The research resulted in assessment of different dy-
namic routing protocol applicability in conditions of
the vehicle movement in urban environment for dif-
ferent data volumes. OLSR dynamic routing protocol
proved to be the best at low speed (128 Kbit/s) for
file transfer of over 10MB, with the difference of file
download time making up to 35%. HTTP-protocol is
a recommended application layer protocol to transfer
data at low speed with transfer time shorter by 10 to
30%. OLSR protocol also proves the best at middle
speed (1024 Kbit/s) and for files over 10 MB; the gain
in file download speed is up to 20%.
B.A.T.M.A.N dynamic routing protocol is prefer-
able at high speed data transfer (11 Mbit/s); the gain
in file download speed amounts to 50%. It can be
concluded according to the experimental results that
B.A.T.M.A.N is less preferable for frequently chang-
ing network topology. It is more oriented at con-
nections recovery (frequent failure with same route
recovery) and is worth applying at high speed data
According to the study it can be concluded that
the protocol B.A.T.M.A.N. performs better in situa-
tions where the cars move in organized groups. These
conditions, frequent disconnects do not immediately
rebuild the network topology and data transmission
quickly restored when the neighbors are again within
sight of the transmitter. OLSR shows a good perfor-
mance when used in an urban environment, in a situa-
tion where the available set of routes for data transfer,
and it is unlikely that the driver returns to the network
recently vacated. Thus, it is necessary, depending on
the driving conditions, switch between the dynamic
routing protocols, or the simultaneous use both dy-
namic routing protocols. Alternate use of two rout-
ing protocols will increase the amount of traffic the
service transmitted via the communication channels
(increase the load on the mesh-network).
This research was supported by a grant from the Ford
Motor Company. This paper funded by RFBR grant
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