It was observed that for a particular data sequence,
usually one or two structures of dynamic models
yielded a sufficient number of significant compo-
nents. This property indicates that the method might
“choose” the suitable dynamic features for the given
data. However, it requires further testing.
4.2 Open Problems
Generic aiming and flexibility of the described
method is balanced by its limited performance. Prac-
tical applicability of the method may be enhanced by
considering several topics, among others
• assuming bounded noise rather than Gaussian,
• reconsidering advantages and disadvantages of
dynamic component models,
• validating of the mixture by other means than con-
vergence of its transition table,
• trying a better criterion for comparison (e.g.
Kullback-Leibler divergence of Dirichlet pdfs,
dynamic clustering in parameter space etc.)
• employing components of different dynamic or-
The QB approximation is more consistent with the
Bayesian methodology used in this work than the ML
one. Therefore, fixing the convergence issue in case
of QB approximation is desirable.
As the method is unsupervised in the described
phase, no critical value of
ρ was set up. The question
is how to make this set up methodically and gener-
ally. The method is based on occurrence of specific
features with a specific set of data sequences and ad-
equate model. Stability of these features within the
set indicates data similarity. The question is whether
these features can be extracted by the method or
added externally by an expert.
The supervision is a crucial topic. It might im-
prove the performance and set the critical value of
but, on the other hand, lead to tailored solutions with
loss of intended generality.
Other models than AR or other technology could
be taken into account as well.
Last but not least, the method is based on extract-
ing information from data. Hence, a wider set of data,
including those with real faults, should be studied.
This research has been supported by EUROSTARS
Project 7D12004 E!7662.
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