ment at the right level of abstraction. Thus, applica-
tions can observe and control the physical environ-
ment reasoning only on domain information.
The proposed architecture is independent from the
application domain, highly modular and open. In fact
it is not designed for a specific scenario, but defines
precise levels of abstraction in which placing well-
defined components that are domain dependant. Such
components are characterized by a high independence
and have well-defined interfaces, which specify the
structure of the data to be treated and how to com-
municate with the rest of the architecture. This en-
forces the openness of the solution, since it encour-
ages the addition of components that adhere to the in-
terfaces and that realize the needed abstraction flows,
thus making easy to incrementally support new de-
vices and entity models.
The implementation of a case study has also
demonstrated the actual simplification in terms of ac-
cess to the environment by end-user applications. In
particular, the case study has emphasized how the ar-
chitectural solution allows to clearly separate the im-
plementation strategies (that are responsibility of the
applications) from how they perceive and modify the
environment (aspects completely managed by the ar-
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tion of a solution to the problem of the aging of the
statuses of the entities. This problem, identified in
the analysis stage, regards the updating of the con-
fidence level of the property to which this attribute
lapses in the absence of sensory stimuli. Related to
this issue, we plan to include the management of his-
tories of the changes. This implies to consider tem-
poral aspects of the information that will be managed
using TAM (Time Aware Machine) (Fiamberti et al.,
2012), a framework that provides the support in con-
textualizing information in a temporal context.
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