NoSQL Graph-based OLAP Analysis
Arnaud Castelltort and Anne Laurent
LIRMM, UMR5506 - Universit
e Montpellier 2, Montpellier, France
OLAP Analysis, NoSQL Graph Databases.
OLAP is a leading technology for analysing data and decision making. It helps the users to discover relevant
information from large databases. Graph OLAP has been studied for several years in the OLAP framework. In
existing work, the authors study how to import graph data into OLAP cube models but no work has explored
yet the feasability to exploit graph structures to store analytical data. As graph databases are more and more
used through NoSQL implementations (e.g., social and biological networks), in this paper we aim at providing
an original model for managing cubes into NoSQL graphs. We show how cubes can be represented in graphs
and how these structures can then be used for graph OLAP queries to support decision making.
Graph NoSQL engines such as Neo4j are now being
used more and more in applications. Their capacity
to scale to large databases and complex treatments
are well-suited for many applications having inten-
sive needs for graph-oriented applications, such as in
chemistry, biology, social networks, etc.
Studies have shown that these technologies
present good performances, much better than classi-
cal relational databases (Board, 2013) for represent-
ing and querying such large graphs, especially for
connected data.
Retrieving relevant information from such graphs
in an efficient manner is a key feature. In this per-
spective, retrieving decisional information, as done in
the OLAP framework, appears to be a promising area.
OLAP allows to represent key indicators as measures
(e.g., number of sales) defined over dimensions (e.g.,
product, time, location) and to query this information
by selecting relevant pieces of information (e.g., slice
and dice) or by navigating through hierarchies (e.g.,
from years to decades, from regions to countries),
thus helping decision makers to retrieve relevant in-
formation. We thus consider adding OLAP features
to NoSQL graph databases.
In the literature, works have considered coupling
graph and OLAP. Models have been proposed and
have been implemented. OLAP queries have been
translated to the graph framework. However, as far as
we know, no work has addressed the use of NoSQL
graph databases for this purpose.
In this paper, we propose to study how NoSQL
databases can help for retrieving relevant information
from data using the OLAP paradigms. We address
both the representation of data cubes through NoSQL
databases and the query processing. In our work, we
consider the Neo4j engine and the declarative Cypher
It should be noted that we do not provide any com-
plete experimental campaign as we rather focus on
the formalism of our approach in order to demonstrate
that it is feasable to represent and store analytical data
within graph databases.
The paper is organised as follows. Section 2 re-
views the related work, namely NoSQL databases
and graph OLAP databases. Section 3 introduces
our proposition for modeling NoSQL graph databases
while Section 4 presents the extension of Cypher
queries to OLAP NoSQL data cubes.
We introduce below the foundation of NoSQL graph
databases and the existing work on graph OLAP.
2.1 NoSQL Graph Databases
Definition 1 (Graph). A graph G is defined as a pair
(V, E) where V is a set of nodes and E is a set of rela-
tions, with E (V ×V ).
Most of NoSQL graph databases are based on ori-
ented graphs (Han et al., 2011). They contain el-
ements (nodes and relations) together with proper-
ties on these elements. These properties can be rep-
Castelltort A. and Laurent A..
NoSQL Graph-based OLAP Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0005072902170224
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2014), pages 217-224
ISBN: 978-989-758-048-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
resented through (key, value) pairs (Robinson et al.,
Graphs are often represented graphically and are
powerful for visualising and analysing data. On the
one hand, they benefit from an easy human under-
standing. On the other hand, they offer excellent per-
formance thanks to their data structures and query
tools which are very relevant for many real-world
contexts (Rodriguez and Neubauer, 2010).
Fig. 1 shows a graph and its structure in
(key, values) pairs.
Figure 1: Properties of Nodes and Relations.
Their exist several NoSQL graph database engines
(OrientDB, Neo4j,HyperGraphDB, etc.). Neo4j is
recognised as being one of the top ones regarding per-
formance (Board, 2013).
2.2 Graph OLAP
(Chen et al., 2009) has proposed to couple graphs with
OLAP in 2008. This approach consists in studying
how a set of several graphs can be aggregated into a
single summary graph.
(Zhao et al., 2011) has introduced the concept of
Graph Cube. This concept stands for a modeliza-
tion of data cubes from graphs where dimensions are
based on node attributes (e.g., age, sex, city of birth
for a people) and where facts are based on countings.
Fig. 2 shows the cube from the paper example consid-
ering a low level of granularity and aggregation with
OLAP operators. These propositions are enhanced re-
garding performance in (Denis et al., 2013) with the
use of distributed computer architectures.
(Li et al., 2011) proposes a method for modelizing
cubes from network data, as for instance the network
of co-authors. Meta-data are distinguished depend-
ing on the elements they are linked to: dimensions
or facts. If they depend on dimensions, then they are
considered as informational dimension tables as for
instance spatio-temporal dimensions or as topologi-
cal dimension tables. If they depend on facts, they
are said to be frame fact table or clique fact table.
Every cell in the cube contains a network. For in-
stance, with the dimensions conference and year, the
cell at position (VLDB,2010) contains the graph of all
co-authors from the papers at this event. The system
has been implemented in SQL Server and precompu-
tations are possible in order to get better performance.
Two types of operations are proposed: I-OLAP op-
erations (Informative OLAP) when dimensions are
taken from node attributes and T-OLAP (Topological
OLAP) described in (Qu et al., 2011) when dimen-
sions are taken from nodes and relations attributes.
These operations allow to perform classical OLAP
operations such as roll-up, drill-down, for instance for
navigating through decades and years, slice/dice, etc.
Regarding OLAP operators, (Etcheverry and Vais-
man, 2012) works on the RDF Cube vocabulary called
QB to extend it. (Beheshti et al., 2012) extends the
QB syntax in the so-called QB4OLAP for supporting
OLAP operators directly in RDF.
(Kampgen et al., 2012) considers the execution of
OLAP queries through SPARQL over RDF data. Un-
fortunately, the paper does not demonstrate in details
how to express OLAP queries and how queries are
(Petermann et al., 2014) discusses the concept of
Business Intelligence in the context of graphs (stor-
ing information on commercial processes in this case,
within Business Transaction Graphs).
(Bachman, 2013) addresses the implementation
of precomputation componants over Neo4j databases
and also addresses efficient computation of node ar-
ity. This work is very important for OLAP features as
many operations rely on counting incoming and out-
going relations, as for instance for counting the num-
ber of friends in a social network. However, this work
is a low level implementation and does not detail how
OLAP queries can be written.
Our proposition in this paper is quite different
from the literature as we propose to use the graph
structure as a basis for OLAP analysis.
This original contribution relies on the use of
the performance and efficiency of NoSQL graph
databases engines to store and query OLAP data. We
first show how such NoSQL Graph OLAP data can
be modelised and we then address OLAP queries over
such data structures.
In this section, we present our contribution for mod-
elising cubes in NoSQL graph databases. The case
Figure 2: Graph Cube Model from (Zhao et al., 2011).
below serves as a running example.
Example 1. We consider a classical database de-
scribing sales of products in cities at given dates.
The dimensions are: the products described by their
ProductId regrouped into Categories, the cities or-
ganised along a hierarchy City-Region-Country and
the days organised along a hierarchy Day-Month-
3.1 NoSQL Graph Cubes
Our model relies on the modelisation of dimensions
and facts with typed nodes. These types represent the
granularity levels of the dimension, taking advantage
from the best practices from NoSQL graph databases
. It should be noted that OLAP theoretical
models consider such granularity levels in the liter-
ature (Gyssens and Lakshmanan, 1997). Nodes are
linked by relations describing:
links of type hierarchy (HIER) in the case of di-
links or type fact (FACT ) in the case of a link from
a dimension to a fact.
Fig. 5 shows such a representation and Fig. 4 dis-
plays an example of such a cube with three dimen-
sions (Time, Product, City) organized through hierar-
chies. For instance, there have been 5 units of Sales
of Canoes in New York City on March 3, 2014. Our
solution presents many advantages :
Multidimensionsal data are easily ploted on the
user’s screen, as demonstrated by Fig. 4. Every
dimension can be colored so as to ease the user
Figure 3: Modelising a dimension with multiple hierarchy
in a NoSQL Graph (Neo4j).
The nodes can be adjusted (enlarged or reduced)
according to their value.
Cells can be organized to cluster them and/or
bring them closer or farther.
Only non null cells are managed, thus avoiding
sparse tables.
OLAP navigation is eased. In particular, graph
queries can be used, as well as filters that can help
hiding or coloring in a different manner the data
being relevant for the user (e.g., displaying only
cells for low level of sales, or only sales associated
to NYC). The operators are detailed below.
Complex (multiple) hierarchies are modelised in
the same manner by defining several relations directed
to the parent nodes, as illustrated by Fig. 3. For in-
stance, NYC is both to the east of the US and belongs
to the category of Big Cities.
Facts are represented by nodes of type :NFACT
labeled (a label is a graph construct that is used to
group nodes into sets) by the type of fact they repre-
sent and are linked to dimension nodes through rela-
tions of type :FACT . Only the cells for which values
are known are modelised, thus copping with the prob-
lem of cube sparsity (Niemi et al., 2003).
It should be noted that the value in the node is
valid only if it is considered in relation with all the di-
Figure 4: A NoSQL Graph OLAP Cube.
Figure 5: Modelising cubes and dimensions in a NoSQL
Graph (Neo4j).
mensions. For instance, as stated above, Fig. 4 shows
that there have been 5 units of Sales of Canoes in New
York City on March 3, 2014. This value of 5 must be
associated with all these three dimension values, i.e.
Canoes, NYC, March3, 2014.
If a dimension is omitted, then the value must be
re-computed. In such a case where one (or several)
dimension is omitted, a roll up operator has been ap-
plied. In the OLAP framework, data analysis are in-
deed performed regarding dimensions in a so-called
data cube. Sales can be analysed with respect with
the three dimensions, or with respect with two di-
mensions out of these three, or with respect with one
dimension out of the three dimensions. The combi-
nations of dimensions are called cuboids, the set of
cuboids being the cube, as shown by Fig. 6 for the
Sales example. This example shows that in such a
case with 3 dimensions, there are 2
= 8 cuboids. All
cuboids form a lattice.
More complex schemas (e.g., constellations) are
easily modeled with the same concepts. We consider
the following definitions for a more formal approach.
Figure 6: Lattice of Cuboids
3.2 Definitions
Definition 2 (NoSQL Graph - Dimension Level). Let
G be a NoSQL graph database. A dimension level of
G is defined as a possible value associated with the
property key Type.
For instance, we consider the dimension level
Definition 3 (NoSQL Graph - Dimension Node). Let
G be a NoSQL graph database and L a set of associ-
ated dimension levels. A dimension node n is defined
as a node such as n.type L.
We consider for instance the set of levels {City}
and NYC as a node, with NYC.type = City.
Definition 4 (NoSQL Graph - Dimension Relation).
Let G be a NoSQL graph database and N a set of
dimension nodes. A dimension relation r is defined as
a pair (n
, n
) N
such that:
.type 6= n
We consider for instance:
the set of levels {City, Region},
the nodes NYC, East,
the types NYC.type = City and East.type =
Region, and
the hierarchical relation (NYC) [: HIER] >
Definition 5 (NoSQL Graph - Dimension). A NoSQL
graph dimension D is defined as a triplet (L, N, R)
with L a set of dimension levels, N a set of dimen-
sion nodes defined over L and R a set of dimension
relations defined over N.
Definition 6 (NoSQL Graph - Type of Fact). Let G
be a NoSQL graph database. A type of fact is defined
as a possible value on the key T Fact.
For example, we consider the type of fact Sales
which records the number of sales.
Definition 7 (NoSQL Graph - Fact). Let F be a set of
types of facts. A fact is defined as a pair (n, r
) with n
a node such that n.type = NFACT , n.t f act F and
a set of dimension relations {r = (n, x) s.t. r.type =
The fact is said to be defined over dimensions D =
Definition 8 (NoSQL Graph - Cube). A NoSQL
graph cube of type t is defined as
the set of facts f such that f .t f act = t,
the set of paths from the f nodes having type
For example, the Sales cubes is the set of nodes
where the value for key value T Fact is Sales and
the set of paths from these nodes traversing relations
of type FACT and HIER, thus traversing (through
hierarchies) nodes of type Cities, Region, Country,
ProductId, Category, Month, Year.
3.3 Computing NoSQL Graph Cubes
OLAP engines are distinguished whether they pre-
compute or not all parts of the cubes, i.e. all the
cuboids from the lattice shown in Fig. 6. Mod-
els where all cuboids are pre-computed are known
as MOLAP models (Multidimensional OLAP), while
models where no cuboid is pre-computed are con-
sidered as ROLAP models (Relational Models). Hy-
brid models are possible (HOLAP) where highly re-
quested cuboids are pre-computed while other ones
are not. MOLAP engines are faster to deliver the in-
formation but have some limits as they require large
volumes of memory to load pre-computations, while
ROLAP engines can scale more easily as no mem-
ory is required to store pre-computations, but they are
The model we propose is similar to a MOLAP
representation as links are materialized. We indeed
claim that the performances of NoSQL databases al-
low for reconsidering MOLAP models. This model
has proven his capacity to scale to very large volumes
of data.
As a MOLAP model, our contribution is thus very
suitable for navigating through data and hierarchies.
The computation of such NoSQL graph cubes
is meant to be performed by importing source data
within the model. Hypergraphs may be built if the
data are already in NoSQL graph databases. Due to
lack of space, OLAP graph-ETL tools are not ex-
plored in this paper.
The model of OLAP cubes in NoSQL graph databases
proposed above allows us to define how to navigate
through such data structures in an OLAP manner.
OLAP has defined several operators, the most com-
mon ones being Slice, Dice, Roll Up (Cabibbo and
Torlone, 1997). Many works have addressed how to
query graphs (Wood, 2012). In this paper, we con-
sider the Cypher syntax, Cypher being the declarative
query language over Neo4j.
4.1 Basic Operators
4.1.1 Slice
In OLAP, the slice operator allows to select slices
from the data with respect to a condition on the di-
mension values. It is for instance used to reduce the
data to the information related to one city (e.g., New
York) or to one region (e.g., East). Note that the
Cypher queries we propose below in Listings 1 and
2 return the fact with all its dimensional context.
Listing 1: Slice - Selecting Sales Results from the New York
1 MATCH ( n ) -[ r 1 : FA CT ]-> ( x ) , ( n ) -[ r 2 : FACT ]-> ( y-
2 WHERE x . na me = N YC
3 RETURN n , r 1 , r 2 , x , y
Listing 2: Slice - Selecting Sales Results from the East.
1 MATCH ( n ) -[ r 1 : FA CT ]-> ( x ) -[ h : HIE R ] -> ( e ) , ( n-
) -[ r 2 : F AC T ] -> ( y )
2 WHERE e . na me = East
3 RETURN n , r 1 , r 2 , x , e , y
4.1.2 Dice
In OLAP, the dice operator allows to select subcubes
from the data with respect to a selection condition. It
is for instance used to reduce the data to the informa-
tion related to sales from the cities of New York or
Los Angeles and the products Canoe or Tent.
The Dice operator does only apply on fact nodes
by specifying the possible values in the WHERE
clause below in Listing 3.
Listing 3: Dice - Selecting Sales Results with a Dice Oper-
1 MATCH ( n ) -[ r 1 : FA CT ]-> ( x ) , ( n ) -[ r 2 : FACT ]-> ( y-
) , ( n ) -[ r 3 : F ACT ] -> ( z )
2 WHERE ( x . nam e = NYC or x . n am e = LA ) a nd-
( y . na me = Canoe or y . n am e = Te nt )
3 RETURN n , r 1 , r 2 , r 3 , x , y , z
4.1.3 Roll Up
In the case of the roll up operator, the computation of
aggregated facts with respect to hierarchy levels and
:FACT links is modelised at the upper-level. All the
fact node values are aggregated by respecting the se-
mantic and the additivity properties of the measures
(Lenz and Thalheim, 2009).
For instance, the sum will be considered for sum-
ming up all number of sales from the fact Sales. A
new node is created for storing the new aggregate in-
tegrate this new node at the upper level of hierarchy
with relation FACT as shown in Listing 4.
Listing 4: Roll Up - Summing up all number of sales from
the East.
1 MATCH ( n ) -[ r 1 : FA CT ]-> ( x ) -[ h : HIE R ] -> ( Ea st )
2 WHERE Ea st . n am e = Eas t
3 WITH su m ( n . va lu e ) as a g gr ega teV alu e , E as t
4 CREATE ( ag gr e ga te { va lu e : a gg r eg a te V al u e } ) -
-[ : FAC T ] -> ( East )
5 RETURN a gg re g at e , E as t
Precomputations can be considered in the same
way as the cuboid materialisation in order for instance
to precompute the number of sales per year, per cate-
gory, per region, etc.
4.2 Implementation Issues
The model we propose can be implemented in the
Neo4j graph engine.
As depicted by Fig. 7 and discussed in (Castell-
tort and Laurent, 2014), regarding queries, there are
several possibilities to implement the extension of
1. Creating a specific language (Cypher OLAP) ex-
tending the Cypher syntax and rewriting these
queries into well-formatted Cypher queries;
2. Extending the Cypher syntax and rewriting the
queries using the low level API which can interact
with the Neo4j engine;
3. Extending the API with advanced querying fea-
tures and proposing this extension to developers;
4. Combining the above-mentioned options for de-
veloping an OLAP extensions based on the OLAP
Whatever the choice may be, the type of rewriting
is similar. This is the reason why we do not address
this topic in this paper. However, the impacts on per-
formances and on the user experience may be very
different depending on this choice.
Figure 7: Alternatives for Extending the Cypher Language
within Neo4j.
Cubes can be created in the Neo4j engine by re-
specting the model proposed in this paper. Nodes and
relations are considered with their respective types,
depending on their nature (facts, dimensions or hier-
For every fact node, we have one outgoing chain
per dimension starting with a :FACT relation. These
Dimensions are structured within chains representing
the hierarchy. For this reason, dimension nodes are
linked within the chains by :HIER relations.
For example, Fig. 8 presents the cube from Fig. 4
that can be created in Neo4j. For instance, the gray
node in the left hand side representing the 9 sales of
tents in Boston at January 1st, 2014 is linked to three
dimensions with :FACT relations.
The first relation is linked to the Tent node from
the Outdoor category and Product dimension.
The second relation is linked to the Boston node
from the East region of the US country.
The third relation is linked to the Jan0114 node
from the Jan14 month of the Y 2014 year.
They can then be queried regarding these types
and/or some keys and values for defining OLAP op-
erations as defined above.
Fig. 9 diplays the result of the Slice operation for
retrieving the sales from the East. Thus, the resulting
figure contains the data reduced to the cities of Boston
(9 tents sold) and New York (5 canoes sold).
Figure 8: A NoSQL Graph Cube in Neo4J.
Figure 9: A Slice Operation over the NoSQL Graph Cube in Neo4j.
In this paper, we address the topic of coupling NoSQL
graph databases and OLAP. These two scientific do-
mains are very active and important in many real-worl
applications. We claim that NoSQL graph databases
are a perfect candidate for supporting OLAP features,
as they are both efficient and suitable for represent-
ing data in a very intuitive manner for decisional pur-
poses. Analysing data and retrieving relevant infor-
mation indeed rely on the capacity to deal with big
amount of data and the capacity to assist decision
For this purpose, we propose an OLAP data struc-
ture based on NoSQL graph databases and we intro-
duce OLAP queries based on the Cypher declarative
language. Some tests have been performed with the
Neo4j engine, showing the feasability of our proposal.
Further work will help us strengthening the im-
plementation and tests over large databases and com-
plex OLAP queries in order to compare existing ap-
proaches to our proposed solution. Both future pro-
cesses and queries will be enhanced, by defining spe-
cific ETL componants and by implementing the ex-
tension of the Cypher language. We also aim at ex-
ploiting the NoSQL graph databases and the attributes
on relationships in order to better represent and man-
age fuzzy hierarchies (Laurent, 2003) that are very
difficult to deal with in existing engines.
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