of 0.5 ms duration. The stimulation technique con-
sists of a train of 5 pulses delivered at 1 Hz, which
is equivalent to an interstimulus interval of 100 ms.
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ments of 0.5 mA, starting at 1 mA, up to a maximum
of 3 mA. We testing all the contact with a reference
electrode positioned in the left of grid. During corti-
cal stimulation of the expected motor cortex, move-
ments of distinct portions of the right arm were ob-
served with a stimulation intensity of 2 mA.
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low us to perform chronic EcoG recording and DCS.
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nology include brain mapping, seizure foci localiza-
tion and BCI. Wireless technology for transmitting
EcoG signal provides several advantages: risk and
limitation related to the presence of subcutaneous
connecting cables (Behrens et al., 1997) are removed
and the recording time can be substantially prolonged.
This fully-integrated system can also be used as a
closed loop system providing electrical stimulation
“on-demand” to abort promptly detected seizure ac-
tivity in drug-resistant epilepsy patients.
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