Hybrid and Multi-controller Architecture for Autonomous System
Application to the Navigation of a Mobile Robot
Amani Azzabi
, Marwa Regaieg
, Lounis Adouane
and Othman Nasri
Research Unit SAGE, ENISo, University of Sousse, BP 264 Sousse Erriadh 4023, Tunisia
Institut Pascal, Blaise Pascal University - UMR CNRS 6602, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Control Architecture, Mobile Robotics, Stability and Reachability Analysis, Hybrid Dynamic System, Hybrid
Automata, Interval Analysis.
This paper deals with the problem of unicycle mobile robot navigation in cluttered environments. It presents in
particular an approach which permits to verify the stability of the control architecture of mobile robot using the
reachability analysis. To perform this analysis, we consider the robot as a hybrid dynamic system. The latter
is modeled by an hybrid automata in order to verify the reachability property by using the interval analysis.
The simulation results validate the proposed control architecture.
The navigation control of a mobile robot in cluttered
environment is a determining problem and is iden-
tified as among the priority field of research in the
robotics community. The main issues in this field is
how to obtain accurate, flexible and reliable naviga-
tion? In the proposed set-up, the mobile robot has for
mission to reach its target while avoiding any annoy-
ing obstacles. Thus, its main behavior is the attraction
toward the target and the Obstacle avoidance.
In the literature, a part of the community supposes
that the mobile robots use methods of path planning.
This means that the environment where it navigates is
totally or partially known. Thus, the robot leans on
a model of the world which is generally a map sup-
porting a planning. Among these methods, Vorono¨ı
diagrams, visibility graphs or artificial potential func-
tions include all the information about the task to be
achieved and the environment features (Santiago Gar-
rido and Jurewicz, 2011). The other part of the com-
munity admit that robot’s navigation is based only on
the capacity of the robot to answer to the perceived
stimuli using appropriate control law (called reactive)
which takes into account the robot’s constraints as
well as the local state of the environment (Luciano
C. A. Pimenta1 and Campos, 2006), (Egerstedt and
Hu, 2002).
Several control architectures based reactivemodes
are proposed in the literature. The conception of the
latter, called also behavioral architectures, is based on
several elementary controllers/behaviorsto be coordi-
nated: Selection of the actions (competitive architec-
tures) and the fusion of the actions (cooperativearchi-
tectures), (Adouane and Le-Fort-Piat, 2006), (Brooks,
1986). The work proposed in this paper studies the
stability of reactive control architecture, proposed in
(Adouane, 2009), for a unicycle robot.
Using the considered architecture, it is necessary
to guarantee the robot capacity to accomplish its mis-
sion while avoiding the obstacles. One of the solu-
tions consists in considering it as as hybrid dynam-
ical system whose behavior is modeled by a hybrid
automaton. As shown in (Luciano C. A. Pimenta1
and Campos, 2006), this approach of hybrid control
allows the coordination of the action of several mo-
bile robots and checks the reachability property. This
analysis consists in determining if a position or a con-
figuration can be reached by the system. Thus it
can check that no unwanted behavior of the system
will occur. To verify this property for dynamic sys-
tems, several approaches are proposed in the litera-
ture (J. Toibero and Kuchen, 2007). Among these
approaches, we adopt the reachability analysis using
the interval analysis (Ramdani et al., 2009). This ap-
proach, based on a hybrid automatons, allows find-
ing all the minimal and maximal trajectories of the
system, governed by Ordinary Differential Equations
(ODE), and to check according to these later if the
unwanted system configuration could occurs.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: we
present briefly, in the section 2, the control architec-
Azzabi A., Regaieg M., Adouane L. and Nasri O..
Hybrid and Multi-controller Architecture for Autonomous System - Application to the Navigation of a Mobile Robot.
DOI: 10.5220/0005065404910497
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO-2014), pages 491-497
ISBN: 978-989-758-040-6
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)