Mathematical Foundations of Networks Supporting Cluster
Joseph E. Johnson and John William Campbell
Physics Department, University of South Carolina, 730 Main St. 29208, Columbia SC, U.S.A.
Keywords: Cluster Identification, Network Series Expansions, Renyi Entropy Spectra, Markov Type Lie Group,
Continuous Groups, Lie Group.
Abstract: The author proved that the continuous general linear (Lie) group in n dimensions can be decomposed into
(a) a Markov type Lie group (MTLG) preserving the sum of the components of a vector, and (b) an Abelian
Lie scaling group that scales each of the components. For a specific Lie basis, the MTLG generated all
continuous Markov transformations (a Lie Markov Monoid LMM) and in subsequently published work,
proved that every possible network as defined by an n x n connection matrix C
of non-negative off-
diagonal real numbers was isomorphic to the set of LMM. As this defined the diagonal of C, it supported
full eigenvalue analysis of the generated Markov Matrix as well as support of Renyi entropies whose spectra
ordered the nodes and make comparison of networks now possible. Our new research provides (a) a method
of expanding a network topology in different orders of Renyi entropies, (b) the construction of a meta-
network of all possible networks of use in network classification, (c) the use of eigenvector analysis of the
LMM generated by a network C to provide an agnostic methodology for identifying clusters and (d) an a
methodology for identifying clusters in general numeric database tables.
Prior work by the first author established a general
mathematical foundation for the theory of networks
that is extended by the current research on network
series expansions and cluster identifications. It is
common knowledge that vast domains of knowledge
can be expressed in the form of networks.
Furthermore our understanding and classification
systems of the world and even of language itself
depend upon the concept of clustering within those
networks. We first review the foundations of the
underlying mathematics and that of networks along
with the first author’s previous results (Johnson
2005) and (Johnson 2006) in order to frame our
current joint results.
1.1 Background on Networks and
Cluster Analysis
A network is here defined as a set of ‘n’ points
called nodes and numbered 1, 2, …n along with a set
of connections among those nodes given by real
non-negative numbers C
These values are to
represent the ‘strength of connection’ between nodes
i and j and are specified by a square n * n matrix C,
normally called the connection, adjacency,
connectivity, or network matrix. One example of C
is to assign a number 1, 2, …to each member of a
group and then define C
to be the number of emails
which each person i sends to another person j per
month. Obviously C is also a function of time and
also is not symmetric since every email i to j does
not necessarily have another one that goes from j to
i.. It is also normally the case that the vast majority
of the C matrix values are ‘0’ in value as a given
node will only connect to a few hundred or few
thousands of other nodes. For example a person
usually has less than a thousand contacts for phone
or email out of the 7 billion people on earth. Thus C
is called a ‘sparse matrix’ predominantly consisting
of zeroes. The connections are not allowed to be
negative because one cannot have less than a ‘0’
(no) connection between two nodes. The diagonal
terms are not defined for C because one cannot give
a “strength” to a connection of a thing with itself.
Thus it is important to realize the C diagonal is not
equal to zero but rather is not defined at all. The
connection from i to j is normally independent of the
connection from j to i thus making the C matrix
E. Johnson J. and William Campbell J..
Mathematical Foundations of Networks Supporting Cluster Identification.
DOI: 10.5220/0005086902770285
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2014), pages 277-285
ISBN: 978-989-758-048-2
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
different from its transpose (C
) and thus is
asymmetric as a matrix. A special set of networks
have only the values C
= 1 or 0 and are called
‘graphs’ so they either have a connection or not and
can be directed (not equal to their transpose) or not.
Although this is a special case of the networks that
we study, they are highly degenerate and the
richness of the different real number values of C is
lost. Networks normally have certain nodes that
have more connections than most nodes in the
network, and are called ‘hubs’. Groups of nodes
often are much more interconnected with each other
than with other nodes and form what are called
“clusters”. Cluster analysis is an essential
component of knowledge, and even language as we
give common entities and concepts a group name if
their properties are similar and thus cluster. If every
member of a group of nodes has a non-zero
connection with every other member then this sub-
network is called a “clique” and is represented by a
dense set of connections. Other common networks
are “‘tree”, “star”, “ring”, “random”, and “scale-
free” networks. Networks have the unusual property
that one can take any subgroup of the nodes and
consider that “sub-net” to be a node by collapsing
that subnet to a single node. For example all
computers that belong to a given corporation could
be thought of as a single node as represented by the
company and thus ignoring all internal traffic.
Conversely all nodes on the internet could be
grouped into the “outside” and only those nodes
within the corporation might be considered in
constructing C. In conclusion, a network among n
nodes is defined as a n x n matrix C
consisting of
non-negative real values and with undefined
diagonal elements and thus is defined by n x (n-1)
independent non-negative values.
1.2 The Fundamental Problems with
Network and Cluster Analysis
At first glance, it would appear easy to classify
networks and clusters the way we classify matrices
in mathematics but this is far from the case: (a) The
mandated non-negativity of C values disallows the
full range of real numbers as a constraint. (b) The
absence of definition for the diagonal terms leaves
the essential definition of the matrix undefined and
without the ability to perform the primary analysis
of eigenvalue and eigenvector determination, (c) The
lack of a unique and well defined ordering for the
nodes and thus for a unique definition of C means
that there are n ! different C matrices that
equivalently describe each network and thus we
cannot even tell if two networks are the same. (d)
The lack of a unique, non-arbitrary definition of the
concept of cluster as there are over 100 common
algorithms and definitions of what constitutes a
cluster. (e) The very large sizes of the C in the
practical world can defeat real computations as n can
be perhaps seven billion squared to describe just one
kind of network of humans. (f) The actual number of
nodes often changes over time or by the nature of
the problem being studied, by a splitting or merging
of sets of nodes. Thus new nodes can spring into
existence and others can disappear causing the
matrix to not even have the same size from moment
to moment. (g) The distance between two networks
has no natural meaning and thus one lacks a metric
for the space of networks. Specifically this means
that one cannot define the rate of change of a
network over time dC/dt and this defeats a
dynamical theory of networks. (h) Finally, with
most complex systems in the sciences, there are
means for “expanding” the system in a series of
sequentially less important terms such as Fourier
expansions of sound waves, binomial and Taylor
expansions of functions and multipole expansions of
mass and charge distributions. Such expansions
could capture the most important or dominant
aspects of the topology would be invaluable in
beginning a classification system or for comparing
two networks as well as simplifying our network
descriptions but there is no such system for
networks. (i) There is no “intuitive or physical
model” for networks that can guide us in deeper
understanding and guide our intuition. (j). We also
lack any definitions for invariants or conserved
quantities such as energy, momentum, mass, charge,
and angular momentum. Nor do we even have
metrics for concepts such as “temperature”,
“entropy”, or “information content”. (k) Finally,
there is no well-defined concept of what is “optimal”
for a given network (given some ‘purpose”) and thus
one cannot measure “how far from optimal” a given
network is, or how rapidly it is approaching such an
optimal configuration. This list of problems is not
even exhaustive.
1.3 Background in Continuous (Lie)
Markov Transformations
Markov transformations are linear (matrix)
transformations that, when acting on a vector of non-
negative values (positive or zero components),
preserve the sum of that vectors components (i.e. the
sum of the components is invariant) and give a new
vector that also has non-negative components. Thus
while a rotation leaves the sum of the squares of a
vectors components invariant and describes the
motion on a circle or n-dimensional sphere, a
Markov transformation leaves the linear sum
invariant and describes the motion on a straight line,
or plane or generally a hyperplane that is
perpendicular to the vector (1,1,1,…..) and where all
vectors, both before and after the transformation are
in the positive hyperquadrant. Markov
transformations describe diffusion and increasing
disorder such as the dispersion of ink into clear
water or dirt in one’s home. They are the
transformations that describe the irreversibility of
time, increasing entropy (disorder) and the gradual
loss of organized energy into heat (random energy)
and thus the second law of thermodynamics (and
even the loss of information in systems). Because
Markov transformations do not have an inverse, they
were never studied from the point of view of group
theory, because mathematical groups all have
inverse transformations (along with closure, an
identity, and associativity). It can be shown that all
Markov transformations are square matrices that
consist of non-negative (positive or zero) numbers
where each column sums to unity (one). Another
type of Markov matrix has the row values sum to
unity. Essentially all studies of Markov
transformations are for discrete and not continuous
transformations. It is the continuous Markov
transformation that will be central to our work
related to networks.
A mathematical group is a set of objects (say A,
B, C, …) and a multiply operation (say *) that has
(a) closure into another member of the set), (b) is
transitive i.e. the ordering of the operation among
three elements does not matter, (c) has an identity
transformation leaving another element unchanged,
and (d) for every element the group has an inverse
that reverses the action of the first. One simple
example is the set of the identity and the reflection R
in a mirror. Another example is the set of four
rotations of a square that leave it invariant (by 0, 90,
180, and 270 degrees). Then one can consider the
group of rotations about an axis or the translations
on a straight line as examples of continuous (Lie)
transformations of rotation both of which have an
infinite number of elements. In the 1890s Sophius
Lie invented a way to study all of these by studying
the associated infinitesimal transformation where he
showed that an exponentiation of the infinitesimal
transformation gives the original transformation.
This means that we can study a single
transformation L rather than the infinite number of
rotations. For rotations in three dimensions, there is
a set of three such transformations: Lx, Ly, and Lz
for rotations about each axis. Thus one only has
three objects that are needed to study all of the three-
fold infinity of rotations in three dimensions. The
resulting set of L matrices is called the Lie algebra
for that Lie group, R, which is generated by
exponentiation. This group is called the rotation
group R3 or the Orthogonal group O(3).
1.4 Decomposition of the Continuous
Linear Transformation Group
The general linear group of all continuous
transformations in n dimensions is represented by an
n x n (invertible) matrix of real numbers. Such
transformations include rotations, translations, and
the Lorentz transformations of the theory of
relativity as well as all the unitary transformations in
quantum theory. Transformations allow us to study
symmetry such as rotational symmetry or other
invariance. Since we wish to generate all continuous
linear transformations, we will need all possible
infinitesimal generating matrices which are easily
listed as having a ‘1’ in the i,j position and a ‘0’ in
all other positions. There are (as might be expected)
such matrices since we can put the ‘1’ in any of
the n
positions. Those matrices with a “1” in the i, j
position form the n
elements of the general linear
group. However, it was discovered by the author
(Johnson 1985) that the general linear group can be
decomposed into two separate Lie groups as follows:
(a) Consider the generator (Lie algebra) element
which has a 1 at the ii position and a 0 at every other
position. If we exponentiate that matrix then this is
obviously e
at one diagonal position, 1 at other
diagonal positions, and zeroes everywhere off the
diagonal. These transformations multiply that one
axis by e
and multiply all the rest by ‘1’ thus
leaving them unchanged so it just makes that one
axis longer or shorter by that factor. We call these
scaling transformations and the group is called
Abelian because every transformation commutes
with all the other elements in the algebra. We next
identify the Markov Type Lie Group (MTLG).
Consider the off-diagonal algebra (generators) and
rather than using just a ‘1’ at each off diagonal
position, let us form an element by placing a ‘-1’ on
the corresponding diagonal of that column. This
makes the sum of the elements in each column of the
generator equal to zero with a “1” off the diagonal
and a “-1” on the diagonal in the same column.
Every other value is “0”. Formally this defines the
m,n matrix element. There are obviously n
-n such L
matrices corresponding to every position off the
diagonal. The first author showed that the
exponentiation of these L matrices always generates
a Markov type matrix and conversely all continuous
Markov type matrices (transformations are so
generated. We call this Lie group and its associated
Lie algebra a ‘Markov Type’ Lie group or algebra
because it preserves the sum of the components of a
vector. However it does not preserve the positive
definiteness of the components of the vector because
M can also take one to negative values of the
coordinates. We now restrict the MTLG to give only
physically acceptable transformations resulting in a
Markov Monoid (MM). One can easily verify that if
the parameters that multiply the L generators are all
non-negative, then one only gets a transformation
that takes one from a vector with only non-negative
values to another vector with non-negative values.
This is essential if the vector components are to
represent probabilities (or numbers of objects). In
that process however, one gives up the inverse of the
transformation and we end up with a group without
an inverse which is called a Lie ‘monoid’. Now with
this restriction to non-negative values of the L
multipliers, we always get a Markov matrix: One
notices that the sum in each column is ‘1’ and that
all elements are positive. This result was highly
significant because it tightly connected the theory of
Lie groups and Lie algebras with the theory of
Markov transformations allowing the theorems and
insights in that powerful domain of Mathematics to
be utilized in the other domain: the theory of all
continuous Markov transformations.
1.5 Networks Are 1 to 1 (Isomorphic)
with the Lie Algebra for Markov
The author (Johnson 2005) subsequently proved that
every network is a Markov monoid (MM) and
conversely. Recalling that any network is an off
diagonal set of non-negative numbers, it now
follows immediately that we can multiply the
appropriate MM generator by the value in the off
diagonal value of a given network, and end up with a
Markov monoid matrix that will generate a valid
Markov transformation. This is a consequence of the
fact that each diagonal is automatically defined as
the negative sum of off-diagonal elements in that
respective column. Thus any network C gives
exactly one MM Lie generator for a continuous
Markov transformation and conversely any MM
generator defines, via its off-diagonal elements, a
network with that C matrix with exp(aC). This
important result now connects the study of the
complete topology of all networks to the study of the
equivalent MM and its associated unique Markov
transformation. The collective power of three
branches of mathematics, Lie algebras & groups,
Markov transformations, and Networks, are now
fully integrated allowing us to use the power of each
domain to study the other domains. This result also
has an immediate positive consequence, namely that
the diagonal of the C matrix is exactly defined and is
unambiguous as a MM where each diagonal element
is the negative of the sum of the off diagonal terms
in that corresponding column. This puts network
theory on a firm unambiguous mathematical footing
and every possible network defines a continuous
Markov transformation in that number of
dimensions as defined by the associated Lie and
Markov monoid.
These results provide solutions to each of
the core network problems as follows. The first
important consequence is that since the C matrix
now has its diagonal determined and is
unambiguous, that all eigenvector and eigenvalue
analysis is well defined. With some thought, one can
show that the associated eigenvalues are all ‘0’ or
negative with the ‘0’ value being associated with the
equilibrium eigenvalue, and all the other (negative)
eigenvalues being associated with flows of an
associated diffusion rate that is exponentially
deceasing for the corresponding eigenvector and
representing an approach to equilibrium for the
vector upon which it acts. There are also cases (since
the resulting C matrix may not be ‘normal’ (as
required in order to have real eigenvalues), where
there can be complex eigenvalues and in this case
this eigenvalue gives the angular velocity of a
circular flow of conserved entity under the Markov
transformation while the real component provides
the decay of that cycle to zero (equilibrium). This is
very analogous to the physical system of coupled
harmonic oscillators with overdamped, critically
damped and underdamped solutions. In fact, in spite
of the fact that the network matrix is a static system,
it can be modeled by a dynamical evolution of the
approach to equilibrium of the diverse combinations
of nodes that constitute each eigenvalue and which
approaches zero if time were to evolve the
associated eigenvalue. This is an example of where
we can use dynamical evolutions of the associated
‘time’ parameter to inform us of the structure of the
C matrix using the time evolution of the MM.
Renyi entropies of order two can be defined
on each column in the resulting Markov matrix M
thus providing another set of critical metrics for the
topology. This second equally or perhaps more
important consequence is that since the resulting
Markov matrix has columns that are non-negative
and sum to unity, each column can be interpreted as
a probability distribution. Thus it follows that each
column can support a well-defined concept of
entropy (either Shannon or Renyi’) on each column.
This entropy value measures the order or disorder of
the incoming (columns) or outgoing (rows) flows of
the conserved substance such as probability to the
node in question as per the model which we
described above. Thus each column (and each row
separately) has a numerical value that can be used to
either partially or totally distinguish them, and
which can be used to uniquely number the nodes! By
sorting the Renyi entropy values in order, we obtain
an entropy “spectral curve” that is highly descriptive
of the topology. No two topologies can be identical
unless the entropy spectral curves are identical and
thus we can take the distance between the Renyi
entropy curves as a measure of the distance between
the two topologies (computed as sum/integral of the
curve differences squared). In the previous work we
only considered the use of the two second order
Renyi entropy spectral curves where one was
computed for the columns and one computed for the
rows. The distance metric between network A and
B was defined as the sum of the column and the row
distances between the two networks.
1.6 The Algorithm for Network
Analysis with Entropy Metrics
It is easier here to bypass other details of the
technical foundation and give the exact prescription
from the following algorithmic steps (Johnson
2012). Set the diagonal terms C of a connection
matrix to be equal to the negative of the sum all
elements in that respective column (and then later
redo all this for the rows instead of the columns to
achieve a second type of Markov transformation).
Then divide every element of the matrix by the
negative of the trace *n thus ‘normalizing’ the
matrix to have a trace of ‘-n’. It can be shown that
this matrix is the infinitesimal generator of a
continuous Markov transformation since it is a linear
combination of the Markov monoid Lie generators.
Compute the associated Markov matrix as exp(aC)
using any number of terms and one will always get,
in any order, a Markov matrix where all matrix
elements are non-negative and the sum of all
elements in any column is ‘1’. The number of
expansion terms used represents the degrees of
separation thus incorporated and this is an important
consideration in informing the entropy functions that
are computed in terms of the M matrix of the
number of degrees of separation to be considered.
Since each column has only non-negative elements
and each sums to unity, it now follows that these
elements can be interpreted as probabilities and thus
support a definition of entropy which is defined as
the negative of the log of sum of the squares of the
elements of that column. As this S
is defined for
each column (node), we may sort the nodes in order
of these values. For real values there is rarely
degeneracy, but if there are two or more equal
values, then a similar procedure, when performed on
the rows, will usually distinguish the sort order and
if not, one uses the higher Renyi orders. These
sorted values provide an “entropy spectra” for the
columns which can be plotted as a curve, and
likewise one obtains another entropy spectral curve
for the rows. These two curves for the row and
column entropy spectra for each order of the Renyi
entropy are specific to the network topology,
represent the incoming and outgoing order/disorder
of connectivity. The isomorphism of a network C to
the Lie Monoid generator L occurs because (a) both
C and L have all possible non-negative off-diagonal
elements of a square matrix of any size, and (b) C
has an arbitrary diagonal while the diagonal of L is
defined as having a diagonal consisting of the
negative of the sum of all non-diagonal elements of
the corresponding column (or row) thus providing
that definition for the diagonal for the network
matrix C. It is precisely those Markov type
generators that have a negative off-diagonal term
that are not pertinent to the concept of a network and
are exterior to our investigation. The MM Lie
generators provide a definition of the diagonal thus
allowing (a) a well-defined matrix whose eigenvalue
and eigenvector structure can be studied, and (b)
thereby providing a dynamic model of exponentially
decreasing flows of all eigenvalues toward zero
except for the eigenvalue of “0” which represents
final equilibrium with maximum entropy. Secondly,
that same MM generator always generates a family
of Markov transformations whose column (or row)
sums gives non-negative values that always sum to
unity, and thus can be treated as probabilities.
The previous research enabled one (a) to determine a
unique diagonal for the C matrix making it a
member of the Lie Monoid that created a family of
Markov matrices; (b) thus allowing one to compute
the unique associated eigenvectors and eigenvalues
for the resulting Markov matrix and thus for the
network topology; and (c) thus in turn to create a
hypothetical physical model of dynamic flows
among the nodes that modeled flows where each
eigenvector (as a linear combination of nodes)
would describe a flow (of an imaginary dispersing
fluid or substance) toward equilibrium at the rate of
the associated eigenvalue. The flow rate occurs
among the nodes at rates proportional to the
connection strength between those nodes.
Consequently any network could be studied from the
point of view of the unique associated Markov
transformation and the associated physical model of
approach to equilibrium of a dispersing system of a
conserved substance (since the Markov
transformation preserves the sum of the components
of the vector upon which it acts) . Thus one now has
the powerful tools of eigenvalue/eigenvector
analysis to use in the study of the network topology.
This work next enabled one to compute the (second
order) Renyi entropies of the n columns and the n
rows of the associated Markov transformation that
which, when sorted, provided an entropy spectra
curve (d) that ordered the nodes and allowed direct
comparison between two networks to see if they
were the same and (e) allowed one to define a
distance metric between two topologies (as the
length of the vector which is the distance between
the two respective Renyi entropy vectors. This also
then allowed one (f) to compute the distance
between a network at one time and at a later time
and thus compute the rate of change of a networks
topology. But our past work did not provide (g) (a
means of expanding a network in a series of terms
which would reflect smaller and smaller aspects of
the topology, (h) any framework that could support a
classification of network topologies, or (j) any
insight into the very complex structure of clusters in
networks and the clusters within those clusters etc.
We now have foundations laid in each of these areas
(Campbell 2014).
2.1 Expansion of Networks using
Higher Order Renyi Entropies
Networks can be uniquely identified by ordering the
nodes using the Renyi entropies as previously
discussed and these entropy curves based upon the
MM matrices must be identical if the generating
topologies are identical. First of all this essentially
solves the problem of distinguishing and ordering
the nodes using the sorted column (and row)
entropies. But there are only 2n of the second order
Renyi entropies as computed for each row and each
column of the network generated Markov matrix
while there are n
elements of the matrix. So even if
the second order Renyi entropies are sufficient to
provide a unique ordering of the nodes, they are not
functionally sufficiently rich to carry all the network
information. However one notes that the successive
higher orders of Renyi entropies for each column
and each row are functionally independent as each is
proportional to the log of each sequentially higher
powers of the components of the components of
each column and row. Since the sum of the
successive powers 2, 3, 4, …m are linearly
independent then one only needs to utilize a
sufficient number of powers (and thus orders of
Renyi entropy) to determine the Markov matrix
elements and thus the topology. Thus 2m = n
– n. It
is easy to see from the definition of the entropy that
an ordering of nodes using one order of Renyi
entropy cannot conflict with the ordering of another
order of Renyi entropy. But aside from the
functional independence of the sums of sequentially
higher powers, the next most important realization is
that for a given column or row, the sum of each
higher power results in a value less than that of the
lower power since all values are less than unity. It
then follows that each higher order Renyi entropy is
lower than its predecessor and that the distance
between each successive curve (as previously
defined) is smaller and smaller. Thus the set of
curves that are the differences between the n and the
n+1Renyi entropy is increasingly smaller and thus
when they are taken together, they both represent the
topology as a decreasing expansion of functional
differences. Furthermore they are functionally
complete to (only in principle) determine the entire
original topology of n
– n values.
A metric can now be defined for the distance
between two topologies as follows. The closer these
two entropy spectral curves are to each other, then
the more similar the values of the incoming and
outgoing entropy probability vectors. Thus we can
usefully define the ‘distance between two topologies
as the distance between these entropy spectral
curves’ of the same Renyi entropy order as
indicative of the ‘distance between the two
topologies’. If the networks have the same number
of nodes, then one can just take the sum of the
squares of the differences of the two corresponding
entropies. But in many cases one must compare a
topology with another where an additional node (or
one missing node) prevents this direct comparison.
In that case one takes the difference between the
(boundary-normalized) smoothed sorted entropy
curves and integrates the square of the distance
between the curves and then takes its positive square
root (like a scalar product in a Hilbert space). This
essentially treats the Renyi entropy values for the
columns (or rows) as a vector of n ordered
components for each network and then takes the
distance between the two topologies as the
magnitude of the difference vector (the square root
of the integral of the differences (or if they have the
same number of nodes, the sum of the entropy
differences). These differences can be summed over
each order of Renyi entropy for both the rows and
columns to define a total distance between the
topologies. Now that we have a metric for the
distance between two topologies, we can take the
derivative over time of that change and identify
aberrant changes or differences. We have previously
applied this to a study of system attacks on networks
(using only the second order entropy) and for the
identified aberrant changes. This method was
successful in identifying network attacks not see by
other software and also identified abnormal usages
in large university network flows.
2.2 A Framework for Potential
Network Classification
We ask the reader to now imagine an exceedingly
large mathematical network where each node is
itself a network. This mega-network is then to be
defined by a connection matrix that consists of the
exponentiation of the negative of the total summed
distance between the successive Renyi entropies for
the columns and where the transpose terms are
defined the similar term using the rows. Then two
networks are closer when these distances are smaller
and since we exponentiate the negative of this
positive distance it follows that when the distance
becomes large, the connection becomes small as we
would desire. This “MetaNetwork” is one of the
largest entities in all of mathematics as every
possible network (n*(n-1) set of non-negative reals)
will constitute a node. The virtue of such a
MetaNetwork is that although the dimensionality is
very, very large and certainly the nodes cannot be
positioned in a 3 or even a finite dimensional space,
one can use special networks (trees, rings, clusters,
scale-free networks, etc.) as reference points or
better yet with sequences of them as axes with which
other topologies can be referenced and thus
positioned in this space Even to create this C, one
must truncate the number of networks so that the
diagonals can be determined. We will present our
limited results for meta-networks containing some
finite number of networks as nodes. In conclusion,
whereas one cannot determine the “coordinates” of a
network in this mega-network, one can find the
distances from a network in question to a large
number of “reference networks” (trees, rings,
clusters, scale-free, and random networks).
2.3 Eigenvectors Determine Network
There are well over 100 different methods for
mathematically identifying clusters. What one
chooses to define as “similar” for clustering can vary
greatly and there seems to be no natural definition.
Intuitively one understands the basic concept of a
cluster as a group of items in a set that have “very
similar properties” or in a network as a subnet that is
“highly connected”. It is the “cluster” that in many
ways is the foundation of our language, concepts of
abstractions, classifications, and intelligent
reasoning and thus of the greatest possible
importance. If we consider the eigenvectors of a
network, they represent those combinations of
nodes, (with some weighting vector that is
normalized to unity), that, like the normal nodes of a
set of coupled harmonic oscillators, will approach
equilibrium at the unique rate of the associated
eigenvalue. The nodes, weighted as per the defining
linear combination for the eigenvector, behave in the
model as one entity and transfer the imaginary
substance in the vector being acted upon by the MM,
among themselves. It follows that it is the
eigenvectors that constitute clusters with nodes
participating in a given cluster, in proportion to the
weights, that provide a neutral definition of a cluster.
The Markov matrix generated by a network has been
shown by the authors to have eigenvectors that
identify not only clusters but also the complex
structure of such clustering within clustering. The
eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the M matrix
provide an intuitive model for networks in the
following way. The continuous one-parameter
transformation generated by the network monoid
serves as a dynamic model for any network as a
combination of conserved flows among the
components of a vector upon which it acts.
Specifically the eigenvectors become those linear
combinations of nodes that have unique associated
eigenvalues representing the rate of flow toward
equilibrium, or when complex, the angular
frequency of flow cycles in the approach to
equilibrium. Clusters in networks can be identified
by the magnitude of the component network nodes
within each eigenvector. Consequently one can see
the multiple levels and complex structure of what
constitutes “clustering”. We have demonstrated this
first with the direct construction of networks with
clusters and even clusters within clusters. In each
case the eigenvector identified such structures. The
eigenvectors of the Markov matrix computed to
different levels of connectivity also reveals
additional structures. Our definition based upon the
M eigenvectors is general and is agnostic to any
arbitrary or additional assumption. We are not able
to “prove” that these eigenvalues identify the
clusters because there is no fixed formula that
defines a cluster. But based upon the rate of flows
within the eigenvector being maximal and contained
in that eigenvector, this forms what our intuition
would suggest is the most neutral definition of a
2.4 The “Properties” of “Entities” as
Defining a Network with Cluster
In parallel research, we constructed a new kind of
network as follows. Imagine that one has a set of
entities (chemical elements with numeric properties,
economic profiles of companies, or people with
numerical properties). Assume that all the properties
of all entries are numerical values which measure
the extent of that property that the entity possesses.
We can define each entity to be a node and form a
network among the entities as follows: Normalize
each property column by transforming the values to
the number of standard deviations for that column
away from its mean value which we rescale to zero.
This then removes the units in each column and puts
the columns in an equivalent form of standard
deviations. (If the values cover several powers of
ten, then one would use the more reasonable value
of the log of the values of the properties). Then one
can form the function that is the sum of the squares
of the differences of the respective values of each
property and then exponentiate the negative of this
value. Notice that this function is very close to zero
when the entities have very similar properties (in
terms of the standard deviations from the norm).
Thus the function will be the largest when the
entities have extremely similar properties and thus
are very much alike. This is somewhat like
computing the probability that entity x is the same as
entity y. By creating this C matrix for all of the
entities, one creates a network among the entities
that shows strong connections between highly
similar entities. The study of the clustering in such a
network via a study of the associated MM generated
Matrix and its associated eigenvectors show unique
and well defined clustering of the entities in terms of
the properties listed. . We have performed this both
for the periodic table of elements and found
reasonable clustering of physical properties of the
elements and also for the Leontief IO model
economic sectors of the U.S. economy using the use
and make matrices at the 100 level of
Our new results first provide a powerful tool for the
expansion of a topology in terms of a finite series of
Renyi entropies of successively higher orders for the
rows and columns. This sequence not only defines
the topology uniquely, it does so as a sequence of
successively smaller terms continuing topological
information much like the Fourier expansion of
sound waves of musical instruments. Secondly we
were able to construct a network that consisted of
nodes each of which is a network itself. This allows
one to position a given network of interest in relation
to known networks and potentially can lead to a
beginning for the classification of networks in terms
of the location of the network of interest in this
space and with that position relative to reference
networks. Thirdly, we have been able to show that
the eigenvectors of the Markov matrices generated
by the Lie algebra monoid reveal the complex
structure of clusters along with extensive data on the
profile of that structure. Finally, we have developed
a method of generating a network where entities
(such as elements, corporations, or people) are the
nodes and where the connection matrix is defined in
terms of multiple (possible weighted) properties of
those entities. When we then study the clustering in
these networks, it is highly revealing of the
underlying structures. This algorithm has very
extensive applicability due to its generality.
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