−2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
−2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 15: Ursem function optimization with the operator
of impatience without knowledge. Upper panel: population
mean location; middle panel: paths of all individuals; lower
panel: average fitness; m = 32, n = 2, σ = 0.2.
In this paper a mechanism of impatience was checked
as a method to preserve diversifiction of a popula-
tion and thereby escaping a local optimum trap. Two
versions of the impatience operator were examined:
with and without extra knowledge concerning (esti-
mated) position of a local optimum. Both versions
increase diversity of population. However, when an
impatience is related to a current population mean, the
polarization of a population was observed (a popula-
tion is divided into dipol-like sub-populations). When
the impatience operator is related to a local optimum
placement the polarization effect was not observed.
In contrary to other diversity preserving methods
(fitness sharing and clearing), the impatience mecha-
nism is parameter-free and increases a computational
effort only slightly. The mechanism is related to a cur-
rent population state and/or already explored parts of
a search space, so it can be used in dynamical land-
Actions of both versions of impatience operators
were tested to check the efficiency of crossing a sad-
dle between the local and the global optimum of bi-
modal multidimensional fitness functions. Both ver-
sions demonstrated high efficiency in crossing mul-
tidimensional, width and deep saddles. Preliminary
results of applying the mechanisms to more complex
test functions are promissing and they will stimulate
our future work.
I want to thank Prof. R. Galar for encouraging me to
rediscover oldies-but-goldies ideas as well as for con-
tinuous and fruitful discussions on the subject.
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