Incorporating Ad Hoc Phrases in LSI Queries
Roger Bradford
Agilex Technologies Inc, 5155 Parkstone Drive, Chantilly, VA, U.S.A.
Keywords: Latent Semantic Indexing, LSI, Phrase-based Retrieval, Phrase Indexing.
Abstract: Latent semantic indexing (LSI) is a well-established technique for information retrieval and data mining.
The technique has been incorporated into a wide variety of practical applications. In these applications, LSI
provides a number of valuable capabilities for information search, categorization, clustering, and discovery.
However, there are some limitations that are encountered in using the technique. One such limitation is that
the classical implementation of LSI does not provide a flexible mechanism for dealing with phrases. In both
information retrieval and data mining applications, phrases can have significant value in specifying user
information needs. In the classical implementation of LSI, the only way that a phrase can be used in a query
is if that phrase has been identified a priori and treated as a unit during the process of creating the LSI index.
This requirement has greatly hindered the use of phrases in LSI applications. This paper presents a method
for dealing with phrases in LSI-based information systems on an ad hoc basis – at query time, without
requiring any prior knowledge of the phrases of interest. The approach is fast enough to be used during
real-time query execution. This new capability can enhance use of LSI in both information retrieval and
knowledge discovery applications.
In 1988, researchers from Bellcore introduced the
technique of latent semantic indexing (LSI) for text
retrieval (Furnas et al, 1988). The technique relies
on the notion of distributional semantics –
specifically, that the meaning of a term in text is
directly correlated with the contexts in which it
appears. LSI accepts as input a collection of
documents and produces as output a high-
dimensional vector space. All of the documents in
the collection are represented by vectors in this
vector space. Similarly, all of the terms that
comprise those documents are represented by
vectors in this vector space (except for very
frequently occurring terms that typically are treated
as stopwords).
LSI employs the technique of singular value
decomposition (SVD) to carry out a large-scale
dimensionality reduction (as described in the
following section). This dimensionality reduction
has two key effects:
Terms that are semantically related are assigned
representation vectors that lie close together in
the LSI vector space.
Documents that have similar conceptual content
are assigned representation vectors that lie close
together in the space.
These characteristics of LSI spaces form the
basis for a wide range of applications, ranging from
automated essay scoring to literature-based
discovery (Dumais, 2004). Typically, in these
applications, little or no use is made of phrases.
This is because, in the classical formulation of LSI,
in order for a phrase to be used as such in a query,
that phrase must be identified and treated as a unit in
the initial stage of creating the LSI representation
space. However, experience has shown that it is
quite difficult to predetermine collections of phrases
that will enhance performance in applications. This
paper presents a technique for using phrases in LSI
queries on an ad hoc basis – at query time, without
requiring any changes in existing LSI spaces.
Although LSI primarily has been used with text,
it is a completely general technique and can be
applied to any collection of items composed of
features. LSI has, for example, been used with great
success in categorizing, clustering, and retrieving
audio, image, and video data. Although this paper
focuses on textual phrases, the approach described
Bradford R..
Incorporating Ad Hoc Phrases in LSI Queries.
DOI: 10.5220/0005073300610070
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2014), pages 61-70
ISBN: 978-989-758-048-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
here is equally applicable to non-textual linked
features in other types of media.
The LSI technique applied to a collection of
documents consists of the following primary steps
(Dumais et al 1988):
1. A matrix A is formed, wherein each row
corresponds to a term that appears in the
documents, and each column corresponds to a
document. Each element a
in the matrix
corresponds to the number of times that the term
m occurs in document n.
2. Local and global term weighting is applied to the
entries in the term-document matrix. This
weighting may be applied in order to achieve
multiple objectives, including compensating for
differing lengths of documents and improving the
ability to distinguish among documents. Some
very common words such as and, the, etc.
typically are deleted entirely (i.e., treated as
3. Singular value decomposition (SVD) is used to
reduce this matrix to a product of three matrices:
A = U Σ V
Let A be composed of t rows corresponding to
terms and d columns corresponding to
documents. U is then a t*t orthogonal matrix
having the left singular vectors of A as columns.
V is a d*d orthogonal matrix having the right
singular vectors of A as columns. Σ is a t*d
diagonal matrix whose elements are the singular
values of A (the non-negative square roots of the
eigenvalues of AA
4. Dimensionality is reduced by deleting all but the
k largest values of Σ, together with the
corresponding columns in U and V, yielding an
approximation of A:
= U
which is the best rank-k approximation to A in a
least-squares sense.
5. This truncation process provides the basis for
generating a k-dimensional vector space. Both
terms and documents are represented by k-
dimensional vectors in this vector space.
6. New documents (e.g., queries) and new terms are
represented in the space by a process known as
folding-in (Furnas et al, 1988). To add a new
document, for example, that document is first
subjected to the same pre-processing steps (e.g.,
stopword removal) as those applied to the original
documents used in creating the space. The
document then is assigned a representation vector
that is the weighted average of the representation
vectors for the terms of which it is composed. A
similar process is employed to fold in new terms
(see section 5.2 for more detail).
7. The similarity of any two objects represented in
the space is reflected by the proximity of their
representation vectors, generally using a cosine
measure. Results of queries are sorted by cosine:
the higher the cosine, the more similar the
returned object (term or document) is to the
Extensive experimentation has shown that
proximity of objects in such a space is an effective
surrogate for conceptual similarity in many
applications (Bradford, 2009).
People directly perceive phrases as having utility in
representing the information content of documents.
For example, Figure 1 shows the distribution of the
number of tokens constituting indexing elements
chosen by professional indexers for a set of technical
journal articles in INSPEC (Hulth, 2004). Less than
14% of the indexing elements chosen consist of
single tokens.
Figure 1: Human choice of phrases as indexing elements.
Phrase search is widely used in information
retrieval. In (Manning, Raghavan, and Schütze,
2008) it is reported that as many as 10% of web
queries are explicit phrase queries (i.e., entered
within quotes) and many more are implicit phrase
queries entered without double quotes. Use of
phrases in queries is a standard capability in most
contemporary text retrieval systems.
Number of Tokens in Indexing Element
Number of Elements
With the classical formulation of LSI, if, for
example, life cycle analysis is used as a query, the
system will retrieve the LSI representation vectors
for each of these individual words and then form a
query vector that is the weighted average of these
three vectors. Since the words life, cycle, and
analysis are used in many contexts other than that
indicated by the phrase life cycle analysis, the query
vector thus formed will constitute a poor
approximation of an appropriate vector for
representing the specific concept of life cycle
The problem is particularly acute for names of
persons. For example, in many document
collections, an LSI search for George Cheney (the
internationally known speaker and writer on
organizational communication) would yield very
poor results, because the many references to George
Bush and Dick Cheney would create representation
vectors for George and Cheney that were closely
associated with politics as opposed to the
educational context of George Cheney. Although
entity extraction can be, and often is, used in
creating LSI spaces, even the best contemporary
entity extractors miss or incorrectly render on the
order of 20% of the names in typical real-world
document collections. This can be a major
limitation in discovery applications where names of
people provide key context.
It has long been recognized that treating phrases
as units could have beneficial effects in LSI
applications. In one of the earliest papers on LSI,
the inventors of the technique noted the potential
value of use of phrases:
“We think we can greatly improve performance by
incorporating short phrases…” (Dumais et al,
1988) (emphasis added).
There is a long history of investigation of the utility
of phrases in information retrieval. Global
approaches (i.e., broadly treating phrases in a
document collection as indexing elements) have
yielded generally disappointing results.
As early as 1975, Salton et al showed that use of
statistically-derived phrases could improve retrieval
performance for SMART, a then-current vector-
space-based text retrieval system (Salton, Yang, and
Yu, 1975). The authors obtained improvements in
average precision of 17-39%, but were dealing with
very small text collections (each less than 500
documents). In 1989, Fagan carried out similar
experiments, obtaining mixed results, varying from
-11% to +20%, with somewhat larger test collections
(up to 12 thousand documents) (Fagan, 1989). In
1997, Mitra conducted similar tests with a collection
of 211 thousand documents, obtaining precision
improvements of 1% (Mitra et al, 1997).
There are two primary factors responsible for the
observed decline over time of phrase impact in these
studies – the larger sizes of the test collections
employed and the fact that the comparison baseline
(retrieval performance using individual terms)
improved significantly over that 20-year time frame.
In discussing results from the first five TREC
conferences, Mitra et al noted that: “In the past five
years of TREC, overall retrieval effectiveness for
SMART has more than doubled, but the added
effectiveness due to statistical phrases has gone
down from 7% to less than 1%” (Mitra et al, 1997).
In 1999, Turpin and Moffat provided additional
evidence that, as performance of vector-space-based
information retrieval systems employing individual
terms improved, the utility of adding phrases
diminished (Turpin and Moffat, 1999).
Summarizing the first eight years of TREC
testing, Harman noted: “the investigation of the use
of phrases in addition to single terms … has long
been a topic for research in the information retrieval
community, with generally unsuccessful results. …
almost all (TREC) groups have experimented with
phrases. In general, these experiments have been
equally unsuccessful” (Harmon, 2005).
In 2006, Metzler, Strohman, and Croft reported
results of their work over three years on the TREC
Terabyte tracks. During that period they performed
a variety of tests using statistically-derived phrases.
None of the techniques tried yielded improvement
over a bag-of-words baseline (Metzler, Strohman,
and Croft, 2006).
Multiple approaches have been tried for
automatically identifying phrases of interest within a
document collection. In general, these produce far
more candidate phrases than is desirable. A number
of approaches have been tried for pruning long lists
of candidate phrases. Somewhat surprisingly,
applying filtering criteria such as mutual information
and entropy generally has not resulted in lists of
phrases that yield significant retrieval enhancement.
There has been some success with selecting
specific types of phrases. Ogawa et al employed
two-term noun phrases in tests using TREC-8
queries applied to the WT2g document collection
(247 thousand documents) and TREC-9 queries
applied to the WT10g document collection (1.7
million documents). They achieved improvements
in average precision of 3 to 12 percent using phrases
derived from the TREC queries. For phrases derived
from query expansion, they achieved improvements
for the smaller test set, but not for the larger one
(Ogawa et al, 2000). Zhai et al achieved similar
results for noun phrases with TREC-5 queries (Zhai
et al, 1996). Kraiij and Pohlmann found modest
improvements using proper names as indexing units
(Kraiij and Pohlmann, 1998). Jiang et al had good
success with classifier-thing bigrams (word pairs in
which the first word effectively selects for a subclass
of the type referred to by the second word) (Jiang et
al, 2004).
Some techniques for creating lists of phrases
derive the candidates from existing data collections.
In particular, WordNet and Wikipedia have been
popular sources of candidate phrases. However,
these approaches typically have not shown a
significant advantage over other techniques.
Counterintuitively, human selection of phrases
also generally has not produced significant
improvements in retrieval performance. In 2010,
Broschart et al conducted experiments using the
TREC GOV2 collection (25 million documents),
three sets of TREC queries, and five users. For all
five users, incorporation of their chosen phrases as
indexing units yielded overall lower average
precision than the baseline comparison (BM25F).
They found that users frequently disagreed on
phrases in the TREC queries. On average, two users
highlighted the same phrase only 47% of the time
(Broschart, Berberich, and Schenkel, 2010). Such
inconsistencies also were noted by Kim and Chan.
They had ten human subjects read articles averaging
1300 words in length and choose the ten most
meaningful phrases from each one. On average,
only 1.3 phrases matched those chosen by others
(Kim and Chan, 2004).
There has been little reported testing of phrase
pre-processing for LSI. In 2000, Lizza and
Sartoretto incorporated two-word phrases into LSI
indexes for small document collections. They
reported a 9% improvement in average precision for
the TIME collection (423 documents), but no useful
increase for the MEDLINE (1033 documents) and
CISI (1460 documents) collections (Lizza and
Sartoretto, 2000).
Weimer-Hastings investigated the effect of
incorporating noun and verb phrases when using LSI
to grade student answers to questions. He employed
manually identified phrases in comparing student
answers with expected answers. He found a
decrease in correlation with human evaluations
when the phrases were used (Weimer-Hastings,
Wu and Gunopulos tested LSI with two-word
phrases, selected based on a threshold for either
document frequency or information gain. In their
testing, they employed the R118 subset of the
Reuters 21578 test set. They only were able to
increase F1 for that test set from .8417 to .8449,
which was not statistically significant (Wu and
Gunopulos, 2002).
Nakov, Valchanova, and Angelova examined the
impact of different text pre-processing steps
(lemmatization, stopword removal, etc) in using LSI
for document categorization. They employed a test
set of 702 Bulgarian-language documents assigned
to 15 categories. Altogether they tested 120
combinations of local weight, global weight, and
LSI dimensions. In 87 of these cases, incorporating
phrases into the LSI index yielded no change in
microaveraged categorization accuracy for the
collection. In 27 cases there was an improvement;
for 9 cases the results were worse. Most
improvements were 1% or less. In all cases where
the best-performing local and global weights were
used, phrase processing had no effect (Nakov,
Valchanova, and Angelova, 2003).
Grönqvist examined LSI performance on a
synonym test of 440 Swedish queries, with 10.9% of
the queries and 35.5% of the answers consisting of
phrases. Results from creating the LSI index with
and without phrases are shown in Table 1. He noted
that the difference between the first case and the
second was not statistically significant, but that the
difference between the first and the third was
(Grönqvist, 2005A). Overall, incorporation of two-
and three-word phrases (Grönqvist, 2005B):
Corrected 30 queries that had been incorrectly
evaluated by classical LSI.
Incorrectly judged 15 queries that had been
correctly evaluated by classical LSI
Table 1: LSI phrase indexing results.
Indexedterms %Correc
In his thesis, Grönqvist also performed document
retrieval tests with 101 CLEF topics for Swedish and
133 TREC topics for English. For Swedish, there
was a small decrease in performance when
incorporating phrases. For English, the results were
essentially unchanged from the individual word case
(Grönqvist, 2006).
Olney used LSI for determining the semantic
equivalence of sentence pairs. He employed two test
sets - the Microsoft Research Paraphrase Corpus and
a corpus based on the novel 20,000 Leagues under
the Sea. The training set consisted of the TASA
corpus (~70 MB of text) combined with the Wall
Street Journal section of the Penn Treebank
(~50,000 words). In creating the term-document
matrix he included all word bigrams that occurred
more than once. This increased the number of rows
in the matrix by an order of magnitude (from 75,640
to 756,741). He found a negligible difference in task
performance for both test sets. A variant in which
word trigrams were used as context, rather than
documents, also yielded no significant difference
Olney, 2009).
Collectively, these studies suggest that pre-
selection of phrases for LSI indexing has limited
utility, at least using current phrase selection
techniques. This result is consistent with the
previously-cited studies of use of phrases with other
vector-space-based information retrieval techniques.
One consistent result in all of the above studies
is that, although overall task performance was not
notably enhanced through use of phrases, the
performance for certain queries was significantly
enhanced when relevant phrases were employed. In
light of the difficulties in pre-selecting phrases, this
result, together with the user predilection to employ
phrases noted in section 3, provides strong
motivation for development of an ad hoc phrase
query capability for vector space retrieval. The
following discussion presents a novel method of
providing such a capability in LSI spaces.
The fundamental characteristics of an LSI space
enable a query-time phrase processing capability for
LSI. The key relevant characteristic of the technique
is the duality condition described below.
5.1 Duality Condition
In any LSI space, the following duality condition
The LSI representation vector for any document
corresponds to the weighted average of the LSI
vectors for the terms contained in that
The LSI representation vector for any term
corresponds to the weighted average of the LSI
vectors for the documents that contain that term.
5.2 Phrase Vector Creation Method
For a given LSI space, the proposed procedure for
generating a representation vector for an arbitrary
given phrase is as follows:
1. Identify the documents from the indexed
collection that contain the given phrase.
2. Retrieve the LSI vectors corresponding to those
3. Calculate the weighted sum of those
representation vectors. (Using the notation of
section 2, let P be the 1*d vector whose
components indicate frequency of occurrence of
the phrase in the documents of the collection,
weighted by the same global and local
weighting algorithms as used in creating the
original LSI index. The new phrase vector is
then given by PV
The resulting vector will be a good
approximation of the vector that would have been
created if that phrase had been treated as a unit
during the LSI pre-processing stage. It is not exactly
the same vector, because of the complex balance that
is created between term and document vectors when
the SVD algorithm is applied to the collection as a
whole during the creation of the LSI space.
Changing what are considered to be terms within a
set of documents has transitive impacts that affect
the entire LSI space created from those documents.
These changes will create differences in retrieval
results. However, as shown in the following
examples, the approximation vector produced using
this method is quite accurate, at least for an LSI
space of reasonable size.
In order for this technique to be applied at query
time, the process of creating the approximation
vector for a phrase must be quite fast (on the order
of seconds). Thus all three steps described above
must be carried out rapidly:
For a given phrase, it is necessary to rapidly
determine which documents contain that phrase.
This necessitates use of an inverted index of
term occurrences. This easily can be
implemented using a variety of open source or
commercial software packages. With modern
hardware and software implementations,
providing response times on the order of
seconds for this function is straightforward,
even for large document collections. Moreover,
modern LSI applications frequently incorporate
a Boolean retrieval capability for added
flexibility. In such cases, the needed inverted
index will already be available. For example,
the LSI engine employed in the testing
described here comes bundled with the DT
Search commercial Boolean text retrieval
system. Many extant LSI applications employ
the Lucene open source text retrieval engine for
Boolean retrieval. Such software can retrieve
postings lists for terms (and combine them into
occurrence lists for phrases) with sub-second
response, even for large document collections.
Once the set of documents containing the phrase
has been identified, retrieving the corresponding
LSI vectors (and their term weights) is a
straightforward database lookup process, using
the same database used for other LSI retrieval
Combining the vectors can be carried out
rapidly in local memory.
In contemporary hardware environments it is
quite feasible for this series of operations to be
carried out in near-real time (seconds) while
processing a user query.
5.3 Examples
The most straightforward method of demonstrating
the efficacy of an ad hoc technique such as this is to
directly compare the results of example LSI queries
involving phrases for three cases:
1. Where there is no attempt at specific phrase
processing (classical LSI processing, where the
terms of the phrase are treated independently).
2. Where the phrase is treated as a unit during pre-
processing of the text of the document
collection (so that the phrase is treated as a
single feature in creating the term-document
3. Where the phrase is processed at query time
using the procedure described above.
The following examples were generated using
LSI spaces constructed from a collection of 1.6
million news articles from the time frame 2012-
2013. This document set was a convenient size for
experimentation, although at the lower end of
collection size for contemporary enterprise LSI
applications, most of which tend to range from
millions to tens of millions of documents (Bradford,
2011). The LSI indexes were created using the
following processing parameters: logarithmic
weighting locally, entropy weighting globally, 300
dimensions, and pruning of terms that only occurred
once. (These are typical parameters for
contemporary LSI applications).
A decision was made to carry out entity
extraction for PERSON, LOCATION, and
ORGANIZATION entities as a pre-processing step
for the baseline LSI case. The ad hoc query
technique described here is eminently suitable for
dealing with named entities. If these entities had not
been included in the baseline case, quite striking
examples could have been presented here for ad hoc
retrieval of person, organization, and location
names. However, it has become routine practice in
recent years for entity extraction to be applied as a
pre-processing step in creating LSI indexes for
applications. (Named entities are one exception to
the problem of pre-determining multiword units.
Even with the error rates of contemporary entity
extractors, incorporating entity extraction into LSI
pre-processing has been shown to have significant
beneficial effect on LSI performance in most
applications). Since it is so widely used, it was felt
that the most meaningful baseline for comparisons
for this paper would be an LSI index that included
entity pre-processing.
The entity extraction was carried out using a
commercial entity extraction product (Rosoka
version 3.0). The LSI indexing was carried out
using a commercial LSI engine (Content Analyst
version 3.10). Index creation time was
approximately 45 minutes employing 16 m1.xlarge
Amazon AWS EC2 instances for creation of the
term-document matrix and one cr1.8xlarge instance
for the SVD calculation.
In each of the following examples, three sets of
results are presented for each phrase query:
The first set of results was generated using a
query against a classical LSI index, with no
specific phrase processing.
The second set of results was produced by
taking the given phrase and building a new LSI
space, identical to that of the previous case, with
the single exception of treating that one phrase
as a unit during the LSI processing.
The third set of results was obtained by
employing the ad hoc phrase retrieval technique
described in this paper.
In each of the following three examples, the
tables show the ten terms in the LSI space that were
ranked closest to the query vector corresponding to
the given phrase (i.e., those terms having the highest
cosine value between their representation vectors
and that of the query). For the news articles used in
the testing, there are many similar terms. Requiring
exact matches within the top ten terms out of the 1.5
million total terms in the collection is a rather
stringent measure of performance.
Only the top ten terms are shown here, due to
space limitations. However, examination of the top
100 terms demonstrated comparable degrees of
similarity in each case. In general, the higher the
indicated overlap for the top terms in each example,
the greater the similarity would be for the results of
any query related to or containing the given phrase.
5.3.1 Example 1
For this example, the query phrase was gross
national product. Table 2 shows the closest ten term
results for this phrase used as a query, for each of
the three phrase processing variants.
Table 2: Top ten term results for query = gross national
1. product lithuanian_minis
2. national expenditures gross
3. gross estonian_statisti
4. projected icelandic_treasu
5. flajs unipolarization dependent
6. andrej_flajs spkef dependency
7. forecasts economy gdps
8. projections economic estonian_statisti
9. grow pajula icelandic_treasu
10. slower asfinag expenditure
For the case where there was no phrase
processing, the top three (closest) terms correspond
to the individual terms in the phrase. This is
classical LSI - treating the phrase as a
straightforward combination of the meanings of its
individual terms. Terms five and six refer to Andrej
Flajs, who was the lead author on a study of gross
national income which is frequently referenced in
the articles of the collection. Terms four and seven
through ten are all generic terms that occur
frequently in articles in the context of discussion of
gross national product (GNP).
For the case where the phrase was treated as a
unit in pre-processing, the top ten results are quite
different. Three of the top four terms are names of
organizations. During the time frame of the articles,
there was extensive news coverage of the European
financial crisis. These three organizations were
frequently mentioned in news articles related to
GNP changes in that time frame. SpKef was the
largest savings bank in Iceland, which failed. Hardo
Pajula is an economic analyst who wrote extensively
on the Euro Zone crisis in this time period.
ASFiNAG is a corporation that was a significant
contributor to high Austrian debt in this time frame.
It is interesting that there is no overlap among
the top ten terms for these two cases. The classical
implementation of the LSI query yields terms that
are generically related to a discussion of gross
national product. However, as indicated, identifying
those three words as constituting an important
phrase, and treating it as a unit in the LSI pre-
processing, yields much more specific results. The
results focus on key entities central to discussions of
GNP in these specific documents.
For the ad hoc phrase processing approach
described in this paper, four of the top ten terms
overlap with the top ten terms retrieved in the full
phrase pre-processing instance. In fact, these four
overlap terms are the top four terms retrieved in the
pre-processed case.
5.3.2 Example 2
For this example, the query phrase was rare earth
element. (Rare earth elements are members of a
subgroup of the periodic table of elements, plus
scandium and yttrium). Table 3 shows the closest
ten terms for this phrase for each of the three phrase
processing variants.
Table 3: Top ten term results for query = rare earth
1. earth praseodymium dysprosium
2. earths dysprosium rare
3. rare rhodia bastnasite
4. planetary association_of_c
5. planets molycorp molycorp
6. comets scandium superfund
7. asteroids nechalacho molycorp_inc
8. jpl molycorp_inc association_of_
9. hi_tech_co jia_yinsong nechalacho
10. asteroid bastnasite su_bo
For the case of no phrase processing, it is clear that
the results are driven by the term earth. The terms
rare and element are used in multiple contexts, but,
in this collection, earth is discussed almost always in
the context of being a planet. Accordingly, seven of
the top ten terms in this case have the context of
celestial bodies. JPL is an acronym for Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, a leading US organization
for space exploration.
As in the first example, there is no overlap
between the top ten results for the case of no phrase
processing and the results for the pre-processed case.
In the pre-processed case, the top two terms and the
sixth term are names of rare earth elements. Rhodia
is the name of a leading rare earth production
company. The fourth term in the listing is the
Association of China Rare Earth Industry, from
which the entity extractor has dropped the word
industry. Molycorp is a mining company that is a
major supplier of rare earth ores. Nechalacho is the
site of a major mining activity for rare earth ores.
Jia Yinsong is chief of the Rare Earth Office of the
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in
China. Bastnasite is the most abundant rare earth
element mineral.
In this example, the contexts of the two result
lists for the no-phrase-processing and the phrase-
pre-processing instances are completely different.
Whereas in the previous case, a user might have
been willing to work with the more general results
given by classical LSI for gross national product; in
this case, the results with no phrase processing are
completely unrelated to the intent of the query rare
earth element.
In this example, the ad hoc approach has
performed very well. Seven of the top ten terms
from the phrase-pre-processing instance occur
among the top ten terms for the ad hoc case. This
includes the top two terms from the pre-processed
case. Su Bo is Vice Minister of Industry in China.
The news articles contain excerpts from a number of
speeches that he made about rare earth elements in
this time frame.
In this case, the phrase is highly non-
compositional; i.e., its meaning is not a simple
combination of the meanings of its constituent
words. (Actually it is not a simple combination of
the dominant senses of the constituent terms in this
collection). The technique described here has its
greatest impact for such phrases. For this type of
query, use of the technique described here would
have a significant beneficial impact on user
5.3.3 Example 3
For this example, the query phrase was highly
enriched uranium. Table 4 shows the closest ten
terms for this phrase for each of the three phrase
processing variants.
For the case with no phrase processing, the terms
are generally related to uranium enrichment. Fordo
is the site of a uranium enrichment plant in Iran.
For the case where the phrase was treated as a
unit in pre-processing, the top ten results are quite
different – there is only one term that also occurred
in the top ten for the no-phrase-processing case.
With phrase pre-processing, the acronym for
highly enriched uranium (HEU) is the top term, as
might be expected. Nuclear Threat Initiative is a
nonprofit organization dedicated to reducing the
spread of weapons of mass destruction. CPPNM is
an acronym for Convention on the Physical
Protection of Nuclear Material. Robert Gallucci is
president of the MacArthur foundation. Miles
Pomper is a Senior Research Associate at the Center
for Nonproliferation Studies. Frank N. von Hippel
is Co-Director of the Program on Science and
Global Security at Princeton University. Multiple
news articles from the collection dealt with papers
that these individuals had written and speeches that
they had given related to nuclear proliferation.
Table 4: Top ten term results for query = highly enriched
1. uranium heu plutonium
2. enriched plutonium heu
3. enrichment fissile fissile
4. weapons-
5. fordo weapons-grade nonproliferati
6. international
robert_gallucci enriched
7. iaea nonproliferation nuclear
8. centrifuges cppnm gary_samore
9. centrifuge miles_pomper nuclear_threat
10. enriching hippel siegfried_hec
The ad hoc approach performed well for this
phrase. Six of the top ten result terms from full
phrase pre-processing occur in the ad hoc result list,
including the top five terms from the pre-processed
The other terms presented also have the
appropriate context. Gary Samore is the Executive
Director for Research at the Belfer Center for
Science and International Affairs. Siegfried Hecker
was co-director of the Center for International
Security and Cooperation from 2007-2012. Multiple
articles from the collection discussed speeches given
and papers written by these two individuals that
dealt with nuclear proliferation.
A summary of the term overlap results from
these examples is shown in Table 5.
An interesting aspect of the term results is their
specificity. Considering the three examples taken
together, only 23% of the terms produced by
classical LSI corresponded to named entities. More
than three-fourths were general terms. The pre-
processed results were much more specific. More
than half (57%) corresponded to named entities.
The ad hoc technique described here produced
results intermediate between these – 40% of those
results were named entities.
Table 5: Comparison of Result Sets.
Overlap of Result Sets with those for
full phrase pre-processing
No Phrase Pre-
Ad Hoc
Top 10
Top 10
gross national
12% 40 %
rare earth
15% 70%
highly enriched
3% 60%
5.3.4 Document Result Comparisons
Examination of the results for retrieved documents
showed patterns similar to those for terms. In these
tests, each of the three example phrases was used as
a query and the 100 highest-ranked documents were
retrieved. These results also are shown in table 5.
They show differences similar to those for terms.
For the news articles used in the testing, there are
many similar documents. Requiring exact matches
within the top 100 documents out of 1.6 million is a
relatively strict measure of performance.
Although space limitations preclude showing
other examples, all phrases tested have shown
results similar to those in Table 5. In general, the
results are most striking when the query phrase is
highly non-compositional. Overall, for term
retrieval, the average overlap between the no-phrase-
processing results and those for full phrase pre-
processing is only a few percent. For document
retrieval, the average overlap is only about 10%.
For the technique described in this paper, the
average overlap with full phrase pre-processing for
both types of retrieval is close to 60%.
The test data demonstrate that the retrieval
results generated using the proposed technique
constitute a useful approximation of those that
would have been obtained if the given phrases had
been treated as indexing units during the creation of
the LSI spaces.
The method described here provides an approach for
using arbitrary phrases as queries in an LSI space
after the LSI index has been created. Tests
demonstrate that the results of such queries are a
useful approximation of the results that would have
been obtained if those phrases had been treated as
indexing units during the creation of the LSI space.
This is true both when retrieving closest terms and
closest documents. In contemporary hardware
environments, the technique is fast enough that it
can be used for near-real-time processing at query
The implementation of this technique in LSI-
based information systems can be anticipated to
yield improvements in user satisfaction. Users are
accustomed to being able to use phrase searches in
Boolean retrieval systems and find their absence in
LSI systems a limitation. There also are clear
improvements in performance for many queries. In
general, the precision of results obtained using the
technique described here will be much greater than
that obtained by simply including the individual
terms of the phrase in a standard LSI query. This is
particularly true for highly non-compositional
The technique described here is equally
applicable for English- and for foreign-language
text. It also has direct analogues for dealing with
coupled features in LSI spaces used to represent
non-textual data.
Some advanced knowledge discovery
applications employ workflows in which LSI queries
are automatically generated. Such applications
typically emphasize generation of high-precision
result sets. The technique described here is
particularly applicable to such environments.
The author would like to thank the members of the
Semantic Engineering staff at Agilex Technologies
who participated in the reported testing. He would
also like to thank the anonymous referees, who made
suggestions that significantly improved the quality
of the paper.
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