A New Multi-lingual Knowledge-base Approach to Keyphrase Extraction
for the Italian Language
Dante Degl’Innocenti, Dario De Nart and Carlo Tasso
Artificial Intelligence Lab, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Udine, Udine, Italy
Keyphrase Extraction, Information Extraction, Italian Language, Natural Language Processing, Text Analysis,
Text Classification, Text Summarization.
Associating meaningful keyphrases to text documents and Web pages is an activity that can significantly in-
crease the accuracy of Information Retrieval, Personalization and Recommender systems, but the growing
amount of text data available is too large for an extensive manual annotation. On the other hand, automatic
keyphrase generation can significantly support this activity. This task is already performed with satisfactory
results by several systems proposed in the literature, however, most of them focuses solely on the English lan-
guage which represents approximately more than 50% of Web contents. Only few other languages have been
investigated and Italian, despite being the ninth most used language on the Web, is not among them. In or-
der to overcome this shortage, we propose a novel multi-language, unsupervised, knowledge-based approach
towards keyphrase generation. To support our claims, we developed DIKpE-G, a prototype system which inte-
grates several kinds of knowledge for selecting and evaluating meaningful keyphrases, ranging from linguistic
to statistical, meta/structural, social, and ontological knowledge. DIKpE-G performs well over English and
Italian texts.
Due to the growth of the amount of unstructured text
data available on the Web and in digital libraries, the
demand for automatic summarization and real-time
information filtering has rapidly increased. How-
ever, such systems need metadata that can precisely
and compactly represent the content of a document.
Even though a huge number of different metadata for-
mats has been proposed and Semantic Web technolo-
gies have grown bigger and bigger over the last few
years, the most common way to represent these meta-
data is still constituted by KeyPhrases. A KeyPhrase
(herein KP) is a short phrase, typically made of one
to four words which identifies an entity, a concept, or
a generic topic of interest. Such representation bears
several advantages: it is simple to understand, yet ex-
pressive and less exposed to polisemy issues than a
single-term-keyword representation; moreover it has
an high cognitive plausibility, since it is proven (Sil-
verstein et al., 1999) that humans often think in terms
of KPs rather than single term keywords or network
representations such as concept maps. Associating
meaningful KPs to a text is a trivial task for humans,
however, even by exploiting social Web collaborative
technologies, one cannot expect the whole Web to be
manually annotated, therefore automatic KP gener-
ation techniques are highly desirable. As shown in
section 2, several authors have already addressed the
problem of KP generation in English texts, but lit-
tle work has been done with other languages. Ital-
ian, in particular, though being the ninth most used
language on the Web (W3Techs, 2014) has never
received much attention. In this work, we present
DIKpE-G an experimental system specifically built
for performing KP Extraction and Inference from
Italian and English documents. The proposed sys-
tem exploits a knowledge-based approach combin-
ing various classes of knowledge, in part language-
dependent, in part independent and it is designed to
emulate some of the cognitive processes that are ex-
ploited when a human expert is asked to summarize
or classify a text.
The paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 we
briefly illustrate some related work; in Section 3 we
present our keyphrase generation approach; in Sec-
tion 4 we give a brief description of the DIKpE-G
prototype, in Section 5 we expose some experimen-
tal results and, finally, in Section 6 we conclude the
Degl’Innocenti D., De Nart D. and Tasso C..
A New Multi-lingual Knowledge-base Approach to Keyphrase Extraction for the Italian Language.
DOI: 10.5220/0005077100780085
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2014), pages 78-85
ISBN: 978-989-758-048-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Several authors in the literature have already ad-
dressed the problem of extracting keyphrases from
natural language documents and a wide range of ap-
proaches have been proposed. The authors of (Zhang,
2008) identify four types of keyphrase extraction
Simple Statistical Approaches: these techniques
assume that statistical information is enough
to identify keywords and KPs, thus they are
generally simple and unsupervised; the most
widespread statistical approaches consider word
frequency, TF-IDF or word co-occurency (Matsuo
and Ishizuka, 2004). It is important to note how
TF-IDF based methods require a closed document
corpora in order to evaluate inverse frequencies,
therefore they are not suitable to an open world
scenario, where new items can be included in the
corpora at any time.
Linguistic Approaches: these techniques rely on
linguistic knowledge to identify KPs. Proposed
methods include lexical analysis (Barker and Cor-
nacchia, 2000), syntactic analysis (Fagan, 1987),
and discourse analysis (Krapivin et al., 2008).
Machine Learning Approaches: since KP extrac-
tion can be seen as a classification task, machine
learning techniques can be used as well (Frank
et al., 1999), (Turney, 2000) and (Hulth, 2003).
The usage of Naive Bayes, SVM and other su-
pervised learning strategies has been widely dis-
cussed and applied in systems such as KEA (Wit-
ten et al., 1999), LAKE (DAvanzo et al., 2004),
and GenEx (Turney, 2000).
Other Approaches: other strategies exist which
do not fit into one of the above categories and
most of the times they are hybrid approaches
combining two or more of the above techniques.
Among others, heuristic approaches based on
knowledge-based criteria (Liu et al., 2009), and
meta-knowledge over the domain (Danilevsky
et al., 2013) have been proposed.
Also the problem of defining multi-language ap-
proaches has been discussed by several authors. In
(Litvak et al., 2010) it is presented a multilingual ap-
proach towards sentence extraction for summarization
purposes based on a machine learning approach. The
authors of (Paukkeri et al., 2008) introduce a multi-
lingual KP extraction system exploiting a statistical
approach based on word frequency and a reference
corpus in 11 different European languages, includ-
ing Italian. The performance of such system, how-
ever, relies on the quality of the reference corpus since
phrases not included in the corpus will never be ex-
tracted from the text. Moreover, its accuracy proved
to be highly variable over the 11 considered languages
and overall poor. The authors of (El-Beltagy and
Rafea, 2009) propose a more sophisticated approach
based on a set of heuristic rules for identifying a set
of potentially good candidate KPs; candidate KPs are
then selected according to a TF-IDF based score met-
ric. The system exploits two language dependant re-
sources: a stopwords list and a stemmer. Upon a
suitable substitution of such language dependant re-
sources, the system proved to perform well in differ-
ent languages.
Keyphrase extraction from Italian texts has re-
ceived little attention. The authors of (Ferragina and
Scaiella, 2010) propose TAGME, a system whose
purpose is to annotate documents with hyperlinks to
Wikipedia pages by identifying anchors in the text.
The task of identifying text anchors can be seen as
a naive KP extraction technique and is capable to
identify and propose KPs only if they are also in
Wikipedia. The system by (Paukkeri et al., 2008),
previously mentioned, is also capable of extracting
KPs from Italian text, however it features a very lim-
ited accuracy.
In order to accomplish our goals and to take into
consideration our previous work on keyphrase extrac-
tion for English texts (Pudota et al., 2010), we pro-
pose here a Knowledge-Based KP extraction tech-
nique based upon (i) exploitation of several kinds
of knowledge, (ii) consideration of the specific lan-
guages addressed, and (iii) typical/common writing
styles. An initial design work of knowledge engi-
neering allowed us to identify four classes of knowl-
edge which can be exploited to recognize meaningful
phrases in a text:
1. Statistical Knowledge: this knowledge deals ex-
clusively with the quantitative aspects of natural
language, such as the frequency of a given word
in a text or its inverse document frequency in a
corpus; though lacking of a clear semantic mean-
ing, it can be useful to identify terms and phrases
that characterize a text.
2. Linguistic Knowledge: this knowledge comes
from the specific language considered and deals
with morphological and grammatical aspects of
the text; examples of linguistic knowledge are
Part-Of-Speech (POS) tags, the information on
whether a given word is a stopword or not, or
whether a given sequence of words is constituted
by an acceptable pattern of POS tags for a KP
(such as, for instance: ”noun-noun” or ”adjective-
3. Meta/Structural Knowledge: this knowledge con-
sists of heuristics over the general structure of
the text and typically deals with the position of a
phrase in the considered document; an example of
meta-knowledge is knowing that phrases appear-
ing in the abstract of an article may be more repre-
sentative than the ones included in its body. This
knowledge corresponds to various writing styles
exploited by the author of the text. Another exam-
ple of exploitable meta-knowledge is constituted
by some specific metadata inserted in a document
by the author (such as the “topic” meta-tag in Web
pages and the “subject” meta-tag in a PDF file).
4. Semantic/Social Knowledge: this knowledge
comes from sources external to the considered
text. Semantic knowledge deals with the mean-
ing of the terms present in the candidate KPs and
with the typical conceptual context where they
are used. An ideal source of semantic knowledge
is constituted by ontologies, which describe con-
cepts, their properties, and their mutual relation-
ships, together with the natural language termi-
nology usually exploited for linguistically refer-
ring to them. Other common sources of such kind
of knowledge are dictionaries, thesauri, classifi-
cation schema, etc. This knowledge is useful for
recognizing terms belonging to a specific jargon
and for resolving polysemic words. Other rele-
vant examples of sources of semantic knowledge,
which are becoming more and more popular in
the participative Web (Web 2.0), are fast grow-
ing collaborative dictionaries, thesauri and knowl-
edge bases, such as DBpedia. They feature a very
wide conceptual coverage and they provide a way
to socially validate candidate KP: for a candidate
KP being an entry of one of these sources, means
that other humans have already identified it as a
meaningful way to linguistically refer to the un-
derlined concept. This is the reason why we con-
sider appropriate to attach to this kind of knowl-
edge also the term “social”.
It is important to point out how such classes of
knowledge differ from each other in terms of do-
main and language dependency: as shown in Fig-
ure 1 statistical knowledge is both domain and lan-
guage independent, linguistic knowledge is domain
independent, but language dependent, meta/structural
knowledge is domain dependent, and, finally seman-
Figure 1: Dependencies of the various kinds of knowledge
tic/social knowledge may be both domain and lan-
guage dependent. Domain and language dependency
are very different. Domain dependency can be sensi-
bly reduced by considering only general assumptions,
such as assuming that most of the interesting concepts
of a document will be introduced in its first section. It
can also be turned down by taking into account infor-
mation gathered from dictionaries or ontologies with
a very broad scope (such as Wikipedia). Language de-
pendency, on the other hand, cannot be relaxed: lan-
guage dependent knowledge, indeed, needs dedicated
modules and/or knowledge bases.
When reading a text with the purpose of extracting
relevant concepts a human expert typically performs
various kinds of evaluations and we believe that, in
order to match the performance of a human, an auto-
matic system should try to follow the same process.
To this purpose, the overall KP extraction process is
organized into three stages: in the first phase, the text
is analysed in order to identify all the possible candi-
date KPs to be possibly extracted from the text. Later,
in a second phase, each candidate KP is scored by as-
sociating it to a set of features which are the result
of applying the various kinds of knowledge described
above to the specific candidate KP. More specifically,
each class of knowledge is mapped into one or more
features and the final selection criterion of candidate
KPs takes into account all the features. The chosen
features are then combined to produce a final decision
associated to the candidate KP: this can be performed,
for instance, by means of a unique score or of a multi-
dimensional classification technic. This knowledge
based approach can be used both in a supervised and
an unsupervised scenario. In a supervised scenario
the feature combination function could be the result
of a training activity of a machine learning algorithm
(e.g.: Bayesian classifier, Support Vector Machine,
Artificial Neural Network, etc.), while in an unsuper-
vised approach it is explicitly known and may be the
result of a knowledge engineering activity. Finally,
in the third phase other relevant KPs are generated
once the major concepts included in the text have been
extracted. In this stage, a domain-dependent infer-
ence process takes place, able to identify other (usu-
ally more general or related) concepts that are derived
starting from the concepts (KPs) extracted in the first
two stages and by exploiting external semantic/social
In order to support our claims we have developed
DIKpE-G, a revised extended version of the system
presented in (Pudota et al., 2010) and (De Nart and
Tasso, 2014). DIKpE-G stands for Domain Inde-
pendent Keyphrase Extractor - Generator. Figure 2
shows the overall organization of the system.
The data workflow mimics the 3-phase cogni-
tive process described in the previous section. First
of all the text is read and the KP Extraction Mod-
ule (KPEM) discovers and ranks concepts (KPs) that
appear in the text, then the KP Inference Module
(KPIM) augments the set of extracted KPs with new
linked, related or implied concepts. Operation of
DIKpE-G is also supported by External Knowledge
Sources (EKS): in the current implementation we ex-
ploit Wikipedia
and Wordnik
. The generated KPs
represent tacit and explicit knowledge because part of
them is explicitly contained in the text and the rest
of them are inferred starting from the ones already
present in the text.
In order to identify the KPs, the KPEM relies on
a series of Language Specific Resources (LSR). They
consist of a POS-Tagger module, a Stemmer module
and two repositories: one for stopwords and one for
POS-Patterns that typically characterize KPs. Decou-
pling the language dependent part from the rest of
the architecture allows us to easily port the system
to other languages. All the necessary language de-
pendent modules are in fact widely available for all
major languages: for example, the Snowball stemmer
provides functionality for over twenty lan-
guages and the TreeTagger
provides POS tagging for
over fifteen languages.
The extraction task is organized in two steps: the
candidate KPs selection and the ranking phase. In the
first step all possible sequences of one, two, three, and
four words are considered, but only the ones match-
ing a valid POS pattern are chosen as candidate KPs.
Identification of valid POS patterns is a knowledge
engineering task and can be carried out by consid-
ering widely used patterns (indicated as “valid”) in
a large enough set of human generated KPs (human
generated such as the author KPs included in scien-
tific papers). The number of POS patterns depends
on the considered tag set. Currently we have a dozen
POS patterns for the Italian language and about 40 for
the English language. The difference is due to the dif-
ferent granularity of the employed TAG set.
In the following second step, each candidate KP
is assessed by means of a set of features, which are
computed by exploiting the various classes of knowl-
edge previously described in Section 3. In the current
implementation of DIKpE-G, we are experimenting
the set of features introduced in (De Nart and Tasso,
2014). More specifically, in Figure 3, we show, for the
various steps of the extraction, the different classes
of knowledge taken into account, the relative features
considered and, for each of them, their purposes and
value range.
As it can be noticed in Figure 3, each feature has
a value varying in various ranges. Once for each
KP a specific set of values have been computed for
its features, a final ranking step is performed, which
is aimed at producing a final global rank for each
KP. The result is a ranked list of KPs: the highest
ranked are proposed as relevant keyphrases for the
input text. In our vision, the ranking step can be per-
formed in various ways, ranging from (i) a strictly nu-
merical approach to (ii) a more sophisticated and gen-
eral knowledge-based assessment based on both qual-
itative and quantitative reasoning. The highly modu-
lar architecture of DIKpE-G, allows a seamless sub-
stitution of the modules and submodules devoted to
ranking, permitting in such a way the experimenta-
tion of alternative approaches. The current DIKpE-
G prototype follows the approach proposed in (Pu-
dota et al., 2010), which adheres to a numerical ap-
proach: each feature is given a numerical value and all
the features are then combined in order to compute a
unique index called keyphraseness, which represents
how much a candidate KP is considered suitable and
significant for representing the content of the input
text. The keyphraseness index is computed in the cur-
rent DIKpE-G prototype as a weighted linear combi-
nation of the features values. The features weights
are currently experimentally obtained. However we
are exploring new approaches, namely (i) rule based
reasoning for mapping the various features in an n-
dimensional space, where different regions of space
Figure 2: Architecture of the DIKpE-G System.
Figure 3: Usage of the various classes of knowledge proposed in DIKpE-G.
are associated to different levels of the keyphraseness
index and (ii) machine learning techniques for associ-
ating (by means of training based on ad-hoc annotated
data sets) the set of the features’ values of the single
KPs to the corresponding level of keyphraseness.
The final phase is devoted to inferring new KPs
(i.e. KPs which are not already present in the input
text) starting from the topmost ranked extracted KPs.
The KPIM considers each extracted KP in order to
match it against the entries of the available EKSs: if a
match is found (i.e. the considered KP is also an en-
try of a specific EKS), all the concepts (terms) present
in the EKS and linked to the matching entry are con-
sidered as candidate inferred KPs. All the candidate
inferred KPs collected from all the extracted KPs are
then ranked according to the sum of the keyphrase-
ness values of the extracted KPs from which they have
been derived. Note that inferred KPs can be obtained
both from hi-ranked or low-ranked extracted KPs. For
instance the system can infer a KP that is linked to a
large number of low-ranked KPs rather than a KP that
is linked to a little number of hi-ranked ones. The top-
n inferred KPs are finally returned as output together
with the extracted KPs identified by the KPEM.
In order to support and validate our approach sev-
eral experiments have been performed. To evalu-
ate the performance when considering English texts,
the original version (Pudota et al., 2010) was bench-
marked against the KEA algorithm on a set of 215
English documents labelled with keyphrases gener-
ated by the authors and by additional experts. The
comparison was performed only on the KP extrac-
tion capabilities and not on the inference ones. For
each document, the KP sets returned by the two com-
pared systems were matched against the set of human
generated KPs. Each time a machine-generated KP
matched a human-generated KP, it was considered a
correct KP; the number of correct KPs generated for
each document was then averaged over the whole data
set. Various machine-generated KP set sizes were
tested. As shown in Table 1, the DIKpE system sig-
nificantly outperformed the KEA baseline and the im-
provement increases as the KPs set size increases.
Table 1: Performance of DIKpE compared to KEA.
Average number of correct KPs
7 2.05 3.86
15 2.95 5.29
20 3.08 5.92
When the DIKpE prototype has been extended
into the current DIKpE-G prototype, we have added
knowledge bases in order to cover also the Italian lan-
guage. The initial experimental evaluation activity
has concerned the Italian language and it has shown
very encouraging results. Due to the lack of exten-
sive labelled corpora and available baseline systems,
the evaluation of DIKpE-G on the Italian language
has followed so far a qualitative approach. A set of
50 papers was gathered, and 11 to 16 KPs were au-
tomatically extracted from each paper. A dozen of
human experts of various ages and gender were then
asked to read all the texts and to assess the quality
of extracted KPs. The main goal of the experiment
was to identify common pitfalls of the KP extraction
process and to classify unsatisfactory KPs extracted.
Table 2 shows the seven classes identified and their
relative frequency. A significant number of KPs were
Table 2: Results of user evaluation.
Evaluation Frequency
Good 56,28%
Too Generic 14,72%
Too Specific 2,27%
Incomplete 9,85%
Not Relevant 9,85%
Meaningless 7,03%
perceived as “too generic” by our experts; in partic-
ular these KPs are generally made of a single word
with a very generic meaning such as “catene” (chains)
or “funzione” (function) and often were included in
other KPs made of multiple words (such as “catene
montuose”, that means “mountain ranges”). Another
frequent flaw in the extracted KPs by DIKpE-G was
the presence of incomplete phrases such as “spaziale
Orion”. However also these KPs were often part of
a longer phrase that was returned as well (“navicella
spaziale Orion”). These observations led us to in-
troduce a simple heuristic consisting in not returning
short phrases which are included in longer ones al-
ready in the extracted set. This simple mechanism
allowed us to significantly increase to 75% the frac-
tion of good KPs as they were presented again to the
expert pool.
Results gathered so far are promising, however de-
velopment is still in progress and further more sys-
tematic evaluation activities are planned: we want to
evaluate the KP inference capabilities for both the En-
glish and the Italian language.
In this paper, we present a novel knowledge based
multilingual approach for KP generation that can be
easily extended to any given Western language due
to the actually large availability of resources such
as POS taggers and stemming algorithms. Prelim-
inary evaluation results suggest us that once a sat-
isfactory set of language-specific resources is avail-
able, the overall quality of the generated KPs is not
affected by the language switch. The four different
classes of knowledge considered provide a concep-
tual framework with a higher level of abstraction than
other state-of-the-art systems, featuring a clear sepa-
ration between language dependent and independent
KP selection criteria. Such framework allows us to
overcome several shortcomings of the current sys-
tems which often consider only one or two classes
of knowledge. Moreover, the unsupervised nature
of our approach allows our system to accomplish its
task with no need of training data, which is a major
advantage for non-English languages because of the
tremendous lack of annotated data corpora that we are
experiencing nowadays.
Results gathered so far show a promising outlook
and the system can be effectively employed in sev-
eral application domains, such as digital libraries and
recommender systems.
Our future work will therefore address all the ma-
jor issues highlighted by the expert evaluation, such as
a still high number of KPs perceived as too generic.
We also aim at improving the overall underlined con-
ceptual model of human KP generation, by further
analysing the four knowledge classes identified and
by refining the reasoning process exploited in the sys-
tem. We plan to observe how experts identify KPs,
for instance, by thinking-aloud interviews. The user
interaction should be improved as well, since the sys-
tem actually acts as a black box giving little or no
hints to the final user of the process that selected a
particular KP, and this encourages distrust in the sys-
tem. In order to address this issue, the development
of an interactive explanation and result tracking inter-
face is ongoing. Finally, specific attention will be de-
voted to the evaluation issues, both (i) for improving
and completing the evaluation of our approach and
(ii) for contributing to the development of a method-
ological standard for evaluating KP extraction and KP
inference capabilities systems.
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