by WPO, but, in fact, since there is an average selec-
tive pressure this is not going to matter in the long
It might matter in different situations, for instance
in numerical optimization problems and also when
noise follows an uniform distribution; behavior might
in this case be similar to when noise levels are higher.
These are scenarios that are left for future research,
and destined to find out in which situations WPO is
better than ITA and the other way round.
Besides exploring noise in different problems and
modelling its distribution, we will explore different
parameters. The first one is the number of compar-
isons in WPO. Initial explorations have proved that
changing it from 5 to 32 does not yield a signifi-
cant difference. Looking for a way to speed up this
method would also be important since it would make
its performance closer to ITA. Memory size could also
be explored. Right now evaluations are always per-
formed, but in fact after a number of evaluations are
done comparisons will be statistically significant; it
is difficult to know, however, which is this number,
but in long runs it would be interesting to cap fitness
memory size to a sensible number, or, in any case, see
the effect of doing it.
This work has been supported in part by project
ANYSELF (TIN2011-28627-C04-02 and -01). The
authors would like to thank the FEDER of Euro-
pean Union for financial support via project ”Sistema
de Informacin y Prediccin de bajo coste y autnomo
para conocer el Estado de las Carreteras en tiempo
real mediante dispositivos distribuidos” (SIPEsCa) of
the ”Programa Operativo FEDER de Andaluca 2007-
2013”. We also thank all Agency of Public Works of
Andalusia Regional Government staff and researchers
for their dedication and professionalism.
Our research group is committed to Open Sci-
ence and the writing and development of this pa-
per has been carried out in GitHub at this address
https://github.com/JJ/wilcoxon-ga-ecta. We encour-
age you to visit, comment and to all kind of sugges-
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