Knowledge Management and Sharing in E-Learning
Hierarchical System for Managing Learning Resources
Aneta Bartuskova and Ondrej Krejcar
DPT of Information Technologies, University of Hradec Kralove, Rokitanskeho 62, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
Keywords: E-Learning, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Sharing, Learning Management.
Abstract: Management and effective usage of learning resources is becoming increasingly difficult due to several
reasons. Firstly, teachers do not usually have enough time and motivation to compile resources for specific
learning course in the unified well-arranged way. Secondly, the internet provides almost limitless amount of
information and attracts learners, who however do not have a necessary expertise to distinguish reliable and
useful information to the particular topic. This problem is especially pronounced in fields of study, which
are continuously evolving, such as medicine or software development, because the knowledge (and learning
resources as well) needs to be regularly updated. In this paper we review the existing solutions and then
propose a new system, which could deal with this continuous evolvement. Our solution is to create a
flexible resource-rich hierarchical learning environment, which supports a collaborative building of learning
resources for the specific knowledge domain. Presented knowledge management system is based on the
shared hierarchy, user contribution and moderated improvement of learning resources. The ultimate goal of
this system is, in addition to making teaching and studying easier and more effective, support of
collaborative building of learning resources and enrichment of communities of teachers and students.
Many fields of knowledge face serious information
overload with an increasing amount of knowledge,
accessible especially via the internet. This is mostly
the issue of domains, which are under continuous
progressive development, e.g. medicine or computer
science. These fields of knowledge often require
lifelong learning and frequent changes in working
processes. Therefore it is also extremely difficult to
maintain up-to-date information for learning
courses, which are focused on such domains. These
courses would benefit from collaborative efforts in
building and updating their curriculum, learning
materials and supplementary online resources.
The amounts of information accessible on the
internet can be help but also serious obstacle for the
active learner. Which search result should I choose?
Which will deliver me up-to-date credible
information? Considering contemporary strategy of
search engines, generally the older websites are seen
as more credible and placed on top in search results.
This approach is not ideal for topics with
progressive development, presented usually on
newly created pages. Additional issue in such "self-
procurement" of information by learner is that he
usually has not the necessary insight, as to
distinguish useful and reliable information according
to the course requirements and his advancement in
the particular subject. Suitable solution would be for
the teacher to provide up-to-date relevant external
resources as a supplementary material in addition to
the main learning course.
This paper presents a proposal of web-based
e-learning system, which aspires to manage learning
resources for purposes of learning courses. One of
the key points of our solution is the possibility of
entry customization for students, as well as adding
new entries and custom groups and thus creating
personalized learning experience. The next strong
point is the option for teachers to evaluate new
custom entries, which they can consequently add to
the shared hierarchy, accessible for other students as
well. This continuous process can eventually lead to
the collaborative building of learning resources and
enrich communities of teachers and actively
involved students.
Collaborative building of learning resources
would also lead to an improvement of the course.
This approach would also greatly benefit students,
Bartuskova A. and Krejcar O..
Knowledge Management and Sharing in E-Learning - Hierarchical System for Managing Learning Resources.
DOI: 10.5220/0005072201790185
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2014), pages 179-185
ISBN: 978-989-758-050-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
which are beginners in this field or not so active.
These students would gain access to the maintained
hierarchy of learning resources for making their
studies easier and more effective.
2.1 E-Learning and Knowledge
Knowledge management includes the creation,
archiving, and sharing of valued information,
expertise, and insight within and across communities
of people and organizations with similar interests
and needs, the goal of which is to build competitive
advantage (Rosenberg, 2006). E-learning is the use
of information and computer technologies to create
learning experiences (Horton, 2006).
Knowledge management and learning have
many similar traits and we can observe almost
synergistic relationships between these disciplines.
Both disciplines deal with knowledge capture,
sharing, application, knowledge generation, and both
of them ultimately contribute to the building of the
continuous learning culture (Liebowitz and Frank,
While knowledge management relies on a
framework of sharing and transfer of knowledge,
e-learning can be understood as the development of
individuals’ knowledge through a pedagogically
designed learning process (Clark and Mayer, 2007).
Nevertheless it was summarized that e-learning and
knowledge management can function as
complements and components critical to learning
(Ungaretti and Tillberg-Webb, 2010).
2.2 Collaborative Learning and
Knowledge Sharing
Development described in the previous section
suggests that a solution for successful learning
management should employ a structure for merging
individual knowledge into organizational
knowledge. Integrating individual learning with
organizational learning was considered already in
the framework for knowledge creation process
(Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995). The value proposition
of knowledge management has shifted from local to
centralized, decentralized, and finally sharing of
knowledge among employees (Bonifacio, et al.,
Collaboration in a learning environment can take
place between teachers and students, or also within
each group. It is known that one of the main sources
of the knowledge creation process is the diversity of
individuals’ knowledge and experience (Nonaka and
Takeuchi, 1995). At the same time, collaborative
activity, as a dynamic form of support, results in
improved collaborative learning outcomes
(Karakostas and Demetriadis, 2011). Also Bernuy
suggests joining knowledge management and
intellectual capital into the collaborative model
(Bernuy, 2011). It was researched that advancements
in concepts of learning theories can be further
incorporated into the management of organizational
knowledge creation processes (Yoon et al., 2009).
Collaborative generation of content can be seen
also in modern environments - widespread Web 2.0
concepts experience an exponential growth of both
users and content, leading to potentially viral social
networking, collaboration, communication and
knowledge sharing (Govaerts et al., 2011). We can
conclude, that the scope of learning and performance
technology professionals’ work has also over the
past decades continuously expanded from an earlier
focus on improvement of the individual learning
towards enhancing learning and performance at
system-wide levels, such as work groups,
organizations or communities (McLean, 2006;
Swanson, 2007). Another research suggests that
individual, collaborative and organizational
learning are deeply intertwined and mutually
dependent in a work-integrated learning (Prilla et al.,
In conclusion, knowledge management shifts
from individual towards organizational, while in
e-learning is a significant movement towards
collaborative learning. Creating and updating
learning resources should be then transformed into
the collaborative activity, in which both teachers and
active students can participate. As Majid et al.
stated: Knowledge sharing is a key to effective
learning (Majid et al., 2011).
3.1 Overload of Learning Content
As was already mentioned in the introduction, there
is a vast amount of learning content available on the
internet and learner can easily find online dozens,
hundreds or even thousands of instructional texts,
tutorials and electronic text-books (Guerra et al.,
2013). These resources are heterogeneous and can
be organized in many different ways. E.g. by
focusing on different parts of domain knowledge and
covering the same parts with different levels of
details, by using different terms for the same
concepts (synonymy) and the same terms for
different concepts (polysemy), by aggregating and
structuring domain knowledge with different sets (or
hierarchies) of chapters, sections, pages, etc.
(Sosnovsky et al., 2012).
Previous section concluded that sharing and
transfer of knowledge is the domain of knowledge
management, while e-learning develops individuals´
knowledge through a pedagogically designed
learning process (Clark and Mayer, 2007). However
existing learning resources, especially in higher
education and lifelong learning, are rarely precisely
established, less so organized and unified in their
form to create a fluent learning process. Continuous
development in particular fields of study further
complicates these efforts.
3.2 Need for a Flexible Knowledge
Management in E-Learning
The idea of managing learning resources is far from
new, yet the existing solutions do not offer
flexibility for dealing with an evolving content.
Additionally, neither of existing solutions is
primarily focused on effective management of
learning resources. Main purposes of these systems
are summarized in [Table 1].
File management proves highly ineffective due
to its limited usability, especially inability to treat
links and references on the same level as stored
materials and absence of any supportive structure or
functionalities. Traditional content management
systems can be used in e-learning similarly as Wikis
or digital libraries - for presenting learning content,
usually in unstructured textual form, with limited
possibilities of filtering or sorting. These systems
usually continuously accumulate content and make it
available to users, who may face similar information
overload as with the Google search. Knowledge
management in progressively developing fields of
study should be more about refinement of available
resources, replacement of old ones with new, and
maintaining high-quality knowledge base.
Bookmarking sites have their usage in
management of url references, but as not all learning
resources can be added in this form, their usage for
our purpose is limited. Ontologies can be used for
clarifying e.g. main categories, topics and other
supportive structures for organizing learning
content, but not for the content itself.
Learning management systems usually include
management of learning resources, its usability
varying from simple file-based storage to quite rich
interfaces. However since their focus is primarily on
the learning experience, along with assessment and
coordination of the course, and the interface is
crowded with amount of functionalities, knowledge
management is hard to maintain. It also cannot be
reused easily, since it is bound to the particular LMS
implementation. Also individual implementations of
LMS are usually bound to one school or
organization, while efforts in maintaining such a
database of learning resources should be put into a
more open project.
Table 1: Primary focus (or main purpose) of tools and
systems, presented in the previous section.
Tool / System Primary focus / purpose
File management storing files in folders
Content m. systems administration of websites
Learning m. systems
learning platform for
managing learning courses
collaborative tool for creating
learning content
Bookmarking sites management of links
Digital libraries
creating or accumulating
learning content
Ontologies modelling knowledge domains
4.1 Key Points of the Solution
The authors propose a new system with primary
focus on managing learning resources for
continuously developing fields of knowledge, which
could prove very useful especially for lifelong
learning, but also in regular learning courses. Key
points of this solution are discussed in the following
subsections, based on previous review of the
existing solutions.
4.1.1 Flexibility and Adaptation
In order to manage an evolving knowledge, the
management system has to be flexible as well. The
basic requirement is an adaptable basic structure as
well as supporting structures, so the system could
react to changes in the chosen domain. For this
reason, we cannot use ready-made solutions like
Wiki, neither core or customized CMSs such as
Joomla. We can either develop our own application
from scratch or use a content management
framework to develop tailored content management
system. Learning resources are usually not
homogenous, and once applied content segmentation
cannot in long-run deal with the new development or
requirements in a progressive discipline. With means
to edit architecture as well as content, we get a truly
flexible and scalable system.
4.1.2 Structured Content
There is a continuous effort of converting content
into a structured form, e.g. databases and template
systems. Wikipedia (available at, one of the most popular
collaborative projects, is also trying to transfer
unstructured textual data into structured data, in the
shape of the project DBpedia (available at Not all data and especially
knowledge can be however structuralized. In that
situation, we need metadata, for further specifying
entries in the system.
Metadata (data about data) have a fundamental
role in organizing and managing digital resources,
especially when there is a great quantity of
information that must be indexed to facilitate
search and retrieval of information (Pani et al.,
2012). Hierarchy of the proposed system provides
useful metadata in its core structure. This is
especially placement in the hierarchy (category,
related entries), which is not bound to the particular
entry but reflects actual state of the whole system,
and secondary structures (e.g. topic). Then content
segmentation can be used for metadata (title,
headlines) and finally metadata such as annotation
and keywords, which are not part of the content and
are added subsequently.
4.1.3 Organization Structures
Key roles of any knowledge management system are
creating, accumulating, organizing and
disseminating information (Rosenberg, 2006).
Accessing knowledge (in the form of individual
entries) in the new system should be enabled by
several structures for organization.
There are generally five ways to organize
category (by similarity or relatedness)
time (by chronological sequence)
location (by geographical or spatial reference)
alphabet (by alphabetical sequence)
continuum (by magnitude)
(Lidwell et al., 2010).
Furthermore, we have for our disposal
supporting functionalities such as sorting, filtering
and searching. Intersection of these constructs and
functionalities are indicated in [Table 2]. Primary
hierarchy should arise from constructs with filter and
search mechanism. In this general case, that would
be entry type, role or topic. Entry type refers to the
form of the entry (e.g. url reference, pdf file, image,
...). Role refers to the role of the learning resource in
relation to the whole field of study (e.g. main idea,
tutorial, supportive material, examples,
demonstration,...). Their suitability should be
considered for the particular knowledge domain.
Table 2: Basic constructs for organizing information and
their suggested application in the system.
Construct Property Mechanism
Category topic, entry type, role filter, search
Time created, added, edited filter, sort
Location field of study filter
Alphabet title sort, search
Continuum level / priority, rating
filter, sort
4.1.4 Continuous Refinement
Learning resources are typically being accumulated
in various management systems and grow in
number. This tendency could be also caused because
electronic space has no limits such as physical or
time space. Continuously developing fields of
knowledge, more than other fields, suffer from
information overload, overlapping of individual
materials and references and also cluttering by
obsolete knowledge. The learning resources for
these domains need to be maintained and refined.
Old resources should be replaced by new, if it is
desirable in such field, and better resources should
prevail over worse resources. The result should be
regularly updated high-quality knowledge base.
4.1.5 Collaborative Aspect
Importance of collaboration in creating knowledge
was mentioned several times in previous sections.
Collaborative building of learning resources is
therefore suggested in this paper as a viable solution
of knowledge management in this area.
Collaborative aspect in the proposed system is
ensured by cooperation of several users in the role of
the teacher, as well as contributions from users in
the role of the learner. Entries updated (added,
edited or erased) by learners should be however not
incorporated into the central (shared) knowledge
base, but only to their customized copy of the
database (in fact only copy of the respective portion
of the knowledge base, for performance
optimalization). From here, teacher could accept
new entries or changes, if he agrees with the
proposal. Thus would be managed moderated
improvement of the central knowledge base.
4.1.6 Customization and Personalization
Customization refers to the structure or style of the
web page, while user personalization usually refers
to the content itself (Bouras and Poulopoulos, 2012).
While the system should certainly have some means
for customization, e.g. in composition of application
frames, theme and colors, or customized homepage,
more interesting for us is the personalization.
Students frequently create their own repository of
learning materials, either as a local copy of course
materials or they are accumulating their own
resources or the combination of both.
Our solution would be to offer them
personalization of the knowledge base, in particular
the following possibilities:
updating existing attributes of existing entries
removing entries (with the option of restoring)
creating, updating and removing user entries
adding new user-specific attributes to both
existing entries and user entries, e.g. personal
rating, notes, progress etc.
creating, updating and removing user groups,
in which both existing entries and user entries
can be stored, without removing them from
the original place in the hierarchy
4.1.7 Reusability of the Knowledge Base
An ambitious version of this project could manage a
knowledge base of the particular field of study as an
open-source worldwide project. This base would be
reusable in popular LMSs and users (teachers) could
import only that part, which would be interesting for
their learning course or personal use in lifelong
learning. This would require live connection for
keeping up-to-date learning resources. Our solution
would then serve more as a knowledge base and
management than e-learning, which would be
provided by LMS. In this case however, the
collaborative aspect would be lost for the end users
of LMS, replaced by its own politics. It would
nevertheless be available in the central project,
which the exported parts would synchronize with.
4.2 Selected Issues to Consider in
4.2.1 Users and the Key Activities
Proposed system for managing learning resources
will support two primary types of users - the teacher
and the learner. Both roles of teacher and learner
would have access to the central knowledge base of
learning resources.
Teacher has rights to create, change or delete
entries and categories. Students have not all of these
rights, in order to keep high-quality of entries, but
they can view these entries, customize them and
create their own entries, which they can place into
their own categories. Learners have full rights to
these user entries and groups.
In order to transform personalized knowledge
management into a collaborative activity, teacher
has access (and simplified interface) to personalized
and user entries of learners, which he can evaluate,
approve and add to the central database. He could
also reject the entry, but this action should not delete
entry from user´s account. There would be only an
option for sending a message to the learner about
inadvisability of his resource.
The basic model would implement one teacher
and many students. The advanced model would
support more teachers, which could collaborate
together on the central shared knowledge base.
There is also a possibility for differentiated
categories of learners, which could be then engaged
accordingly in collaborative groups.
4.2.2 The Knowledge Base
The flexibility of the architecture should manifest
during both creating the basic structure and
modifying it. Flexibility in creating the structure
consists of adapting individual attributes of entries
(in other words: data, which we want to store for
each entry). There are some generally usable
attributes such as title, topic or rating, but every field
of study can have also some specific attributes.
These attributes are then used for knowledge
retrieval, in a form of filtering, sorting or searching,
as organization structures (see section 4.1.3). This
flexibility consequently lies also in adapting the
usage of these structures throughout the system
(primary structure as the main hierarchy and others
as supportive structures). Flexibility in modifying
the structure includes change of the attributes and
change of their use in the system.
In a conventional scenario, the main hierarchy
would refer to organization by categories and
subcategories, usually made by theme or topic. The
task of defining these categories would naturally fall
to the teacher role. His task would be also an
opening compilation, which is the initial submission
of the existing learning resources.
Following are proposed types of entries for
general use in learning:
Documents - Word, PDF, HTML
Presentations - Powerpoint, Flash, HTML
Data - Excel tables, graphs, schematics
Multimedia - images, audio, video
Interactive content - models, animations
References - domain URL, single page URL
There could be also support for various file
extensions of the software, which is used in the
particular field of study. These new types of entries
would benefit from the flexible structure and could
have special attributes. The important issue is to
ensure the equal position of various types in
searching, filtering etc.
4.2.3 Technical Solution
Teachers and students would access the system
through the web user interface. Web application is
ideal for our purposes - it ensures online access,
immediate changes, synchronization and no need to
install any software. There would be one central
shared knowledge base, which would be accessible
to every user of the system, and personalized users´
accounts for individual learners.
With regard to the required flexibility of the
system, we could either create a new system or use a
content management framework, which is far less
demanding solution. Such versatile and scalable
framework is e.g. an open source CMS Processwire
with custom fields (Cramer, 2014).
4.2.4 Basic Information Architecture
Central shared hierarchy consists of categories,
entries and their sub-equivalents. Attributes of
learning resources for general use were proposed as
followed: title (name), description, related topics,
notes, url (if it is an online source), attachment (if it
is a material), priority of source and its rating. Role
of the learner can personalize his learning resources
by adding user groups or entries. Personalization in
this proposal is available by adding user´s own
notes, priority, rating and also progress (in learning
this resource). This elevates the whole system into a
personalized knowledge base and learning
experience, which could supposedly attract students
more than just static read-only database. For proper
functioning would be also necessary operational
attributes as ids, dates or indicators of status for
various supportive processes (e.g. processes
regarding approving user entries).
In this paper were reviewed existing solutions for
management of knowledge and learning resources.
These solutions were considered to be insufficient
for the fields of knowledge with continuous
development and lifelong learning. As a viable
solution was proposed a new system. With this
system, learning resources can be at the same time
centrally managed and collaboratively continuously
improved by moderated contributions, leaving room
for personalization as well. Concept of this system
was presented as a set of requirements and key
points, proposal of user roles and key activities,
basic information architecture and selected
implementation issues.
Future research will extend and refine the
original idea and provide answers for specific
implementation issues as well as integration of this
system into the learning course design. Information
architecture would be also reconsidered according to
further development of requirements and processes
in the system. The next vital objective would be
defining organization structures for managing
learning resources in the selected field of study,
followed by creation of opening compilation. The
case study could be then conducted on a group of
students in order to validate this solution and suggest
This work and the contribution were supported by:
(1) the project No. CZ.1.07/2.2.00/28.0327
Innovation and support of doctoral study program
(INDOP), financed from EU and Czech Republic
funds; (2) project “Smart Solutions in Ubiquitous
Computing Environments”, from the Grant Agency
of Excellence, University of Hradec Kralove,
Faculty of Informatics and Management, Czech
Republic; (3) project “SP/2014 - Smart Solutions for
Ubiquitous Computing Environments” from FIM,
University of Hradec Kralove.
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