by construction permit requests, thus gaining a better
resource (just human resource in this simple case) al-
location configuration.
In the past decade there has been a growing interest
of enterprises towards the Business Process Manage-
ment’s methodology and techniques. Field experts
agree that one of the most critical step in the man-
agement of business processes is process analysis and
modeling. Simulation tools may help designers to
tune the process model before actually implement-
ing and deploying processes in their execution envi-
ronments. Most of existing tools lack the capability
of integrating process characteristics and the enter-
prise’s resources which are directly involved in the
process execution. This paper presented a proposal
of a simulator of business processes which integrates
a resource model designed according to the ABC ac-
counting principles. The simulator leverages the func-
tionality provided by a CPNet tool to run simula-
tions of processes which are modeled through BPMN
and have been “enriched” with information regarding
types and quantity of involved resources. Main tech-
nical features of the simulator have been discussed
throughout the paper and some explicative examples
of how the whole framework works have been pro-
vided. A concrete enterprise’s use case was also sim-
ulated and the obtained results have been discussed.
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