constrained and multi objective problem. More
precisely, our contribution allows SaaS provider to
quickly determine, using a penalty based GA, a set
of services (concrete services) to be bound to
abstract services composing the workflow of a
composite service. The binding both optimizes a
function of some QoS characteristics requested by
the customer with some weighing preferences, and
meets the resource constraints of the provider.
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machine, the total requirements of the composite
service must not exceed the VM's capacities. These
goals were successfully achieved by an evaluation
showing the effectiveness of the Penalty GA. To the
best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to
handle the service selection and resource allocation
in a dynamic Cloud environment.
Based on our preliminary experimental results,
the proposed Penalty GA often produces a feasible
solution for all test problems. We are in the process
of conducting further experimental evaluations to
further confirm these results.
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