remarkable shift in how smart thermal control has
been considered till these days. Comparing the EQM
smart thermal control efficiency with
commonly used approaches (based on white, grey or
black thermal models), is unbalanced considering
their different application conditions. In fact, trying
to operate an MPC (Model Predictive Control) in
few days on a completely unknown building is not
conceivable. It goes the same when asking the EQM
based control for the same efficiency as a MPC
based control in a fully identified building’s thermal
process. Yet, perspectives remain possible to
improve RIDER STC efficiency. For the CIPPD
smart thermal control, adaptive and dynamic
thermal comfort model could be considered in order
to ensure more personalized and individualized
thermal comfort adjustment. Yet, the PPD’s choice
satisfies the data unavailability issues. The transition
toward an adaptive and dynamic thermal comfort
model shall, thus, be supported by
online learning
techniques. The CIPPD identification could also be
improved by using bipolar utility scale wish gives
more expressivity to the thermal comfort models and
could lead to a better approximation of the PPD
function. The EQM based
smart thermal control
provides a methodology in order to improve the
qualitative based thermal control efficiency.
Therefore, each step implementation technique
could be discussed. For instance, uncertainty
management in influence functions can be improved.
Ambiguous measurements coming from thermal
disturbances (
i.e., windows and door opening)
should complete this point. Sensors data precision
can be studied as well. Qualitative interactions
between the control enhancement parameters could
also be studied in order to compute enhancement
recommendations based on subsets of control
parameters variations instead of singletons. This will
warrantee the EQM control convergence to a global
improved control experience
rather than a local one.
The scalability of the RIDET STC solution could
also be discussed. In fact, we have shown in section
3.2.3 that multi-room transition needs some settings
and it goes the same for any scale transition. The
scalability could have been made automatic by
providing different scales templates in the RIDER
STC final solution. This task is simplified thanks to
the EQM modularity.
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