Rules for Transforming OWL 2 Ontology into SBVR
Gintare Krisciuniene
, Lina Nemuraite
, Rita Butkiene
and Bronius Paradauskas
Departament of Information Systems, Kaunas University of Technology, Studentu st.50-309, Kaunas, Lithuania
Centre of Information Systems Design Technologies,
Kaunas University of Technology, Studentu st.50-313, Kaunas, Lithuania
Keywords: Ontology, Business Concepts, Business Rules, Representation, Meaning, SBVR, OWL 2, Transformation.
Abstract: Our research is concentrated on defining transformation rules from OWL 2 ontologies into SBVR
vocabularies and rules without a loss of information and the expressive power, characteristic for ontologies,
overcoming the fact that some ontology-specific concepts have no direct representation in SBVR. Our focus
is on generic transformation rules, but the particular attention is devoted to ontologies and vocabularies
related with semantic search in Lithuanian Internet corpus. Therefore, we consider some particular
constructs related with our application domain, including the idea of creating domain-specific lexical
ontologies, related with domain ontologies and capable to support semantic annotating and search.
Web Ontology Language OWL 2 (W3C, 2012) is a
knowledge representation language, used for sharing
a common understanding of a certain domain among
computer systems and human experts, and having
capabilities for reasoning and querying semantic
specifications. OWL 2 is not easily understood by
every user. Semantics of Business Vocabulary and
Business Rules (SBVR) (OMG, 2013) provides
opportunity to describe business concepts and
business rules in the structured language, similar to
natural language and understandable for human.
SBVR is based on formal logics and can be applied
for computer processing, but it cannot be directly
used in semantic technologies.
Both languages, OWL 2 and SBVR, are created
for expressing semantics of the domain, but the
development of these languages was inspired by
different issues. In result, we have two different
metamodels and different sets of tools for semantic
processing. The semantically overlapping concepts
of both knowledge models has encouraged
investigating a possibility of transforming SBVR
into OWL 2 and vice versa. The transformation of
SBVR to OWL 2 will allow business users to
describe domain ontologies using human-
understandable language, to prove consistency of
business vocabularies and rules by using OWL 2
reasoners, etc. The reverse transformation will allow
business users to have a human-friendly interface to
ontologies, considering them in business
applications (Ghali, 2012) and in semantic search,
where SBVR questions in structured language are
transformed into SPARQL queries (Sukys, 2012a;
2012b). SBVR to OWL 2 transformation was
considered in several works, of which the
transformation of (Karpovic et al., 2011; 2012)
seems the most comprehensive and suitable for
further investigation.
The goal of current paper is to present rules for
transforming OWL 2 ontologies into SBVR,
compatible with SBVR to OWL 2 transformation
(Karpovic, 2012). Both these transformations should
be mutually reversible and lossless, and compatible
with SBVR to SPARQL transformation, because in
semantic search SBVR questions are transformed
into SPARQL queries, which are executed in the
source ontology (Sukys, 2012a).
Semantic search in our research is directed
towards better facilitation of people and
organizations to use natural Lithuanian language in
the virtual space in their professional and personal
activities. Natural language technologies require
sophisticated processing algorithms and vast
amounts of resources. In the world practice, lexical
resources as WordNet, VerbNet, FrameNet, or
PropBank are used for relating senses of ontology
elements with their verbal representations in
semantic annotating and search. The representation
Krisciuniene G., Nemuraite L., Butkiene R. and Paradauskas B..
Rules for Transforming OWL 2 Ontology into SBVR.
DOI: 10.5220/0005076902560263
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2014), pages 256-263
ISBN: 978-989-758-049-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
part of SBVR is similar to what is encompassed by
WordNet and other lexical ontologies where various
syntactic forms are related to meaning. We had
made an assumption (Bernotaityte, 2013;
Krisciuniene, 2014) that the lexical ontology for
Lithuanian language can be based on SBVR
representations and related to SBVR based domain
ontology thus making it possible to accelerate the
task of creating the lexical resources required for
embodying the semantic search techniques for
Lithuanian language.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 analyses related work. Section 3 presents a
domain ontology example. Section 4 describes rules
for transforming OWL 2 ontologies into SBVR.
Section 5 presents initial experiments for checking
their applicability. Section 6 summarizes
conclusions and envisages future research.
Currently, there are several research works and
prototypes aiming at transforming SBVR business
vocabulary and business rules into ontologies
(ONTORule, 2009; Karpovic, 2011, 2012; Kendall,
2013; Reynares, 2013); some informal mappings
between SBVR and OWL 2 concepts are given in
SBVR specification (OMG, 2013). The
transformations described in (Karpovic, 2011, 2012)
are the most appropriate for our purpose as they are
not only comprehensive, bet also take into account
aspects specific for our joint research. SBVR to
OWL 2 transformations often are defined from the
SBVR side: what constructs of SBVR can be
represented in OWL 2. Our research needs not only
making the SBVR OWL 2 transformations
mutually reversible but also to reflect ontology
advantages in SBVR specifications.
The result of SBVR to OWL 2 transformation
(Karpovic, 2011, 2012) is the domain ontology
based on preferred representations of SBVR
concepts. This transformation does not involve
synonyms and synonymous forms except a single
synonymous form for each verb concept wording, if
it is required for specifying business rules and
obtaining the corresponding inverse object property.
SBVR metamodel does not give possibility for
specifying desirable inverse verb concept wordings.
For solving this and other similar problems,
additional concept types (e.g., inverse verb concept)
are described in the special SBVR for OWL 2
vocabulary, which can be incorporated into SBVR
vocabularies for transforming them into OWL 2.
(Kendall and Linehan, 2013) define the solid
reversible SBVR to OWL 2 transformation without
loss of semantic information but the result of reverse
transformation does not guarantee an identical
original representation, because they transform
SBVR synonyms and synonymous forms into
OWL 2 annotations. The reverse transformation
from OWL 2 into SBVR is not capable to recover
the original vocabulary and rules although they
remain semantically equivalent. For solving this
problem, we propose separating SBVR synonyms
and synonymous forms from the domain ontology
and creating the lexical ontology based on SBVR
representations (Krisciuniene, 2014). Other analysed
SBVR to OWL 2 transformations were superficial,
e.g., (Reynares, 2013), but the author’s idea for
preserving information about SBVR partitive verb
concepts in ontology is noteworthy, and we are
willing to borrow it with the reference to the authors.
There was found only one (except our) work dealing
with transformation from ontologies to SBVR
(Gailly, 2013), however, it was in an initial stage
and did not propose some special ideas or
The novelty of our work is that we are aiming at
creating SBVR vocabularies by building them upon
existing or designed ontologies, and considering
creating lexical ontologies, based on SBVR
representations, for the complete correspondence
and transformation between the transformable
subsets of SBVR and OWL 2 elements. Also, we use
a few SBVR and OWL 2 extensions for obtaining
the reversible and lossless OWL 2 – SBVR
The excerpt from the OWL 2 ontology for Semantic
Search in Lithuanian Internet Corpus is presented in
Figure 1. The ontology is built on the base of SBVR
knowledge model, which presents the metamodel
and principles for creating domain specific
conceptual schemas (i.e., domain ontologies). The
top construct is the abstract “object”, which may be
any concept, having occurrence in the corpus under
investigation. More specific concepts are the agent,
location, time and “state of affairs”, which,
following the SBVR, may be an event, state,
activity, circumstance, etc. We focus on the generic
model of events, which may be related with an
agent, time, location, target and the event type that
Figure 1: Excerpt from domain ontology for “saying” events (represented as UML class diagram).
allows the multiple categorizations of events, which
sometimes is
required instead of assigning the
unique category. The event is the problematic
concept. In a natural language, events are usually
expressed by verbs; majority of events represent n-
ary relations. SBVR allows describing n-ary
relations; however, the OWL 2 is limited to binary
ones. For describing n-ary relations in OWL 2, we
define the event class (SBVR general concept)
objectifying the n-ary relation (SBVR verb concept)
and having n relations with other classes (agent,
time, location, etc.). The number of roles may vary
depending on the type of the event and on
completeness of information we have. In our
research, SBVR models are limited to binary
relations due to difficulties of representing such
relations in software models and implementing in
CASE tools, SBVR and ontology editors, etc.
There are many ontologies and research works
devoted to event models, e.g., (Kaneiwa, 2007),
(Scherp, 2009), which describe temporal, spatial,
instance, participation, causality, mereology,
correlation, documentation, interpretation and other
event categories. The event (as well as other objects)
may be identified in many Web documents and is
important for semantic search. We concentrate on
“saying” event, as it is one of the most frequently
occurring events in Lithuanian Internet corpus. It is
related with speech acts, defined by Winograd and
Flores, which mean actions expressed by saying,
e.g., obligation, confirmation, agreement, etc.
Therefore, we suppose that “saying” is worth for the
primary attention in semantic annotating and search,
and, therefore, should be analysed first.
Main concepts of the OWL 2 are axioms and entities
(classes, object properties, data properties, data types
and named individuals) (Figure 2). Main SBVR
concepts are presented in Figure 3. For SBVR
structured language specifications, we use the SBVR
style of
terms, verbs, Names and keywords (OMG,
2013), where terms represent noun concepts (general
concepts, roles and verb concept roles); verbs
represent symbols used in verb concept wordings
(meaning verb concepts) and in statements meaning
propositions (facts). Vocabulary entries introduce
the primary forms (preferred representations) of
SBVR concepts, and can have captioned details,
e.g., General concept, Concept type, Synonym or
Synonymous form, etc. SBVR vocabulary can be
obtained from the OWL 2 ontology, and defined as
the individual concept of the general concept
“vocabulary”. Vocabulary name, namespace and
language can be obtained from the ontology name,
namespace and language. OWL 2 Annotations can
be used to specify additional information in
ontology, e.g., comments. We use standard
annotation property “
label” for human readability
of entity names in a vocabulary language (e.g.,
English, as in the following example, or Lithuanian),
and the additional annotation properties, e.g.,
vocabularyURI”; “label_sbvr”, etc., for specifying
entity names in SBVR style that would be useful for
transforming OWL 2 ontology into SBVR.
OWL 2 Entities define named elements of the
OWL 2 ontology, uniquely identified by their IRIs
and declared by the Declaration axioms. OWL 2
Class is transformed into SBVR general concept,
ObjectProperty with its domain and range – into
verb concept; OWL 2 DataProperty corresponds to
the SBVR role, except DataProperty with
DataRange ‘boolean’, which corresponds to SBVR
unary verb concept (characteristic).
OWL 2 has a rich set of data types including RDFS
Literals, RDF DataTypes, XSD DataTypes and Plain
Literals (W3C, 2012). SBVR has just a few
elementary concepts (text, URI, number, integer,
nonnegative integer, positive integer) that can be
used for representing the corresponding OWL 2 data
types. However, the SBVR allows extensions.
SBVR extension for Data and Time (OMG, 2011)
defines various extensions of SBVR elementary
concepts for representing dates and time durations.
For the OWL 2 SBVR transformation, we have
introduced into SBVR
boolean and date_time as the
most necessary elementary concepts. Further
extensions can be added as necessary.
Figure 2: Main concepts of OWL 2 (some class axioms are shown in more detail).
Figure 3: Main concepts of SBVR meaning extended with concepts for reflecting advanced features of OWL 2.
OWL 2 Class Axioms and Class Expressions.
SubClassOf class axiom provides possibility to create
class specialization hierarchies by defining the
subsumption dependency between classes. Such
axiom can be transformed to SBVR categorization:
OWL: SubClassOf(saying event)
SBVR: event
General concept: event
OWL 2 SubclassOf axioms are formulated along
with many other OWL 2 axioms and restrictions:
AllValuesFrom, SomeValuesFrom, ObjectHasSelf,
ObjectHasValue, cardinality restrictions, etc.; in such
SubclassOf axioms are not transformed.
Class expression
AllValuesFrom, defining
universal quantifications on object properties or data
properties, can be transformed to SBVR necessity
statements scoping over universal quantifications
and atomic formulations, which use more general
verb concepts for defining specific general concepts
as players of more general roles:
OWL: SubClassOf(journey (ObjectAllValuesFrom
(has__target_object location))
SBVR: It is necessary that journey
has_target_object that is location
Class expressions SomeValuesFrom, defining
existential quantifiers on object properties or data
properties, are transformed to SBVR necessity
statements scoping over existential quantifications
and atomic formulations based on binary verb
concepts, e.g.:
OWL: SubClassOf(saying ObjectSomeValuesFrom
(is_said_about saying_object))
SBVR: It is necessary that saying is_said_about
saying_object at least 1 saying_object
OWL 2 EquivalentClasses axiom denotes the
equivalence of class expressions. This axiom
between single classes is transformed into SBVR
verb concept
concept1 is_coextensive_with
concept2. The axiom between a single class and a
class expression, which defines how this class is
derived, is transformed to the SBVR definition.
Class disjointness in the OWL 2 means that an
I can be an instance of the only one class
(class expression)
CEi from the set of disjoint
DisjointClasses can be transformed to
SBVR impossibility statements, or necessity
statements with nor formulations.
DisjointUnion (C,CE
, …, CE
), n2, states that a
C is the disjoint union of classes CE
, …, CE
which are pairwise disjoint.
DisjointUnionOf axiom
can be transformed to SBVR disjunction
accompanied with impossibility statement or nor
formulation, e.g.:
OWL: SubClassOf(person, agent)
SubClassOf(organization, agent)
DisjointClasses(person, organization)
SBVR: agent
Definition: person or organization
General concept: agent
General concept: agent
It is impossible that person is organization
The ObjectUnionOf, ObjectIntersectionOf, and
ObjectComplementOf class expressions can be
transformed to SBVR logical operations with the
closed logical formulations, e.g.:
OWL: EquivalentClasses(person
ObjectIntersectionOf (ObjectComplementOf
(organization) agent))
SBVR: person
Definition: agent that is not organization
The OWL 2 ObjectHasValue class expression
allows expressing object properties of individuals. In
the SBVR, such expression can be specified as a
fact, based on the verb concept, in which one role is
played by an individual verb concept.
OWL 2 ObjectPropertyExpressions and
InverseObjectProperties axiom denotes
that two object properties
and OP
are pair-wise
inverse, e.g.:
OWL: InverseObjectProperties(said__saying
SBVR: speaker said saying
Synonymous_form: saying said_by speaker
saying said_by speaker
Concept type: inverse_verb_concept
Transformation rules for the
DisjointObject Properties,
axioms are similar to
the transformation rules of
DisjointClasses and EquivalentClasses axioms.
ObjectPropertyChain is the more complex
SubObjectPropertyAxiom. It states that if an
is connected by a chain of object
property expressions with an individual
, then I
also connected with
by the derivable object
property expression
OPE. ObjectPropertyChain can
be transformed to the SBVR necessity statement
formulated by the implication formulation, which
has the antecedent restricted by one or more
projecting formulations, and the second role of its
consequent coincides with the second verb concept
role of the last verb concept in the projecting
formulations’ chain, e.g.:
OWL: SubObjectPropertyOf(ObjectPropertyChain
(said__saying is_part_of__event)
SBVR: It is necessary that agent
is_participant_of event if agent said
saying that is_part_of event
ObjectHasSelf axiom allows specifying the
object property that is pure reflexive in ORM2 terms
(Halpin, 2005).
FunctionalObjectProperty can be transformed to
the SBVR
at_most_one_quantification, e.g.:
SBVR: It is necessary that
event occurs_in
at most 1 location
The Inverse Functional Property cannot be
directly specified in SBVR. Besides this, there is a
set of OWL 2 Object Property Axioms that come
from ORM2 (Halpin, 2005) and are important for
Reflexive, Irreflexive, Symmetric,
Assymetric, and Transitive object properties that do
not have corresponding characteristics in SBVR
metamodel, though the latter also is based on ORM2
(Halpin, 2011). For solving this problem, we
extended the SBVR binary verb concept similarly as
in the case of inverse object property (Figure 3).
Transformation of characteristics of OWL 2 object
properties to concept types of SBVR verb concepts
is straightforward, e.g.:
OWL: TransitiveObjectProperty
event_part is_part_of event
Concept type: transitive_verb_concept
Transformations of OWL 2 Cardinality
Restrictions also are straightforward, as they have
their direct equivalents in SBVR, except
DataExactCardinality ‘1’ on Data Properties having
DataRange ‘boolean’. These restrictions are
transformed to metamodel level statements of the
concept incorporates characteristic’, e.g.:
OWL: SubClassOf(object (DataExactCardinality
(1 is_trusted xsd:boolean))
SBVR: object incorporates characteristic
Transformation rules for OWL 2 DataProperty
axioms and restrictions,
DataPropertyAssertions are defined in a similar
way. The short summary of OWL 2 to SBVR
transformation rules is given in Table 1.
Two experiments were conducted for transforming
OWL 2 ontologies into SBVR vocabularies. For
evaluating the suitability of defined transformations
for existing ontologies, the OWL2SBVR prototype
has been implemented using ASP.NET technologies
(the final implementation is under development in
ATL transformation language as an integral part of
the overall framework for the semantic search).
Also, the purpose of the experiment was to find the
unexpected problems, which could remain unknown
from the context of theoretical models.
For the first experiment, three ontologies from
internet (SIOC, Wine and GoodRelations) were
chosen and used without any preparation for
obtaining comprehensible vocabularies. Names of
vocabulary entries were obtained from labels (or
names, if labels were missing) of ontology entities.
Names of classes, individuals and data properties,
consisting of several words, were reconstructed into
SBVR style (in ontologies, they usually are
constructed using camel style). Names of verb
concepts were constructed from names of domain
classes, object properties and range classes.
The experiment has shown that almost all simple
elements (classes, properties, class hierarchies) can
be transferred to the SBVR vocabulary. All classes
of SIOC, Wine and GoodRelations were transferred.
The problems have arisen with transformation of
properties. In the worst case, only 48.2% of object
properties and 70% of data properties were
transformed from SIOC ontology. The semantics of
properties was often questionable, and could not be
automatically ensured.
Several problems were identified during the first
experiment. Object properties sometimes have no
domain and range specified. In such cases, the
“thing” class may be assigned as a domain or range
by default, but it would not be a right solution in all
cases. Object properties often are named by nouns
that have meaning of roles; or they present junctions
of relations and roles, which are expressed by
phrases, consisting from several words. Camel style
does not help to recognize such constructions.
Moreover, object properties can have several
domains or ranges, or have excess information, as in
the labels (e.g., "type of good (1..1)"@en)) of Good
Relations ontology.
In general, there is no rational way to
automatically recognize roles in OWL 2 ontologies.
Other problems have arisen with multiple
categorizations when the same concept belongs to
several subsumption hierarchies. While SBVR
Table 1: The short summary of rules for transforming OWL 2 constructs into SBVR.
OWL 2 Entities
EntityIRI NameSpace URI
Class general_concept
NamedIndividual individual_concept
ClassAssertion classification
string, boolean, integer, nonnegative integer,
possitiveInteger , dateTime
text, boolean, integer, nonnegative integer, positive_integer,
number, date_time
ObjectProperty association
O bjectProperty, SubObjectPropertyOf ( ObjectProperty
DataProperty, DataPropertyDomain, DataPropertyRange
property_association | characteristic
OWL 2 Class expressions and axioms
SubClassOf categorization
necessity_statement with universal_quantification
necessity_statement with existential quantification
SubClassOf, DataSomeValuesFrom for DataRange
concept incorporates characteristic
EquivalentClasses for single classes
association ‘ concept
is_coextensive_with concept
EquivalentClasses between a class and axiom
EquivalentClasses, SubClassOf hierarchy,
EquivalentClasses, SubClassOf hierarchy ccategorization_scheme
impossibility_statement| necessity_statement with
ObjectUnionOf, ObjectIntersectionOf,
ObjectComplementOf, ObjectOneOf, ObjectHasSelf,
disjunction, conjunction, logical_negation, definition with
conjunction of Individual concepts,
purely_reflexive_verb_concept fact with Individual concept
OWL 2 Property Expressions and Axioms
ObjectProperty, InverseObjectProperties verb_concept, inverse_verb_concept
SubObjectProperty, SubDataProperty
categorization of verb concepts
DisjointObjectProperties, DisjointDataProperties
impossibility_statement for verb concepts
EquivalentObjectProperties, EquivalentDataProperties association ‘ concept
is_coextensive_with concept
necessity_statement with implication_formulation and
projecting_formulation chain
FunctionalObjectProperty, FunctionalDataProperty at_most_one_quantification
at_most_one_quantification for inverse_verb_concept
c ObjectProperty)
supports multiple categorizations, such cases should
have a special structure leading to categorization
schemes or segmentations. According ontology
normalisation requirements, multiple categorizations
are allowable in OWL 2 ontologies in the form of
derivable classes. Existing ontologies may not fulfil
such requirements.
The second experiment was performed with
ontologies of three domains related with semantic
search (politics; business and economy, and public
administration). These ontologies were developed in
accordance with the rules of the normalization and
other requirements for ontologies intended to be
used for creating SBVR vocabularies. These
ontologies had dedicated annotations “label_sbvr”,
specified using SBVR style in the Lithuanian
The experiment has shown, that it is possible to
correctly reflect the semantics of ontologies via
concepts of SBVR business vocabulary and business
rules if these ontologies follow the normalisation
rules and are provided with the desired
representations, especially for specifying verb
concept roles in ontology properties. Existing
ontologies can be prepared for creating SBVR
vocabularies in any language as in our framework
for semantic search transformations are language-
The paper presents the rules for transforming
OWL 2 ontologies into SBVR business vocabularies
and business rules, which are intended for using
interlinked SBVR vocabularies and ontologies in
semantic search or other business applications.
Particularly, we are interested in semantic search in
Lithuanian Internet corpus; therefore, ontologies
reused or developed for that purpose should be
extended with specific labels allowing specifying
Lithuanian words and word phrases for naming
entities of the domain ontologies in the spoken
language and the style of SBVR. The experiments
have shown that freely chosen ontologies could
require some preparation before transforming them
to SBVR vocabularies: providing special labels,
ensuring ontology normalisation, supplementing
them with semantics of part-whole relations, etc.
The performed analysis has inspired extensions
of SBVR required for transforming inverse object
properties and characteristics of object properties. It
still remains a problem to transform OWL 2 object
properties without domains and ranges specified.
Sometimes, domains and ranges may be inferred
from property subsumption hierarchies or inverse
object properties. Also, we yet have not considered
complex domain and range specifications and other
advanced features that would require additional
efforts as well as the wider experimental
investigation of the proposed transformations.
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ŠMM-10-V-02-008 “Integration of Business
Processes and Business Rules on the Basis of
Business Semantics” (20132015), which is funded
by the European Social Fund (ESF).
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