Dynamic Analysis for Golf Swing using of Mode Synthetics Method
for Suggesting an Optimal Club
Kenta Matsumoto
, Nobutaka Tsujiuchi
, Takayuki Koizumi
, Akihito Ito
Masahiko Ueda
and Kosuke Okazaki
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Doshisha University, 1-3, Tataramiyakodani, Kyotanabe-city,
Kyoto, 610-0321, Japan
Research Dept.
, Research & Development HQ. Sumitomo Rubber Industries,Ltd, 1-1,2-chome,
Tsutsui-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe 651-0071, Japan
Keywords: Golf Club, Finite Element Method, Mode Synthetics Method, Inertia Force.
Abstract: Advance of measurement system permits the measurement of high accuracy data. This study proposes
analysis of shaft movement using this system. Firstly, we made a shaft model using finite element method
and a club head model as concentrated mass. Secondly, we reduced amount of calculation by applying
mode synthetics method. Input data for simulation is inertia force and torque calculated from swing data
that is measured by motion capturing system and is treated data manually. Finally, we simulated shaft
movement using these data, we cloud repeat shaft movement of face direction and toe direction.
Golf is the sport that can enjoy valuable generation
of people. Victory or defeat of this sport is decided
by score that move a golf ball to fixed location.
Therefore players want to get a golf club that is able
to hit a golf ball more accuracy and more far for
improving their playing. This study focuses on
driver among some clubs because hitting with a
driver determines score. For this reason, club head
of driver was improved bigger and more reactive.
However, not only volume of head of the golf club
but also coefficient of the golf club was restricted
by the effect rule of the spring of the United States
golf society. Therefore, it is becoming hard to
differentiate golf clubs for clubs spec. Then, the
implementers of golf club increase the lineup of
shaft and it provides the club fits for an individual.
As one of techniques, “Database fitting” was
established by SRI. “Database fitting” is the method
that recommends adequate shaft to a player by
analyzing the swing using grip end sensor.
In the future, the implementers would like to
provide custom-made shaft for each golfer. In order
to make this idea possible, the implementers need to
repeat movement of shaft that don’t exist in the
lineup in swinging.
Some studies of prediction movement of shaft in
swinging have using multi body dynamics (Inoue,
2000,2004),using vibration feature (Iwatsubo,
1990).However, the study using multi body
dynamics needs huge amount of calculation because
that has iterative calculation on that simulation. The
study using vibration feature has smaller amount of
calculation then multi body dynamics, but its
simulation is calculated on 2-dimension and don’t
repeat realistic movement of shaft in swinging that
need for its prediction.
Wherein, we intend to simulate movement of
shaft by 3-dimension input data using motion
capture system and by small amount of calculation
applying mode synthetics method.
Simulation model of shaft is constructed with
multistage beam (Fig.1). Simulation model is
formulated by finite element method with beam type
Figure 1: Simulation Model with Multistage Beam.
Matsumoto K., Tsujiuchi N., Koizumi T., Ito A., Ueda M. and Okazaki K..
Dynamic Analysis for Golf Swing using of Mode Synthetics Method for Suggesting an Optimal Club.
DOI: 10.5220/0005070700270033
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Sports Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS-2014), pages 27-33
ISBN: 978-989-758-057-4
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)