and flexible OS fingerprinting database with minimal
intervention of a network administrator. Our first tests
show that this approach is feasible. We also imple-
mented cluster analysis using K-means algorithm in
order to show that this technique can be successfully
applied on the passive OS fingerprinting.
Our future work will focus on implementation of
different cluster analysis algorithms and their evalua-
tion on real data and comparison with existing passive
approaches. In addition, we will apply this approach
on IPv6 communication to show how to identify OSs
using the passive fingerprinting from IPv6/TCP com-
Acknowledgment will be completed in the camera-
ready version of the paper due to the blind review.
Research in this paper was supported by project
”Modern Tools for Detection and Mitigation of Cy-
ber Criminality on the New Generation Internet”, no.
VG20102015022 granted by Ministry of the Interior
of the Czech Republic and project ”Research and ap-
plication of advanced methods in ICT”, no. FIT-S-14-
2299 supported by Brno University of Technology.
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