A Tool for Building Galaxy Model from XML Documents
Ines Ben Messaoud
, Jamel Feki
and Gilles Zurfluh
Laboratory Mir@cl, University of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia
Laboratory IRIT, University of Toulouse 1, Toulouse, France
Keywords: Document Warehouse, XML Document, Multidimensional Modeling, Galaxy Model.
Abstract: A galaxy model is a multidimensional model dedicated for XML document warehouses. It can be seen as a
network of entities (i.e., dimensions) connected via nodes. After giving an overview of our four-steps semi-
automated method for the generation of galaxy models which aims to build data marts from XML
documents. This paper focuses on the software tool, called Galaxy-Gen that implements the proposed
method. We illustrate the Galaxy-Gen functionalities and make its first assessment through two
experiments. The first experiment is applied to a set of twenty XML documents taken from the academic
domain. The second one addressed a set of 1691 XML documents issued from the Clef-2007 collection. The
assessment is performed by comparing manual design galaxy models with those produced by the Galaxy-
Gen tool. The results are very promising.
The organization’s documents help decision makers
to understand how corporate data evolve over time.
Thereby, these documents represent an important
volume that should be incorporated into the decision
support system. However, so far, decisional analyses
are based on multidimensional databases which
mainly store numeric business indicators issued
from OLTP (On-Line Transaction Processing)
systems. In practice, these numeric data represent
less than the quarter of the whole volume of data
that could be useful for decision makers. Time is
coming to focus on non-numeric data stored in
documents; these data are important for the decision
making process. Consequently, during this process
some relevant documents may be ignored while
some non pertinent documents can be considered by
intuition. The final result can be defective since the
decision is based on incomplete information.
Consequently, documents should be integrated into
the decision support system (Tseng and Chou,
2006). In other terms, as advocated by the authors of
(McCabe and al., 2000) and (Sullivan, 2001), these
documents should be warehoused. Thus, the
document warehouse (DocW) has emerged; it is
defined as a collection of documents issued from
internal and external data sources. Its main objective
is to organize documents for effective analysis or
feature extraction to enable distilled and fruitful
business intelligence (Tseng and Chou, 2006).
In practice, there are several formats of
documents such as XML format (eXtensible Markup
Language) which allows the exchange of a wide
variety of data on the Web. More accurately, there
are two types of XML documents: data-centric and
document-centric XML documents (Fuhr and al,
2001) (Kamps and Marx, 2004). Data-centric
documents contain structured data (e.g., order,
invoice) as data strored or issued from databases.
While, the document-centric XML documents are
text-rich and then less structured (e.g., scientific
articles, company reports). Furthermore, an XML
document is generally compliant to a generic
grammar called DTDDocument Type Definition
or XSDXML Schema Definition”. In our work, we
are interested in XML document-centric documents.
For this latter, there are two categories of approaches
for document warehousing: contextualization of the
data warehouse with XML documents (Pérez and al.,
2008), and construction of data mart from the
metadata of documents (Krouf, 2004) (Tseng and
Chou, 2006).
In general, even if they belong to the same
domain, XML documents may have different
structures. Consequently, a step to unify these
Ben Messaoud I., Feki J. and Zurfluh G..
Galaxy-Gen - A Tool for Building Galaxy Model from XML Documents.
DOI: 10.5220/0005082300840095
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD-2014), pages 84-95
ISBN: 978-989-758-049-9
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
structures is required in order to produce a global
view describing a large document set. To use this
global view in their decisional processes, decision
makers need a multidimensional model. Therefore,
the multidimensional modeling of documents is
compulsory. In addition, it provides the user with
operators of the multidimensional algebra; thus, it
inhibits him to write complicated queries (e.g., using
XQuery). To alleviate these difficulties, we
presented in (Feki and al, 2013) an approach to build
a DocW; this approach is made up of two methods:
(i) Unification of XML document structures (Ben
Messaoud and al, 2011a) (Ben Messaoud and al,
2012), and (ii) Multidimensional modeling of
documents (Ben Messaoud and al., 2011b) (Feki and
al., 2013). In this paper, we focus on the second
method that produces a multidimensional galaxy
model for the XML DocW. More precisely, we
tackle the experiments and evaluation of this method
on academic and medical collections, through our
developed software tool called Galaxy-Gen (Galaxy
This paper is organized as follows: In Section 2,
we discuss related works that treat multidimensional
modeling of documents. In Section 3, we give an
overview of our approach for building the schema of
the XML document warehouse. Then, our
multidimensional modeling method is described in
Section 4; while Section 5 shows the functionalities
of the Galaxy-Gen software tool. Finally, in Section
6, we conclude the paper and address future works.
Let us remember that the multidimensional
modeling aims to design multidimensional models
that support OLAP (On-line Analytical Processing)
In the literature, there are two types of works
addressing the multidimensional modeling of XML
documents: works related data-centric XML
documents (Hümmer and al., 2003) (Boussaid and
al., 2006) (Hachaichi and al., 2010), and others
related to document-centric XML documents. The
remaining of this paper concerns document-centric
XML documents. Firstly we present the most
relevant works related to that area where some
researchers have proposed methods to model the
DocW as a star model. As examples of these works
we can cite (McCabe and al., 2000), (Krouf, 2004),
(Tseng and Chou, 2006) and (Ravat and al., 2007).
Other works such as (Tournier, 2007) and (Pujolle
and al., 2011) propose the galaxy model. Secondly,
we compare the literature works according to a set of
criteria we have specifically established for this
Figure 1 presents an example of a star model
designed for the analysis of sales. It is composed of
a central fact called “Sales” composed of two
indicators (i.e., measures) namely Quantity and
Amounts. These measures could be analyzed (i.e.,
aggregated using Sum, Avg…functions) according
to the three axes: Retail_Outlet, Date and Product.
For example, with this star model we can analyze
sales amounts per product and year.
Hiertarchy of
Figure 1: An example of Star model for analyzing Sales.
The authors of (McCabe and al., 2000) suggest a
retrieval method in text collections; to do so, they
model the global view of the documents set as a star
model. In their star multidimensional model, they
distinguish five types for the dimension concept
namely: Localization, Time, Term, Document and
Category. The measure concept is the number of
each term occurrences within documents.
In (Krouf, 2004), a process to analyze documents
of the DocW was proposed. This process relies on
this star model. First, the decision maker indicates
the analysis components: fact, dimensions and an
aggregate function. Secondly, a document mart is
generated and instantiated. Finally, the result is
displayed as a multidimensional table. Nevertheless,
during the DocW design phase the determination of
multidimensional elements is manual. Indeed, the
authors do not propose rules or algorithms to
identify fact and dimensions.
As far as, authors of (Tseng and Chou, 2006)
elect the star model in order to analyze documents.
Their star model distinguishes three types of
dimensions: Ordinary dimension containing
keywords extracted from the document, Metadata
dimension which describes the document with title,
author, etc., and Category dimension that contains
keywords external to the document; i.e., issued from
Wordnet. The result star model enables counting the
number of documents according to these
The result star model of (McCabe and al, 2000),
(Khrouf, 2004) and (Tseng and Chou, 2006) perform
only quantitative analyses because their measures
are numeric. Moreover, analyses are limited since
the analyses subject (i.e., the fact) is defined a priori,
at the design time of the star model but not at the
query time.
The authors of (Ravat and al., 2007) propose to
revise the constellation modeling for documents;
they suggest adding a new textual measure and two
new dimensions called Structure and
Complementary. In fact, a textual measure can be a
word, a paragraph or a whole document. The
Structure dimension describes the structure of
documents whereas the Complementary dimension is
determined from complementary data sources (e.g.,
data from the curriculum vitae of authors).
Nevertheless, the authors did not propose rules or
algorithms to assist the DocW designer elaborating
the constellation schema: identification of facts,
dimensions, hierarchies...
In (Tournier, 2007) and (Pujolle and al., 2011),
the authors propose a hybrid design process to build
a document warehouse from document-centric XML
documents. Their process combines a top-down
approach (i.e., starting from user requirements) and
a bottom-up approach (i.e., relying on the source
data model). In addition, they suggest a new
multidimensional conceptual model called Galaxy.
This model can be defined as a set of entities, where
each entity is presented like a dimension; several
dimensions could be linked by a node and then are
said compatible dimensions for analyses. However,
the main drawback of this work is that the authors
do not define rules to assist the design phase of a
galaxy model.
In order to summarize and highlight the pros and
cons of the literature approaches, we compare them
in Table 1, among the following set of six criteria:
C1: The approach is specific for XML
document-centric document.
C2: The approach uses constellation model.
C3: The approach uses galaxy model.
C4: The approach determines multidimensional
concepts manually.
C5: The approach determines multidimensional
concepts semi-automatically.
C6: The approach determines multidimensional
concepts automatically.
In this section, we have presented pertinent works
related to multidimensional modeling of documents.
Table 1: Comparison of multidimensional modeling
approaches for documents.
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
(McCabe and al., 2000)
N - - -
(Tseng and Chou, 2006)
N - - -
(Krouf, 2004)
(Ravat and al., 2007)
(Tournier, 2007) & (Pujolle and
al., 2011)
: Criterion supported by the approach. N: Criterion not supported by the
approach. -: Not indicated by the authors.
We have focused on star and galaxy models. We
stress that a star model is characterized by a
predefined subject of analyses (i.e., fact). Whereas,
within a galaxy model the fact is not predefined; it
will be specified when querying the galaxy.
Consequently, a galaxy model is simpler than the
star model because it is based on a unique concept:
Dimension. Furthermore, analyses expressed on a
galaxy model are more flexible than analyses
expressed on a star model. Considering these
benefits, we have elected the galaxy model for
modeling the document warehouse.
The remaining of this paper overviews our
approach for building the schema of the document
warehouse (cf., Section 3) and then our method of
multidimensional modeling of documents (cf.,
Section 4). Experiments and evaluation are subjects
of Section 5.
Generally, XML documents are described by
heterogeneous structures even though they belong to
a same domain. Thus, when a decision maker needs
to query these documents, he is constrained to write
several queries (i.e., as many queries as the number
of different structures in the document set). To tone
down this problem, we expect to provide a global
view of the document set. To achieve this global
view, we have proposed in (Feki and al., 2013) an
approach to elaborate the schema of the DocW. This
approach is composed of two methods: Unification
of XML documents structures, and Multidimensional
modeling of documents. Figure 2 depicts this
approach. Here is a short overview of these two
methods as they are required for the readability of
the remaining of this paper.
Unification of XML documents structures. This
method receives as input a set of XML structures
belonging to the same domain and then produces a
limited number of unified trees validated by the
decision makers (Ben Messaoud and al., 2011a)
(Ben Messaoud and al., 2012). It consists of the four
main steps namely: a) Tree representation, b)
Generation of unified trees, c) Approval of unified
trees, and d) Correctness verification of trees.
Firstly, Tree representation translates XML
structures into trees by applying two rules. We
choose the formalism of tree, as adopted in (Lee and
al., 2002) and (Yoo and al., 2005), since it is
graphical and easy to be understood by unskilled
Secondly, Generation of unified trees step
produces a limited number of unified trees. It treats
both acronym and synonym ambiguities of tree
nodes, referring to a dictionary of acronyms and the
lexical database Wordnet. Then, it computes a
triangular Similarity Matrix (SM) which has n trees
in rows and in columns. It facilitates the
identification of trees to be merged. Each pair of
trees having their similarity factor higher than a
given threshold (experimentally determined) is
merged applying fusion-operators developed in (Ben
Messaoud and al., 2011a) (Fusion by inclusion,
Fusion by union of sub-trees, or Fusion by merging
After that, the Approval of unified trees validates
trees according to the analytical requirements of
decision makers. In fact, they can delete and/or
rename nodes. Finally, the Correctness verification
of trees checks the syntactic validity of trees among
a set of four constraints called: Connected nodes,
Hierarchy, Uniqueness of the root node and
Acyclicity (Aouabed and al., 2012).
Note that the input structures and the output unified
trees are saved into the repository shown in Figure
Multidimensional modeling. This method accepts
the structure of the input XML documents. It can be
either unified tree resulting from the previous
method (i.e., Unification of XML documents
structures) or XML structure and then produces
galaxy model. The output galaxy model is saved
according to the meta-model of Figure 3.b.
The following sections detail the semi-automatic
multidimensional modeling method, and then
presents our software prototype called Galaxy-Gen
(Galaxy Generation) that supports this method.
Our method of multidimensional modeling of
documents aims to generate semi-automatically a
multidimensional model for the DocW; among the
existing multidimensional models, we have elected
the Galaxy model (Tournier, 2007). For readability
reasons of the paper, we first introduce the galaxy
and then our proposed method.
The galaxy model can be seen as a network of
entities (i.e., dimensions) connected by nodes (cf.
Figure 10). Each node denotes compatible entities
which could be used together in OLAP analytical
queries. In a galaxy, each entity can play a double
role: an analysis subject (i.e., fact) or an analysis
axis (i.e., dimension). As with the star model
(Golfarelli, 1998), an entity is composed of one or
more attributes hierarchically organized.
To generate such a galaxy model, we proposed in
(Ben Messaoud and al., 2011b) and (Feki and al.,
2013) a semi-automatic method composed of the
four following steps:
Pretreatment of trees,
Building galaxy models,
Galaxy models approval, and
Correctness verification of galaxy models.
Figure 4 exemplifies the sequencing of these
4.1 Pretreatment of Trees
This step receives as input a tree that represents
either the structure of a set of XML documents or
the unified tree resulting from the unification of
XML documents and then produces a pretreated
tree. In fact, a pretreated tree has cardinalities; they
are added by exploring XML documents compliant
to the input structure(s).
4.2 Building Galaxy Models
The building galaxy step translates each pretreated
tree into a galaxy model by applying a set of ten
rules detailed in (Ben Messaoud and al., 2011b). It
consists of the two sub-steps: Identification of
dimensions (i.e., entities) and galaxy-nodes, and
Identification of hierarchies.
Identification of dimensions and galaxy-nodes.
This identification applies three rules to determine
dimensions, and one rule for nodes. For clarity
Structures of
XML documents
Struct 1
Struct 2
Struct n
Unified tree(s) Galaxy model(s)
Figure 2: Approach for building the schema of the XML Document Warehouse.
Non_Unified_Tree Unified_Tree
No d e
Dime nsion
(a) (b)
Figure 3: Meta-model of the Document Warehouse.
of trees
Repository galaxy
Unified trees or
Pretreated trees
Generated galaxy models
Validated galaxy models
Figure 4: Galaxy model modeling steps.
reasons, we give these rules (cf. (Ben Messaoud and
al., 2011b) for further details).
Dimensions identification rules
Rd1: The root node r of a pretreated tree constitutes
a dimension called D-r.
Rd2: Every pair of non terminal nodes M and N
related through an arc M-N with cardinality (+ or *)-
(+ or *) transforms into two dimensions called: D-M
and D-N.
Rd3: Nodes having the same parent node and
describing a date (e.g., day, month, and year)
denotes the existence of a temporal dimension called
D-Date in the resulted model. These nodes are the
dimension’s parameters.
Galaxy-nodes identification rule
Rn1: Each pair of nodes M and N identified as
dimensions and related by an arc M-N in the
pretreated tree constitutes two dimensions connected
via a node (two compatibles dimensions).
Hierarchy identification. In a multidimensional
model, dimensions are composed of attributes; some
of them are organized into hierarchies that represent
analyses perspectives (Ravat and Teste, 2000).
Hierarchical attributes are said parameters. Within a
dimensional hierarchy, the lowest granularity is the
identifier of the dimension.
In our work, this identifier is a surrogate key
(artificial attribute which values are sequentially
generated). Parameters beyond the identifier are
extracted using four rules (Rp1, Rp2, Rp3 and Rp4).
Sometimes, parameters can be associated with
descriptive data called weak attribute (as the author
name for the author Id). We extract such attributes
using two rules (Rw1 and Rw2).
Parameters identification rules
Rp1: Every terminal node N linked to a parent node
M identified as a dimension where the arc M-N is
not annotated with cardinalities 1-1, transforms into
a parameter P-N at level 2.
Rp2: Each terminal node N linked to a parent node
M identified as a parameter at level i
where the arc
M-N is not annotated with the cardinalities 1-1,
represents a parameter P-N at level i-1.
Rp3: Every non terminal node N linked to a parent
node M identified as a parameter at a level i and
related by an arc M-N annotated with the
cardinalities 1-(+ or *), transforms a parameter P-N
at level i-1.
Rp4: Each non terminal node N linked to a parent
node M identified as a dimension and related by an
arc M-N not annotated with the cardinalities (+ or
*)-(+ or *), transforms into a terminal parameter P-
Weak attributes determination rules
Rw1: Each terminal node N having its parent node M
identified as a dimension D and the arc M-N is
annotated with the cardinalities (1 or 0)-1,
transforms into a weak attributes W-N for the
identifier of D.
Rw2: Each terminal node N having its parent node M
identified as a parameter P and the arc M-N is
annotated with the cardinalities (1 or 0)-1,
transforms into a weak attributes W-N for P.
4.3 Galaxy Models Approval
The galaxy model approval step displays models
issued from the previous step to the decision maker
for agreement. In fact, they adjust models according
to their analytical requirements. This adjustment
consists in deleting and/or renaming
multidimensional elements (i.e., dimension,
parameter). All these changes are saved in the
repository of Figure 3.b to be used later in querying
the galaxy.
4.4 Correctness Verification of
Galaxy models should be syntactically checked, for
this purpose we define a set of constraints. Eight
constraints are adapted from those defined for the
star model in the literature. In addition, we define
three specific constraints for the galaxy (Feki and
al., 2013). We classify all these model constraints
into three classes according to whether they apply on
dimensions, nodes or hierarchies.
Dimension constraints.
Cd1: Identification constraint: Every dimension
must have an identifier. It may be either a key
extracted from the data source or a surrogate key
(Hurtado and Mendelzon, 2002) (Carpani and
Ruggia, 2001).
Cd2: Non empty dimension: Each dimension should
have at least one hierarchy (Ben Abdallah and al.,
Cd3: Non isolated dimension: In a galaxy model,
every dimension has to be associated with n (n 1)
Node constraints.
Cn1: Non isolated node: Each node must connect at
least to two different dimensions. This enables to
perform multidimensional analyses on n (n2) axes.
Cn2: Disjunction of nodes: In a galaxy model, nodes
are not directly linked; the only links between nodes
are indirect via dimensions.
Hierarchy constraints.
Ch1: Hierarchical root: All hierarchies of a
dimension D begin from the identifier of D (Ben
Abdallah and al., 2008).
Ch2: Exclusive hierarchies: Any dimension having
the minimal hierarchy (A minimal hierarchy h is
restricted to two parameters: the identifier of the
dimension of h directly linked to All.) must not have
other hierarchies (Ben Abdallah and al., 2008).
Ch3: Non isolated attribute: Within a dimension D,
each attribute must belong to at least one hierarchy
of D (Ben Abdallah and al., 2008).
Ch4: Non empty Hierarchy: In a dimension D, a
hierarchy must contain at least two parameters: the
identifier of D and the All parameter (Ben Abdallah
and al., 2008).
Ch5: Rollup: All the parameters of a hierarchy,
excepting the All parameter, have at least a parent
(Hurtado and Mendelzon, 2002).
Ch6: Acyclicity: Each parameter, excepting the
parameter All, cannot be parent and child of the
same parameter by transitivity (Hurtado and
Mendelzon, 2002), (Ghozzi and al., 2003).
Note that among the extracted attributes for a
dimension, we may rarely find attributes describing
the structure and others relative to the metadata of
documents. To solve this problem, we split the set of
attributes into two dimensions. This split relies on
the usage of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
(Dublin Core Metadata Initiative: which facilitates the
identification of the metadata attributes.
In order to substantiate our method, we have
implemented a software tool named Galaxy-Gen for
the generation of multidimensional galaxy model.
This generation applies a set of rules (cf., Section 4).
It receives as input an XML structure or a unified
tree resulting from the unification of a set of DTD
and/or XSD belonging to the same domain and then
produces a multidimensional Galaxy model.
We have carried out two experiments: one on
academic documents and other using medical
5.1 Experiment on Academic
This first experiment is applied to a set of twenty
XML documents taken from the academic domain
and compliant to four complex DTDs (cf. Figure 5).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!ELEMENT Auth ((Name, Affiliation))>
<!ELEMENT Subsection ((Para))>
<!ELEMENT Section ((Title?, Subsection+))>
<!ELEMENT Article ((Title, Auth+,
Section+, Day, Month))>
<!ELEMENT Affiliation (#PCDATA)>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!ELEMENT Section ((Paragraph+))>
<!ELEMENT References (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Paragraph (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Institute (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Body ((Section+))>
<!ELEMENT Writer ((Name, Institute))>
<!ELEMENT Article ((Title, Writer+, Body,
References+, Day, Month, Year))>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!ELEMENT University (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Subsection_Number (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Subsection (Subsection_Number,
Title, Paragraph+, Fig.*, Table*)>
<!ELEMENT Section_Number (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Section (Section_Number, Title,
Paragraph+, Fig.*, Table*, Subsection*)>
<!ELEMENT Paragraph (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Outline (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Writer ((Name, University))>
<!ELEMENT Article ((Title, Writer+,
Outline, Section+, Year))>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!ELEMENT Writer ((Name, Affiliation))>
<!ELEMENT Article ((Tit, Writer+,
Abstract, Body))>
<!ELEMENT Affiliation (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Abstract (#PCDATA)>
Figure 5: Four DTDs from the academic domain.
In the remaining of this section, we present the
features of our software tool Galaxy-Gen while
exemplifying them through the galaxy-model
generated for this first experiment.
Since the input XML documents are described by
heterogeneous structures, we invoke our USD tool
(Unification of Structures of
XML Documents)
(Aoubed and al., 2012) in order to generate the
unified tree for the four DTDs. After that, the galaxy
generation process starts with picking the unified
tree(s) for which the user wants to get a Galaxy
model. Secondly the pretreatment step is launched to
produce the pretreated tree shown in Figure 6. In this
tree, cardinalities are automatically added for each
parent node (except for the root), one cardinality for
each outgoing edge. These cardinalities are
determined by exploring the twenty input XML
documents conform to the four DTDs of the running
example in this experiment. We note that the
structure of this pretreated tree and the structure of
the unified tree are identical.
Thirdly, dimensions of the galaxy are extracted
by applying three rules (cf., Section 4). Thus, four
dimensions are extracted: D-Article, D-References,
D-Writer and D-Date. The dimension D-Article is
identified by applying rules Rd1 and Rd2; whereas
D-References and D-Writer are extracted using only
Rd2. D-Date is identified by applying rule Rd3.
Among these dimensions, we assume that the
decision maker has selected three ones (D-Article,
D-Writer and D-Date) meaning that (s)he is
interested in these analyses axes. Figure 7 illustrates
the extracted dimensions.
This extraction of galaxy dimensions is followed
by the extraction of galaxy nodes. Indeed,
compatibles dimensions are linked via a node. In our
running example, there is only one node connecting
the three selected dimensions (cf., Figure 8).
After that, hierarchies of the selected dimensions
are determined. In fact, their parameters and weak
attributes are extracted by applying rules defined in
Section 4. Figure 9 shows the three hierarchies
called H_Writer_1, H_Writer_2 and H_Writer_3 of
the D-Writer dimension. The hierarchy H_Writer_1
has two parameters Id_D_Writer and P_Affiliation.
The identifier of the dimension (i.e., Id_D_Writer)
has one weak attribute WA_Name. We assume that
the decision maker is not interested with the name of
the author; thus, (s)he has not selected this attribute.
Finally, when the decision-maker checks
hierarchies with their parameters and weak
attributes, the galaxy model is automatically
produced. Figure 10 illustrates the obtained galaxy
for our running example.
Compared to the galaxy model built manually on
these documents, the generated galaxy model has
one dimension less; whereas hierarchies are almost
the same.
5.2 Experiment on Medical Documents
In order to better assess the Galaxy-Gen tool, we
have conducted a second experiment; it is performed
on a set of 1691 XML documents taken from the
medical collection Clef-2007. However, there were
some inadequacies in these documents: for example,
all keywords are gathered inside a unique textual tag.
In order to alleviate this difficulty we have improved
the DTDs of these documents (by adding the +
Legendofadded cardinalities:1:Anelementcanberepeatedonce.+:Anelementcanberepeated(cardinality>=1).
Figure 6: Pretreated tree with added cardinalities.
byapplyingthe three
Figure 7: Galaxy-Gen interface for selecting identified dimensions.
Figure 8: Galaxy-Gen interface for selecting compatible nodes.
Selecteddimensions Generatedhierarchies
Wea kattributeIdentifiedforthe
Figure 9: Galaxy-Gen interface for selecting hierarchies.
cardinality to some elements) to obtain more
accurate XML documents. Note these documents are
described by three DTDs we have generated using
XMLSpy; since these DTDs are long we do not
include them in this paper.
These DTDs have some elements in common, and
some different ones. They have the same root
element linked to a set of elements that differs
according to the DTD.
After processing these DTDs with the Galaxy-
Gen we obtained a galaxy model composed of the
following five dimensions: D_Casimage_Case,
D_Author, D_References, D_Keywords and
In fact, for this second experiment, the galaxy
model issued from the prototype is identical to the
one built manually. This represents encouraging
Figure 10: Result galaxy model for the first experiment.
Figure 11: Result galaxy model for the second experiment.
Documents represent an important source for
decisional analyses. They merit to be integrated in
the decision support system. In this paper, our main
interest was to build the schema of the document
warehouse. More specifically, we gave a detailed
overview of the semi-automated method for the
construction of the multidimensional model for a
document warehouse. We have elected the Galaxy
model to represent this multidimensional model.
Likewise, we have presented a software tool, called
Galaxy-Gen that implements the method for the
generation of galaxy models.
Furthermore, we have conducted two experiments
using the Galaxy-Gen tool; they are to evaluate our
proposals. The first experiment is applied on a set of
XML documents taken from the academic domain.
It produces a galaxy model composed of four
dimensions. Whereas, the second experiment is
performed on XML documents taken from the
collection Clef-2007. For this experiment, we
obtained a galaxy with five dimensions.
As a future work, we expect evaluate Galaxy-Gen
software tool on more XML structures. Also, we are
in the step of finishing the definition of a set of
analytical operations dedicated to the galaxy model,
and we aim implementing a query language for the
galaxy based on these operations.
Aouabed, H., Ben Messaoud, I., Feki, J., Zurfluh, G.,
2012. USD : Un outil d'unification des structures des
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