ultracapacitors and batteries. Such integration,
suggested as future work, would ensure both the
autonomy and the charging speed requirements of
the platform. In fact, using exclusively one 116F,
4.12Wh ultracapacitors module as energy-storing
device, the mobile platform achieved an autonomy
of 22 minutes after a charging time of 1 minute and
57 seconds, exceeding the autonomy required by the
platform when the charging time is limited to 2
minutes. It should be noted that the charging time is
less than 10% of the autonomy time. On the other
hand, the expected autonomy of the mobile platform
powered by a fully charged conventional 12V,
12Ah, 144Wh lead-acid battery, like the one used in
this work, ranges from 7 to 9 hours, fully satisfying
the autonomy required by the platform when there
are no charging time restrictions.
Integrating ultracapacitors and batteries in the
same power supply system also would release the
batteries from the requirement of providing high
power peaks, extending their lifetime.
Battery energy densities are much larger then the
ones offered by ultracapacitors but the introduction
of new materials may reduce the difference in a near
An ultracapacitor is much more expensive than a
battery with the same energy storage capacity.
However, ultracapacitors cost has been significantly
decreasing. Furthermore, because ultracapacitors
allow much more charging/dicharging cycles than
batteries, the cost difference between the two
components is mitigated.
In addition to the suggested integration of
ultracapacitors and batteries in the same power
supply system, the following tasks are suggested as
future work: implementing control algorithms
capable of identifying the battery type to be charged
and its voltage; using a high-frequency transformer
instead of a 50Hz transformer, which would reduce
the cost, size and weight of the charger module,
allowing its installation onboard the mobile
platform; developing more compact PCBs using
surface-mount devices (SMD).
This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação
para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project
Scope: Pest-OE/EEI/UI0319/2014.
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