(see Section 5.3) the transaction is authorized and
the purchase is allowed. It is important to highlight
that, as already described in Section 1, FORCE has
been designed as a secure and reliable encapsulation
scheme rather than as an e-cash system. As such,
problems affecting digital currencies, such as digital
change, are beyond the scope of the proposed solution
and will not be analyzed here.
5.3 Transaction Dispute
Due to its truly off-line nature, FORCE does not pro-
vide a transaction dispute protocolphase to better pro-
tect both the customer and the vendor. Indeed, a ma-
licious customer could simulate an error in the trans-
action, thus requesting a direct refund to the vendor,
while a malicious vendor could simulate an invalid
transaction, even if digital credits were successfully
read from the customer’s scratch card.
As such, direct transaction disputes between ven-
dors and customers are avoided while on-line transac-
tion disputes are allowed. In fact, since the redemp-
tion phase is on-line (see Section 5.4), the correctness
and completeness of each off-line transaction can be
easily verified by the bank/card issuer thus rendering
a fake transaction dispute attempt too risky and unfea-
sible to the malicious party.
5.4 Redemption Phase
Vendors accepting FORCE scratch cards from their
customers can verify digital credits at run-time with-
out relying on any TTP. This is thanks to the fact that
what is actually exchanged between the customer and
the vendor is not a promissory note (as with credit
cards and all other postponed payment schemes that
claim to be off-line) but it is a digital value, represent-
ing real money, signed by the bank/card issuer. As
such, each FORCE payment transaction just needs the
pairing and the payment phases in order to be accom-
plished and evaluated by the vendor. However, for the
sake of completeness, the redemption phase will also
be briefly discussed.
As shown in Figure 6, once the off-line transac-
tion has been completed, the vendor owns the digital
credit just received from the customer. Such credit
is encrypted by the bank/card issuer and, as such, it
can be easily verified by everyone using the public
key of the bank/card issuer. Thus, once the credit has
been verified, the vendor can use the digital coin (en-
capsulated within the credit) either to send it back to
the bank/card issuer in exchange for real money or
to use it as a common crypto/digital currency. If the
vendor chooses to send it back to the bank/card is-
suer, the credit and the coins will be stored in the bank
database. On the contrary, if the vendor decides to use
the credit as an e-cash digital coin, the credit will be
broadcast over the network depending on the payment
scheme being used.
This “second-step” payment process relies on
common on-line payment protocols. Thus, its secu-
rity and reliability features are not discussed here.
Possible future online usage of
ine-collected credits
FORCE - o ine transactions
Figure 6: Possible uses of digital credit obtained in past
In this section the robustness of FORCE is discussed.
FORCE uses both symmetric and asymmetric crypto
schemes in order to guarantee the most important se-
curity principles as follows:
Authenticity: it is guaranteed by FORCE both in
the pairing and in the payment transaction phase.
In the pairing phase the authenticity is ensured
by the PassKey Entry standard protocol while in
the payment phase the authenticity is ensured by
the authenticator element embedded in the scratch
Non Repudiation: the storage device kept phys-
ically safe by the vendor prevents the adversary
from deleting past transactions thus avoiding ma-
licious repudiation requests. In addition, the con-
tent of the storage device can be exported to an
external storage, such as a pen drive, on a timely
Integrity: digital credit integrity is ensured by en-
crypting each digital credit with the private key
of the bank/card issuer. Furthermore, message in-
tegrity is ensured by FORCE thanks to the on the
fly computation of the private key of the scratch
card that is not stored anywhere within the scratch
card but it is computed each time as needed;
Confidentiality: each response sent to the ven-
dor by the customer has a double layer encryp-
tion. Responses are first encrypted with the ran-
dom salt generated by the vendor at the begin-
ning of the payment phase and then encrypted
with the private key of the scratch card. This sec-
ond layer of encryption ensures that the response
was originated by that card as described in Section
4.2 while the encryption layer built upon the salt,
guarantees confidentiality and freshness of the re-
sponse generated by the card;
Availability: the availability of the proposed so-
lution is guaranteed mainly by: first, the fully off-
line scenario completely removes any type of ex-
ternal communication requirement and makes it
possible to use off-line digital credits also in ex-
treme situations with no network coverage. Sec-
ond, the implementation with a passive card and
the lack of any registration phase, makes the pro-
posed scratch card able to be used by different de-
FORCE shares (Choi and Kim, 2012) the assump-
tion that the scratch card is tamper-evident. This as-
sumption is based on the size of nowadays IC and on
the impossibility for a casual adversary to open the
device without causing an alteration in PUF behav-
ior. This assumption is no longer valid if an expert
adversary with access to highly sophisticated and ex-
pensive tools, such as scanning electron microscopes
or focused ion beams, is taken into account. However,
such tools can be worth thousands of dollars and ap-
plying this kind of attack on each single deviceto steal
a few dollars will not be convenient to the attacker.
6.1 Key Rollover
As for all the real-world payment schemes based on
smart cards such as credit, debit and prepaid cards,
FORCE assumes that, in case of bank/card issuer pri-
vate key renewal a time-window is adequately cho-
sen to let customers decide whether to spend their last
credits or to exchange the current card with a newone.
These standard procedures are widely accepted in the
real world and, as such, no custom key rollover pro-
tocol has been designed in FORCE.
In this section, the resiliency of FORCE to all the at-
tacks listed in Section 3.2 is discussed:
Double Spending: the read once property of the
scratch memory prevents an adversary from read-
ing the same digital credit twice. Even if a mali-
cious customer creates a fake vendor device and
reads all digital credits (as described in Section
4.1) it will not be able to spend such credit due to
the inability to decrypt the request of other ven-
dors (see the payment protocol in Section 5.2).
Indeed, as described in Section 4.2 the private key
of the card is needed to decrypt the request of the
vendor and can be computed only within the de-
vice. The fake vendor could then try to forge a
new emulated scratch card with private/public key
pair. However, scratch card public keys are valid
only if signed by the bank/card issuer. As such,
any message received by an unconfirmed scratch
card will be immediately rejected;
Credit Forgery: each credit is encrypted with the
private key of the bank/card issuer and thus it is
not possible for an adversary to forge new credit;
Memory Poisoning: each completed transaction
is kept in the vendor storage device. If a digital
credit has been corrupted by a memory poison-
ing attack, such credit will not be accepted. Such
corrupted and unused credits can be claimed back
to the bank/card issuer that will check for both
vendor logs and on-line payment circuit databases
and if such credit is not present in any of them a
refund will be given back to the victim;
Memory Deletion: this is a special case of the
Memory Poisoning attack in which all credits are
Memory Dump: as shown in Sections 4.2 and
4.3 opening the scratch card to copy the content
of the scratch memory will alter the behavior of
the PUF, thus invalidating the whole scratch card;
Memory Reconstruction: this is a special case
of the memory dump. By attempting a memory
reconstruction the adversary could be able to re-
construct each digital credit and then use them in
future transactions. However, reading the mem-
ory for dumping will change the PUF behavior,
thus preventing the authenticator from computing
the CD private key required to decrypt the vendor
Hardware Emulation: PUFs, by design, cannot
be neither dumped nor forged as in this case com-
puted responses will be different from the original
Software Emulation: it is not possible, by de-
sign, to emulate PUFs without opening them and,
thus, corrupting them;
Postponed Transaction: the only way to either
forcibly access or eavesdrop clear-text informa-
tion is by physically opening the scratch card.
Again, doing so will alter PUFs behavior thus in-
validating the whole card;
Information Stealing: as shown in Section 6 the
private key of the CD and the real layout of each
credit is computed on the fly as needed. No sensi-
tive information is kept in the scratch card;
Replay: each challenge, even if related to the
same digital credit, is different due to the random
salt generated each time by the vendor;
Man In the Middle: digital credits are encrypted
by the bank/card issuer and contain, among all
other things, the scratch card ID. As a conse-
quence, an adversary cannot spend digital credits
of other customers by simply copying them from
the scratch card of the victim. Even changing the
content of the victim’s digital credit by replacing
the original ID with the ID of the adversary is not
possible. After such alteration of the credit, the
adversary would not be able to encrypt the credit
with the private key of the bank/card issuer, thus
rendering the malicious credit useless. Last but
not least, the adversary cannot pretend to be an-
other customer with a different ID because it will
not be able to compute the private key linked to
that ID;
Reverse Engineering: by design, any attempt to
tweak the scratch card in order to try and steal
any useful information will alter the behavior of
the PUF thus rendering the whole scratch card no
longer usable;
Denial of Services: the pairing process, based
on the Bluetooth Passkey Enter standard proto-
col, cannot be accomplished by an adversary be-
cause it requires a security code to be manually
and physically typed on the customer’s device. As
such, DoS and DDoS attacks where the adversary
wipes the credits on the SC are mitigated. Even
if the adversary is a malicious vendor, each trans-
action has to be confirmed by the customer thus
preventing batch attacks where the SC is repeat-
edly challenged;
HW Modification: again, by design, it is not
possible for an adversary to add/modify/remove
any element belonging to the scratch card without
changing its behavior;
HW Eavesdropping: it is well known that nowa-
days photon counting APD modules and photon
emission microscope with InGaAs image sensors
are used with Focused Ion Beam (FIB) systems
in order to locate faults within integrated circuits.
However, as explained at the beginning of this
section, we consider this kind of attack overkill.
Repudiation: as described in Section 5.3,
FORCE does not provide a transaction dispute
protocol phase. However, while the payment
transaction is accomplished in a fully-offline sce-
nario, any additional operation (e.g. disputes
or refund requests) can be accomplished on-line.
This way, the customer cannot repudiate a valid
transaction (the log entry for that transaction will
be notified on-line by the vendor) and the same
applies for the vendor (a repudiated valid transac-
tion cannot be spent).
So far, we have discussed the resilience of our
payment scheme to the attacks introduced in Section
3.2. In the following, other considerations are shared
based on the different adversary models introduced in
the same Section above:
Malicious Customer: as shown at the beginning
of this Section, forgery, dump and reply attacks
are mitigated by the architecture and physical na-
ture of the core elements of the scratch card.
Malicious Vendor: the only feasible attack for a
malicious customer is the deletion of past transac-
tion entries from the storage device. However, this
is not possible as the storage device is assumed to
be kept physically secure by the vendor;
Ubiquitous: the smarter attack that can be un-
leashed by such an adversary is the stealing of
information from both the VD and the CD to re-
construct the semantics of the scratch card mem-
ory content. However, in order to steal such infor-
mation the adversary has to physically tweak the
scratch card, thus invalidating it.
The robustness of FORCE is mainly based on
PUFs features but also on the high unpredictability
of digital credit layout within the scratch memory.
As regards physical attacks to PUFs, Integrated Cir-
cuits (ICs) and hardware in general, some relevant re-
sults are discussed in (Griffin et al., 2012) and (Choi
and Kim, 2012). The first one aims at protecting
IC integrity as each manufactured IC is rendered in-
operative unless a unique per-chip unlocking key is
applied. After manufacturing, the response of each
chip to specially generated test vectors is used to con-
struct the correct per-chip unlocking key. As concerns
(Choi and Kim, 2012), Choi and Kim aimed to pro-
tect the keys inside TPMs using a PUF. In fact, when
the keys are stored in memory and when they are
moved through the bus, their value is changed with
the PUF, thus rendering eavesdropping out of the PUF
IC useless. When the keys are needed for the crypto-
graphic module, they are retrieved from outside the
PUF IC and decrypted by the same PUF. However,
the values of the keys could be revealed through side-
channel attacks, e.g. non-invasive forms of physical
attack measuring timings, power consumption, and
electromagnetic radiation. Most cryptographic mod-
ules are known to be vulnerable to side-channel at-
tacks, and these attacks would be effective against the
TPM; thus, countermeasures against side-channel at-
tacks are necessary.
The problem of limiting data access in a physical de-
vice is extremely difficult. Attacks that try to infer
information from a device can be categorized as pas-
sive or intrusive attacks. In passive attacks the system
interface is probed for either timing or electrical dif-
ferences. In intrusive attacks the adversary is able to
breach the physical boundary of the package and can
scan, probe or alter the hardware itself.
In FORCE, on the one hand, intrusive attacks
are not feasible as they alter the functionality of the
scratch card. On the other hand, passive attacks have
been analyzed by subdividing them into powered and
un-powered attacks. In powered attacks the device
is monitored while running whilst in un-powered at-
tacks, information is extracted from the device while
the hardware is not powered on. In FORCE no value
used by the protocol is permanently stored in the CD.
As such, un-powered attacks are mitigated. On the
contrary, a run-time attack using extremely complex
monitoring tools could have access to the values be-
ing computed during each step of the protocol. How-
ever, stealing information on the fly at run-time would
require extremely expensive instrumentation whose
cost is well beyond the relatively small amount of
money that can be stored in a scratch card. Further, a
successful extraction of data from a scratch card will
not reveal any useful information about other scratch
cards, even if they are shipped by the same card is-
suer. As such, as already discussed in Section 6 we
can safely assume that this kind of attack is not worth
the effort and, as such, it is considered overkill.
In this paper we have presented the first fully off-line
approach for micro-mobile payments. We have de-
scribed how our solution provides a higher security
level without any trustworthiness assumption over the
devices involved in the payment protocol. This has
mainly been achieved by leveraging PUF properties
and a special read-once memory where our digital
credits have been stored using a highly unpredictable
layout. Our proposal has been thoroughly discussed
with reference to state of the art solutions. Features
such as feasibility and convenience have been shown.
Finally, some open issues that will require fur-
ther investigation have been identified. In particular,
present FORCE only allows each off-line credit to be
spent once. We are working on an enhanced version
of FORCE that will allow digital credit to be spent
in multiple off-line transactions while maintaining the
same level of security and usability.
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