Unsupervised Twitter Sentiment Classification
Mihaela Dinsoreanu and Andrei Bacu
Computer Science Department, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Keywords: Sentiment Classification, Unsupervised Learning, NLP, Word Sense Disambiguation.
Abstract: Sentiment classification is not a new topic but data sources having different characteristics require
customized methods to exploit the hidden existing semantic while minimizing the noise and irrelevant
information. Twitter represents a huge pool of data having specific features. We propose therefore an
unsupervised, domain-independent approach, for sentiment classification on Twitter. The proposed
approach integrates NLP techniques, Word Sense Disambiguation and unsupervised rule-based
classification. The method is able to differentiate between positive, negative, and objective (neutral)
polarities for every word, given the context in which it occurs. Finally, the overall tweet polarity decision is
taken by our proposed rule-based classifier. We performed a comparative evaluation of our method on four
public datasets specialized for this task and the experimental results obtained are very good compared to
other state-of-the-art methods, considering that our classifier does not use any training corpus.
Users now share in real time comments and opinions
about companies, celebrities, events, and products
through different social media applications.
Sentiment classification has now become the
dominant approach used for understanding emotions
from online data and involves identifying the target
and the polarity of opinions in unstructured text such
as blogs, reviews, tweets, messages, and comments.
The classification results are defined categories
such as positive, negative or neutral. However, in
some cases the expressed emotions are multiple and
can be mixed or simply irrelevant, given a specific
topic. In such cases, the sentiment and meaning of
the different words and phrases, as well as the main
topic, are crucial in determining accurately the
overall text polarity. Commonly, many words have a
specific polarity by themselves but, in some cases
the polarity of a word depends on the context in
which the word is used. Hence, sentiment
classification systems should include word sense
disambiguation of each word according to the
context. Traditional Natural Language Processing
(NLP) techniques such as Part-of-Speech (POS)
tagging, negation detection and topic recognition
that are applicable for correctly written documents
need to be enhanced and adapted for user generated
content such as tweets.
For Twitter Sentiment Classification, the most
common and challenging issues to solve are related
to handling abbreviations, character repetitions,
emoticons, misspelled words, and slang. In this
paper we propose an unsupervised, domain
independent, approach that aims for a sentiment
classification method that addresses the
aforementioned challenges of tweets while trying
also to exploit the useful information specific to this
type of data. The classifier works at the tweet
(sentence) level of context.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 discusses related research work that
has been considered in our paper. Section 3 presents
in detail our approach for Sentiment Classification
on Twitter. Section 4 demonstrates the applicability
of our system through a comparative evaluation on
four evaluation datasets specialized for this task and
presents the experimental results. Finally, Section 5
concludes the paper.
The problem of classifying sentiment polarity has
received considerable attention from research
communities, several approaches surveyed in (Pang
and Lee, 2008). (Riloff, 2003; Whitelaw et al., 2005)
consider lexical resources for identifying sentiment
Dinsoreanu M. and Bacu A..
Unsupervised Twitter Sentiment Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0005079002200227
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2014), pages 220-227
ISBN: 978-989-758-050-5
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
words with positive and negative polarity, such as
SentiWordNet (Baccianella et al., 2010; Esuli and
Sebastiani, 2006) or QWordNet (Agerri and García-
Serrano, 2010). Enhancements for these approaches
include negation detection (Das and Chen, 2001;
Wiegand et al., 2010) or the identification of words
that boost the sentiment score of other words
(Turney, 2002; Thelwall et al., 2010). Other relevant
features that proved to be reasonably effective
include emoticons (Derks, et al., 2008; Fullwood
and Martino, 2007) and word abbreviations
(Thurlow, 2003). However, sentiment words can
have different meanings in different contexts (Esuli
and Sebastiani, 2006; Andreevskaia and Bergler,
2006; Wiebe and Mihalcea, 2006), thus Word Sense
Disambiguation has been used to improve sentiment
classification (Akkaya et al., 2009). Other works
simultaneously extract positive and negative
sentiments from short informal text (Thelwall et al.,
2010). Resources such as lookup tables for scores of
sentiment words, negation words, emoticons or
slang have been successfully used by (Thelwall et
al., 2010; Thelwall et.al, 2012). A novel approach
(Bravo-Marquez et al., 2013) combines aspects such
as opinion strength, emotion and polarity indicators,
generated by existing sentiment analysis methods
and resources, and shows significant improvement in
Twitter Sentiment Classification tasks such as
polarity and subjectivity identification. Most of the
work in the field addresses English documents.
Traditional multilingual approaches rely either on
translations from the source language to English
(Denecke, 2008), or on cross-lingual training that
requires additional resources such as parallel corpora
in the source language and English (Mihalcea et al.,
2007). More recent approaches targeting tweets
(Narr et al., 2012) address the multilingual problem
by a supervised solution that involves training
classifiers for 4 languages and needing a set of raw
tweets for training for any other considered
language. Even so, authors report that classification
performance in terms of accuracy varies
significantly between languages.
To evaluate existing solutions, the Semantic
Evaluation (SemEval) community has organized a
workshop having as topic Sentiment Analysis in
Twitter (Wilson et al., 2013). Results show that the
strongest team (Mohammad et al., 2013), achieved a
F1-measure of 69% on subtask B – Twitter that is of
interest in this paper. Only one approach used an
unsupervised method (Ortega et al., 2013), achieving
a F1-measure of 50% on subtask B – Twitter. The
rest of the participant systems were semi or fully
supervised strategies. Finally, this year was
proposed a rerun of SemEval-2013 task 2 (Nakov et
al, 2013) as SemEval-2014 Sentiment Analysis Task
, with new test data from Twitter and another
Our approach is based on an unsupervised strategy
consisting of three major NLP phases: POS-tagging,
text preprocessing and contextual Word Sense
Disambiguation and a final tweet polarity
classification phase
Firstly, we employ a Twitter-aware POS-tagger
and tokenizer in combination with an extensive
preprocessing task on the input tweets. The resulted
<word, POS, sense> triples are fed into a Word
Sense Disambiguation (WSD) method based on a
best-match and high-confidence score with the
SentiWordNet database. Each relevant word is
assigned a positive, negative, or objective (neutral)
polarity, depending on the context in which it
occurs. Finally, we propose a classification model in
terms of a set of classification rules based on which
the overall tweet polarity decision is taken. The
conceptual architecture of our Twitter Sentiment
Classifier is shown in Figure 1 below.
PO Stagging
WordSen se
Classificat ion
Positive Neutral Negative
Figure 1: Conceptual System Architecture.
Being an unsupervised approach, we do not need
any training data but our results depend on the
existence of some lexical resources, namely the
Twitter-aware POS tagger, sentiment lexicons,
spelling corrector and the Word Sense
Disambiguation method. Since our classifier does
not rely on any training corpus and the proposed set
of rules is general, we claim that our system is a
domain-independent one. The approach is used on
English tweets but it can be adapted to other
languages given appropriate resources.
3.1 Lexical Resources for Sentiment
Research communities have developed several
lexical resources for sentiment classification. Firstly,
a list of English words was annotated by (Wilson et
al., 2005) with positive and negative sentiment
categories, thus creating the Opinion Finder lexicon.
The Affective Norms for English Words (ANEW)
lexicon was released by (Bradley and Lang, 2009)
and further enhanced by (Nielsen, 2011), leveraging
the AFINN lexicon. The popular Wordnet lexical
database introduced by (Miller et al, 1995) was
extended by (Esuli and Sebastiani, 2006) through the
addition of sentiment scores to synsets, creating
SentiWordnet, updated to SentiWordNet 3.0 by
(Baccianella et al., 2010). Finally, SentiStrength was
leveraged by (Thelwall et.al, 2010) for estimating
the sentiment strength and further improved by
(Thelwall et.al, 2012) as SentiStrength 2. (Bravo-
Marquez et al., 2013) have shown that the Twitter
Sentiment Classification task is boosted by using
different sentiment features.
In our approach, we make use of the sentiment
scores attached to each synset of WordNet.
However, not all words and expressions encountered
in tweets are present in WordNet, even if spelling
correction and lemmatization are applied. To handle
this case, we combined the Emotion Lookup Table
used in the SentiStrength 2 approach with the
affective lexicon introduced by (Nielsen, 2011) and
the Opinion Finder lexicon.
Moreover, we adapted and included several
important features from the SentiStrength 2
approach (Thelwall et.al, 2012). Firstly, we refined
the Booster Word List and used it to strengthen or
weaken the score of following sentiment words.
Secondly, two or more repeated letters and
capitalization added to sentiment words, and
repeated punctuation will give a score boost of +/- 1.
Finally, two or more consecutive positive/negative
terms having sentiment scores of at least +/- 3
increase the strength of the second word by +/- 1.
3.2 POS-tagging Phase
For the POS-tagging operation we have used the last
version of a fast and robust Twitter-aware tokenizer
and part-of-speech tagger (O’Connor B. et.al, 2013)
for each input tweet. Besides using an extended
tagset specialized for tagging tweets, it helps
significantly in determining abbreviations,
emoticons, hashtags, slang, and incorrect words.
From the tests that we have done for our approach,
slang words and expressions are tagged either as “!”
(Interjection) or “G” (other abbreviations, foreign
words, symbols, garbage).
The output obtained from this first phase is
represented by <word, POS> pairs that will be
submitted to an extensive cleaning and
standardization process in the next phase.
3.3 Preprocessing Phase
Unlike text present in books or articles, tweets are
limited to 140 characters. Given that, Twitter users
include additional information with strong semantics
such as abbreviations, emoticons, hashtags, slang or
URLs. Therefore, text preprocessing is a
requirement needed in order to eliminate noisy or
recover, if possible, incomplete information.
First of all, we remove URLs, re-tweets and user
mentions. Stopwords are eliminated by using the
Natural Language Tool Kit
(NLTK) Stopwords
Corpus. Tokens containing “#” (hashtags),
frequently represent an emotion, thought or opinion
regarding the tweet’s topic, so we remove only the
“#”. Misspells are brought to a grammatical form by
using a spelling correction algorithm
. Further, we
developed a normalization module to delete repeated
letters in a word in order to create a correct English
word. For example: “amaaaziing” is converted into
the correct form “amazing”.
Commonly used phrases (e.g. “ain't”) are
replaced with their grammatical form (“is not”) by
making use of regular expressions. For this, we
created a dictionary with the most commonly used
idioms on Twitter and added an associated sentiment
score (e.g. “can't wait”: 3). Moreover, we leveraged
two additional resources: an emoticons dictionary
obtained from Wikipedia
and an emoticon website
and the NoSlang
online dictionary. Each emoticon,
slang and abbreviation was manually annotated with
a sentiment score. For example, positive emoticons
such as “:-)”, “:D” are annotated with sentiment
scores of 1 and 2, negative emoticons such as “:-(”,
“:((” are annotated with sentiment scores of -1 and -
2, and words such as “thx”, “h8” are annotated with
sentiment scores of 1 and -2. The range of the
sentiment scores are from -5 (negative) to 5
(positive), just like in the AFINN and SentiStrength
2 approaches.
Finally, the preprocessed <word, POS> pairs that
are obtained represent the input for the Word Sense
Disambiguation (WSD) phase. The WSD algorithm
considers only the pairs that have a valid POS-tag
i.e. it is present in the SentiWordNet database: “A”,
“N”, “R”, and “V”.
3.4 Word Sense Disambiguation
Many approaches have tried to determine the
polarity of opinion using annotated lexicons with
prior polarity (Kamps and Marx, 2002; Turney,
2002; Riloff, 2003; Whitelaw et al., 2005). However
a word can modify the prior polarity in relation to
the context within which it is invoked. For example
the word “sick” is used with a negative meaning in
the sentence: “I feel very sick today”. Whereas it is
used with a positive meaning in the sentence: “Your
new laptop is too sick”.
The chosen Word Sense Disambiguation method
is the one proposed in the WordNet SenseRelate
project. The algorithm makes use of measures of
semantic similarity and relatedness to obtain the
contextual polarity of all words in tweets.
Practically, the algorithm assigns to a word the
meaning that is most related to a given set of words.
We considered the following works on semantic
similarity for our experiments: (Jiang and Conrath,
1997), (Banerjee and Pedersen, 2003) and
(Patwardhan, 2003). Since the approach in (Jiang
and Conrath, 1997) is limited to noun-noun concept
pairs, we based our solution on (Patwardhan, 2003)
that proved to have a higher WSD accuracy for our
classification experiments.
The goal of the WSD process consists practically
in determining the best <word, POS-tag, sense>
match for each of the <word, POS-tag> pairs
received as input from the previous phase.
Lemmatization is also employed for a better
matching percentage. The required context for each
word sense is given by all the other <word, POS-
tag> pairs belonging to the same tweet.
The first <WSD_word, WSD_POS, sense> triple
i.e. the one with the highest confidence score, is
considered a best match, given a <word, POS> pair,
if word = WSD_word and POS = WSD_POS.
Further, positive and negative sentiment scores are
extracted from SentiWordNet, based on <word,
POS, sense> matching. The obtained information is
represented as follows: <word, POS, sense,
PosScore, NegScore>.
Considering the work of (Pang et al., 2002), we
introduced a negation detection method for every
part of a tweet that starts with a negation word (e.g.,
don’t, wouldn’t) and ends with one of the
punctuation marks: ‘.’, ‘,’, ‘:’, ‘;’, ‘!’, ‘?’ or any
combination and repetition between them. The
“_NEG” suffix was added to each word that follows
the negation word. The list of negation words was
adopted from Christopher Potts’ sentiment tutorial
(14). Let us consider an example tweet: Dear
@Apple, I don't want the newsstand icon on my
screen. #notcool. By applying the negation detection
method, the obtained output is the following: Dear
@Apple, I don't want_NEG the newsstand_NEG
icon_NEG on my screen_NEG. #notcool.
Finally, we append a NEG flag to the existing
tuple <word, POS, sense, PosScore, NegScore>, that
inverts the polarity of sentiment words contained
within it. This represents the end result of this phase.
3.5 Tweet Polarity Classification
In (Saif H. et.al, 2013) are presented in detail eight
publicly available and manually annotated
evaluation datasets for Twitter sentiment analysis.
Tweets in these datasets have been annotated with
different sentiment labels including: Negative,
Neutral, Positive, Mixed, Other and Irrelevant. Our
approach considers only positive, negative and
neutral polarities. We will present in more detail all
the evaluation datasets, along with the individual
tweet polarity statistics in the next section.
In this phase we determine the overall tweet
polarity by leveraging a rule-based classifier.
Consider the following notations:
wtoken from tweet having sentiment/emotion
score(w, p) – positive sentiment score of token w
score(w, n) – negative sentiment score of token w
score(w, o) – objective (neutral) sentiment score of
token w
Pos =
if (score(w,p)> 0 and score(w,p) > score(w,n))
Neg =
if (score(w,n)> 0 and score(w,n) > score(w,p))
Obj =
if (score(w,o) > 0 and score(w,p)=0 and
PosCnt =
if (score(w,p)> 0 and score(w,p) > score(w,n))
NegCnt =
if (score(w,n)> 0 and score(w,n) > score(w,p))
ObjCnt =
if (score(w,o) > 0 and score(w,p)=0 and
TokCnt =
if (score(w,p)>0 or score(w,n)>0 or score(w,o)> 0)
PR =
(positive count ratio)
NR =
(negative count ratio)
OR =
(objective/neutral count ratio)
Based on the formulas presented in Table 1, the
classifier determines the dominant sentiment
expressed in the tweets i.e. positive, negative or
neutral. The tweets that cannot be classified in one
of the above mentioned polarity classes will be
considered as containing mixed sentiment polarities
and included in the neutral class.
Table 1: Classification conditions for each polarity class:
positive, negative and neutral.
Polarity Classificationcondition
4.1 Comparison of Lexical Resources
We analyzed the overlapping words between all the
lexical resources used in our approach: AFINN,
OPFIND, SS2 and SWN3 and we observed that
SWN3 is much larger than the other resources.
However, the SWN3 database includes many
objectve words (Pos = Neg = 0) that are not useful
when assigning positive or negative polarity to
tweets. Our rule-based classifier takes into account
the objective score from SWN3 only if the
respective word does not exist in any of the other
lexical resources. For this particular case, we have
managed to diminish the misclassification
percentage for the positive and negative polarity
classes by reducing the objective score from SWN3
with a factor of 5. This decision is strongly based on
the tests done and experimental results obtained for
each polarity class.
Analyzing further the AFINN lexicon, it can be
seen that it contains some words that are not
included in none of the other resources. Moreover,
by comparing several words and the annotated
sentiment values from each of the lexical resources
used,we noticed that there exists some support
among different resources: some words that have
positive and negative sentiment scores in AFINN,
SS2 and SWN3 have the same category in
OpinionFinder. However, other words such as
“thanks” and “sympathy” can have different
sentiment values in SWN3 or simply do not exist –
“sympathy” in SS2. These words can be used to
express either positive or negative opinions,
depending on the context, issue approached in the
WSD phase.
4.2 Evaluation Datasets
We considered four evaluation datasets for our
experiments: Stanford Twitter Sentiment Test Set
(STS-Test), STS-Gold, Sanders Twitter Dataset and
the SemEval-2013 Dataset (SemEval).
The test set (STS-Test) of the Stanford Twitter
sentiment corpus
was introduced by (Go et al.,
2009) The STS-Gold dataset was introduced in (Saif
et al., 2013) The Sanders Twitter Dataset
consists of
5,512 tweets on four different topics (Apple,
Google, Microsoft, and Twitter). The tweets are
oriented mostly on product reviews, leading to
domain dependence. The SemEval dataset was
constructed for the Twitter Sentiment Analysis Task
2 (Nakov et al., 2013) and used in the SemEval-
and SemEval-2014 Sentiment Analysis Task
competitions. We have used the tweet ids
provided by (Nakov et al., 2013) and managed to
download 8,696 tweets with 3,631 negative, 1,405
neutral and 3,660 positive tweets.
For all the evaluation datasets, each tweet was
annotated with a positive, negative or neutral
polarity. Table 2 shows the statistics for all four
evaluation datasets. It can be observed that the most
balanced evaluation datasets are STS-Test and
SemEval. On the other hand, the measures obtained
for the STS-Gold and Sanders datasets will be
affected by the imbalance between the tweets from
the three polarity classes, as it can be seen below.
Table 2: Statistics of Evaluation Datasets.
STS-Test STS-Gold Sanders SemEval
177 1,402 654 3631
139 77 2,503 1405
182 632 570 3660
498 2,205 3,727 8696
4.3 Sentiment Classification Results
We performed the Sentiment Classification task
using our rule-based classifier on four datasets: STS-
Test, STS-Gold, Sanders and SemEval. For each
dataset we selected only the subset of positive,
negative and neutral tweets. We considered as
performance measures accuracy, precision, recall
and the F-measure for each polarity class. In tables
3, 4 and 5 we present the classification results on the
mentioned evaluation datasets, for each polarity
class: positive, negative and neutral.
Table 3: Accuracy, precision, recall and F-measure for the
positive polarity class.
STS-Test STS-Gold Sanders SemEval
Accuracy 81.908 83.764 75.261 78.737
Precision 81.818 76.144 54.074 80.475
Recall 91.443 86.867 86.140 84.907
F-positive 86.363 81.152 66.441 82.632
For the positive class, the highest measures are
achieved on the STS-Test dataset: precision =
81.818%, recall = 91.443% and F-positive =
86.363%. It is also worth noticing that the per-class
performance is highly affected by the distribution of
positive, negative and neutral tweets in the dataset.
Moreover, by comparing the positive class and
negative class measures on the SemEval dataset, we
can see a clear performance gain in classification
towards the first class. Taking into account the
evaluation results and the fact that the most balanced
datasets are STS-Test and SemEval, we conclude
that our approach is better at detecting positive
tweets than detecting negative tweets.
For the negative class, the highest measures are
achieved on the STS-Gold dataset: precision =
94.098%, recall = 83.024% and F-negative =
Table 4: Accuracy, precision, recall and F-measure for the
negative polarity class.
STS-Test STS-Gold Sanders SemE
Accuracy 81.908 83.764 75.261 78.737
Precision 85.628 94.098 57.305 62.056
Recall 80.790 83.024 76.758 73.451
F-negative 83.139 88.215 65.620 67.275
However, the number of negative tweets from this
dataset is approximately double as compared to the
sum between the positive and neutral tweets.
Comparing with the evaluation results from the
positive class on the STS-Test, STS-Gold and
SemEval datasets, it can be observed that the
measures from for the negative class are clearly
influenced by the imbalanced number of tweets in
each polarity class.
Table 5: Accuracy, precision, recall and F-measure for the
neutral polarity class.
STS-Test STS-Gold Sanders SemEval
Accuracy 81.908 83.764 75.261 78.737
Precision 77.165 54.251 93.257 85.321
Recall 70.503 78.362 72.393 74.644
F-positive 73.684 64.114 81.511 79.626
For the neutral class, the highest measures are
achieved on the Sanders and STS-Gold datasets:
precision = 93.257%, recall = 78.362% and F-
neutral = 81.511%. Again, notice a performance
gain for the Sanders dataset that contains much more
neutral tweets than positive and negative. On the rest
of the evaluation datasets the results are somewhat
modest as compared to the positive and negative
classes. However, considering the difficulty of
correctly classifying tweets having neutral
(objective) polarity, we conclude that our results are
good, as compared with the other polarity classes.
As was also done in (Liu et al., 2012; Bravo-
Marquez et al., 2013), we focused more on the
accuracy and F1 measure than on precision and
recall, because both accuracy and the F1 measure are
affected by both false positive and false negative
classification results.
In Table 6 below we included also the average
accuracy, precision, recall and F-measure. The
highest accuracy and recall is achieved on the STS-
Gold dataset, with 83.764% and 82.751%
respectively. For the other two measures, the highest
precision and F1-score is achieved on the STS-Test
dataset, with 81.537% and 81.062% respectively.
Table 6: Average measures: accuracy, precision, recall and
the harmonic mean (F measure).
STS-Test STS-Gold Sanders SemEval
Accuracy 81.908 83.764 75.261 78.737
Precision 81.537 74.831 68.212 75.950
Recall 80.912 82.751 78.430 77.667
F1-score 81.062 77.827 71.190 76.511
We compare our work with (Bravo-Marquez et al.,
2013) on the STS-Test and Sanders datasets, with
(Mohammad et al., 2013) on the SemEval dataset.
Furthermore, we compared our results on all the four
evaluation datasets with the results presented by
(Saif et al., 2013).
Firstly, our classifier outperforms the accuracy
precision, recall and F1-score of the Baselines used
by (Bravo-Marquez et al., 2013) for the STS-Test
dataset by roughly 4%. On the Sanders dataset, we
found the results not so conclusive, especially
because of the distribution of positive, negative and
neutral tweets.
Secondly, our F-score of 76.51% outperformed
the F-score of 69.02% reported by (Mohammad et
al., 2013) on the SemEval (2013) dataset. We
consider this to be the most important performance
indicator of our rule-based classifier.
Finally, we compare our work with (Saif et al.,
2013), which performed only a binary sentiment
classification using a MaxEnt classifier, so the
neutral class was not considered in the results. The
accuracy and the average F-measure reported for our
classifier is slightly better on the STS-Test dataset.
On the STS-Gold dataset, we obtained a lower
accuracy by 2%, but a higher average F-measure by
2%. Again, the results we report on the Sanders
dataset are not so good, given the high number of
neutral tweets. Last, we conclude that the results on
the SemEval dataset are good – only a 4% difference
of the evaluation measures.
In this paper, we have presented a novel,
unsupervised, approach for Twitter Sentiment
unsupervised approach for Twitter Sentiment
Classification based on our rule-based classifier. The
NLP pipeline combines several sentiment analysis
methods and uses some existing lexical resources.
More specific, our system relies on an unsupervised
strategy that uses a Twitter-aware POS-tagger and
tokenizer in combination with an extensive
preprocessing task to produce input for a Word
Sense Disambiguation (WSD) method. The method
is able to differentiate between positive, negative,
and objective (neutral) polarities for every word,
given the context in which it occurs. Based on the
rule-based classification model we propose, the
overall tweet polarity decision is taken. The
experimental results prove that our proposal is
accurate for this complex task, given that our
approach does not use any training corpus.
As future work we aim to consider and include
other lexical resources and sentiment analysis
methods that can improve the current system. We
plan to evaluate our approach on all the datasets
surveyed by (Saif et al., 2013), to compare them
with other similar works and improve our classifier.
Also, we want to evaluate our approach on the
datasets used in SemEval-2014 task 9.
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