Exercise Recovery
0.4 0.6 0.8 1
RR (s)
0.4 0.6 0.8 1
RR (s)
0.4 0.6 0.8 1
RR (s)
Figure 3: cosRT changes as a function of the RR-intercal during exercise and recovery periods are presented for all three
subjects. First row presents cosRT
angles and second row cosRT
angles. Estimated angle values during exercise are
marked as dark gray and during recovery period as light gray. cosRT values were divided into bins depending on current
RR-interval, mean±SD during exercise are shown in red and during recovery in blue lines.
torso’s volume conduction model. Both of these is-
sues cause changes into the ECG components and to
the estimated cosRT angles. Beat-by-beat estimation
methods are important, because the effects of respira-
tion can be better observed and when necessary can
be taken into account in the analysis, and thereby, the
reliability of the VECG parameters such as the cosRT
angle could be improved.
Study was supported by Kuopio University Hospital
VTR grant.
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