Software and Hardware Certification Techniques in a Combined
Certification Model
Antonio Mu˜noz and Antonio Ma˜na
GISUM, University of Malaga, ETSII Informatica, Malaga, Spain
Certification, Trusted Computing, Cloud Computing.
Certification has been proved as an essential mechanism for achieving different security properties in new
systems. However, it has important advantages; among which we highlighted the increasing in users trust
by means of attesting security properties, but it is important to consider that in most of cases the system that
is subject of certification is considered to be monolithic, and this feature implies that existing certification
schemes do not provide support for dynamic changes of components as required in Cloud Computing running
systems. One issue that has special importance of current certification schemes is that these refer to a particular
version of the product or system, which derives that changes in the system structure require a process of recer-
tification. This paper presents a solution based on a combination of software certification and hardware-based
certification techniques. As a key element in our model we make use of the Trusted Computing functionali-
ties as secure element to provide mechanisms for the hardware certification part. Likewise, our main goal is
bringing the gap existing between the software certification and the means for hardware certification, in order
to provide a solution for the whole system certification using Trusted Computing technology.
New computing paradigms, such as autonomic com-
puting, grid computing, service oriented computing,
and cloud computing are transforming the Internet,
from an information space to a dynamic computing
space, where distribution of data and remotely ac-
cessible software services, dynamism, and autonomy
are prime attributes. In particular, cloud technology
offers a powerful and fast growing approach to the
provision of infrastructure, platform and software ser-
vices, known as IaaS, PaaS and SaaS services respec-
tively, without the high costs of owning, operating
and maintaining the computational infrastructures re-
quired for this purpose. However, despite its appeal
from the economic, operational and even energy con-
sumption perspectives, cloud technology still raises
concerns regarding the security, privacy, governance
and compliance of the data and software services of-
fered through it. Such concerns arise from the dif-
ficulty to verify security properties of the different
types of applications and services available through
cloud technology and the uncertainty of the owners
and users of such services about the security of their
services, and of the applications based on them, once
they are deployed and offered through a cloud. Our
work uses the Trusted Computing technology(TCG,
2014) to provide trustworthiness at the lower levels of
the stack, as underlying infrastructure. Trusted Com-
puting uses cryptography to help enforce a selected
behaviour. The main functionality of TC is to allow
someone else to verify that only authorized code runs
on a system. This authorization covers initial boot-
ing and kernel and may also cover applications and
various scripts. Just by itself TC does not protect
against attacks that exploit security vulnerabilities in-
troduced by programming bugs. However, since this
kind of technology is considerably restricted, we have
adopted an approach based on different levels of de-
pendence on the TPM chipset. According to the flex-
ibility requirements of our system, by means of this
mechanism we provide a tailored solution for differ-
ent contexts. The provision of a complete study of the
spectrum of possible cases is out of the scope of this
paper. Our motivationis presenting the problem of the
existing gap and gives a solution for the highest level
of certified system stack, that is the more TPM depen-
dent one. The remainder of this paper is structured
as follows section 2 gives an overview of the state of
the art. Section 3 gives an overview of our hardware
based certification mechanism. Section 4 presents the
binding scheme and gives some implementation de-
Muñoz A. and Maña A..
Software and Hardware Certification Techniques in a Combined Certification Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0005098204050410
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2014), pages 405-410
ISBN: 978-989-758-045-1
2014 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tails of our basic scheme approach. Section 5 gives
some conclusion and ongoing work.
Certification is a well-established approach for the
provision of assertions on properties of entities such
as systems and services. In these terms, those parts
using certified entities can rely on the asserted prop-
erties, provided that the process of certification is
known to produce sufficient evidence for the valid-
ity of the property of the certified entity. Some recent
works put in evidence that the certification has started
playing an important role in the Service-Oriented Ar-
chitecture (SOA) environment with the aim certifying
service functional and non-functional propertiescite-
dos,tres. However the definition of tailored solutions
for cloud environment need a natural evolution of ex-
isting certification schemes, as the natural way to pro-
vide trustworthiness in cloud-based services and ap-
plications. Certification of cloud-based services and
applications share a similar ground with SOA certifi-
cation, due to the highly dynamic nature of both in-
frastructures, but introduce new requirements. Some
approaches(Grobauer et al., 2011; Khan and Malluhi,
2010) address the future role of certification in the
cloud but not describing how to solve the issues re-
lated with the extremely dynamic cloud environment.
Software security certification demonstrates the re-
liability and security of software systems in such a
way that an independent authority can check it with-
out having to use the techniques and tools used in
the certification process itself. It builds on existing
software assurance, validation, and verification tech-
niques but introduces the notion of explicit software
certificates, which contain all the information nec-
essary for an independent assessment of the certi-
fied properties. However, there is no existing mech-
anism to express and confront claimed security prop-
erties. Existing works, especially in the context of se-
curity certification schemes, have mainly focused on
monolithic software components, and usually provide
human-readable certificates used at deployment and
installation time. Therefore, the approaches proposed
so far for software security certification do not support
a service-based scenario, since this scenario requires
the availability of machine-readable certificates, and
their integration within service selection and compo-
sition frameworks(Damiani and na, 2009). Damiani
et al.(Damiani et al., 2008) first study the problem
of assessing and certifying the correct functioning of
SOA using security certificates based on signed test
cases. A first step in the certification of SOA and
Web Service has been done in 2008 by the USbased
Software Engineering Institute (SEI) that has defined
a Web service certification and accreditation process
for the US Army CIO/G6. Anisetti et al. (Anisetti
et al., 2011) then provide a test-based security certi-
fication solution for services and a first approach to
its integration within the SOA environment. Impor-
tant work has been also done in the context of certify-
ing the Quality of Service (QoS) of web services(Al-
Moayed and Hollunder, 2010). The proposed ap-
proaches (e.g., (Rajendran et al., 2010; Ran, 2003;
Serhani et al., 2005)) mainly deal with the definition
of extended UDDI services supporting QoS metadata
in the discovery process. The research on certifica-
tion of cloud-based services and applications is still
in its infancy; only few pioneering works foresee the
potential benefits of integrating certification schemes
within the cloud infrastructure, but none of them pro-
vides a concrete solution to this open research is-
sue. The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a hard-
ware chip designed to enable commodity computers
to achieve greater levels of security than was previ-
ously possible. The TPM offers three kinds of func-
tionality. The secure storage allows user processes
can store content that is encrypted by keys only avail-
able to the TPM. Platform measurement and reporting
functionality allows a platform the creation of reports
of its integrity and configuration state that can be re-
lied on by a remote verifier. And platform authentica-
tion functionality allows a platform to obtain keys by
which it can authenticate itself reliably. TC is tech-
nically provided not just to secure the hardware for
its owner, but also to secure against its owner. Addi-
tionally, TC is provided by remote attestation(Coker
et al., 2008) mechanism, which allows changes to the
user’s computer to be detected by authorized parties.
We make use of a certification mechanism based on
the underlying remote attestation to achieve a seman-
tic attestation model appropriate for cloud computing
to achieve a semantic remote attestation (Haldar et al.,
2004). Consequently we will provide support for re-
lating certifications with trusted computing proofs in
order to provide a comprehensivetrust chain covering
the full cloud stack. Certification on TC platforms,
where certificates of the higher levels (e.g., services)
include conditions on the low levels based on TC, will
provide scope for exploiting TC in complex execu-
tion tasks and provide a basis for completing the trust
As we have mentioned in this paper, we have chosen
Trusted Computing Technology as the hardware ele-
ment to build our certification mechanism. TC Proofs
are used to certify the lower layers (hardware, native
OS and software infrastructure) and the software cer-
tificate is used for the higher levels (applications, ser-
vices, software infrastructure). Current certification
schemes do not provide a reliable way to assess the
trustworthiness of a composite application at the point
of use due to certificates are intended for human use,
lack machine readable format, lack explicit and pre-
cise formulation of security properties, cannot be used
for runtime security assessment. Additionally these
are not suitable for dynamic environments, highly dis-
tributed environments, systems without a central con-
trol or controlled ownership, systems modified (e.g.
by policy decisions), and these do not support dy-
namic replacement of components and the most rel-
evant any kind of runtime binding mechanism. For
this reason we introduce a new element named AS-
SERT, which is a new type of digital certificate. AS-
SERTS are implemented as a digitally signed SAML-
contained XML document. Our approach is a mecha-
nism based on a combination of certification of higher
levels of abstraction (applications, services and parts
of cloud software infrastructure) with the lower lev-
els (hardware, Native OS, rest of cloud security in-
frastructure) with the TC Proofs, in such a way that
software certificate and TC Proofs keeps. In practical
application, we propose a model based on three lev-
els of certification, to know the Service/Application,
Platform and TC Proof. Our definition of binding cor-
responds to any means used to guarantee that an AS-
SERT corresponds to a service in the cloud.
The main aim of our approach is to ensure that the ser-
vice (code and data) remains unchanged since evalua-
tion, which is the hardest target to achieve. Therefore,
we should not bind asserts to services but to complete
configurations. Likewise, if the service asserted uses
other services, these are also unchanged. Also, any
dynamic check can be conveniently performed (this
means quickly, transparently), and all relevant infor-
mation contained in the ASSERT is bound to the ser-
vice. We aimed that our approach is based on a pre-
vious study of the spectrum of possible cases of cer-
Figure 1: Certification Approach.
tified services in the cloud according to the level of
flexibility and therefore its dependence on the TPM
According to the flexibility requirements of our
system, by means of this mechanism we provide a tai-
lored solution for different contexts. However, since
a description every solution for each context is out of
the scope of this paper. Figure 2 shows our certifica-
tion approach together with the existing certification
mechanisms structure. Opposite to current certifica-
tion mechanisms based on previous software analysis
then the certificate is generated. In our semantic based
approach, we perform two intermediate steps to de-
termine the proofs and to specify them to generate the
Figure 2 shows an overview of our approach, with
both use cases. The certificate authorization (assert
creation) and client use case. The assert creation en-
tails three steps to know; the evaluation of the service
where the CA inspect the service and search in the
properties. The second step is the assert creation, ac-
cording to the properties the CA fills assert. The last
step is securing the assert, a key pair is generated us-
ing the TPM functionalities sealed with the state of
the system, then both the public key and the migrat-
able key are included in the assert. The second use
case corresponds to the client consists on three steps.
By means of the set up the client verify the assert us-
ing the key related with the service.
The second step is the usage, client requests a ser-
vice this replies encrypted/signature with private keys
and the public key is used for the verification. In
the last step the data within assert are used to install
the migratable key in the destination TPM. Service
providers can be made legally responsible for using
the key pair only with the asserted service. The key
pair resides in a TPM and it is bound to the asserted
configuration of the service, since the TPM chipset
provides means needed to both key generation and se-
curely storage. The workflow is when the service is
called, the TPM functionalities are used to attests the
(complete) service configuration and the key is made
available to the service. If the service has changed
the TPM functionalities are used to check (attesta-
tion) will fail and the key will not be available. We
highlight the fact that each response to a call to the
service is signed with the service private key. In or-
der to allow for different configurations each group of
services sharing an infrastructure is executed in a vir-
tual machine. Obviously, this solution implies some
restrictions, such as services always run on TPM-
equipped hardware. In those cases in which services
run on virtual machines, then hardware must be pro-
vided on this. Clients has there requirement of be-
ing TPM-equipped hardware, at least in the more re-
stricted cases. However, these restrictions are not hard
to meet. Moreover, some restrictions can be relaxed
since our model can be implemented without virtu-
alization, and we can use sessions to avoid signature
of all messages. One important appeal of our model
is the inherent flexibility of this model since it allows
that several binding mechanisms can co-exist. As we
previously mentioned, our approach is based on the
usage of trusted computing technology, which is es-
sential to perform the attestation of both the hardware
and the native OS. Our basic scheme makes use of the
sealed bind key functionality provided by the trusted
computing technology, in such a way that the sealed
bind key is used to encrypt part of the service code
in such a way that it can be only used when the plat-
form is in that trusted state. This model is very re-
strictive, but it provides a high level of security since
it establishes a very limited execution environment.
Nevertheless, the limitations of this model make dif-
ficult its integration in real world scenarios, but a tai-
lored solution based on this scheme can be suitable
for particular cases.We differentiate between two use
cases, the assert creation use case, where the Certifi-
cate Authorization is involvedand the Assert User use
case. The first step in the Assert Creation use case
is the service evaluation, which involves that the CA
checks a list of properties that must be fulfilled and
makes an inspection of the service. Thus, CA fills
in the assert form with extracted data. For this pur-
pose, a key pair is created from a sealed key related to
the state of the platform. A possible binding scheme
must to consider that each service is asserted to op-
erate with a key pair. Additionally, service providers
can be made legally responsible for using the key pair
only with the asserted service. The key pair resides
in a TPM and it is bound to the asserted configura-
tion of the service. When the service is called, the
TPM attests the (complete) service configuration and
the key sets as available to the service. If the service
has been changed the TPM functionality is used to at-
test the state the checking will fail and the key will not
be available. Each response to a call to the service is
signed with the service private key. In order to allow
different configurations, each group of services shar-
ing the same infrastructure is executed in a virtual ma-
chine. This solution implies several restrictions, such
as the services must be run on TPM-equipped hard-
ware (or even virtualized). Additionally, the service
clients must use cryptography. Nevertheless, these
restrictions are not hard to meet and even some re-
strictions can be relaxed. In some cases we can do
without virtualization. The most relevant appeal of
our approach is the scalability, since this approach al-
lows the use of asserts for the orchestration of dif-
ferent services (i.e dynamic coalitions for emergency
targets), by means of the composition of services can
be asserted by a composed assert. TC Proofs are lim-
ited (for this scenario), in the case that a high-level
certificate (for in stance for a service) refers to a stan-
dard TC proof to define the platform state, it should
be needed issue a different certificate for each valid
platform configuration. This addresses to the need of
improvements in flexibility, and interoperability. Fol-
lowing this target, we propose semantic approaches
that can be the basis for the necessary improvements.
Certificate Service A provides the property ”confiden-
tiality of user data” if the platform provides encrypted
isolated storage. The semantic proof specification is
encrypted isolated storage. And destination platform
provides encrypted isolated storage if measured con-
figuration is ”mc”. Figure 4 shows different steps in
the workflow of the certification process. In the tra-
ditional scheme validity and properties are analysed
and then the certificate is accepted or rejected. In
our scheme we introduced the extraction of runtime
proofs that making use of a semantic proof specifica-
tion TC software measurement are generated. Then
workflow is split to generate measured TC Proof and
we get the platform semantic certificate. Then the
semantic proof certificate is generated and validated.
Finally, measure TC proofs and required TC proofs
from the semantic proof certificate are compared to
accept or reject the certificate.
4.1 The Basic Binding Scheme
For the implementation of our basic binding scheme
we make use of the Certified Migratable Key (CMK)
functionality provided by the TPM. It is a kind of key
that is halfway between a non-migratable key and a
migratable key. These are inside of a TPM chip, but it
Figure 2: Our Certificate Authorization.
can be migrated to another TPM. Due to its features it
fits in our requirements. At the time they are created,
the creator has to pick up a Migration Authority (MA)
or a Migration Selection Authority (MSA), which will
have the authority to migrate the key. CMKs can both
be migrated and also be considered secure, in the case
you trust the MSA and MAs to migrate the key.
The complete trust and security functionality of a
Trusted Computing Platform is based on the capabili-
ties of the TPM to protect these keys and certificates.
A TPM contains a Root of Trust Storage (RTS), which
protects data and keys entrusted to the TPM. The RTS
manages a small amount of volatile storage inside the
TPM device that is used to hold currently used keys.
Unused keys may be encrypted with a storage key and
moved off the TPM chip, e.g., to a hard disk drive.
The migratable key chain is designed so that only one
key, the Legacy key (or Platform Migratable Storage
Key) needs to be migrated in order to take all the keys
below in the hierarchy in to a new TPM. For the mi-
gration it could be necessary that keys are required
on different platforms, which are handled by a user
alternatively. Sharing the same key across multiple
platforms may be achieved by using key migration
mechanisms. Key migration mechanisms allow the
private keys from TPM-protected key hierarchy to be
attached to other TPM-protected storage trees.
Migratable Keys (MK) can be moved to another
TPM by using either rewrap (TPM
or migration scheme (TPM MS MIGRATE). To mi-
grate a key with TPM
MS REWRAP, a destination
TPM selects a storage key. This will be used as a par-
ent for the migratable key and sends its public part
to a source TPM. The source TPM rewraps the mi-
gratable key under the destination public key. The us-
ing of destination public key should be authorized by
owner with TPM
AuthorizeMigrationKey command
and rewrap procedure can be done with command
CreateMigrationBlob. Resulting blob is then
forwarded to the destination TPM in conjunction with
a plaintext object describing the public key from the
key pair to be migrated. The destination TPM can
load blob with TPM
LoadKey command.
Software certification is considered as an appropriate
and robust mechanism for supporting assurance and
compliance, but there are two important problems.
The first of them is that it has been traditionally tar-
geting humans and has not been able to support au-
tomated processing of certifications (i.e. verification,
selection based on certifications, etc.). The second
drawback is that certification cannot provide dynamic
proofs of the status of a system at runtime, which are
extremely important in a dynamic, heterogeneous and
unpredictable scenario such as cloud computing.
Cloud computing architectures are based on a
hardware, software and firmware underlying basis
that is stable, in the sense that few changes are done
in this basis. However, in the most abstract layers of
the software (i.e., applications) changes are produced
frequently, different applications are launched in sys-
tems sharing resources, resulting in many changes in
the system execution stack. Trusted Computing (TC)
technologies are well suited to provide proofs of the
trustworthiness on the lower level of the cloud stack
starting with the hardware layer, but are not efficient
and practical when it comes to dealing with the very
dynamic and heterogeneous higher layers (service /
The proposed scheme can successfully bridge the
gap between Trusted Computing and Software Cer-
tification by combining the best of both worlds and
overcoming their respective limitations. The concept
of ASSERT as a computer-oriented form of certifica-
tion is an essential key for improving the flexibility
and practical applicability of TC mechanisms. This
approach can open new application fields for TC. The
approach is based on the results of the ASSERT4SOA
project, and the current model has been developed in
the CUMULUS project.
Among the ongoing work we are working in the
study of different schemes for every particular case
building a tailored solution for every one. Another al-
ternative consists on the use of sessions, we can use
sessions to avoid signature of all messages. In this
way, the handshake is done at the starting of the ses-
sion; while the session is open it is assumed that the
services is unchanged. This solution allows that ev-
ery time that we want to check that the service is un-
changed it is possible to restart the session. Addition-
ally, we can implement different binding mechanisms
for specific purposes (i.e. for legal aspects) that can
This research was undertaken as part of the EC
Framework Programme as part of the CUMULUS,
Certification infrastructure for multi-layer cloud ser-
vices and PARIS Privacy preserving infrastructure for
surveillance, and the Andalusian Government funded
project ICES, Identification and Certification of Soft-
ware Elements.
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