The paper presents the rules for transforming
OWL 2 ontologies into SBVR business vocabularies
and business rules, which are intended for using
interlinked SBVR vocabularies and ontologies in
semantic search or other business applications.
Particularly, we are interested in semantic search in
Lithuanian Internet corpus; therefore, ontologies
reused or developed for that purpose should be
extended with specific labels allowing specifying
Lithuanian words and word phrases for naming
entities of the domain ontologies in the spoken
language and the style of SBVR. The experiments
have shown that freely chosen ontologies could
require some preparation before transforming them
to SBVR vocabularies: providing special labels,
ensuring ontology normalisation, supplementing
them with semantics of part-whole relations, etc.
The performed analysis has inspired extensions
of SBVR required for transforming inverse object
properties and characteristics of object properties. It
still remains a problem to transform OWL 2 object
properties without domains and ranges specified.
Sometimes, domains and ranges may be inferred
from property subsumption hierarchies or inverse
object properties. Also, we yet have not considered
complex domain and range specifications and other
advanced features that would require additional
efforts as well as the wider experimental
investigation of the proposed transformations.
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ŠMM-10-V-02-008 “Integration of Business
Processes and Business Rules on the Basis of
Business Semantics” (20132015), which is funded
by the European Social Fund (ESF).
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