A preliminary step for early, fast, sensitive, and
noninvasive LC diagnosis based on biomarkers in
breath has been looked into and described. It has
been proven that the combination of functionalized
SiNW FET sensors and ANNs are able to more than
adequately classify the eleven different polar and
nonpolar VOCs studied and accurately estimate their
partial pressures in artificial gaseous samples. The
neural network models of the databases generated by
the FET sensors provided a perfect classification of
the analyzed VOCs (ANN1) and the possibility to
determine their partial pressures with MPEs never
greater than 3.3% (ANN2), which consequently
validates both the classifier (ANN1) and the
estimator (ANN2) models.
These promising results open a door to further
research with artificial breath and, in the end, real
breath samples. The final goal of this project is to
precisely define the biomarker profiles in breath of
healthy controls and LC patients and, ideally, the
profiles of every LC stage to be able to detect
potential LC patients and diagnose this disease at the
earliest stage possible. This assisted diagnosis could
help the medical staff make decisions and
conceivably allow identifying early and, most
importantly, curable LC cases.
The research leading to these results has achieved
funding from the European Union Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under
grant agreement no. HEALTH-F4-2011-258868.
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