as they are both efficient and suitable for represent-
ing data in a very intuitive manner for decisional pur-
poses. Analysing data and retrieving relevant infor-
mation indeed rely on the capacity to deal with big
amount of data and the capacity to assist decision
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ture based on NoSQL graph databases and we intro-
duce OLAP queries based on the Cypher declarative
language. Some tests have been performed with the
Neo4j engine, showing the feasability of our proposal.
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plementation and tests over large databases and com-
plex OLAP queries in order to compare existing ap-
proaches to our proposed solution. Both future pro-
cesses and queries will be enhanced, by defining spe-
cific ETL componants and by implementing the ex-
tension of the Cypher language. We also aim at ex-
ploiting the NoSQL graph databases and the attributes
on relationships in order to better represent and man-
age fuzzy hierarchies (Laurent, 2003) that are very
difficult to deal with in existing engines.
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